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情境学习观点对数字化学习的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
情境学习理论认为学习者在情境中通过活动来获得知识,认知本身具有情境性。情境学习观点在数字化学习中的应用突出了社会文化因素的作用,提出数字化学习发展从认知转向了情境。本文在分析情境学习基本观点的基础上,指出了情境学习对数字化学习的实践意义,重点论述情境学习对数字化学习的启示。  相似文献   

情境认知与学习理论是当代西方学习理论研究的热点。情境认知与学习理论在学习的本质、学习目的、学习方式、教师作用、学习环境设置等方面给我们带来了全新的观念。情境学习理论对行为主义学习理论、信息加工的学习理论有较大的整合性。  相似文献   

情境学习理论对于"人类如何学习,学习如何发生"的疑问有了新的回应:学习发生在情境之中,是一个合法参与实践共同体的过程。通过分析"认知学徒制"、"实践共同体"、"合法的边缘性参与"这三个核心概念,剖析情境学习理论的内在机理,继而诠释情境学习理论对学习的认识——学习是一个参与情境的过程,并指出有利于学习发生的情境是一种真实的社会情境、实践情境和文化情境。  相似文献   

情境认知与学习理论认为学习者和具体情境的客观的交流互动最终能够相互建构,从而形成一个良性的学习生态系统。依据Jan Herrington and Ron Oliver归纳出的九种情境学习的实施策略,建立基于情境认知与学习理论的英语学习的"生产流水线式"的、标准化的课内学习模块、网络学习模块、移动学习模块并使三种学习模块各具特色、取长补短并全方位地促进英语学习的高效、便利和革新具有广阔的研究前景和丰富的研究内容。这需要建立适合具体情境的上述三种学习模块的具体学习内容框架、学习方式的选择标准、学习时间的分配原则、学习评价体系等,并使三种学习模块之间区别而统一、互补最终形成合力效应。  相似文献   

情境认知与学习理论认为学习者和具体情境的客观的交流互动最终能够相互建构,从而形成一个良性的学习生态系统。依据Jan Herrington and Ron Oliver归纳出的九种情境学习的实施策略,建立基于情境认知与学习理论的英语学习的“生产流水线式”的、标准化的课内学习模块、网络学习模块、移动学习模块并使三种学习模块各具特色、取长补短并全方位地促进英语学习的高效、便利和革新具有广阔的研究前景和丰富的研究内容。这需要建立适合具体情境的上述三种学习模块的具体学习内容框架、学习方式的选择标准、学习时间的分配原则、学习评价体系等,并使三种学习模块之间区别而统一、互补最终形成合力效应。  相似文献   

基于情境学习理论的学习环境设计原则   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
情境学习理论认为,学习是情境、文化和学习活动的共同功能,个体与环境的相互作用是获得知识、形成能力以及社会化的必经途径.如何为学习者创设良好的学习环境以支持和促进学习已越来越受到人们的关注.分析情境学习理论的内涵和基本观点,探讨该理论为学习环境设计所提供的指导原则,有助于创设适宜的学习环境,激发学习者的情境思维,让学习者的情感活动参与认知活动,从而使其在情境思维中获得知识、培养能力以及发展智力.  相似文献   

网络环境下的情境认知与学习   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
情境认知与学习理论是一种能够提供有意义学习并促进知识向真实生活情境转化的重要学习理论,网络环境为这种学习理论的实施提供了物质基础与便利条件本论述了情境认知与学习理论的基本内容与教学观,提出了情境认知与学习的情境创设策略并阐述了网络环境下情境认知与学习的锚定式教学和认知学徒制教学模式。  相似文献   

在高中语文学习任务群教学过程中,有效学习情境是有助于学生语文核心素养形成、发展和表现的情境.指向语言的语文学习任务群有效学习情境即"真实语境"下语文学习任务群有效学习情境,是具备认知科学依据,有助于提升学生认知能力的情境,也是尊重学科特性,有助于发展学生语言建构与运用能力的情境."真实语境"下语文学习任务群有效学习情境...  相似文献   

创设适宜的语文学习情境,是学习任务群有效开展的重要支点.要立足语文言语实践特性,仅着眼于"真实情境"是不够的,还须融入"大概念"引领下的"认知情境".学习情境设计的逻辑理路体现为"大概念"引领下的深度理解、迁移和应用.情境设计的策略包括确定情境建构的"锚点",将任务、情境等转化为"情境任务",情境中预设学生的言语成果,...  相似文献   

文章通过实例,探讨了学习领域课程开发中学习情境设计的几个误区,包括学科式的学习情境设计、与教学设计混淆的学习情境设计、不尽合理的公共情境设计、不符合认知规律的学习情境设计。  相似文献   

实验室有关范畴学习的研究只局限于对分类的研究上,这就导致在分类研究基础上提出的范畴理论不能适用于其他非分类范畴学习任务。对分类学习与推理学习进行比较,表明不同的范畴学习类型影响范畴表征,所以应当拓展实验室范畴学习的研究范围。  相似文献   

Present-day students are expected to be lifelong learners throughout their working life. Higher education must therefore prepare students to self-direct their learning beyond formal education, in real-life working settings. This can be achieved in so-called hybrid learning configurations in which working and learning are integrated. In such a learning configuration, learning is typically trans-boundary in nature and embedded in ill-structured, authentic tasks. The goal of this study is to develop a set of design guidelines for an intervention that would strengthen students’ capacity for self-directed lifelong learning within a hybrid learning configuration, a one-semester elective course at a university of applied sciences in the Netherlands. The research approach was educational design research. An intervention was designed, implemented and evaluated during two iterations of the course. Evaluation methods included interviews with students and the course facilitator, questionnaires, and students’ logs and reports. We developed five intervention design guidelines that will promote self-directed learning. Our conclusion is that the intervention was usable and effective: at a basic level, the students did develop their capacity for self-directed lifelong learning. Further research is needed to investigate conditions for realizing higher levels of proficiency in self-directed lifelong learning throughout the curriculum and beyond.  相似文献   

Education and Information Technologies - Online collaborative learning (OCL) has received significant attention, but the ultimate goal of adopting OCL is neglected, especially in higher education...  相似文献   

Many studies have identified web-based cooperative learning as an increasingly popular educational paradigm with potential to increase learner satisfaction and interactions. However, peer-to-peer interaction often suffers barriers owing to a failure to explore useful social interaction information in web-based cooperative learning environments. This easily leads to learners being unable to seek appropriate learning partners for facilitating effective cooperative learning. This problem frequently causes poor learning effectiveness in web-based cooperative learning environments. Generally, instructor assigned or learner selected learning peers cannot ensure to compose suitable learning partners for individual learners in cooperative learning environments. A suitable learning partner can help the learner, who is learning in the personal way and encounters the difficulty, to solve problems. Inappropriate learning partners cannot only easily lead to poor learning interaction and achievement, but can also lead to the meaning of cooperative learning being lost. Although many web-based learning systems have already been developed to assist cooperative learning, supporting peer-to-peer interaction in computer-supported cooperative learning (CSCL) is still immature. As a result, this study presents a novel scheme for recommending appropriate learning partners for individual learners utilizing mining of learning interactive social networks in a cooperative problem-based learning (PBL) environment. Results of this study show that the proposed scheme helps encourage learners to interact with learning peers more actively and positively, and facilitates learning performance in a cooperative PBL environment.  相似文献   

网络学习评价是网络学习系统的重要组成部分,网络学习注重学习者学习过程的评价.基于网络学习评价系统与传统的学习评价系统的不同,本文首先分析了网络学习评价的理论基础及其价值取向,继而全面阐述了网络学习评价的实施原则.最后,对实施过程中容易出现的问题作了分析.  相似文献   

Trying to understand the complexity of computer-mediated problem-based learning environments is not easy. Sociocultural theory provides a theoretical framework for understanding such environments because it emphasizes the socially situated nature of learning and the critical role of tools in mediating learning. To examine how different aspects of discourse relate to each other, as well as to the tools being used in the collaborative learning process, it is important to understand how collaborative knowledge building unfolds and how these processes are mediated. This requires going beyond coding individual speech acts. The use of Chronologically-Ordered Representations of Discourse and Tool-Related Activity (CORDTRA) diagrams is one way of achieving this understanding. We use this to study contrasting cases of more and less successful groups using the STELLAR learning environment. STELLAR is an integrated online PBL environment for preservice teachers, containing a learning sciences hypermedia, a library of videocases, and online personal and collaborative spaces. Our analyses suggest that an important locus of differences is how students use resources and engage in different kinds of metacognitive talk and knowledge transforming activities, sometimes to the group’s detriment. Frequency analyses provided an easily interpreted snapshot of each group’s activity. The CORDTRA analyses provide a more dynamic view that helps researchers and teachers better understand how collaborative learning unfolds. Such analyses have implications for understanding new learning environments as well as helping identify where interventions might be needed.  相似文献   

Problem-based learning (PBL) is a student-centered instructional strategy in which students solve problems and reflect on their experiences. Different domains need different approaches in the design of PBL systems. Therefore, we present one case study in this article: A Java Programming PBL. The application is developed as an additional module for the Learning Management System (LMS). This way the LMS is extended by PBL functionality and the LMS learning resources can be used in PBL.  相似文献   

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