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The present article describes the life of the Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna of Russia (1853–1920) through the correspondence with her parents: the Emperor of Russia Alexander II, the Empress and close friends. The accent is on Grand Duchess’s life in Great Britain after her marriage in 1874 to Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh (1844–1900), second son of the Queen Victoria but also about her life in the Duchies of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha after 1893 with frequent visits to her family in Russia. The letters give us important information about the Grand Duchess’s life, her children, and her social contacts with political and diplomatic circles of the period.  相似文献   


Printing, publishing and book development may be considered as the prerequisites for the development of any library and information system in any society. This paper attempts to cover publishing in Ethiopia from 1500–1900. During this period numerous ecclesiastical and a few original works by Ethiopians and foreigners had appeared in Ge’ez and in other dialects. The role of the missionary societies in book development was also significant. Most of the products of the printing presses were kept either in church archives or in Royal Libraries. The establishment of any modern type libraries was utterly neglected. Consequently, most of the literate population of that time had no opportunity to find out what was being published in their own country.  相似文献   

本文简要回顾了美国环境新闻史的发端、发展 ,总结了各个时期的特点 ,对其代表人物、代表作以及环境新闻学的要素进行了分析  相似文献   

In the aftermath of the 2016 election of President Trump, a veritable cottage industry of opinion pieces, blogs, and articles emerged overnight, most of which seemed to agree that only the post-truth could explain how a racist, misogynistic, neo-nationalist member of the economic elite could win a presidential election. This article, in contrast, is inspired by Barbara Christian’s injunction that we question why a given statement, concept, or theory is now acceptable when before it was not. Operating in this spirit, we critique post-truth critics for neglecting the material tradition of ideological criticism in favor of epistemological explanations for understanding post-truth literature; we then offer two case studies—American drug policy and housing policy—to illustrate the racial amnesia required for claiming that only now do we live in a post-truth era.  相似文献   

This second part of a two-part paper describes how the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Library implemented a bibliographic control system for a medical illustrations collection. Discussed are the staffing of the project, the design of formats and computer programs, further design changes, the input process, quality evaluation of the illustrations, and production and distribution of the control products (printed indexes and microfiche replicas). The report ends with a note on the applicability of the UCSF system to other libraries, and some benefits of the project.  相似文献   

Between 1996 and 2001, the Health Science Center Libraries and Department of Zoology at the University of Florida partnered to provide a cohesive and comprehensive learning experience to undergraduate students in PCB3063, “Genetics.” During one semester each year, a librarian worked with up to 120 undergraduates, providing bibliographic and database instruction in the tools that practicing geneticists use (MEDLINE, GenBank, BLAST, etc.). Students learned to evaluate and synthesize the information that they retrieved, coupling it with information provided in classroom lectures, thus resulting in well-researched short papers on an assigned genetics topic. Exit surveys of students indicated that the majority found the library sessions and librarian''s instruction to be useful. Responses also indicated that the project facilitated increased understanding of genetics concepts and appreciation for the scientific research process and the relevance of genetics to the real world. The library benefited from this partnership on a variety of fronts, including the development of skilled library users, pretrained future clientele, and increased visibility among campus research laboratories. The course and associated information instruction and assigned projects can be considered models for course-integrated instruction and the role of medical libraries in undergraduate education.  相似文献   

This paper advocates for employing graduate research teams as a way to train graduate students. Research teams allow for a community of scholars to share knowledge and exchange ideas. By employing an apprenticeship-type program for graduate students, they are provided an opportunity to transition from a student to a young scholar. Such training prepares students to develop and implement their own research programs and train their future graduate students. Graduate students can be involved in conceptualizing research questions, designing studies, developing measuring instruments, gathering and analyzing data, and more. Nonetheless, implementing and organizing research teams can be an arduous process that should not be entered into lightly. This paper provides ideas for the construction of teams as well as issues to consider before implementing the team concept.  相似文献   

LISR considers for review reference works, dissertations, research methods texts, computer software, and professional literature covering the research process and applications of research. Views expressed are those of the reviewers and do not necessarily reflect views of the Editorial Board or publisher. Anyone wishing to write reviews or suggest titles should contact Debora Shaw at the School of Library and Information Science, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 47405 shawd@ indiana.edu or shawd@iubacs.bitnet. Publishers, likewise, are requested to forward announcements of new and forthcoming titles that may interest LISR readers.  相似文献   

Copper(II) hydroxide (as the rarely occurring mineral spertiniite) is formed under alkaline, oxidising conditions. It has been observed as a naturally occurring corrosion product of brass in sea water. But most occurrences on copper alloys are due to conservation treatments using basic solutions (sodium hydroxide or ammonia) or to intentional patination. Classical brass centrepieces (c. 1800), ‘cleaned’ with ammonia solution, developed a blue spertiniite patina in gaps, where evaporation was hindered. Additional to the danger of stress corrosion cracking this is another reason now outlawing this treatment. Copper pigment layers will transform to copper hydroxide when exposed to bases. The treatment of basic copper salts with bases has been used intentionally in the production of Bremen blue and similar pigments which can be composed of copper hydroxide as well.  相似文献   

In this report, responses to a questionnaire to the directors of the sixteen past and present medical library education programs are presented. The questionnaires indicate a rather wide variety of training programs with emphases that vary from preparation of management personnel to preparation of subject specialists and those skilled in the techniques of information storage and retrieval. The content of the degree programs is fairly evenly divided among general retrieval and outside courses. The internship programs place more emphasis on the work experience than do the degree programs, supplementing this experience with appropriate courses in science, health sciences, management, and information storage and retrieval. Program directors indicated that new or expanded programs are needed in medical library education, although caution is reflected in comments concerning the limited job market. Most of the internship directors stated that they could not accommodate more individuals in their programs without expansion of staff and facilities.  相似文献   

夏庆民 《编辑学报》2006,18(2):125-126
结合一则医学论文的结构式摘要,分析存在的问题,总结结构式摘要的一般编辑原则.  相似文献   

A representative committee of Houston Academy of Medicine-Texas Medical Center Library staff and faculty, under the direction of the library administration, successfully redesigned a job classification system for the library's nonprofessional staff. In the new system all nonprofessionals are assigned to one of five grade levels, each with a corresponding salary range. To determine its appropriate grade level each job is analyzed and assigned a numerical value using a point system based on a set of five factors, each of which is assigned a relative number of points. The factors used to measure jobs are: education and experience, complexity of work, administrative accountability, manual skill, and contact with users. Each factor is described according to degrees, so that a job can be given partial credit for a factor. An advisory staff classification committee now participates in the ongoing administration of the classification system.  相似文献   

会考府为驳工部奏销康熙六十一年虞城县河工用料银事说堂稿雍正二年闰四月初二日  会考府呈。准工部咨送康熙六十一年抢修虞城县大王庙迤西河工用过工料银四百九十六两二钱零一案请销前来。本府吊取历年档案查对 ,虞城县大王庙前并迤西、迤东以及将军庙挑水坝等处抢修工程 ,自五十四年至六十年 ,每年更换工头名色 ,俱报抢修三处 ,计请销银一千四百余两。今六十一年止抢修大王庙迤西一处 ,请销银四百九十六两二钱 ,所用钱粮较之历年虽云减省 ,但既称河势危险 ,相机抢救工料自难拘定 ,何大王庙等处每年俱报修三处 ,每处约用银四百八九十两 ,…  相似文献   

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