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This paper presents the results of investigations on reinforced concrete structures present in the former Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau concentration and extermination camp. Field inspection employing the non-destructive method of reinforcement potential measurement according to the ASTM-C 876–15 standard, followed by laboratory investigations performed on genuine historic reinforced concrete samples collected from the former Auschwitz camp, allowed assessment of the actual condition of this 70-year-old construction material. Electrochemical potential measurements allowed mapping of the regions characterized by enhanced reinforcement corrosion risk and the regions of its immunity. The composition of concrete, water absorbency, content of detrimental salts, and degree and profile of carbonation as well as mechanical properties were evaluated. Results revealed the most common and probable mechanism responsible for degradation of the reinforced concrete structures in the former Auschwitz camp.  相似文献   

工业文化遗产在历史学、社会学、建筑学等方面都具有非常重要的文化价值及研究价值,是世界文化遗产的重要组成部分。“孤点”式的保护难以彰显工业遗产的整体价值,难以串联城市的整体记忆和文脉,无法反映城市完整的文化内涵。基于文化更新、文化再生、文化传承等文化行走概念逐渐受到重视,图书馆通过挖掘工业遗产历史、科技、社会等多维价值,优化用户体验,推广工业遗产品牌文化,打造地方文化名片等方面的探讨,对于传承先进文化、保护和彰显城市文化底蕴和特色优势、推动区域经济社会可持续发展具有十分重要的意义。文章从再塑主体价值要素、价值评价、价值维度视角重构工业文化遗产价值的路径。  相似文献   

21世纪以来,在社会参与非遗保护的热潮中,档案学界对档案机构的参与寄予厚望,但本文通过文献调查发现,实践中档案机构的参与状况并不理想,呈现小规模和自发性的参与特点;参与方式虽体现出专业化优势,但存在较大的局限性;参与效果呈现边缘化和形式化窘境。作者认为缺乏动力、缺乏魄力、缺乏实力是造成档案机构参与状况不理想的主要原因。最后,文章提出在新时期档案机构应重新定位参与非遗保护的角色,把握文化治理趋势彰显档案馆的人文关怀,抓住记忆建构趋势开展非遗档案资源库建设,紧追人文研究趋势拓展非遗数字人文服务,重视文化服务趋势参与非遗专题资源整合共享,关注文化传播趋势加强非遗文化知识传播,正视文化传承趋势开展非遗档案知识服务。  相似文献   

文章以历史性逻辑为研究方法,以传统耕读文化为“母本”,观照其在时代变迁过程中的因循与发展,从遗产保护、价值传承、机制创新三个方面,为新时代乡村振兴视野下构建“新耕读文化”提供理论参考和实践创新思路。  相似文献   

从法律规范、管理规章和技术标准三个层面评述我国古籍善本保存与利用的现状,在参考于良芝教授《国外图书馆古籍保管与利用制度研究》一文的基础上,比较分析中外古籍善本保存与利用制度的异同,指出建立古籍保存与利用的职业规范是缓解当前古籍善本藏用矛盾的根本途径。  相似文献   

Conditions of relative humidity (RH) and temperature within museums and buildings holding collections of cultural heritage objects are often maintained around a strictly controlled set point of about 50 ± 5% RH and 20 or 21 ± 2°C to provide safe, stable conditions for hygroscopic artifacts. It has recently been proposed that these ranges should be relaxed to values that are less energy-intensive to maintain while still being safe for the objects in the collection, with the aim of reducing both carbon footprint and energy use. It is also suggested that conditions should be determined by the needs of individual objects and by the local climate of the region, rather than applying overall values across the museum as a whole. This proposal has led to much discussion within the conservation community. The suggested values, a stable humidity within the range 40–60% RH and a stable temperature within the range 16–25°C for most objects, apart from the most vulnerable, are derived from the results of experimental research on the responses of individual materials to particular conditions of RH and temperature, as well as observations of the behaviour of cultural heritage objects in their own environments and on loan. This paper describes briefly the historical and scientific background to the present discussion.  相似文献   

文化软实力实际是经济社会发展的硬支撑。物质生活发展到一定程度之后,科技与文化是决定现代人生活品味的关键元素。星元图书楼以"科技兴农"为重点,为地方经济社会建设服务;坚持送书下乡,为基层馆和基层人民群众服务;面向社区跟踪服务;抓住机遇,积极开展文化资源共享工程;以提高人的素质为抓手,以服务转变发展方式为突破口,为榆林经济社会实现科学发展,较好地发挥了一个公共图书馆的服务功能和教育职能。  相似文献   

选取IFLA数据库来自德国、波兰等33个国家的图书馆学会或协会所制定或修订的图书馆协会伦理准则。从形式和内容两方面,结合文化维度论中的不确定性规避指数(Uncer-taintv AvoidanceI ndex,UAI)及个人主义(individualism,IDV)两个指数对各专业伦理守则进行分析,解读各国文化差异是影...  相似文献   

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