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This paper describes a teaching method used in an electrical machines course, where the students learn about electrical machines by designing them. The aim of the course is not to teach design, albeit this is a side product, but rather to teach the fundamentals and the function of electrical machines through design. The teaching method is evaluated by a student questionnaire, designed to measure the quality and effectiveness of the teaching method. The results of the questionnaire conclusively show that this method labelled ‘learning through design’ is a very effective way of teaching a components-based course. This teaching method can easily be generalised and used in other courses.  相似文献   

行动研究与教师的职业发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行动研究是教师主导的课堂教学研究,立足于通过教师的反思解决实际问题,近年来在师资培训领域中受到越来越多的重视。行动研究不仅能够增强教师对教学过程的自我评价和自我决策能力,而且有助于教学理论与课堂实践的有机结合,成为教师自身发展和完善的有效途径。  相似文献   

合作学习的效果取决于教师对于合作学习理念的理解与方法的掌握。在教师培训过程中,通过合作学习活动让教师掌握合作学习方法,是一种十分有效的途径。这一活动通过对合作学习五个基本问题的个体学习、同桌学习、小组学习、全班共享学习的不断推进,不仅让学员形成关于合作学习的理性认识并转变其观念,而且让教师参与式体验了合作学习的过程与方法。此项活动所形成的学习模式,不仅可以运用到教师培训的其他方面,而且可以通过教师的迁移运用到其课堂教学活动中学生的合作学习过程之中。  相似文献   

《机械基础》课程改革研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
《机械基础》是为培养机械制造业人才的设计机械、机械零件和掌握检测技术的一门实用技术课程。以理论“必需、够用、精干、简明”为原则,优化整合课程,并通过“机械基础实习——课堂教学——综合设计训练”三段式教学方法达到教学目标。改革教学手段,采用多媒体教学,以提高学生自主学习性和培养学生的创新意识。  相似文献   

As part of a program of research on the feasibility and utility of automated training devices, teaching machines, for perceptual-motor skills, a comparative study has been made of human operators and computer-simulated learning-machines learning a high order tracking task under a variety of conditions.One outcome of this study has been to suggest, through the similarity of learning phenomena shown by men and machines, that there are important characteristics of learning which may be divorced from the particular physical realisation of a learning device, and hence are entirely conditioned by the learning environment. This has practical implications for training and for the evaluation of training devices, since a general theory of learning phenomena may be developed and standard learning artifacts may be used in the optimization of training techniques.This paper analyses training as a control problem in the state-space of the adaption-automaton of the trainee, and develops a strategy for training based upon the epistemological problems of the trainee. A specific feedback training controller for a class of tracking skills is then outlined and its behaviour investigated theoretically and experimentally. Finally, a major experiment involving the training of both humans and learning machines under a variety of conditions is described and analysed.  相似文献   

实践性学习认为实践性学习即在工作中的学习 ,实际上是一种实践与学习相结合的过程 ,是知识与经验的统一。实践性学习使教学效果优化。因此商科类高职教育培养模式可以分为四个阶段即理论 -尝试 -行动 -反思。  相似文献   

文章针对地方高校培养应用型人才的特点,对机械工程基础类课程进行了基于创新能力培养的课程改革,使学生以创新项目为载体,解决科学问题并总结表达其过程及成果。对于机械工程基础类课程的学习,可培养学生围绕具体创新项目,在项目探索与实践的过程中,以项目组的形式展开学习和实践,培养学生发现问题与解决问题的能力,以及应用型研究能力。为了提高大学生机械工程基础学习和实践能力,需要形成基于课堂学习和基于创新项目学习的两大学习主线,结合教育改革和教学方法改革,把基于创新项目的学习贯穿于教学计划内外和本科学习的全过程。  相似文献   

研究生教学存在着目标狭窄、研究性和自主性不足、评价随意等弊病。情境学习是最适合为研究生的教学改革提供理论指导的一种学习理论。从情境学习理论的视角看,研究生的教学应是高层次的素质教育,可以采取构建学习共同体、提供案例、强化实践教学、促进反思、实施过程性与自主性评价等具体的教学策略。  相似文献   

教学理论指导教学实践建构与之相适应的教学模式是教育研究的科学方向之一。介绍先进的教学模式是为多样化的现代教育提供可资借鉴的样式,是为学校教育做科学化的实践性诠释。“先学后教,当堂训练”是江苏省洋思中学在语文教学中的新教学模式,值得借鉴。可借此模式的建构阐释语文课堂教学的新转变。  相似文献   

Recent research in the areas of cognitive psychology and student learning involves changed conceptions of the natures of learning and of teaching, with promising implications for the enhancement of tertiary teaching. A model of learning is presented, proposing that the teaching context, students' approaches to learning, and the outcomes of learning, form a system in a state of equilibrium. Three approaches to enhancing teaching follow from the model: additive, interactive, and contextual. Additive approaches ignore both students' approaches to learning and the institutional context, and are relatively ineffective. Genuine improvements in student learning involve interactive and contextual approaches to teaching, which can be activated through appropriate staff development.  相似文献   

Teaching and research: Establishing the vital link with learning   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Much time and effort has gone into trying to demonstrate an empirical link between research activity and teaching performance. In general, the correlations between these factors have been shown to be low. This paper argues that the attempt to find such a link will always be confounded by different conceptions of the two enterprises. The debate about the relationships between teaching and research as presently conceived is not fruitful. It there is a link between the two it operates through that which teaching and research have in common; both are concerned with the act of learning, though in different contexts. Greater emphasis needs to be placed on the ways in which knowledge is generated and communicated. Those aspects of teaching which lead to learning and the learning which occurs through research provide the vital link. This is important if the debate is to progress beyond a political defence of the status quo and be of practical use to considerations of whether, in higher education, teaching without research is to be encouraged.  相似文献   

职业教育学的研究起源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从职业教育学的角度,职业教育研究萌芽于16世纪的前工业化时期,从早期行会的视域中脱离出来,开始关注社会需求。工业化时期的职业教育研究较多地致力于师资培养、学校教学、信息分类及结构化,并形成了支撑体系的著述、期刊与机构。后工业化时期,关注点侧重于职教政策、人才培养、职普融通、课程及标准化等问题,研究机构进一步完善。近来,研究标准的确立,典型试验与伴随研究,工作与学习及人格发展等,成为需要优先关注的领域。  相似文献   

This research paper identifies the way in which Minecraft Edu can be used to contribute to the teaching and learning of secondary students via a multiple case research study. Minecraft Edu is recognised as a gamification tool that enables its users to create and evaluate project-based learning activities within a classroom context. Learning through edugames was found to enhance learning as well as allow students to attain overall learning outcomes. This permitted an enhancement of engagement, collaboration, the creation of authentic learning activities as well as the attainment of learning outcomes. The role of the teacher was also found to play a considerable role in students attaining these twenty-first-century teaching and learning capabilities.  相似文献   

Now it has become a fashion in our society that young learners aged from 6 or even younger participate in foreign language learning.With the Second Language Acquisition theories,it is believed that learning a foreign language from the childhood can facilitate the learning.Children need a teaching method which conforms to their psychological and physical characteristics.American psychologist James Asher develops Total Physical Response,which advocates leaning through physical actions.He believes that children should learn a foreign language happily and confidently,just like the process of acquiring their mother tongue.However,Total Physical Response can not be applied effectively in the teaching process due to children's instincts and characteristics.If there is a way or strategy which takes advantage of children's characteristics and control their behavior in class,the teaching results would be more satisfying.  相似文献   

Present-day students are expected to be lifelong learners throughout their working life. Higher education must therefore prepare students to self-direct their learning beyond formal education, in real-life working settings. This can be achieved in so-called hybrid learning configurations in which working and learning are integrated. In such a learning configuration, learning is typically trans-boundary in nature and embedded in ill-structured, authentic tasks. The goal of this study is to develop a set of design guidelines for an intervention that would strengthen students’ capacity for self-directed lifelong learning within a hybrid learning configuration, a one-semester elective course at a university of applied sciences in the Netherlands. The research approach was educational design research. An intervention was designed, implemented and evaluated during two iterations of the course. Evaluation methods included interviews with students and the course facilitator, questionnaires, and students’ logs and reports. We developed five intervention design guidelines that will promote self-directed learning. Our conclusion is that the intervention was usable and effective: at a basic level, the students did develop their capacity for self-directed lifelong learning. Further research is needed to investigate conditions for realizing higher levels of proficiency in self-directed lifelong learning throughout the curriculum and beyond.  相似文献   

In today’s knowledge society, there is a demand for professionals who are able to create knowledge across boundaries of disciplines, professions and perspectives. Traditional universities, universities of applied sciences and institutions for vocational education are all challenged to educate these knowledge workers. Accordingly, these institutions are developing competence-based education programmes that promote authentic, self-directed learning and the development of a professional identity. A possible environment for realising this type of learning is the hybrid learning configuration in which learning is embedded in ill-defined and highly-authentic tasks. This study attempted to identify a set of principles that can underpin the design of such a learning configuration at the interface between school and workplace. The research approach consisted of educational design research. Starting from cognitive constructivist and socio-cultural perspectives, a set of initial design principles was developed and evaluated from the perspective of the participants during three consecutive iterations of design and implementation. The process resulted in a set of seven refined design principles which can be used as heuristics to guide the design and development of hybrid learning configurations in contexts that have similar goals and aligned tenets.  相似文献   

Based on the ethnography conducted by Magrini in three midwestern United Methodist congregations, this article examines the development of “ethnographic intertextual voicing,” which describes multiple contexts and the ways in which these contexts influence representation of the participants and in turn, create in a community of learning. The ethnography studied children's interpretations of biblical meal stories, Eucharist experiences, and reflections on daily meal practices. Magrini's hospitable pedagogy approach was applied with 25 children ages 5 through 11. The hospitable pedagogy approach created a teaching and learning environment through which ethnographic intertextual voicing emerged. The author argues that ethnographic intertextual voicing is influenced by familial, ethnic, and faith contexts, as well as those of the researcher, and can create a community of learning as a result of the ethnographic research itself through the practice of hospitable pedagogy as a research methodology.  相似文献   

随着课堂教学从固化单一的教师传授,向强调小组协作参与的教学转变,如何面向以协作学习为基本特征的课堂实施形成性评价已成为教学评价改革亟需解决的问题。在智能技术支持下,形式化建模可以将复杂多变的课堂教学过程解构,形成数理模型;智能计算可以通过算法评估学生学习状态,并根据教学原则生成教学辅助信息。二者的结合可以促进人类智能与机器智能的有效融合,形成人机协同的课堂评价机制。面向课堂教学评价的形式化建模与智能计算通用架构,自下而上包含教与学行为的感知和存储、教与学行为评估模型的构建、教与学状态的智能计算和教学辅助信息的生成四个部分。前两部分着重对教育情境和问题的表征,是形式化建模的关键步骤;后两部分着重具体技术路线的实现,是智能计算的具体过程和功能体现。整个系统以教与学行为的感知和存储为基础,通过构建评估模型,确定模型的输出;然后引入智能算法对模型进行计算,达成对教与学状态的评估;最后根据相应教学原则,自动生成辅助教师进行课堂教学评价的信息。该通用架构以及人机协同教学、评价机制的进一步完善需要研究者携手教师进行"共同设计",协同教育学、计算机科学、心理学等多学科进行交叉研究。  相似文献   

实践教学是开放教育教学过程中培养应用型、技能型人才的重要教学环节,也是薄弱环节。由于学习者在职学习时空分离、工学矛盾等特点,传统教学环境下的实践教学模式无法适应开放教育需求,因此,重构实践教学体系是开放教育教学改革的当务之急。随着远程实验开发技术的发展,远程实验在开放教育实践教学中的作用已日趋重要。构建能满足学习者多样化需求的“以远程开放实验平台为主体,以校内实体实验室为基础,以校外实践基地为补充”的立体化、多层次的开放式实践教学体系,不失为解决开放教育实践教学诸多问题的一个有效途径,也为构建以远程实验为主体的实践教学体系提供了具体的实施路径。  相似文献   

浅议中学物理探究式教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探究性学习作为与接受性学习相对应的一种学习方式,是进行创新教育的载体,是学习科学的核心方法. 探究式教学实质是将科学领域的探究模式引入课堂,通过类似科学家的探究进行学习. 根据在物理教学中探究教学的设计原则,对中学物理中所应用的探究式教学进行研究,并以实例说明在实践中如何应用探究式教学.  相似文献   

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