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Xiaoge 《海外英语》2009,(1):58-60
应广大读者的要求,Xiaoge老师将他的创作转向文化、生活主题,给读者提供充分了解异国文化的素材,所以我们从本期起,将该栏目更名为“悠闲英语”(A Cup of English),带给读者朋友们温馨的英语午后茶。  相似文献   

Emma:相信很多朋友都有自己的英文名字。那么,你知道自己英文名的含义吗?不妨来了解一下。如果你还没有英文名,这篇文章或许能给你点启发,给自己起一个好听而特别的英文名。  相似文献   

乱弹翻译 “信达雅”这三个字是我在北京上学时的座右铭。那时老师总是千叮咛万嘱咐:翻译要认真,要做到“信”“达”“雅”。当然严复先生所说的“佶达雅”是总结翻译的一个要领:忠实原文,言词达意,文字精美。我感觉,不同的语言代表截然不同的文化,所以翻译工作不仅仅是转换语言,  相似文献   

Actually, what I mean by eating is not the food we eat but the way in which we eat. Yes, you guessed it-we are going to talk about "table manners" Eating in a restaurant is a very enjoyable experience when you know what to expect and what you are expected of as a guest. In western culture, dinner is the most important meal of the day, so we'll talk about having dinner in a restaurant in America.  相似文献   

小歌 《海外英语》2010,(2):52-53
Bird Watching
Bird watching is a popular sport in the US, and it has become popular in China as well. Devoted bird watchers pay a fortune for high-powered binoculars and go deep into the mountains to look at exotic birds. I guess anyone who likes to watch birds should qualify as a bird watcher.  相似文献   

我们中国人在国内学英语,不得不学语法,因为我们的母语与英语完全不同,并且在英语课外很少有听、说英语的机会,也就是说,我们不能生活在周围都是说英语或用英文的环境中,因此,我们不能总是沉浸在"自然模仿和熏陶"的英语环境.怎样学习英语语法呢?最好是学英语教学语法并学会从语法到语法技能.  相似文献   

小歌 《海外英语》2010,(9):56-57
本期小歌老师就书信的标准格式进行了讲解,在见不到面的情况下,漂亮得体的书信格式会给你的印象加分不少的。  相似文献   

Xiaoge 《海外英语》2009,(4):56-57
There are many small words in English that have multiple meanings. In everyday speech, we use them over and over again, but each time the word may have a, sometimes subtle but sometimes quite big, different meaning. Sometime ago, I talked about the word "pick" and listed 10 different ways to use it; in each case, its meaning would differ. Today, I picked another such small word--"run'--to chat about.  相似文献   

今天.你生日了没?你是很期盼过生日还是惧怕过生日呢?随着年龄的增长,人们会越来越害怕过生日.因为这意味着又老了一岁。其实,除了变老,岁月带给我们的还有很多——丰富的阅历、开阔的心境。当然也有恼人的病痛。下面我们就来聊聊生日,聊聊变老。  相似文献   

小歌 《海外英语》2012,(10):46-47
你知道吗?在英语里,平均每天就有15个新的词汇产生,如此惊人的增长速度,使得英文词汇早在2009年就突破了百万大关。那么,最接近百万关口的词汇都有哪些呢?下面我们就一起来看看。  相似文献   

Xiaoge 《海外英语》2009,(5):60-61
We love animals and especially love their babies. These little things are so cute and soft, and even a baby tiger looks as adorable as a small cat. But, I don't think we can just call them babies--they have their own names too. Today, let's look at the "official" names for some of the baby animals.  相似文献   

There are many expressions in English that are paired with two of the same words. What are they? Well, you don't need to look any further than your own body! Counting from one's head to toe, we'll see quite a few of these expressions. Let's try, and it should be fun.  相似文献   

在这个快节奏的时代。什么都讲究个速度,说话也是一样。一些过长的名字,人们习惯采用简写和缩写的方式,讲起来顺口。听起来省事。咱们今天就来聊聊英文中的简写和缩写。  相似文献   

对于在国外求学的同学们来说,最最想念的或许就是美味的家乡菜了。美国各州的唐人街也充满了各式各样的中式餐厅.不过这里中餐的概念已发生了一些“入乡随俗”的变化。下面我们就来说说美式中餐。  相似文献   

看了小歌老师的这篇专栏,不禁有些感伤。试问,当今有几人学英语能有文中故事所述的那样纯粹,那样兴致:少一些功利,也许会让英语学习这件事变得简单起来……  相似文献   

小歌 《海外英语》2011,(1):52-53
一直以来,Chinglish都被视为学英语的大忌。其实,Chinglish也分好与坏。下面,就且看小歌老师详解吧!  相似文献   

小歌 《海外英语》2010,(7):61-62
Last time we talked about English expressions with paired words associated to our body parts, such as "head to head," "mouth to mouth," "toe to toe" .... Today, we'll follow up with a piece to explore further the richness of the "body language" in our daily English speech. In English, the expression "body language" means the gestures people make to indicate their intentions or feelings without speaking a word. For instance,  相似文献   

Xiaoge 《海外英语》2009,(9):54-55
I read a student's essay the other day, in which the author gave a few very valuable tips on how to conduct a successful negotiation. He emphasized that not only do we need to advance our own interest but we also should be mindful that the people we are negotiating with have to benefit from the same deal that both sides are working on.  相似文献   

小歌 《海外英语》2011,(5):52-53
我们都知道,英式英语和美式英语在发音上有所不同。其实,不只是发音,在表达方法、语腔语调等各方面。它们都各有特点。  相似文献   

Xiaoge 《海外英语》2009,(8):60-61
Recently, I read a couple of student essays that focus on "ambition". Generally, the authors argued very effectively that people should have ambitions, which help them to set directions in life and motivate them to achieve higher goals. In a word, these authors concluded, ambition is the key to success.  相似文献   

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