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辽泽:影响东北南部历史的重要地理因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辽泽是东北南部特定的地理区域,从史前到清初,一直对东北南部的历史变迁起着重要的影响。本文从辽泽是史前时期不同类型文化的界限、统一时期是不同政区的界限、分裂时期是不同政治集团的界限等方面着手分析,从而探寻辽泽影响历史变迁的原因。  相似文献   

基于产业分工的中原城市群经济联系研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对中原城市群经济联系的测度,发现中原城市群内部经济联系近年来不断加强;目前其内部的经济联系,远高于中原城市群与非中原城市群,以及非中原城市群任意两城市间的经济联系;一个以郑州为中心,包含4层经济联系空间的大"十"字型网络城市已经浮现;尽管距离衰减规律仍在起作用,但产业分工也是影响城际经济联系的重要因素.  相似文献   

东北地区古代民族的始祖神话传说源远流长,而且与中原华夏部落的始祖神话传说有许多相似和相同之处。本文通过对夫余、高句丽和清王室始祖神话传说源流的剖析,以探索东北古老的貊、女真族与中原华夏民族的关系。  相似文献   

基于中原经济区2015年和2020年的交通、人口及经济数据,运用GIS网络分析与引力模型,探讨了高速铁路的开通对中原经济区城市对内可达性、经济联系强度和对外联系总量的时空变化的影响.结果表明:研究期间,高速铁路强化了城市对内可达性,中原经济区整体呈现以郑州为核心、向外逐渐扩散的中心-外围模式;中原经济区城市经济联系强度呈现明显的核心带动、轴带发展的指向性特征.其中,中心的郑州及其周边新乡、许昌、洛阳等城市,形成了节点提升的经济联系格局.外围的东北、东南和西北部地区经济联系仍较低;所有城市对外经济联系总量呈现稳定增长趋势,其中高速铁路沿线城市增长最为显著,呈现明显的“廊道效应”,改善了城市经济联系中心度两极分化现象.研究结果以期为中原经济区规范空间开发秩序和完善经济发展模式提供理论依据和数据支撑.  相似文献   

文章主要从考古学、文献资料等角度对中原与西域在先秦时期存在的联系进行了概述证明,并根据这些早已存在的联系,从经济交流、文化艺术和思想观念上具体分析了这种联系所产生的影响,旨在说明早在张骞通西域之前中原与西域就存在着不可忽视的联系。  相似文献   

重建后,美国南部奴隶制废除,开始逐渐实行租佃制种植园经济,它主要是以农作物留置权制度和租佃制为基础,在这种经济制度下,南部走上了主要以种植棉花为主的畸形发展道路,并使得南部的农民越来越贫穷。南部的工业发展主要以农产品、工业原料和初级工业品的加工为主,而且工业的发展受制于资本的匮乏、劳动力素质低、劳动力流失严重、北部资本的控制和工业歧视等因素。  相似文献   

以唐山为研究对象,借助区域间相互作用强度的引力模型和欧式距离公式,测算唐山与环渤海地区42个城市之间的对外经济联系总量和地缘经济关系,分析唐山在环渤海地区主要的经济联系方向,并对经济联系量与地缘经济关系进行匹配分析.  相似文献   

以侨商为考察对象,对近代广西与东南亚国家间的经济交往进行了探讨。认为近代广西与东南亚国家较为频繁的商贸往来,有力地推动了广西城镇与区域经济的繁荣、发展。对当前广西加大改革开放的力度,继续深入拓展与周边国家地区尤其是东南国家间的经济联系提供了若干可资借鉴的经验和智力支持。  相似文献   

城乡联系是区域经济空间理论的一个特定研究对象。文章在梳理区域经济空间二元、三元和四元结构理论基础上,首先从理论流派、联系通道与具体模式等三方面综述了国外城乡联系的理论演变,然后从理论发展与执政党政策取向二个方面综述了中国城乡联系理论的基本特点。而引入生物学中的共生理论,是中国城乡联系理论研究的一个亮点!  相似文献   

运用空间经济联系和地缘经济关系及其匹配理论是研究城市或区域规划的热点。以粤西地区为研究对象,在广东省的范围内分析城市群内部和城市群与外部的空间经济联系和地缘经济关系及其匹配状态。结果显示,粤西三市不是规范的经济区域,而是作为支撑珠三角区域的经济腹地存在,城市间同质化竞争严重。以该结论为基础提出了粤西地区经济发展的建议。  相似文献   

伴随全球产业链的延伸与细分,成品、半成品、大宗物品的区域、跨区域运输量成几何规模迅速膨胀,快递物流行业如雨后春笋般快速壮大,成为了新兴的朝阳产业。文章从电子商务管理、定额管理、供应链管理三个不同的经济管理模式分析各自对快递物流行业的促进作用,并针对这些管理模式的未来发展方向提出相应见解与意见,以此来优化快递物流行业的管理模式。  相似文献   

In many Chinese universities and colleges, female students outperform male students in social science subjects. This paper presents a case study, which examines gender difference in economic education in a Chinese university. We look at a sample of students from the Chinese university and find that holding constant observed student characteristics, female students on average appear to earn higher scores than male students and the gender difference is primarily driven by low achieving students. We further find that the gender difference in exam scores is not because of female students' ability, family background and other unobservable student characteristics. Instead, it is simply a result of female students exerting more effort than male students. We finally explore a wide range of possible explanations for the gender difference in diligence, but find little support for any of the explanations.  相似文献   

Although there is a considerable body of research regarding the relationships between the sociopolitical and economic transition and its implications for the education system in South Korea, there is little known about how sociopolitical and economic factors affect labor education practice in South Korea. The premise of the study is that the development of labor education is driven not only by workers’ needs but also by the state's policy to increase productivity while keeping the labor movement and political expression under control. Since many educators often overlook the importance of labor education by excluding it from adult education, very few studies have been conducted to identify the relationship between sociopolitical and economic factors and labor education in South Korea. The purpose of the study is thus to examine the effect of particular combinations of social, political, and economic forces on the development and expansion of labor education in South Korea during the period between the 1960s and the 1990s. The results of the study can be compared with studies of other countries that underwent a similar pattern of political and economic transformation.  相似文献   

"九·一八"事变爆发后,东三省沦陷,其原因不止是不抵抗的政策。通过对比,在探讨原有史学的观点和当时南满铁路的状况,以及日本的相关政策与措施和不可否认的史实,分析证实南满铁路的重要性。得出"无南满铁路的‘主权’,导致东北三省沦陷"的结论。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the tempo-spatial distribution of paddy rice in Northeast China using moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer(MODIS) data.We developed an algorithm for detection and estimation of the transplanting and flooding periods of paddy rice with a combination of enhanced vegetation index(EVI) and land surface water index with a central wavelength at 2130 nm(LSWI2130).In two intensive sites in Northeast China,fine resolution satellite imagery was used to validate the performance of the algorithm at pixel and 3×3 pixel window levels,respectively.The commission and omission errors in both of the intensive sites were approximately less than 20%.Based on the algorithm,annual distribution of paddy rice in Northeast China from 2001 to 2009 was mapped and analyzed.The results demonstrated that the MODIS-derived area was highly correlated with published agricultural statistical data with a coefficient of determination(R2) value of 0.847.It also revealed a sharp decline in 2003,especially in the Sanjiang Plain located in the northeast of Heilongjiang Province,due to the oversupply and price decline of rice in 2002.These results suggest that the approaches are available for accurate and reliable monitoring of rice cultivated areas and variation on a large scale.  相似文献   

This qualitative case study was designed to provide an understanding of the work experience of Chinese college students in South Korea. A growing number of Chinese students are coming to South Korea for college education, and their aspirations for better work materialize into work experiences in South Korean businesses. In-depth interviews were conducted with five Chinese students to investigate their learning experience at local workplaces. The Chinese students' work experience not only led them to a deeper understanding of local culture and language, but also gave them integral learning within an experiential, situated learning environment.  相似文献   

The mobility of academic staff to South Africa is expected to benefit higher education institutions through teaching-research collaboration and capacity building. However, South African institutions do not always have the adequate organisational processes to facilitate host and international staff collaboration. Drawing on individual interviews with 16 lecturers from 12 different countries, all of them teaching in one South African university, this article analyses lecturers’ perceived contributions to their host university and the challenges they encountered. Recommendations revolve around the development of appropriate induction programmes and faculty forums to promote cross-cultural collaboration and the cross-fertilisation of ideas.  相似文献   

Nancy Lesko 《Prospects》2007,37(3):333-344
In the context of ongoing social divisions, lack of coherent leadership by government, and even divisiveness over medical advances and public health mandates, how might universities respond? What university actions can support social cohesion in a society splintered by class, race, gender, colonial legacies, the history of apartheid, and HIV/AIDS? More specifically, what approaches to university teaching of HIV/AIDS might foster social cohesion? During 2006, I interviewed 22 instructors at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) at three campuses. The interviewees were faculty members in education, sociology, history, psychology, theology, gender studies, and theater. I observed numerous classes that focused on HIV/AIDS and interviewed approximately 40 undergraduate, honours (4th year), and graduate students. I found that the curriculum and teaching went beyond the technical, individualistic, rational, self-interested assumptions and approaches (such as how to distribute information and condoms) typical of much safe-sex education. The courses explicitly critiqued assumptions, beliefs, and stereotypes that contribute to social divisions and stigma. The teaching efforts consciously included cultural understandings, specifically Zulu cultural understandings of health, community responses, and individuals within communal relationships. The approaches explicitly connected HIV/AIDS with social divisions and inequities of power. The teaching promoted an awareness that public health initiatives (and church or counseling responses) are fraught and controversial. Thus, the teaching tried to place its own ideas within history and society, offering a post-colonial/critical understanding of knowledge, theories, and social “solutions.” In foregrounding social divisions in relation to AIDS, these programmes promoted a critical-edged social cohesion.  相似文献   

东汉初年 ,匈奴分裂为南北二部 ,居于南边的匈奴降附汉廷 ,迁入内地。汉晋中央政府对内迁南匈奴的管理 ,经历了以羁縻、安抚为主 ,到宽严并济、分而治之为主的政策转变过程 ,这些政策的推行对该期南匈奴社会的领导核心、经济生活、思想文化以及民族心理均产生了一定影响。  相似文献   

用恒定强度的磁场(1T)对绿豆进行不同时间的处理,得出了不同磁场处理时间和培养时间对绿豆芽长和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性的影响。实验结果表明:恒定磁场强度下不同处理时间对绿豆的芽长和SOD活性是有影响的,磁场强度为1T时,在6个处理时间中,30 min处理组在每次测量时芽最长。对绿豆的SOD测定表明:经过磁场处理后的绿豆SOD含量产生了明显的差异,培养时间为7 h的实验组在各磁场处理时间下的SOD活性均高于对照组,在培养21 h后差异最大;磁处理具有滞后效应,磁处理短期内并不产生明显的效果;豆芽SOD含量和芽长并不成对应关系。  相似文献   

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