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Although working-class boys' disengagement with education continues to be a major public concern, the focus of educational research has been on anti-school, hyper-masculine so-called laddish masculinities and their salience within learner identities. What tend to be forgotten are the areas in which low-achieving boys actively engage and succeed in their learning and what these successes mean for their identity construction. This article shows how learning practices manifest themselves in extracurricular peer subcultures by presenting the findings of two related musical activities, DJ-ing and MC-ing. In this music-making, secondary school boys in the Northeast of England showed themselves to be capable of high levels of engagement, enthusiasm and success despite generally being considered low achieving and highly disaffected. This small case study based on semistructured interviews aimed to explore how boys aged 14–16 years enact their passion through creative agency and expressive cultural processes.  相似文献   

In the context of renewed debates and interest in this area, this paper reframes the theoretical agenda around laddish masculinities in UK higher education, and similar masculinities overseas. These can be contextualised within consumerist neoliberal rationalities, the neoconservative backlash against feminism and other social justice movements, and the postfeminist belief that women are winning the ‘battle of the sexes’. Contemporary discussions of ‘lad culture’ have rightly centred sexism and men's violence against women: however, we need a more intersectional analysis. In the UK a key intersecting category is social class, and there is evidence that while working-class articulations of laddism proceed from being dominated within alienating education systems, middle-class and elite versions are a reaction to feeling dominated due to a loss of gender, class and race privilege. These are important differences, and we need to know more about the conditions which shape and produce particular performances of laddism, in interaction with masculinities articulated by other social groups. It is perhaps unhelpful, therefore, to collapse these social positions and identities under the banner of ‘lad culture’, as has been done in the past.  相似文献   

Visual images of students and academics in the UK have traditionally featured men, reflecting the historical predominance of men in these positions. When women were represented, sexist imagery and traditional constructions of femininity were not uncommon. This article explores the ways in which students and academics are constructed in a selection of visual representations in two contemporary UK sources: in two videos aimed at potential students and in the Times Higher Education, a magazine for higher education professionals. Following a discussion of dominant constructions of intellectual subjectivity, I draw upon a feminist post-structuralist approach in the analysis of these visual images. Although women are now entering universities in greater numbers than ever before, I suggest that this visual iconography continues to inscribe culturally dominant constructions of femininity and masculinity, reaffirms a gender binary and reconstructs the serious intellectual subject as a masculine one.  相似文献   

This article presents findings from a study of heads of construction schools within 14 further education colleges. Moving from a culture of hyper-masculinity, of tough, dirty work, construction lecturers and managers have to renegotiate their identity and work practices to become congruent with the inclusiveness of further education, leaving behind the aggression and discrimination embedded within the discourses and behaviours of the building site. However, they do bring with them desirable organisational masculinities, competitiveness and entrepreneurialism, that are highly valued by the contemporary college. The article presents findings of competitive and entrepreneurial practices in schools of construction and discusses the key role heads of construction play in bringing together multiple masculinities for the benefit of their school and their learners.  相似文献   

高校班级是大学生的基本组织形式。本文以高校班集体为研究对象,阐述了班集体建设的重要性,从班集体建设目标、思想建设、学风建设、文化建设、制度建设、激励保障等几个方面详细研究了高校班集体的建设内容,并以此为基础总结了优秀班集体的成长模式。  相似文献   

Little research has examined whether the effects of race or socioeconomic status (SES) on educational attitudes differ by gender, limiting knowledge of unique vulnerabilities occurring at the intersection of multiple social statuses. Using data from 182 sixth-graders, interactions between gender, race/ethnicity, and SES in predicting educational aspirations, persistence, views of science, and educational self-efficacy are examined. African American and Latino boys express more negative attitudes relative to (1) higher-SES boys, (2) White boys, and (3) girls of any race/ethnicity or level of SES. The intersection of multiple inequalities in education across the early life course is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper compares the ways in which gender was articulated and experienced through the construction of children’s education in two very different community-led educational initiatives in Britain: turn-of-the-century Socialist Sunday Schools and late-twentieth-century Black Supplementary Schools. Exploration of these historical examples of practice assist to challenge dominant representations of inactive working-class and Black parents, and provide content and form to the complex cultural processes involved in the development of counter-education. Whilst responding to markedly distinct social circumstances, a comparison of the experiences of teachers and students in both of these historical cases reveal powerful uses of gender, class and ‘race’ narratives in which to build and defend their respective school movements. Drawing on oral-history interviews and textual accounts of practice I examine the ways in which normative constructions of femininity and masculinity were both challenged and confirmed in the development of these alternative educational practices. In particular, both of these school movements blur and redefine the public/private distinction through the interpellation of their educational practice into the political field and the relationships they established between children’s education and the challenge to social, educational and economic inequality.  相似文献   

Gendered patterns of achievement emerged as a critical policy concern for the small island developing states of the Anglophone Caribbean as early as 1986. Although these patterns are mostly variegated, some males do appear to be disadvantaged on key schooling outcomes as evident in the literacy attainment gap for Trinidad and Tobago in PISA 2009 and PIRLS 2011. Theory explaining patterns in the region has been influenced by simplistic borrowing of ideas and the globalised politics of gender. In this paper, I first analyse the work of major thinkers in the Anglophone Caribbean, exploring insights, contradictions, and silences and then consider the utility of such theory for local policy formulation. This diverse body of local knowledge on the issue provides important and unique insights into a complex policy issue. However, explaining variegated patterns requires new theory that is more nuanced and contextualised, drawn from epistemologically diverse research.  相似文献   

Using Self Determination as a framework, the purpose of the study was to examine the relationships between basic psychological needs, motivational regulations, self-esteem, subjective vitality, and social physique anxiety in physical education. One thousand and eighty two high school students aged between 14 and 19 [mean (M) = 15.89 ± 0.95 years] from six public high schools participated to the study. Students’ basic psychological needs: motivational regulations, subjective vitality and self-esteem served as positive indicators, while social physique anxiety was a negative indicator of psychological well-being. Structural equation modelling results revealed that students’ motivational regulations mediated the relationship between basic psychological needs and psychological well-being. Intrinsic motivation negatively predicted social physique anxiety and positively predicted subjective vitality. Amotivation positively predicted social physique anxiety and negatively predicted subjective vitality. Identified regulation and external regulation positively predicted subjective vitality. Results supported the tenets of Self Determination Theory (SDT) and suggested that satisfying adolescents’ basic psychological needs in physical education will promote their psychological well-being.  相似文献   

The modern primary school is a complex institution containing a growing community of individuals and organisations with potentially competing agendas. Within this environment, subject leaders are typically looked upon for advice and guidance within a given subject area such as Physical Education. Yet for those endeavouring to provide Physical Education subject leadership within primary schools, the challenge has grown significantly over the last two decades amidst an ever-changing policy landscape. This paper is for and about primary Physical Education subject leadership; the purpose of which, to plot primary Physical Education's policy journey and explore the implications of reform in shaping the subject leader's role. The paper addresses the current lack of guidance for the subject leader and examines the professional knowledge, skills and experience required to do the role effectively.  相似文献   

This research examines the perceptions of education practitioners to the proposed changes to the school sport partnership (SSP) programme in England and in particular its implications for primary school physical education. It aims to explore insights into the dismantling of this partnership programme. The SSP system developed club links, increased community involvement in primary and secondary schools and arguably improved standards in physical education (PE) between 2003 and 2010. This research is based upon a survey undertaken with 70 schools in the East Midlands region of England following the announcement of the removal of SSP programme. Quantitative survey data were analysed using SPSS 17 and qualitative data were coded and analysed using thematic analysis. Findings highlighted include reduced specialist support for primary PE teaching, loss of collaborative primary PE curricular and extra-curricular club developments. There are significant implications for the quality of primary PE and physical activity opportunities made available for young people.  相似文献   

Further education colleges in England offer a wide range of post‐school education and training provision. Recently they have undergone major transformations that have resulted in considerable changes to the work of those teaching in them. In this paper we examine how cultures of learning and teaching in colleges are affected and how the nature of professional identity has changed. The paper considers the formation of professional identity amongst a group of trainee lecturers completing a one‐year full‐time teacher‐training course at a university in the English Midlands. Lave and Wenger's work on apprenticeship to communities of practice is used to examine the effect of trainees' teaching placement on the development of professional identity. Rather than identifying effective processes of increasing participation in existing communities of practice, a strong sense of marginalisation and alienation amongst trainees was observed. The paper argues that this is detrimental both to trainees and experienced lecturers if they are to actively engage in building new forms of professionalism for the future.  相似文献   

紧跟全国教学改革前进的步伐,高校体育课改也在稳步地向前推进。体育课内外一体化教学被适时的提出,并迅速在全国范围内得以推广,发展至今其整体架构已基本成型,但仍需在发展的体育教学中不断的进行完善。运用文献资料法、演绎归纳法、统计分析法等,并结合多年的教学实践经验,对国内体育课内外一体化教学的发展状况进行了分析,将其分为两个时期、一个阶段,并概括了其四维一体的架构模型,同时以体育生态的角度、结合大数据理念,对体育课内外一体化教学的发展前景提出展望,为体育教学的长足发展提供参考。  相似文献   

体育高职院校对培养体育行业应用技术型人才起着重要的作用。本文分析了目前多数体育高职院校运动人体科学实验室建设中存在的问题,如经费投入不足、管理体制不完善等,并依据相关文件精神,对体育高职院校运动人体科学实验室建设提出自己的观点,以供参考。  相似文献   

This paper presents some results of a qualitative study carried out in a secondary school in the city of Buenos Aires (Argentina). It examines how two students from poor families responded to, and viewed, aggression by peers at their school. This paper argues that the examination of students’ narratives about aggression (based on classism and sexism) illustrates the analytical usefulness of the moral dimension of social life to unpack crucial aspects of the micro politics of class and gender and processes of identity-making. Following Sayer, this article maps students’ responses to immoral sentiments and misrecognition: the search for respect and respectability, and moral boundary drawing. It demonstrates that these reactions are entangled in students’ class and gender identity-making. It also shows how ‘victims’ are able to regain respect. However, the individualized nature of these processes and the spirals of aggression they instigate demonstrate the fragile and temporary nature of this achievement.  相似文献   

阳光体育运动对高校的体育教育开展提供了新的视野和发展思路,但是学校里学生对体育的认识还是不够强。也存在着这样那样的一系列问题。本文从高校体育存在的问题探索中国的体育教育。  相似文献   

以加德纳的多元智力理论为理论支撑,运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法,分析它对我国学校体育教学的目标、体育教学的内容和方式、体育教学的评价方式等方面的启示。研究认为:多元智力理论为我国的体育教学改革提供科学的理论依据;使我们能够更好的思考体育教学的目标,思考未来学校体育教学的科学模式和多元化的评价方式;促使我们开发和试验新的课程、新的教学技术,实现培养创新型人才的教育目标。  相似文献   

阳光体育是旨在提高青少年健康水平的一项体育事业,在全国大力推行阳光体育的背景下,对高校的体育课程进行改革,以适应阳光体育运动在高校的开展,切实推行阳光体育运动,提升青少年体质健康水平。  相似文献   

从高校校园体育文化的角度出发,探讨了高校校园体育文化在思想政治教育中的作用及两者之间的关系,旨在通过高校校园体育文化创建思想政治教育的新途径,同时挖掘高校校园体育文化的时代功能.  相似文献   

体育法规在学校体育中发挥着重要作用,应当引起体育教育工作者的重视。不断完善体育法规,不仅有利于体育教育者顺利实现教学规划、提高体育学习者的基本技能、构建和谐体育教育事业,还有利于促进教育事业的健康发展。  相似文献   

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