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双语语音发展研究显示双语儿童的语音发展明显异于单语儿童。若把双语儿童的语音发展跟单语儿童作比较,双语儿童极有可能被低估或错误评估。本研究采用标准化语音测试,探讨语言背景对双语(广东话及普通话)儿童语音发展的影响。本文记录及比较两名不同背景的三岁半双语儿童的语音发展,亦同时把该两名儿童的语言表现与单语儿童作比较。结果显示不同语言背景的双语儿童有不同的语音表现,跟单语儿童的语音发展亦不相同。本文提出测试双语儿童语音发展的建议。  相似文献   

本研究以23位非言语学习障碍儿童和27位典型发展儿童为被试,通过语音意识任务、快速自动命名任务、语音工作记忆任务考察了非言语学习障碍儿童的语音加工特征。结果显示:(1)非言语学习障碍儿童在语音意识任务上的得分显著低于典型发展儿童;(2)在快速自动命名任务上,非言语学习障碍儿童的任务平均反应时显著长于典型发展儿童;(3)非言语学习障碍儿童在语音工作记忆任务上的得分显著低于典型发展儿童。这些结果表明,非言语学习障碍儿童语音加工的三个子成分均存在缺陷。  相似文献   

本文采用实验法,研究语音识别技术支持下的口述作文方式是否能提高写作困难学生的作文质量。结果表明:我国小学中、高年级学生掌握计算机语音识别系统的使用没有困难;语音识别系统的响应速度能满足口述作文的需要;在汉语环境下,这种写作方式能促进写作困难儿童水平的改善,可以增加作文的长度和提高作文的质量;这种写作方式还在一定程度上提高了写作困难儿童的写作兴趣。  相似文献   

研究选取汉语识字困难儿童与普通儿童各28名,通过三种图形和语音信息不同加工难度条件,考察不同视觉和语音加工难度对汉语识字困难儿童形音特征捆绑成绩的影响.实验结果显示:(1)在视觉-语音信息加工难度低的时候,汉语识字困难儿童形音特征捆绑正确率显著低于普通儿童,说明其形音特征捆绑落后于普通儿童.(2)在视觉信息加工难度增加...  相似文献   

目的:探索舌系带过短对儿童语音障碍及矫治术后的语音训练方法.方法:对18例舌系带过短儿童的普通话21个声母及8个单元音韵母和国内目前使用的汉语语音清晰度测试字表中舌前部相关字的发音进行对比分析.结果:舌系带过短组儿童语音清晰度显著低于正常儿童组,有效的语音训练可很好地恢复舌系带过短儿童术后的舌部语音功能.结论:舌系带过短会导致儿童发音方式及发音部位的异常,舌系带延长术后有针对性的语音康复训练,对恢复儿童语音功能和提高发音准确度是非常重要的.  相似文献   

采取三种不同语音分割任务,对小学四年级汉语学习困难学生、听力损伤学生和正常学生的汉语语音觉察与加工能力进行了比较实验研究。结果表明,两类特殊儿童的汉语语音意识能力明显低于正常儿童。本结果提示,教育者应关注儿童早期拼音教学中对语音敏感性的训练。  相似文献   

依据语言习得理论分析成人第二语言语音习得的调查结果得知:四个母语为普通话的成年女性,在接受了20个小时的美式英语语音的教学指导后,所有参与者单词发音跟以美式英语为母语的人一样准确。虽然我们经常听到这样的论断:成年人学习第二语言的发音想要达到母语水平是不可能的,而调查结果表明:之所以没达到这样的水平,是由于在教学中没接受适当而必要的指导所造成的。因此,只要我们教授给学生必备的语音知识,并加以引导,成年人完全可以在20小时内完全掌握美式英语发音,并说得像美国人一样地道。  相似文献   

把汉满语音作了系统的对比,并得出了一些对于对外语音教学法的启示,即运用国际音标把母语和目的语(汉语)语音联系起来,采取对比分析的方法,将母语中接近目的语(汉语)的语音以改变发音部位和发音方法的方式进行加工,再教授给第二语言学习者,从而促进其母语语音在目的语(汉语)语音学习中的正迁移作用。  相似文献   

本研究结合传统和音位加工分析方法,探讨一名说普通话的听力障碍儿童的音位系统,并对其音位系统进行了评估和分析,提出以改变构音/音位障碍儿童对一组语音认知的言语训练建议。  相似文献   

儿童语音获得理论具有代表性的有普遍性理论、发音学习理论、成熟理论、精进或调谐理论等四种。虽然儿童语音学习与成人的第二语言语音学习会有很多差异,但或多或少这种深入的研究都会对现在还未深入研究的成人第二语言学习中的语音学习有所启示,也有不少是值得我们借鉴的。同时,这种理论对我们目前汉语教材语音部分的编写也有极大的启发作用。  相似文献   

The qualification leading to professional practice in speech and language therapy (SLT, also known as speech and language pathology) is not evenly available across the world. Geographic mobility and the availability of information are greater than at any other time in our history. Thus, initial SLT qualification courses in many countries are likely to have students from overseas among their intake. The professional nature of SLT programmes means that many aspects are culturally and linguistically bound. This may impact adversely on international students’ success on such courses. A study of all initial SLT qualifying courses in the UK was undertaken to identify the countries of origin of past and current international students, to explore the reasons behind their decision to study in the UK and to find out where and in what role they planned to work, or were already working, on qualification. Analysis of questionnaire and interview data revealed a wide variety of reasons for studying in the UK; linguistic, cultural, financial, and personal. The students come primarily from Europe, particularly Greece; but also from Asia; Africa and the Americas. Familiarity with English language and the perceived status of UK higher education, together with the related colonial and post-colonial links between the student’s country of origin and the UK, appear to have an impact on students’ decision to study in the UK. The short- and long-term employment plans of respondents are discussed, along with factors influencing decisions about whether to work in Britain, their home country or elsewhere.  相似文献   

由语句内特定词汇和结构表达的命题意义叫言内意义,言内意义对听者或读者造成影响的意义叫言外意义.同时具有言内意义和言外意义的话语叫言语行为,而出于礼貌考虑间接执行请求、拒绝或抱怨等功能的言语行为就是间接言语行为.表示同一言外行为的言内行为,异彩纷呈,各具特色.文章选取一段极具个人特色的电影台词作为案例,介绍间接言语行为等一系列有关概念及其相互横向和纵向关系,并且探索与言内行为有关的各个翻译原则及其横向、纵向关系,从而从一个侧面展示语言学课程如何解决理论和实践联系这一个大的问题.  相似文献   

This paper reports two studies of young English‐speaking children's ability to cope with changes to the metrical stress pattern of spoken words and the relationship between this ability, phonological awareness and early reading development. Initially, 39 children aged 4 and 5 years were assessed on their ability to identify mispronounced words, including words that had their metrical stress pattern reversed. The children were significantly worse at identifying words that had their metrical stress pattern reversed than words that were mispronounced in other ways. The second study was a cross‐sectional comparison of 31 5, 6 and 7‐year‐old children's performance on the metrical stress reversal condition of the mispronunciation task. Measures of the children's written language skills and phonological awareness were also taken. The 7‐year‐old children outperformed the 5‐year‐olds on the metrical stress task. Performance on this measure was associated with most of the measures of phonological awareness and literacy, and was associated with rhyme awareness and spelling ability after age had been taken into account. Moreover, metrical stress sensitivity could account for variance in spelling ability after phonological awareness had been taken into account, and after vocabulary had been taken into account. This suggests that stress sensitivity may influence spelling development in a way that is independent of its contribution to phonological representations.  相似文献   

Therapy is usually described as an indoor activity, centring on verbal dialogue between therapist and client(s). Based on a qualitative study conducted with a group of children with learning difficulties, this article presents a way in which therapy can take place creatively in nature, which serves not only as a therapeutic setting but also as a non‐verbal medium and partner in the process. Using participants' voices to highlight the programme's protocol and impacts, the article presents elements from the innovative framework of nature therapy, offering practitioners concepts and methods that can be incorporated into their practice.  相似文献   

Human anatomy education often utilizes the essential practices of cadaver dissection and examination of prosected specimens. However, these exposures to human cadavers and confronting death can be stressful and anxiety‐inducing for students. This study aims to understand the attitudes, reactions, fears, and states of anxiety that speech therapy students experience in the dissection room. To that end, a before‐and‐after cross‐sectional analysis was conducted with speech therapy students undertaking a dissection course for the first time. An anonymous questionnaire was administered before and after the exercise to understand students' feelings and emotions. State‐Trait Anxiety Inventory questionnaires (STAI‐S and STAI‐T) were used to evaluate anxiety levels. The results of the study revealed that baseline anxiety levels measured using the STAI‐T remained stable and unchanged during the dissection room experience (P > 0.05). Levels of emotional anxiety measured using the STAI‐S decreased, from 15.3 to 11.1 points (P < 0.05). In the initial phase of the study, before any contact with the dissection room environment, 17% of students experienced anxiety, and this rate remained unchanged by end of the session (P > 0.05). A total of 63.4% of students described having thoughts about life and death. After the session, 100% of students recommended the dissection exercise, giving it a mean score of 9.1/10 points. Anatomy is an important subject for students in the health sciences, and dissection and prosection exercises frequently involve a series of uncomfortable and stressful experiences. Experiences in the dissection room may challenge some students' emotional equilibria. However, students consider the exercise to be very useful in their education and recommend it. Anat Sci Educ 10: 487–494. © 2017 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

根据言语障碍儿童学习能力的发展,提出基于声控游戏的儿童言语障碍康复系统。该系统基于Visual C++语言开发,内容专门针对儿童言语障碍患者设计,将日常康复训练所使用的声学参数与游戏中的动画主角建立联系,使患儿在游戏中逐步锻炼言语能力,恢复正常功能。  相似文献   

Concurrent validity of the Battelle Developmental Inventory (BDI) was investigated with speech and language disordered children between the ages of 35 and 60 months. Correlations between the BDI expressive communication subdomain and the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised (PPVT-R), Preschool Language Scale-Revised (PLS-R), and Arizona Articulation Proficiency Scale-Revised (AAPS-R) were significant. The BDI total score was also significantly correlated with the PPVT-R and the PLS-R. There were no significant differences between the three BDI developmental quotients and PPVT-R standard scores. The receptive communication subdomain of the BDI did not correlate significantly with any of the language measures.  相似文献   

写作是英语教学中的一个关键环节,学生写作水平的高低直接反映了学生的英语语言水平。简要介绍了在写作教学实践中先后出现的三种教学方法——成品写作法、过程写作法和语体写作法。深入了解这些方法的基本原理与实质对写作教师大有裨益。分析了上述三种理论的长处与不足,并进一步探讨了将过程写作法和语体写作法结合起来以创立一种更有效的写作模式——过程语体法的可能性。  相似文献   

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