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有"to be honest (with you):honestly" (老实说),actually(事实上),obviously(显然),apparently(显然)。  相似文献   

难以置信!我竟然没有被州立大学录取!难道我的要求很过分吗?这是我最后的保障!最垫底的学校,以防万一的!  相似文献   

In this issue of Video to Learn, we are to find out some high- frequency words and expressions extracted from a video clip of Gossip Girl.  相似文献   




公众场合谨防泄密 场景1:公司班车上,A旁边坐着不熟悉的同事B,B正在看书,A会怎样? 演员表:李小姐(人力资源专员)饰演A:蒋小姐(编辑)饰演B。  相似文献   

孟凡  李新 《教学与管理》2023,(10):62-67
外语学习的核心目的在于跨文化交际,而成功的交际不仅需要扎实的语言基础,更需要深厚的文化底蕴。教科书的选材在很大程度上影响学生文化观的形成。通过对现行人教版高中英语教科书的跨文化交际内容进行分析发现:英汉文化旗鼓相当,国际文化略胜一筹,但一定程度上忽视了我国少数民族文化及国际欠发达地区文化;文化结构包罗万象,小c文化比例高于大C文化,但是在文化内容的组织与设计方面稍有欠缺;文化功能统筹兼顾,知识交际二者兼重,但大多数内容只是文化信息或事实细节的简单呈现,缺乏真实性的语言材料。教科书的这些特点,使教师在使用时要有针对性地补充文化语料,选择合适的教法。  相似文献   

韩国现行小学《道德》教科书评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩国作为一个以儒家思想为主要道德理念的国家,历来重视道德教育。自当代韩国建国以来,为传承儒家思想,国家正式把儒家思想的道德伦理列入大、中、小学的教育科目,《道德》课也始终保持着它的主要课程地位。《正确生活》作为韩国现行小学《道德》课教材不仅体现了第七次教育课程改革的基本精神,还使之更加符合学生的心理、文化特点。本文就《正确生活》教科书进行简单的评析,希望能给我国小学《品德与生活》、《品德与社会》新课程有所启示。  相似文献   

There is little evidence that infants learn from infant‐oriented educational videos and television programming. This 4‐week longitudinal experiment investigated 15‐month‐olds' (N = 92) ability to learn American Sign Language signs (e.g., patting head for hat) from at‐home viewing of instructional video, either with or without parent support, compared to traditional parent instruction and a no‐exposure control condition. Forced‐choice, elicited production, and parent report measures indicate learning across all three exposure conditions, with a trend toward more robust learning in the parent support conditions, regardless of medium. There were no differences between experimental and control conditions in the acquisition of corresponding verbal labels. This constitutes the first experimental evidence of infants' ability to learn expressive communication from commercially available educational videos.  相似文献   


Pathophysiology describes and explains the physiological dysfunctions that occur in human diseases. Pathophysiology is content heavy, often leading to medical/biomedical science students adopting a surface approach to learning. To encourage more engagement, we developed clinical simulation practical classes using manikin patients. Students considered these were more effective than paper-based case studies. However, they found the first encounter with the manikins daunting. In addition, they did not have a strong sense of responsibility towards the outcome of their treatment choices largely because they recognized this as a simulated experience. Video is a powerful teaching tool to demonstrate situations that are difficult to explain in words, to see theory applied to practice or create enthusiasm and confidence in the viewer regarding the use of new practices. In this study, we evaluated the effectiveness of exposure to a video scenario, in which a high-fidelity manikin was used as the ‘patient’, before the students’ own interactions with the manikin in later classes. Survey results suggested that the students felt more engaged with the case study. They felt the video helped them appreciate aspects of clinical communication and prepare for their time in the simulation laboratory interacting with the manikin. They saw the video as a useful addition to the written case study notes. Their criticisms were mainly around the production quality. This study supports the use of video scenarios as a valuable adjunct to the teaching of pathophysiology to medical/biomedical science students when using either paper- or simulation-based case studies.


ZHOU Ming 《海外英语》2011,(11):92+96
This essay is a practical step to Learning Theory.By comparing cognitive learning with non-cognitive learning,the author tries to lay emphasis on creative foreign language learning.  相似文献   

针对社会发展对不同层次人才的不同素质需求,指出我国高等院校在开展素质教育时应不同层次区别对待.提出本科生应重点学会学习、硕士生应重点学会研究、博士生应重点学会创新的素质教育培养目标,同时就如何实现相应的素质教育培养目标提出建议.  相似文献   

Learn to Smile     
As the saying goes,attitude is everything.Since a smile is a positive attitude,we can often smile to ourselves to become confident and happy.Although there are some situations where we may experience hardship or even failure,we can always smile to ourselves.It can help us overcome many difficulties as well as succeed in the end.  相似文献   

当前,我们正处在一个科学技术迅速发展,知识量急剧增加的时代,出现了知识增加的无限性和个人学习时间的有限性之间的矛盾,因此,教育再不能像以前那样,传授一套固定知识的过程,而是传授各种有效的方法,去取得任何特定时刻所需要的知识,即"学会如何学习"。素质教育的目标之一就是学生能力的培养,更要培养学生的学习能力,以便让青少年在现代社会条件下学会生存、学会关心。长期以来,受传统教育的影响,中学生学习能力比较弱,学习方法也比较差,他们大都停留在多读、多背、多记、多练、做作业等方面。随着新课程改革的进行,学生的学习能力应该加强,学习层次应该提高。教师不仅要教给学生理论知识,更应该指导学生学会学习。[1]  相似文献   

Teach to Learn     
An apparently simple self-study that consisted of a longitudinal review of Grade 12 students' self-reflections from the past five years triggered a personally profound struggle about past classroom practices and surfaced a host of assumptions about teaching and learning. This research challenged the author to enact personal and professional values in his teaching practices. The article concludes with some preliminary “musings” that include reinforcing the importance of having every member of a classroom remain both teacher and student and of the significance of that ostensibly self-evident axiom.  相似文献   

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