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一、教学内容 (1)单词:apple, banana, grape (2)句型: What food can you see? I can see ... What do you have for lunch? I have ... and ...  相似文献   

A Cute Animal     
Last week, I went to the park with my family. Suddenly, Dad shouted, "Look, there is a koala (树袋熊) !" Wow, it was so cute! A round head, a round face, a round black nose, two round ears... But I couldn't see its eyes, because it was sleeping in the tree! Dad told me koalas can sleep about 18 hours(小时) a day! And I found that koalas have no tails, but they can climb trees quickly (很快地). Koalas are so special and cute. I love koalas!  相似文献   

第一部分单元教学提示(一)教学要点参考 1.能力目标(1)能够用已学的数字描述物体的数量。(2)能够运用句型“How many…can you see?I can see… How many… do you have?I have…”。询问和回答物体的数量。  相似文献   

安捷 《今日中学生》2008,(1):48-48,49,50
1.Can I help you?(What can I show you?)你要买点什么? 2.I'd like to see a pair of socks.给我一双袜子看看。 3.I should like some apples.我要买点苹果。  相似文献   

教学目标: (1)知识目标:能熟练掌握11-15这些数字和“How many…can you see?”及其回答“I can see…”。  相似文献   

Step1.Warm-up(略)Step2.Presentation 1.Teach"lion"Boys and girls,I like dogs.I like animals.They are my friends.Today I take my friends here.Now let’s watch a videotogether.Then answer my question:What animals can you see in the video?(Play the video of Madagascar)T:What animals can you see?S1:狮子T:Good!Please look here.(出示狮子  相似文献   

1.How can you change a lady into a boy?2.When does a motorcycle go exactly as fast as a train?3.What is it that I can see but you cannot?4.What is the most difficult key to turn?5.What can you see with your eyes shut?6.What tree do you hold in your hand?7.What is it that is always coming but never arrives?8.What do you add to a road to make it wide?9.What bird can lift the heaviest weight?  相似文献   

同学们,请根据图意完成短文。I can see a 1 and a 2 in this 3 .The 4 is Jim and the 5 is Kate.They're 6 .Jim is in a yellow 7 .  相似文献   

When I look at a patch of dandelions(蒲公英), I see a bunch of weeds(野草) that are going to take over my yard. My kids see flowers for Mom and blowing white fluff(松软的绒毛团) you can wish on.  相似文献   

The Parrot     
Maria and Jane have a little parrot (鹦鹉). The parrot looks verynice. They like it very much. Every day they teach it to say, "Hello! We can see you!" Soon the bird can fly in their room and it can say, "Hello! We can see you!" One day Maria and Jane went to a movie. Two thieves (小偷) stole into their room. They were taking away something expensive when the bird saw them, saying, "Hello! We can see you!" The thieves put down the things and rushed out of the room.  相似文献   

正I lost my sight when I was four years old hy falling off a box car in a freight yard in AtlanLic City and landing on my head.Now I am thirty-two.I can vaguely remember the brightness of sunshine and what red color is.It would be wonderful to see again,but a calamity can do strange things to people.  相似文献   

1 What do you see? What do you see in the bedroom?. I see a be in the bedroom.2、What do you see? What do you see in the bedroom? I see a sheet. I see a bed in the bedroom.  相似文献   

An America visiting a remote area(偏远地区)in South American becamesick.“I have to see a doctor,” he told a local(当地居民).“How can I knowwhich doctor is a good one?”  相似文献   

I.单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。1.In Uncle Wang’s factory,we can see a machine______a plane.  相似文献   

一、can1.表示能力。例如:The baby can walk now.Can you drive a car?2.表示许可(多用于口语)。例如:Y ou can go now.Can I sm oke here?3.表示可能性(多用于否定句和疑问句)。例如:W e ve got a m ap;we can t lose our way.Can the new s be true?4.could可以代替can,语气比较婉转或表示可能性较小。例如:Could you w aita few days for the m oney?I w onder if I could go with you.注:1)can与表示感觉或心理状态的动词连用时,往往失去情态动词的意义。例如:I can see a tower in the distance.2)此外,应该注意can和be able to…  相似文献   

Football is,I do think,the most favoritegame in England.One has only to go to one of theimportant1to see this.Rich and poor,youngand old,one can see them all there2for oneside or the3.To a stranger(陌生人),one ofthe most surprising things about football i…  相似文献   

请热心的小读者帮助这些伤心的小动物找到适合它们居住的家。You can see a lot of animals on the paper.Some are big.Some are small.Some arestrong.Some are lovely.But they all look verysad because they can’t find their home.Doyou know where they live?Please help themto find the comfortable place to live.农场on the fa rm海洋in the se a森林in the fore st请把动物的英语名字填到三幅大图片中去,并试着照例子说一说:I see a tiger(老虎).Itlives in the forest.I see a/an__________.It lives____________.(答案…  相似文献   

1.I can be seen most nights, sometimes you can even see me during the day.  相似文献   

【初一英语期中复习综合听力训练题录音稿】Ⅰ.1. I can see a boat in the river.There aren't any people.2. Li Lei is mending a kite for Mei Mei.3. Mr Green is from England.4. Could I have an apple, please?5. Let's open the box  相似文献   

Funny Questions     
1.A friend of mine says to me that his son is only four years old,but can speak English fluently and clearly.Though I don't believe it,that's true.Why? 2.An orange fell to the ground dirtied.If there is no water,how can I clean it and eat it? 3.Neither a plane nor a bird am I,though you can see me in the sky.Full of water,yet not a river or the sea.What do you think I can be? 4.Jim wanted to go into the house.He brought out the key and opened the door.But whatever he did,he couldn't push the door.  相似文献   

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