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Measurements have been made of the residual ionization in a closed vessel of steel one inch thick, shielded by a two inch casing of lead, over a range of pressure from atmospheric to one thousand pounds per sq. inch, at Pike's Peak (alt. 14,000 ft.), Colorado Springs (alt. 6,ooo ft.), and New Haven (alt. 6,000 ft.). The ionization-pressure curves presents features of interest in relation to the interpretation of the processes associated with ionization in the vessel. However, in the present investigation they are used simply to obtain average relative value of the ionization due to the cosmic rays at the three altitudes concerned. A method of correcting the observations for absorption by the iron sphere, the lead case, and the walls of the buildings, has been developed. It is found that the data for the three stations can be correlated by the assumption of a pair of frequencies in the original cosmic radiation; and, as a matter of fact, an infinite number of such pairs are possible. They are represented in graphical form in Fig. 7 If we permit the assumption of three different frequencies in the cosmic radiation, it is possible in general to assign two of the frequencies, and determine an infinite number of possibilities as regards the third, distributed over a definite range. The possibilities inherent in the assumption of three frequencies are contained in tabular form in Table XVII. Of course, the inclusion of observations from more than three altitudes would serve to fix more definitely the possibility as regards the analysis. However, the result of the analysis for the three stations concerned is possibly of interest for comparison with other data, and as an indication of the kind of information which it is possible to extract from observations of this kind. It is probable that the very large range of possibilities inherent in a solution with three coefficients of absorption will be rather surprising to anyone who considers a situation of this kind for the first time.In addition to those whose assistance has already been acknowledged, I wish to acknowledge the assistance of Professor J. W. Broxon, who visited me while on Pike's Peak, and assisted in setting up the apparatus; and my thanks are due to Mr. C. A. Kotterman, and particularly to Mr. Andrew Longacre, and Mr. W. E. Ramsey for assistance in the reduction of the observations, and in the computational work.  相似文献   

今年是宇宙线发现100周年。本文回顾了宇宙线研究在中国的传入和发展历程,重点考察了我国早期留学物理学者的前沿工作、云南高山站的建立、宇宙线研究所的拟议和停办、高山乳胶室的发展,并简要论述了20世纪80年代以来的超高能现象研究和天体物理研究。宇宙线研究在中国的曲折历程是我国基础科学发展的缩影,科学知识扩展的需要是科学仪器和科学机构发展变化的内在动力。  相似文献   

宇宙线和超高能天体物理是当代基础科学的重要前沿学科。我国和日本在西藏进行的宇宙线合作研究,是当前我国宇宙线研究的重要组成部分。由于在高海拔的地面可以观测到更多的宇宙线高能粒子,宇宙线研究最好能在数千米高山上进行,而日本没有4000米以上的高山。中日两国的合作研究酝酿于1978年,正式合作从1980年开始。实验基地设在拉萨附近的曲水县甘巴拉山(海拔5500米)上,探测手段是由铅板和X光片组成的量能器,主要记录超高能宇宙线粒子在大气中产生的空气簇射的轴心附近的高能粒子束,进而研究粒子核作用特性和原初…  相似文献   

1科学背景宇宙线是来自宇宙深处的高能粒子流,主要由质子和多种元素的原子核组成,它携带着宏观宇宙、微观世界和空间环境的科学信息,联系着宇宙的历史、天体的演化、空间  相似文献   

学界广泛认为科学知识社会学的强纲领与传统认识论存在严重冲突。文章将对这种冲突作进一步的辨析,认为以对称性原则为核心的强纲领只是与认识论的外在论相冲突,而与认识论的内在论是一致的。强纲领认识论的反实在论思想将其推至极端的相对主义。  相似文献   

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