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我国大学知识品性缺失的制度根源剖析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国大学知识品性的缺失有其深刻的制度根源:大学与外界的关系以政府集权控制为特征;大学组织内部运作呈制度安排行政化取向。而我国大学制度的痼疾与大学自治、学术自由的长期缺失直接相关。因此,建立中国现代大学制度的当务之急就是要遵循大学自治、学术自由的原则,恢复大学之所以为大学的知识权威地位。  相似文献   

This article assesses the impact of the Bologna Process on the grading schemes of EU member countries. In light of some problems regarding the implementation of the European Credit Transfer system (ECTS), the author proposes further reforms and offers some elements of a unified grading system for European higher education. The author explores the variation among Europe's grading systems and the resulting lessons learned are shared here. Lastly, this article also argues that principles of justice and fairness, deemed central to academic freedom, are best upheld by the use of a unified grading system at national and European levels.  相似文献   

学术自由、知识与社会   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This article addresses the issue of academic freedom as one of the fundamental principles central to modern university,discussing its importance for the society,exploring how the concept is socially constructed from a historical perspective,and revealing that underlying the notion is desirability of knowledge.This article then identifies threats and challenges to academic freedom western universities face mainly in the contemporary context.At last,academic freedom is discussed in the Chinese context,followed by a reconstruction of academic freedom as a universal ideal.  相似文献   

高校教师从事的是学术职业。基于学术职业和学术职业主体地位的高校组织的特点,高校教师管理具有自身的特征:严格学术标准、强调学术自治、遵循学术自由、重视学术成就与声望等。  相似文献   

美国大学学术自由演绎的文化视角   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从文化视角分析美国大学学术自由的演绎进程,可以看出,就精神文化层面而言,崇尚自由是美国大学学术自由发端的动力;就传统文化层面而言,实用主义是美国大学学术自由的主流价值取向;就组织与制度文化层面而言,专业组织、法规条例以及协商制度是美国大学学术自由的外部保障与规范;就道德文化层面而言,学术责任与学术道德是美国大学学术自由的内部反省与自律.美国大学学术自由在精神文化中产生,在文化冲突与演绎中不断发展.  相似文献   

大学本质观是对实施中等以上教育的组织机构存在与发展原因的一种系统理性的认识,它是人们认识大学其他观念的基础。从不同的角度来看大学所形成的大学本质观虽然都有一定的道理,但从大学运行发展的角度认识大学所形成的学术自由的大学本质观更能反映大学的本质。从学理上对大学的内外环境进行分析及对大学发展历史与现实的考察后发现,虽然学术自由更能体现大学的本质,但大学的本质不是学术自由,而是学术自由性与受控性双重属性的对立统一。这种新的大学本质观是一种全面辩证的大学本质观,是从大学现实本质的分析来把握大学的本质,是从大学的学术自由性与受控性的矛盾运动中来分析和理解大学的改革与发展。这种新的大学本质观有利于人们从理论上破解中国大学当前改革所产生的难题,并使人们能根据这种新本质观去选择恰当的政策和策略来更有效地推进大学改革  相似文献   

Israel's Planning and Grants Committee (PGC) was formed in 1974 to function as an intermediary body between the higher education system and the government in financing of higher education institutions. The PGC is largely composed of academics from universities. It was meant to guarantee both academic freedom of the higher educational system while providing for greater accountability. However, the PGC has increased its involvement in higher education and assumed also the role of planning the system as a whole and regulating the development of individual universities.This article analyzes the effects of PGC policies on Israel's universities in general and specific acts which have restricted institutional autonomy and might further limit their academic freedom.  相似文献   

西方学术自由:走向自觉的历程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对西方学术自由从不自觉走向自觉历程的分析,认为学术自由是伴随着大学的产生而产生,学术自由的直接起源不在古希腊而在中世纪大学,在学术与宗教信仰、学术与国家、学术与人类社会进步的诸种关系得以解决之后,以柏林大学的建立为标志,学术自由开始成为大学的自觉要求。  相似文献   

学术自由与我国大学科层体制的改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学术自由是大学知识创新的必备条件,也是世界著名大学走向学术辉煌的成功经验之一。然而,我国大学的学术自由正被“科层化”管理体制所侵蚀。为促进学术繁荣,我国大学有必要改革僵化的管理制度,调整权力的分配结构,在法律允许的范围之内尽可能释放学术自由。  相似文献   

This article reviews federal case law that address a college instructor’s right to academic freedom over classroom activities. This review shows that the federal courts have defined a college instructor’s academic freedom rights narrowly in terms of the instructor’s classroom activities. Institutions have a great deal of latitude to regulate an instructor’s classroom speech, grading practices, and general manner of teaching a particular college-level course.  相似文献   

制度文化是大学文化的重要组成部分,在大学的发展过程中起着至关重要的作用。大学需要制度的建构,但制度对大学理念也存在限制和割舍,这是一种实践中的遗憾。在教师选聘和学术自由中,制度文化的实践存在诸多遗憾和内在缺陷,致使大学难以选拔到优秀学者和学术自由的误用。因此,科学的制度设计应该极力避免这些遗憾和缺陷,坚持崇高的学术标准,以使大学选聘到优秀学者,并真正实现教师教学和研究的自由以及学生的学习自由。而这些都有赖于现代大学制度的建立和完善。  相似文献   

美国大学学术自由的特色   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
美国大学学术自由深受德国学术自由传统的影响,然而美国独特的文化传统和实用主义的精神赋予了美国学术自由崭新的内涵.外行董事会管理大学的学术管理体制是美国大学不断产生学术自由问题的主要原因,学术自由与终身聘任制的紧密结合是美国学术自由的突出特征,从而形成了美国特色的学术自由.  相似文献   

自治·自由·责任:马克斯·韦伯的大学观   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对20世纪前后德国大学面临的难题和危机,马克斯.韦伯以其独特的学术视野分析了危害德国大学自治、学术自由的根源,反对大学的官僚化制度,捍卫大学自治和学术自由的传统,恪守大学讲坛上“价值中立”,呼吁学者们树立以学术为志业的责任感等。韦伯的大学理念无疑有助于我们进一步深化对现代大学本质及特征的认识和理解。  相似文献   

论我国大学学术自由精神的培育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学组织是学术性组织,追求真知、修正谬误、坚持真理、捍卫理想和正义、传递高深知识是现代大学的使命。大学与社会其他部门有不同的运行逻辑,学术自由是大学实现其使命的“护身符”,是大学进行任何创新活动的先决条件。要实现大学的学术自由,首要的是培育和弘扬学术自由的精神。为此,在大学学术活动中,正确认识学术发展的规律是前提,解放思想、解除禁锢、形成争鸣讨论的机制是关键,完善学术制度、实现大学自治是保证。  相似文献   

早在西方大学产生之初,大学及其学者社群就通过身份依附策略、刚性斗争策略、柔性独立策略以及合作共生策略,赢得了充分民事权、独立司法权、税役豁免权以及学术自由权。广泛的社会特权使新兴大学和学者社群实现了对知识操作和学术生活的垄断、赢得了社会的尊重和重视、切实构建了现代大学的学术自由传统,但也诱使大学和学者社群出现了贵族化倾向、滋生了学术腐败。因此必须理性审视大学和学者社群的社会特权。  相似文献   

学术自由与学术规范互相联系,对立统一,是教授治学的前提和基础。但在我国大学学术活动中,学术自由的缺乏与学术规范的缺失,束缚了大学教授对真理的追求。对此,分析原因,建构有利于教授治学的学术自由与学术规范是当务之急。  相似文献   

This article explores assessment policy in two European universities with different political, historical and social backgrounds: the University of Glasgow and Tallinn University. The University of Glasgow is a well-established Russell Group university in the UK; Tallinn University is a relatively new university in post-Soviet Estonia, shaped by very recent neoliberalisation processes. By applying a Foucauldian theorisation and Faircloughian methodology, this article approaches assessment policy as not only relating to institutional contexts but also national and global policy environments. The article argues that the assessment policy in Glasgow relates to globally dominant neoliberal discourses of accountability and excellence. These discourses have turned assessment into a complex technology of government that manages educational processes as well as academic and student subjectivities. While Tallinn University is shaped by neoliberalism at strategic levels, the policy documents in Tallinn still indicate a strong sense of local tradition where regulations have a modest impact on academic freedom and assessors’ disciplinary power over students.  相似文献   

Analysing foundation charters, this article explores the various purposes universities have been said to serve at different periods of time, how the distinction between universities and other educational establishments has been made, and how the actions of the academic community have been justified. The data consist of 225 charters of foundation from the year 1224 to 1999. Granted by rulers, the charters depict universities as being suited to serve widely differing purposes, such as furthering the material and spiritual prosperity of the nation and the local community, strengthening the right faith and training public servants. Charters granted universities privileges such as the status of studium generale and ius ubique docendi, a universal teaching licence. These privileges created a foundation for all later principles generally applicable to the academic world. The universities originating in academic guilds founded for the protection of scholars have always been answerable to societal demands. A certain degree of loyalty by academic people to those in power has, in turn, secured the universities and the academic community their vital integrity and freedom of opinion, publication and research.  相似文献   

美国宪法及法律并无学术自由的明确规定,但法院根据宪法法案对一系列案件的解释和判决,赋予学术自由以宪法地位,使学术自由概念本身成为融合了宪法原则和学术观念的司法概念.但法院同时又为学术自由设定边界,通过教师权利与学校利益、社会利益的平衡,保证高等教育公共性的实现.  相似文献   

Academic freedom is best understood not as an abstract universal principle or an ideal state of being but as concrete university practices nested in specific relational environments. As such, practices of academic freedom vary across the world, according to variations in political cultures, educational cultures and state-university relations. The article discusses these variations with particular reference to differences between universities associated with the limited liberal states of the English-speaking world, and those associated with comprehensive East Asian states in the Sinic tradition, including China. Given the different traditions there is no point in imposing judgments on one system in terms of the norms of another, but worth exploring the potential for common ground. Any world-wide approach to academic freedom would need to combine a universal element with space for context-specific elements.  相似文献   

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