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对于在传统校园学习的学生而言,进行远程学习的成人与教师面对面的机会很少,这就决定了自主学习对于成人学生的重要性。现今在教育领域里研究自主学习的文献很多,而研究远程成人学习者自主学习方面的文献则不多。文章拟通过内容分析法、文献调研等方法对远程成人学习者自主学习研究的相关文献进行综述,以期了解目前的研究现状和存在的问题。  相似文献   

远程开放教育是现代教育发展的方向。本试就远程开放教育的特点和规律,阐述构建自主学习模式的可行性。章通过对学员目前自主学习能力状况的调查、分析和对比,提出必须进一步加强对学员学习方法的指导,强化、优化学员自主学习的意识和能力。另外,还针对当前实施开放教育过程中存在的一些问题,从理念的更新、角色的转换和提供教学支持服务上作了一些探索,以促使学员尽快地学会自主学习,成为学习的主人。  相似文献   

移动学习在现代远程教育中的应用研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
移动学习是继数字化学习后出现的又一新型学习模式,如何充分有效地使用移动通讯技术来辅助远程教学和学习成为现代远程教育研究的一个新的热点。本文在对移动学习特点阐述的基础上分析了移动学习在现代远程教育中应用的可行性,并构建了基于移动终端的学习支持系统和移动学习中远程自主学习模型,最后对当前技术下可用的应用模式进行探讨,旨在为从事移动学习研究和远程教育应用的教育工作者提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

远程自主学习者个人学习因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国成人教育发展方兴未艾,自主学习机制作为成人教育的核心理论基础在欧美等国研究已经有几十年时间,其中,个人学习相关因素是自主学习成功与否的关键.通过对自主学习理论框架内个人因素的总结并以此为基础设计变量对部分远程学习者的问卷调查研究表明,我国远程自主学习者的个人学习能力总体而言已经严重影响到学习效果.因此,对远程学习者的自主学习能力的个人因素要加以重视,加强对远程学习者的学习技能、学习知识等方面的教育.  相似文献   

目前,如何提升学习者的自主学习能力,促使学习者尽早适应新的教学模式已成为了远程教育研究领域中的一个重要课题。本文通过介绍三个有代表性的自主学习模型,基于它们对自主学习心理机制所作的阐释,试就如何培养远程学习者的自主学习能力进行了论述。  相似文献   

自主学习是远程教育的一种基本的学习方式,所以,对我省远程开放教育试点学生的自主学习现状进行调查和分析,将会促进我省远程开放教育工作和教学质量的提高。  相似文献   

本文从我国实施素质教育的要求出发,并根据远程开放教育的四大特点:开放性、适应性、多样性和高效性,对如何在开放教育条件下提高学生自主学习的质量进行了调查与研究。作者通过问卷调查,了解了目前远程学习者基于网络进行自主学习的现状,并对调查中反映的问题提出了一些思考和建议。  相似文献   

对远程自主学习涵义的界定与辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中外学习理论的指导下,对远程自主学习的特征进行分析,对其涵义进行界定非常必要。对几个易混淆的概念,如自主学习与自学、自主学习与个别化学习的异同等,我们也应该辨析清楚。  相似文献   

从自主学习的特征和远程学习者学习的特点来看,自主学习是电大远程学习者的一种主要的学习方式,电大教师应充分利用信息技术对自主学习的支持作用,进行精心的信息化教学设计,设计的重点是自主学习活动。  相似文献   

学习环境的创设对远程开放教育至关重要,也是教学设计的重要构成部分。近年来教学设计领域发展的新趋势对网络环境下的自主学习产生了深刻启示,结合有关教学设计的理论与实践,探讨远程自主学习环境中直观情境、知识情境、问题情境等的创设,以促进远程学习者的自主学习,提高远程教与学的效率。  相似文献   

本文从我国实施素质教育的要求出发,并根据远程开放教育的四大特点开放性、适应性、多样性和高效性,对如何在开放教育条件下提高学生自主学习的质量进行了调查与研究.作者通过问卷调查,了解了目前远程学习者基于网络进行自主学习的现状,并对调查中反映的问题提出了一些思考和建议.  相似文献   

农村教育问题是农村发展战略的核心。文章根据农村远程教育的特点。通过教学实践,从面授课教学、小组协作学习、实践教学、自主学习等几个方面。对农村远程教育多种教学模式的运用作了一些探索和反思,为构筑农村远程教育体系,促进教学互动,深化教学改革提供一些思路。  相似文献   

Due to the speedy emergent investigation in self-directed learning (SDL) over the past 40 years, SDL is an education technique used progressively within tertiary institutions. SDL can be well-defined in terms of the amount of accountability the student accepts for his or her own learning. The self-directed students regarding learning take control and apply self-determination to learn what they view as imperative for themselves. The amount of control the students are keen to take over their own learning will depend on their assertiveness, aptitudes and personality characteristics. The article thus explores what individual features and characteristics can define the student who is involved in SDL; What capabilities and characteristics need to be grasped by the students who are involved in SDL? Therefore, the objective of the article was to identify characteristics of the self-directed learner in the context of teacher education. Based on our conclusion, it is clear that teacher-students should challenge themselves within this process of SDL development to participate in SDL opportunities. The characteristics of SDL teacher-students must be strengthened to promote their self-directedness with regard to learning and it is also the lecturer’s task to create a class atmosphere of SDl to inculcate and develop SDL characteristics in students.  相似文献   

开放教育强调学生的自主学习。师生可以处于准永久性的分离状态。因此开放教育毕业设计指导不完全同于普通高校的毕业设计指导,如何进行远程开放条件下毕业设计的指导是值得研究的课题。以长沙广播电视大学的实践为例。对开放教育毕业设计指导的模式、过程指导、提前介入和过程质量监控进行了研究,提出了有一定价值的模式和方法。  相似文献   

This article reports on a case of participatory self-directed online learning within the context of a graduate-level instructional technology course. The course was about online learning environments and relied on both asynchronous and synchronous technologies. In this case, the instructor and students engaged in collaborative course design through one of the assignments where student teams and the instructor led one week’s worth of course activities and discussions. This article begins with a discussion of the literature on participatory self-directed online learning. Then, the article presents an overview of the course design, detailed discussion of the assignment that framed student participatory self-directed learning and two examples of student assignments. The framing question for organising this case was as follows: What lessons can a team of graduate students and the instructor learn about self-directed participatory online learning from a collaborative design project? The article ends with the overall lessons learned from the case and implications to future design of online activities.  相似文献   

This article applies the concept of classroom community to asynchronous learning networks (ALNs) by taking on the issue of how best to design and implement a course that fosters community among learners who are physically separated from each other. The following factors that can influence sense of community among distant learners are examined: student–instructor ratio, transactional distance, social presence and instructor immediacy, lurking, social equality, collaborative learning, group facilitation, and self-directed learning.  相似文献   

梁卿 《职业技术教育》2012,33(10):81-84
20世纪90年代以来,国外学者将自主学习研究延伸到职业教育领域.国外学者的研究表明,在职业教育中开展自主学习,培养学生的自主学习能力十分必要,但受学习环境、教师和学生等因素的影响,在自主学习实践中存在着评价与自主学习的要求不一致、学生缺乏自主学习的意愿和能力、教师对学生能否进行自主学习持怀疑态度等问题.这些研究不仅特点鲜明,而且具有重要意义,但也存在一些不足,有待进一步改进.  相似文献   

自我导向性学习与教师专业发展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
教师专业发展具有个体性、主动性、内在性等特征,而自我导向性学习则能很好地适应教师专业发展的这些特点。文章在介绍自我导向性学习的含义与特点的基础上,对自我导向性学习与教师专业发展的关系以及如何促进教师的自我导向性学习进行了阐述。  相似文献   


While retrieval practice has been studied for over a century, it has gained a significant body of research within the past fifteen years in cognitive psychology and the learning sciences. However, there is little discussion in its study and application within topics of adult learning. In this article, we examine the historical and philosophical foundations of self-directed learning and retrieval practice and advocate for functional contextualism as a philosophy of science for self-directed learning research. Functional contextualism provides a synthesis between the norms of humanism and the scientific focus of cognitivism. Particularly, we look at retrieval practice as a potential area of research within self-directed learning, viewing it as an ‘act-in-context’. We hope this article reinvigorates research into self-directed learning, particularly the investigation of empirically-based self-guided learning strategies, the facilitation of metacognition for self-directed adult learners, and the adoption of a functional contextual approach to self-directed learning and other adult learning topics.  相似文献   

适当开展信息技术学科的研究性学习活动,能有效地培养学生自主学习能力和创新精神,达到培养和提高信息素养的目的。在新课改理念下,对信息技术学科研究性学习的具体组织和实施做一些有益的尝试。  相似文献   

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