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从运动解剖学角度分析单杠正握引体向上和反握引体向上时肌肉工作的特点 ,提出在单杠引体向上教学或素质测验中不能将正握和反握等同 ,应根据运动项目的需要来选用握法 .  相似文献   

引体向上可以锻炼学生的上肢力量,提升学生的身体素质,促进学生综合能力的发展。初中体育教师要提高对引体向上的重视,从学生实际引体向上水平出发,按照新课改要求开展高效的引体向上教学,促进学生的体质发展。但是在具体的教学过程中,引体向上项目的开展效果却并不理想,有的学生对引体向上不感兴趣,有的学生认为引体向上太难,导致部分学生逃避引体向上。本文就初中体育如何提高引体向上有效性做出了探讨。  相似文献   

正引体向上是当前中学体育教学中的一个重点内容,许多教师不断致力于提高引体向上的教学质量。然而,在教师自我探索的过程中,仍存在着一些认识上的误区,造成学生练习引体向上事倍功半。笔者对教学中常见的练习误区进行分析,并总结了一套有效指导学生引体向上的教学方法。一、引体向上教学中的常见误区1.支撑性力量练习与悬垂性力量练习的混淆。很多教师在上课的时候喜欢让学生通过做俯卧撑来提高做引体向上的能力。俯卧撑的确可以增加学生的肌肉力量,但是对于  相似文献   

运用测量、文献、问卷调查等方法,实测某学院男生引体向上、俯卧撑并比较国内、外测量上肢肌肉力量耐力的项目、评价标准和成绩.结果显示:男女生体质成绩差异主要由力量耐力成绩差异导致的,而男生引体向上的标准较高和学校适于引体向上锻炼的体育器材或设施太少,是引体向上成绩低的主要原因,这既不利于学生评优评奖的性别公平,也不利于《学生体质健康标准(2014)》贯彻实施.因引体向上成绩差而将其在体测成绩中的权重降至10%,与其在体质中的重要性不符;多数受访专家、学者、体育教师和学生认为,俯卧撑难度适中,锻炼、测试安全,对体育器械、锻炼场地要求低,成绩区分度高,能准确反映上肢肌力和体质,有利于学生评优评奖的公平;在学校引体向上锻炼器械不足的情况下,改测或选测俯卧撑有利于学生针对性地加强锻炼,达到提高学生上肢肌肉力量耐力的目的.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、访谈法和数理统计法等研究方法,对新疆建设兵团第九师中学生引体向上水平现状与提高方案进行分析与研究。结果表明,新疆建设兵团第九师中学生引体向上水平相对较低。其主要原因是场地与器材较少,学生生活不规律,教师对引体向上指导相对较少,学生对引体向上重视程度低,学生体育课程内容中发展上肢力量少。通过增加关于训练引体向上项目的场地与器材,设定相关政策减少学生不良生活习惯,加大对《国家学生体质健康标准》的宣传力度,开展关于引体向上项目及相关项目比赛,针对引体向上项目进行分层训练以及对学生的心理干预,减少学生自暴自弃心理等方式可以提高引体向上水平。  相似文献   

中招物理复习是提高学生学业水平的最后一环,关系着学生的未来,历来备受重视。如何提高复习质量?文章从吃透课标精神,准确把握中招命题趋势;认真组织复习.落实基础知识过关和能力养成目标:精选习题,提高讲练针对性,摒弃题海战;实时检测,科学组织模拟考试,重视反馈补救等四个方面提出备考实施策略,以期增强中招物理复习的效果.  相似文献   

普次仁 《考试周刊》2012,(86):97-97
引体向上是《国家体育锻炼标准》中所规定的内容之一,是学校课余体育锻炼的基本内容,也是发展人体局部肌肉力量的重要手段。改变自身体重完成引体向上动作是上肢力量素质发展正常的人的能力体现,引体向上是中学各年级每学年“锻炼标准”男生测试的项目,西藏自治区还将引体向上列为体育中考男生考试的必考内容之一。  相似文献   

引体向上是大学生体质测试项目达标率较低的一项,大部分学生对引体向上项目态度消极,生活中力量锻炼越来越少,体育课堂和课外体育活动上,专门化的力量训练项目也较少,由于缺乏科学分训练方法和基本必备的训练设施,学生们力量素质很难有显著提高.该实验项目通过自主研发智能上肢力量训练器,辅助完成递增超负荷训练内容,该项目借助先进力量训练设备和系统的训练计划可以有效提高大学生引体向上成绩,为进一步推研发和推广体育健身器材的应用积累相关的数据分析.  相似文献   

一元二次方程是贯串于初、高中数学的重要知识点,也是中招命题的“热点”.故本文以中招试题中一些典型题目为例,介绍一元二次方程复习中的要点.  相似文献   

一、近两年中招数学的特点 不少试题源于课本 近年来中招数学试题有许多新题型,多数试题来源于教科书,是在教科书中的例题、练习题、习题的基础上通过类比、加工改造、加强或减弱条件、延伸或扩展而成的.也就是说,教科书中的例题、练习题、习题为编拟中招数学试题提供了丰富的题源.  相似文献   

A total of 232 college students in six different courses in three departments participated in a study to examine the effect of perceived course mean on course and instructor evaluations. Following a midsemester exam, students were given their actual earned exam scores and a manipulated class mean that was either ten percentage points higher or lower than the actual class average on the exam. Participants then completed an evaluation of the course and instructor. It was hypothesized that students scoring above the manipulated mean would rate the course and instructor more highly than students scoring below the manipulated mean. It was further hypothesized that students who were told that the class mean was higher would rate the course and instructor more highly than students who were told that the mean was lower. Results supported the first hypothesis. However, hypothesis two was not supported. Students receiving the lower manipulated class mean rated instructors more favorably. Results suggest the need to consider both individual exam scores and class averages in understanding the grade-teaching evaluation relationship.  相似文献   

大学课程无纸化考试在多元化评价机制中被日趋关注和普及。我们以Excel为应用平台,以Excel函数及VBA语言为开发工具,根据教学大纲和教材内容构建复习题库,再由考试指令从复习题库中随机抽题生成考生试卷,最后在考试过程中同步生成与考生答题一致的自动评分系统。该系统具有广泛的适用性与易用性,具有一定的推广价值。  相似文献   

课程考核作为教学的最后环节,对于整体教学质量提高具有重要的引导和决定作用。目前高校很多课程都以大作业方式进行考核,考核的结果主要以教师的主观评价作为得分依据,客观性有所欠缺。提出一种以教师为主导,学生参与互评的多元主体评分方法,将多元主体评分可靠性计入评分权重,降低了传统考核方式主要依靠教师评价的单一性和主观性,提高了课程学习结果评价的客观性。  相似文献   

Teacher evaluation commonly includes classroom observations conducted by principals. Despite widespread use, little is known about the quality of principal ratings. We investigated 1,324 principals’ rating accuracy of six teaching practices at the conclusion of training within an authentic teacher evaluation system. Data are from a video-based exam of four 10-minute classroom observations. Many-Facet Rasch modeling revealed that (1) overall principals had high accuracy, but individuals varied substantially, and (2) some teaching episodes and practices were easier to rate accurately. For example, promotes critical thinking was rated more accurately than uses formative assessment. Because Many-Facet Rasch modeling estimates individuals’ accuracy patterns across teaching episodes and practices, it is a useful tool for identifying areas that individual principals, or groups, may need additional training (e.g., evaluating formative assessment). Implications for improving training of principals to conduct classroom observations for teacher evaluation are discussed.  相似文献   

建构反应试题是自主招生考试的主要题型,其既有学业考查方面的优势,又有难以避免的评分误差。本文通过对2013年“华约”自主招生数学试卷的统计分析与质量评价,从总体评分、评分松紧度、评分趋中、量表等级限制、交互作用和侧面功能差异六个方面阐释建构反应试题评分误差产生的原因及其影响,在试卷评价的一致性、合理性和准确性的诉求下,提出在试卷的命制、评阅和反馈阶段消除和控制评分误差的建议,以提高我国基础教育的试卷评价质量。  相似文献   

从心理学的角度来看,现行的教师评价体制对教师、学生和社会都有着不利的影响。改变这种功利化的评价体制,需要完善学校的计分标准,从学校的观念层面提升教师的精神层次,改革学生评价体系。  相似文献   

学生评价和考试改革是课程改革的重要组成部分,《英语学习评价手册》能有效地解决现有评价体系中的弊端,从而使教师能够更加客观、多元化、多样化地评价学生;也较大地促进和提高了学生学习、运用英语的兴趣和能力;更重要的是给教师一个多元化评价学生的标准和模式。  相似文献   

现在的学校考试重在记忆性质的“知识”这一低浅层次,而忽视了它的文化精神层面,即学生通过考试体验和提升自身价值的人文需求。人文关怀是用人的方式去理解人、对待人、关怀人。学校考试缺乏人文关怀的原因主要是考试目标只注重认知领域,教师在教学中忽视情感教育等,因此考试应从考试环境、教师监考、试卷编制和考试评价四个方面体现人文关怀。  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether gender gaps in student achievement are related to evaluation schemes. We exploit different evaluations at the end of compulsory education in Norway in a difference-in-differences framework. Compared to the results at anonymously evaluated central exit exams, girls get significantly higher grades than boys when the same skills are assessed by their teacher. This gender grading gap in favor of the girls is found in both languages and mathematics. We find no evidence that the competitiveness of the environment can explain why boys do relatively better on the exam. We find some evidence that the gender grading gap is related to teacher characteristics, which indicates that the teacher–student interaction during coursework favors girls in the teacher grading.  相似文献   

In the class session following feedback regarding their scores on multiple-choice exams, undergraduate students in a large human development course rated the strength of possible contributors to their exam performance. Students rated items related to their personal effort in preparing for the exam (identified as student effort in the paper), their ability to perform well on the exams (identified as student ability), and teacher input that might have affected their exam performance. Students rated most student effort items higher than teacher input and student ability items. Notwithstanding, across all exams, ratings of student ability and teacher input correlated more strongly with exam performance than did student effort ratings. High and low performers on the exams differed significantly on ratings of student ability and teacher input, but were more similar on ratings of student effort.  相似文献   

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