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研究背景:现有研究文献尚无有关在着地过程中不同表面倾斜度和踝关节护具效应的运动学、动力学和地面反作用力的综合数据。通过对比25°斜面和平面的着地以及使用和不使用踝关节护具情况下来检测踝关节的生物力学特性。研究方法: 11名健康受试者[年龄:(24.6±3.5)岁,身高:(24.6±0.10)m,质量:(65.6±14.9)kg)参与本次研究。受试者在4个动态运动条件下各进行5五次实验:从0.45米高处垂直下落至25°的斜面(IS)或平面(FS)上,使用或不使用半刚性踝关节护具,同时采集三维运动学和测力台地面反作用力数据。利用2×2(表面X踝关节护具)的重复测量方差分析来评估选定的变量。研究结果:与平面着地相比,斜面着地造成较小的垂直和内侧地面反作用力峰值。研究还发现踝关节背曲运动范围、着地角度和背曲速度、最大外翻与跖曲角速度提高,但产生了更大内翻角度和运动范围、着地内翻速度和最大跖曲力矩。踝关节护具在斜面着地时减少了达到地面反作用力第二垂直峰值的时间、着地角度、背曲速度、最大外翻和跖曲速度,但增加了跖曲力矩的最大值。研究结论:斜面增加踝关节额状面的运动范围和踝关节负荷。但是,就斜面着地而言,踝关节护具对踝关节额状面的运动范围和踝关节负荷的影响是相当有限的。  相似文献   

Unanticipated direction to cut after landing may alter the lower extremity landing biomechanics when performing landing motions. These alterations may potentially increase the risk of ACL injury. The purpose of this study was to determine if an unanticipated side-cut affects lower extremity landing biomechanics in females. Eighteen recreational female athletes participated in two blocks of testing: the first block of testing consisted of three acceptable trials of anticipated dominant limb and non-dominant limb 45-degree diagonal cutting after landing, which were performed in a counterbalanced order. The second block of testing consisted of three acceptable trials of unanticipated dominant limb and non-dominant limb diagonal cutting after landing. Data analysis mainly focused on the dominant limb landing biomechanics. Unanticipated side-cut landing, compared (paired t-test, p < 0.05) to the anticipated landings, resulted in less hip abduction and tibial internal rotation angle at initial contact (IC) and a lower maximum ankle inversion angle and a greater maximum knee abduction angle, and knee and hip displacement. Also, greater posterior GRF and a longer time to peak medial GRF were exhibited. These outcomes indicate that athletes may adapt their landing mechanics to land unsafely when encountering an unanticipated event.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of external load on vertical ground reaction force, and linear and angular kinematics, during squats. Eight males aged 22.1?±?0.8 years performed maximal concentric squats using loads ranging from 7 to 70% of one-repetition maximum on a force plate while linear barbell velocity and the angular kinematics of the hip, knee and ankle were recorded. Maximum, average and angle-specific values were recorded. The ground reaction force ranged from 1.67?±?0.20 to 3.21?±?0.29 times body weight and increased significantly as external load increased (P?<?0.05). Bar linear velocity ranged from 0.54?±?0.11 to 2.50?±?0.50?m?·?s?1 and decreased significantly with increasing external load (P?<?0.05). Hip, knee and ankle angles at maximum ground reaction force were affected by external load (P?<?0.05). The force?–?barbell velocity curves were fitted using linear models with coefficients (r 2) ranging from 0.59 to 0.96. The results suggest that maximal force exertion during squat exercises is not achieved at the same position of the lower body as external load is increased. In contrast, joint velocity coordination does not change as load is increased. The force?–?velocity relationship was linear and independent from the set of data used for its determination.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of external load on vertical ground reaction force, and linear and angular kinematics, during squats. Eight males aged 22.1 +/- 0.8 years performed maximal concentric squats using loads ranging from 7 to 70% of one-repetition maximum on a force plate while linear barbell velocity and the angular kinematics of the hip, knee and ankle were recorded. Maximum, average and angle-specific values were recorded. The ground reaction force ranged from 1.67 +/- 0.20 to 3.21 +/- 0.29 times body weight and increased significantly as external load increased (P < 0.05). Bar linear velocity ranged from 0.54 +/- 0.11 to 2.50 +/- 0.50 m x s(-1) and decreased significantly with increasing external load (P < 0.05). Hip, knee and ankle angles at maximum ground reaction force were affected by external load (P < 0.05). The force-barbell velocity curves were fitted using linear models with coefficients (r2) ranging from 0.59 to 0.96. The results suggest that maximal force exertion during squat exercises is not achieved at the same position of the lower body as external load is increased. In contrast, joint velocity coordination does not change as load is increased. The force-velocity relationship was linear and independent from the set of data used for its determination.  相似文献   

Although landing in a plantarflexion and inversion position is a well-known characteristic of lateral ankle sprains, the associated kinematics of the knee and hip is largely unknown. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the changes in knee and hip kinematics during landings on an altered landing surface of combined plantarflexion and inversion. Participants performed five drop landings from 30 cm onto a trapdoor platform in three different conditions: flat landing surface, 25° inversion, or a combined 25° plantarflexion and 25° inversion. Kinematic data were collected using a seven camera motion capture system. A 2 × 3 (leg × surface) repeated measures ANOVA was used for statistical analysis. The combined surface showed decreased knee and hip flexion range of motion (ROM) and increased knee abduction ROM (p < 0.05). The altered landing surface creates a stiff landing pattern where reductions in sagittal plane motion are transferred to the frontal plane, resulting in increased knee abduction. A stiff landing pattern is frequently related to increased risk of anterior cruciate ligament injury. It may be beneficial for athletes at risk to train for alternate methods of increasing their sagittal plane motion of the knee and hip with active knee or trunk flexion.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of jumping distance on the landing mechanics after a volleyball spike, to help in injury prevention and training for safer landing. Ground reaction forces and three-dimensional kinematic data were collected from six male university right-handed volleyball players under “Normal” and “Long” jumping distance conditions of landing after a spike. The results revealed that the landings under the Long jumping distance condition produced significantly greater centre of gravity velocities and larger mean loading rates. Although data were collected for bilateral landings with the two feet contacting the force platform at the same time, landing motion was asymmetric and the left leg was considered to play a more critical role in the absorption of the landing impact. The trunk and hip positions at the initial contact with the floor and the range of motions of the knee and ankle were key kinematic parameters for reducing the vertical peak ground reaction forces and extending the time from the initial contact to the occurrence of this peak force, which consequently reduced the mean loading rate upon landing.  相似文献   

Women are more prone to anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury during cutting sports than men. The purpose of this study was to examine knee kinematic and ground reaction forces (GRF) differences between genders during cutting. Male and female athletes performed cutting trials while force platform and video data were recorded (180 Hz). Differences (p < . 05) were observed between groups for knee flexion at contact and GRF at maximum knee flexion. Women averaged 5.8 degrees less flexion at contact and 1.0 N. (kg x m x s(-1))(-1) greater GRF at maximum flexion. Knee range of motion and peak GRF variables were not significantly different, but women had greater values. Women exhibited technique characteristics believed to increase ACL injury risk, but men exhibiting similar characteristics were also observed and could also be at risk.  相似文献   

Dancers are exposed to the effects of repetitive jumping and leaping as are other athletes that tend to develop patellar tendinopathy. Greater vertical ground reaction forces occur during landing from a dance leap than during takeoff and during other common athletic activities. The purposes of this study were: (1) to compare the landing ground reaction force profiles of participants with and without clinically diagnosed patellar tendinopathy, and (2) to determine the strength of the relationship between landing angle, and braking impulse. Eighteen elite pre-professional dancers (12 healthy, 6 with patellar tendinopathy; both groups 50% male) performed sauts de chat for kinetic and kinematic analysis. Dancers with patellar tendinopathy demonstrated greater peak vertical ground reaction force and impulse (36% and 15% greater, respectively). Dancers with patellar tendinopathy demonstrated greater peak braking ground reaction force and impulse (82% and 126% greater, respectively). Landing angle explained 67% of the braking impulse. Dancers with patellar tendinopathy exhibited greater vertical and braking impulses than healthy dancers. Braking impulse was strongly correlated with landing angle. While there was no difference between groups in landing angle, dancers with patellar tendinopathy exhibited greater braking impulse than their non-tendinopathic counterparts, even at similar landing angles.  相似文献   

运用运动学、动力学同步测试分析的方法,揭示了不同水平短跑运动员支撑过程中支撑反作用力和人体运动学参数的差异及其相互关系,以认识短跑途中跑技术和支撑反作用力的特征。  相似文献   


Running is a common exercise with numerous health benefits. Vertical ground reaction force (vGRF) influences running injury risk and running performance. Measurement of vGRF during running is now primarily constrained to a laboratory setting. The purpose of this study was to evaluate a new approach to measuring vGRF during running. This approach can be used outside of the laboratory and involves running shoes instrumented with novel piezoresponsive sensors and a standard accelerometer. Thirty-one individuals ran at three different speeds on a force-instrumented treadmill while wearing the instrumented running shoes. vGRF was predicted using data collected from the instrumented shoes, and predicted vGRF were compared to vGRF measured via the treadmill. Per cent error of the resulting predictions varied depending upon the predicted vGRF characteristic. Per cent error was relatively low for predicted vGRF impulse (2–7%), active peak vGRF (3–7%), and ground contact time (3–6%), but relatively high for predicted vGRF load rates (22–29%). These errors should decrease with future iterations of the instrumented shoes and collection of additional data from a more diverse sample. The novel technology described herein might become a feasible way to collect large amounts of vGRF data outside of the traditional biomechanics laboratory.  相似文献   


The purpose of the present study was to compare the three-dimensional kinematics of the lower extremities and ground reaction forces between the instep kick and the kick with the outside area of the foot (outstep kick) in pubertal soccer players. Ten pubertal soccer players performed consecutive kicking trials in random order after a two-step angled approach with the instep and the outstep portion of the foot. Three-dimensional data and ground reaction forces were measured during kicking. Paired t-tests indicated significantly higher (P < 0.05) ball speeds and ball/foot speed ratios for the instep kick compared with the outstep kick. Non-significant differences in angular and linear sagittal plane kinematic parameters, temporal characteristics, and ground reaction forces between the instep and outstep soccer kicks were observed (P > 0.05). In contrast, analysis of variance indicated that the outstep kick displayed higher hip internal rotation and abduction, knee internal rotation, and ankle inversion than the instep kick (P < 0.05). Our results suggest that the instep kick is more powerful than the outstep kick and that different types of kick require different types of skill training.  相似文献   


Athletes use weighted sled towing to improve sprint ability, but little is known about its biomechanics. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of weighted sled towing with two different loads on ground reaction force. Ten physically active men (mean ± SD: age 27.9 ± 1.9 years; stature 1.76 ± 0.06 m; body mass 80.2 ± 9.6 kg) performed 5 m sprints under three conditions; (a) unresisted, (b) towing a sled weighing 10% of body mass (10% condition) and (c) towing a sled weighing 30% of body mass (30% condition). Ground reaction force data during the second ground contact after the start were recorded and compared across the three conditions. No significant differences between the unresisted and 10% conditions were evident, whereas the 30% condition resulted in significantly greater values for the net horizontal and propulsive impulses (P < 0.05) compared with the unresisted condition due to longer contact time and more horizontal direction of force application to the ground. It is concluded that towing a sled weighing 30% of body mass requires more horizontal force application and increases the demand for horizontal impulse production. In contrast, the use of 10% body mass has minimal impact on ground reaction force.  相似文献   

In lateral reactive movements, core stability may influence knee and hip joint kinematics and kinetics. Insufficient core stabilisation is discussed as a major risk factor for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries. Due to the higher probability of ACL injuries in women, this study concentrates on how gender influences trunk, pelvis and leg kinematics during lateral reactive jumps (LRJs). Perturbations were investigated in 12 men and 12 women performing LRJs under three different landing conditions: a movable landing platform was programmed to slide, resist or counteract upon landing. Potential group effects on three-dimensional trunk, pelvic, hip and knee kinematics were analysed for initial contact (IC) and the time of peak pelvic medial tilt (PPT). Regardless of landing conditions, the joint excursions in the entire lower limb joints were gender-specific. Women exhibited higher trunk left axial rotation at PPT (women: 4.0 ± 7.5°, men: ?3.1 ± 8.2°; p = 0.011) and higher hip external rotation at both IC and PPT (p < 0.01). But women demonstrated higher knee abduction compared to men. Men demonstrated more medial pelvic tilt at IC and especially PPT (men: –5.8 ± 4.9°, women: 0.3 ± 6.3°; p = 0.015). Strategies for maintaining trunk, pelvis and lower limb alignment during lateral reactive movements were gender-specific; the trunk and hip rotations displayed by the women were associated with the higher knee abduction amplitudes and therefore might reflect a movement strategy which is associated with higher injury risk. However, training interventions are needed to fully understand how gender-specific core stability strategies are related to performance and knee injury.  相似文献   


Female volleyball athletes incorporate dynamic and static stretching into a warm-up, with evidence generally supporting dynamic stretching to improve performance. However, the effects of these stretching practices on injury risk during subsequent volleyball manoeuvres have yet to be fully elucidated in the warm-up literature. Three-dimensional kinematic data associated with non-contact, lower extremity injury were recorded on 12 female collegiate club volleyball athletes during unilateral landing tasks on the dominant and non-dominant limb. Participants performed landings as part of a volleyball-simulated manoeuvre prior to and post-dynamic (DWU) and combined dynamic-static (CDS) warm-ups. A significant reduction in non-dominant hip adduction angle was found at 15 min post CDS warm-up (= 0.016; = 0.38), however, no other warm-up differences were detected. The non-dominant limb demonstrated greater knee abduction (= 0.006; = 0.69) and internal rotation angle (= 0.004; = 0.88), suggesting that this limb demonstrates more risky landing patterns that are potentially due to altered trunk positioning upon landing. The results show that the majority of selected landing kinematics are unaffected by additional static stretching to a dynamic warm-up and that the non-dominant limb may be at a higher injury risk in female volleyball athletes.  相似文献   


This study assessed the reliability and validity of segment measured accelerations in comparison to front foot contact (FFC) ground reaction force (GRF) during the delivery stride for cricket pace bowlers. Eleven recreational bowlers completed a 30-delivery bowling spell. Trunk- and tibia-mounted inertial measurement units (IMUs) were used to measure accelerations, converted to force, for comparisons to force plate GRF discrete measures. These measures included peak force, impulse and the continuous force–time curve in the vertical and braking (horizontal) planes. Reliability and validity was determined by intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC), coefficient of variation (CV), Bland–Altman plots, paired sample t-tests, Pearson’s correlation and one-dimensional (1D) statistical parametrical mapping (SPM). All ICC (0.90–0.98) and CV (4.23–7.41%) were acceptable, except for tibia-mounted IMU braking peak force (CV = 12.44%) and impulse (CV = 18.17%) and trunk vertical impulse (CV = 17.93%). Bland–Altman plots revealed wide limits of agreement between discrete IMU force signatures and force plate GRF. The 1D SPM outlined numerous significant (p < 0.01) differences between trunk- and tibia-located IMU-derived measures and force plate GRF traces in vertical and braking (horizontal) planes. The trunk- and tibia-mounted IMUs appeared to not represent the GRF experienced during pace bowling FFC when compared to a gold-standard force plate.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the effects of quality of opposition and match status on technical and tactical volleyball performances, as measured by block, attack, serve, and set actions related to the tasks, space, players, and efficacy of selected game actions. Twenty-five matches from the men's World Cup 2007 were notated and through cluster analysis were classified as "high" (HIGH), "intermediate" (INT) or "low" (LOW) quality. The difference between points scored and points allowed was used to define match status. Multinomial logistic regression identified an association of match status with: set direction (likelihood ratio test [LRT]?=?15.5, P?=?0.017) and block typology (LRT?=?9.6, P?=?0.047) in HIGH vs. HIGH matches; attack player (LRT?=?17.4, P?=?0.026) and block typology (LRT?=?9.2, P?=?0.010) in LOW vs. LOW matches; and serve type (LRT?=?17.4, P?=?0.002), block strategy (LRT?=?53.7, P?<0.001), and serve efficacy (LRT?=?26.0, P?=?0.001) in HIGH vs. LOW matches. Results suggest that volleyball teams took more risky decisions in unbalanced situations. They also carried less risk through technical and tactical decisions in balanced and moderate situations whether they had the advantage or not. Therefore, strategic behaviour was affected by the interaction of quality of opposition and match status, providing a better understanding of volleyball game performance and new insights for practice, competition, and research.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop and evaluate a methodology for quantifying the contributions of modelling error terms, as well as individual joint torque, gravitational force and motion-dependent terms, to the generation of ground reaction force (GRF), whose true value can be measured with high accuracy using a force platform. Dynamic contributions to the GRF were derived from the combination of (1) the equations of motion for the individual segments, (2) the equations for constraint conditions arising from the connection of adjacent segments at joints, and (3) the equations for anatomical constraint axes at certain joints. The contribution of the error term was divided into four components caused by fluctuation of segment lengths, geometric variation in the constraint joint axes, and residual joint force and moment errors. The proposed methodology was applied to the running motion of thirteen rear-foot strikers at a constant speed of 3.3?m/s. Modelling errors arose primarily from fluctuations in support leg segment lengths and rapid movement of the virtual joint between the foot and ground during the first 20% of stance phase. The magnitudes of these error contributions to the vertical and anterior/posterior components of the GRF are presented alongside the non-error contributions, of which the joint torque term was the largest.  相似文献   

Female athletes are considered to exhibit knee and trunk motion that is characteristic of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. The aim of this study was to examine the in vivo motion of the trunk and knee during a cutting manoeuvre and determine the relationship between them. All participants (10 male and 10 female college athletes) performed a shuttle run cutting task with the left limb. Trunk inclination (forward and lateral) and knee joint angles (flexion/extension, abduction/adduction, and internal/external tibial rotation) were calculated. Differences between the sexes and associations between knee motion and trunk inclination were examined. An increase in trunk forward inclination was strongly correlated with an increase in knee flexion angle and moderately correlated with a decrease in the excursion of internal tibial rotation. An increase in right trunk lateral inclination was moderately correlated with an increase in excursion of internal tibial rotation. The results also showed differences between the sexes in trunk forward inclination, lateral inclination, and knee flexion angle, but no such differences in knee abduction or internal tibial rotation. Trunk inclination is related to knee flexion and excursion of internal tibial rotation. Female athletes demonstrate a low trunk forward inclination and knee flexion angle, a posture that resembles that of ACL injury.  相似文献   


Female athletes are considered to exhibit knee and trunk motion that is characteristic of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. The aim of this study was to examine the in vivo motion of the trunk and knee during a cutting manoeuvre and determine the relationship between them. All participants (10 male and 10 female college athletes) performed a shuttle run cutting task with the left limb. Trunk inclination (forward and lateral) and knee joint angles (flexion/extension, abduction/adduction, and internal/external tibial rotation) were calculated. Differences between the sexes and associations between knee motion and trunk inclination were examined. An increase in trunk forward inclination was strongly correlated with an increase in knee flexion angle and moderately correlated with a decrease in the excursion of internal tibial rotation. An increase in right trunk lateral inclination was moderately correlated with an increase in excursion of internal tibial rotation. The results also showed differences between the sexes in trunk forward inclination, lateral inclination, and knee flexion angle, but no such differences in knee abduction or internal tibial rotation. Trunk inclination is related to knee flexion and excursion of internal tibial rotation. Female athletes demonstrate a low trunk forward inclination and knee flexion angle, a posture that resembles that of ACL injury.  相似文献   


While foot orthoses are commonly used in running, little is known regarding biomechanical risk potentials during uphill running. This study investigated the effects of arch-support orthoses on kinetic and kinematic variables when running at different inclinations. Sixteen male participants ran at different inclinations (0°, 3° and 6°) when wearing arch-support and flat orthoses on an instrumented treadmill. Arch-support orthoses induced longer contact time, larger initial ankle dorsiflexion, maximum ankle eversion, and knee sagittal range of motion (RoM) (p < 0.05). As incline slopes increased, vertical impact peak and loading rate, stride length, and ankle coronal RoM decreased, but contact time, stride frequency, initial ankle dorsiflexion and inversion, maximum dorsiflexion, initial knee flexion, and ankle sagittal RoM increased (p < 0.05). Furthermore, knee sagittal RoM was lowest when running at an inclination of 3°. The interaction effect indicated that in arch-support condition, participants running at 6° induced higher maximum ankle eversion than running at 0° (p < 0.05), while no differences were found in flat orthosis condition. These findings suggest that the use of arch-support orthoses would influence running biomechanics that is related to injury risks. Running at higher inclination led to more alterations to biomechanical variables than at lower inclination.  相似文献   

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