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This study offers several options for performing literary works judged problematic, discusses those options in relationship to four literary texts, and examines some of the theoretical implications surrounding the options.  相似文献   

A paper read at the first regular meeting of the Osler Society of McGill University, October 19, 1921.  相似文献   

The economic situation of higher education, creation of vast digital collections, restructuring of knowledge production and distribution, and changing technologies and work practices give libraries incentives collectively to address a number of opportunities. Among these is adopting a radically collaborative approach to print collections. We extrapolate from shared print programs in the United States in 2012 a vision for print collections in the 2020s and discuss the developments needed to achieve it. This vision is the desirable outcome of libraries’ defining their mission less in terms of serving local interests with local means than collectively serving students and scholars.  相似文献   

营造书香校园重塑书香民族   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
论文论述了“营造书香校园”的起因,以及推进书香校园建设的措施与新的设想。  相似文献   

今年,国家科学基金会(NSF)在文学型科学报道上的投资翻了一番.实际上,资金增加了5倍. 2010年,国家科学基金会给亚利桑那州立大学的老师拨款5万美元开设一门报道科学和革新政策的课程,让12位作家/交流者和12位学者/研究者进行“创造性的非虚构作品写作”.今年,该基金会为该课程提供了25万美元后续资助,目标是为参加者讲授如何使用“叙事学、情景描写和讲故事”的方式吸引普通读者和观众.  相似文献   

在一个平常的日子里,我慕名拜访了中国现代文学馆馆长舒乙先生. 中国现代文学馆是中国现代文学的资料中心,具有国家级博物馆性质,集文学博物馆、文学图书馆、文学档案馆和文学资料研究及交流中心的功能于一身.它的主要任务是收集、保管、整理、研究中国现当代作家的著作、手稿、译本、书信、日记、录音、录像、照片、文物等文学档案资料和有关的著作评论以及文学期刊、报纸等.  相似文献   

Young adult literature can be used to enhance students' understanding of literary techniques and concepts, providing a “transition” between children's and adult fiction. Two young adult novels—The Pigman andI am the Cheese—are used to illustrate the use of young adult novels to teach about literary elements such as tome, point of view, characterization, motif, symbolism, style, and structure. Maia Pank Mertz areas of specialization include the teaching of young adult literature, literature study, and the impact of media on adolescents.  相似文献   

论优秀著作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论优秀著作倪波Abstract:TheexcellentworksaretheculturalCreamofhumanSociety,butmasynothaveareadingmarket.Theexcelintworkshaveadifferen...  相似文献   

Today it would be hard to imagine the publishing world without literary agents. But agents are relative newcomers. The first arrived on the British literary scene some time in the late 1870s; A. P. Watt is generally regarded as the first true agent. It was Watt who defined the role and function of the agent and established a standard of conduct by which his contemporaries and successors were measured. Watt’s activities had great impact on the business of publishing and on the types of literature writers produced. In fact, the agent was one of the main factors in the radical transformation of the publishing world that occurred at the end of the nineteenth century. This article looks at Watt’s legacy: it focuses on both the publishing world and the institution of the literary agency. It suggests that Watt was a dominant force in both and that, without him, literary agency might not have prospered so well or so quickly. She studied at Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar and received her D.Phil. in 1988. She is working on a book about the British literary agent.  相似文献   

<中国出版通史>的出版是我国图书出版界的一件盛事.这部图书是国家社科基金的一个重点项目,它的问世,填补了出版学科发展的一个空白,是出版学科建设的一个重要里程碑,值得热烈祝贺.应当说,新闻出版总署也因此为中国出版事业和出版学科的繁荣发展,为哲学社会科学的繁荣发展,为中国文化软实力的建设,做了一件功不可没的好事.<中国出版通史>主要有以下几个特点:  相似文献   

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