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行为矫正技术是用于矫正各种危害健康的行为、指导建立各种促进健康行为的系列性技术.目前心理咨询与辅导中行为矫正技术的基本原理源于行为强化、行为消失、惩罚等心理学常用的行为矫正技术和方法,包括差别强化、塑造、行为契约、系统脱敏法、行为技能训练法等.行为矫正技术在建立良好行为、消除不良行为起到重要作用,从而为心理辅导工作者、教师、家长提供一条有效干预青少年问题行为的方法.  相似文献   

针对一例有攻击性行为的重度智障儿童,本文以行为主义为理论基础,通过对该儿童攻击性行为的观察和相关人员的访谈,分析产生行为问题的原因,运用行为矫正法尤其是正向行为支持法,辅以家庭疗法对儿童的攻击性行为进行矫正,最终取得明显改善问题行为的效果.本个案能为智障儿童问题行为的矫正和训练提供参考,同时也为未来行为矫正技术在重度智障儿童中的发展带来启示.  相似文献   

幼儿园中的问题行为,即不能遵守公认的正常儿童规范和道德标准,不能正常与人交往和参与学习的行为。[1]幼教工作者面临着如何矫正问题行为并培养我们所期望的行为这一重大任务。 一、行为矫正的理论基础 行为矫正依据的理论基础主要有经典条件反射理论、操作性条件反射理论、认知行为矫正理论和社会学习理论。早期的行为矫正主要依据经典条件反射理论和操作性条件反射理论,这两种  相似文献   

本文为一例多动症儿童的行为矫正案例研究.咨询师从儿童的行为原因以及心理需求为出发点,设计并实施干预措施.经过一个学期的持续辅导,取得显著效果,为多动症儿童问题行为矫正提供了新的思路.  相似文献   

本文重点介绍了一种常用的问题行为辅导方法一一行为矫正法.主要包括强化惩罚法、代币法,行为契约法、认知行为矫正法等多种方法和技术.在对问题行为进行矫正时,要综合运用多种方法使行为发生预期的变化,综合考虑自身、家庭、社会等诸方面的因素,从而促进儿童良好习惯的养成.  相似文献   

行为矫正是一种比较有效的心理治疗方法,在许多领域都有广泛的应用,尤其在儿童行为的改变上,行为矫正的作用更为显著。分别从建立希望行为和消除不良行为这两个方面,阐述如何运用行为矫正的方法以改变儿童的行为,从而使儿童朝着人们预期的方向健康成长。  相似文献   

儿童多动症是指儿童会表现出与年龄不相符注意力分散、不分场合的外显行为过度、情绪冲动等一组症候群。冲动行为表现为活动过多、注意力不集中、不合群、打断别人说话、适应能力差、缺乏自我克制能力、行为无目的等。通过个案来矫正多动症儿童的冲动行为的有效方法,运用家庭治疗、行为矫正中的消退法、角色扮演法、游戏治疗以及转移注意法等心理学方法来矫正其冲动行为颇有成效。在研究中也体会反思到了对于多动症儿童的矫正要注意方法。  相似文献   

魏志坤  郑如璐 《教育教学论坛》2012,(S5):196-197,143
行为矫正技术是心理治疗中的一个传统方法,是用于矫正各种危害健康行为、指导建立各种促进健康行为的系列技术。家庭教育是儿童接受教育的第一个场所,对孩子思想的成长以及对待事物的态度有着启发和引导的作用。而基于行为强化与惩罚原理的行为矫正技术,不仅可以作为消除孩子不良行为的工具,更可以促使良好行为的建立与培养,从而为家长进行家庭教育提供了一定的方式与方法。  相似文献   

行为矫正技术自二十世纪产生以来,就成为能够成功处理人类问题方法中的发展迅速者。在现代社会生活中,它是一种不可缺少的教育手段,大量的研究将行为矫正技术运用到儿童的行为塑造中。本文主要介绍了行为及行为矫正技术的含叉,并对多动症儿童的特征及成因作了阐述,最后介绍了行为矫正技术在多动症儿童身上的具体应用。  相似文献   

行为矫正是一种比较有效的心理治疗方法,在许多领域都有广泛的应用,尤其在儿童行为的改变上,行为矫正的作用更为显。分别从建立希望行为和消除不良行为这两个方面,阐述如何运用行为矫正的方法以改变儿童的行为,从而使儿童朝着人们预期的方向健康成长。  相似文献   

我国教师继续教育存在理论指导与教育模式单一、政策模糊与实施保障措施不力等问题,针对这些问题,一要丰富教师教育理论:从单一的专业化理论到“一总三分”理论,即行为改造理论、学习型组织理论、专业发展理论和职业生涯发展理论。二要改革教育模式:从单一的教育学院模式走向职前职后一体化模式。最后,微观上要制定相关质量标准,宏观上要制定三类政策与四大组织实施体系,以推进教师继续教育的可持续发展。  相似文献   

本文根据盲、聋童的行为特征和当今素质教育的要求 ,从理论上论述了非弱智儿童也需要行为矫正的帮助 ;同时对部分盲、聋校小学部教师和南京特师非弱智教育专业应届毕业生的调查结果反映 ,我国特师在非弱智教育专业开设“行为矫正”课程已是势在必行。  相似文献   

中国英语教育积弊已久,究其根本原因有二:1.盲目照搬国外教育模式;2.学生缺乏学习积极性。本文藉回顾与讨论《日本英语教育的一场争论》,反思中国英语教育的弊端与出路,结合中国国情以及英语的实用情况,提出几点建议与解决办法。  相似文献   

从供给侧改革这一视角审视高职院校劳动教育产生的新问题、新现象,通过问卷调查和访谈了解高职院校劳动教育供给现状和需求现状,并在此基础上探究影响大学生劳动行为的因素。研究发现,大学生个人的家庭经济状况与大学生劳动行为呈负相关;家庭对劳动教育的态度、朋辈群体的劳动行为、社会对劳动教育的支持度等变量对大学生的劳动行为产生正向影响。为提升高职院校的劳动教育效果,应加强大学生的劳动观念教育,拓展劳动教育的形式,发挥朋辈群体在劳动教育中的作用,建立家校政社联动教育机制。  相似文献   

Grounded in person–environment fit theory, this study examined whether low‐income mothers’ preferences for education moderated the effects of employment‐ and education‐focused welfare programs on children’s positive and problem behaviors. The sample included 1,365 families with children between ages 3 and 5 years at study entry. Results 5 years after random assignment, when children were ages 8–10 years, indicated that mothers’ education preferences did moderate program impacts on teacher‐reported child behavior problems and positive behavior. Children whose mothers were assigned to the education program were rated by teachers to have less externalizing behavior and more positive behavior than children whose mothers were assigned to the employment program but only when mothers had strong preferences for education.  相似文献   

Children with attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) evidence many problems in the classroom. Teacher in‐service training is routinely used to inform school professionals about a number of special topics; however, the efficacy of such in‐service training for ADHD has not been established. The present study examined the efficacy of brief in‐service training focused on evidence‐based assessment and treatment of ADHD. Teachers from six schools (N = 142) in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area were randomly assigned at the school level to receive in‐service training immediately or to a waitlist control group that received in‐service training 1 month later. Measures of ADHD knowledge and use of behavior modification techniques were obtained at pre‐‐ and post‐‐in‐service intervention. Results indicated that the in‐service training resulted in increased ADHD knowledge. Special education teachers also reported increased use of behavior modification techniques resulting from the in‐service training. Clinical and research implications are presented. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Universal public education may be a mirage if we consider the role that behavior policies play in providing mechanisms by which schools can disentitle nonconforming students. In traditional schools, students are legally suspended or expelled from school for disruptive behavior, habitual neglect of duty, or chronic absenteeism through policies that encourage the exit of difficult students rather than addressing their problems. This article includes an overview of behavior and attendance policies in Canadian schools and a discussion of a sample of schools in which policies have been revised to provide alternative programs designed to meet the needs of all students, especially those who are at risk. These schools work with other social agencies to address the problems associated with high dropout rates instead of expelling students who have problems.  相似文献   

System‐wide practices in schools should diminish the occurrence of children's problem behavior that is deleterious to academic achievement. The current study examined the relationship between variables that affect classroom behavior and observed behavior in schools with and without a theoretically based character education program. Observational data from 12 elementary schools compared control and treatment conditions on classroom disruption, and examined the influences of class size and percentage of students receiving a free or reduced price lunch (FRL). Results showed a weaker relationship between class size, FRL, and behavior problems within the character education schools than in control schools and that the character education program may have had a stronger influence in schools with a high percentage of students eligible for FRL. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Current reviews of teacher education pay considerable attention to problems associated with the practicum, and often claim to propose major changes in order to improve the quality of new graduates. Many of the problems they address concerning the practicum and its relation to the ‘theoretical’ component of programs are longstanding, and have been the focus of sustained critique and consequent ongoing modification. Between 1900 and 1950 teacher educators and administrators in England and Australia sought to develop programs that balanced and integrated theory and practice, supported by a range of teaching and administrative procedures. They identified a range of problems in staffing, curriculum and pedagogy, school placements and supervision, and explored a wide range of possible solutions to those problems from minor adjustments to substantial reconceptualisations of whole programs. However, many such solutions generated further problems of their own. The analysis of the history of the practicum in teacher preparation indicates how firmly contemporary proposals are embedded within the framework of assumptions and approaches that have shaped teacher education for over a century.  相似文献   

青少年网络德育新视角:网络道德心理教育   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
应对网络化带来的冲击,成为当前青少年德育工作的重要内容,在网络化背景下,青少年的道德心理在认知、情感、意志和行为各方面出现了许多新问题。青少年网络德育必须触及青少年道德问题的根本,从道德心理角度切入,制定切实有效的方法,培养青少年统一、和谐的网络道德心理,从而提高网络德育的实效性。  相似文献   

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