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学习障碍儿童社会技能研究主要围绕社会技能缺失、社会技能训练有效性和社会技能研究方法方面进行。社会技能缺失研究主要探讨学习障碍儿童社会技能缺失成因、分类以及社会技能缺失是否是一种学习障碍等问题。影响学习障碍儿童社会技能训练有效性的因素主要包括干预的频率和强度、干预方法、治疗完整度和训练效果的迁移与保持等。社会技能研究方法的研究主要包括对现有社会技能评定量表和测量方法的分析与评价以及对新的社会技能研究方法———最小可觉差法和功能分析法的特征分析和有效性评价。  相似文献   

学习障碍学生社会技能迁移及其干预   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学习障碍学生的社会技能缺失主要表现在社会认知、判断力、情感识别能力、社会成熟、社会交往活动频率、人际排斥及社会技能迁移等方面,这些社会技能缺乏的表现可归为四种基本类型.学习障碍学生的社会技能干预模式主要包括直接教学形式和策略教学模式.教育者可根据社会技能缺失的类型和特点设计社会技能训练过程,并采取不同的干预方法对学习障碍学生进行干预.  相似文献   

略论体育教学中开展小组合作学习的策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合作学习是一种新型的富有创意和实效的教学理论和方法。体育教学中开展合作学习能培养学生的合作意识和合作技能,提高学生的社会适应能力。有效地开展小组合作学习应做到:设计好合作学习的任务、有效分组、创设合作机会、重视学生合作交往技能的训练、尊重学生的主体性、科学评价等。  相似文献   

学习障碍(排除原发性学习障碍)儿童常见的心理问题主要有情绪失调、适应不良和人格发展障碍,遗传、心理和不良外部环境是导致其心理问题的主要因素,学习策略辅导、社会技能训练和提高自我意识等策略有利于对学习障碍儿童的心理问题干预。  相似文献   

学习不良学生除了在学业方面存在问题外,其社会性发展也有障碍,许多学习不良学生有社会技能缺陷,因此,要促进他们的成长和发展,就有必要改善其社会技能。本文提出了对学习不良学生进行社会技能训练时应该注意的一些基本原则,并列举了具体应用行为治疗的方法  相似文献   

通过研究表明,初三学生在化学学习中提出问题的水平较低。主要影响因素包括观念障碍;教师权威障碍;信息障碍和技能障碍等。在化学教学中提高学生提问水平的策略包括:转变教学思想,消除观念障碍;发扬民主,建立平等、和谐的师生关系,消除教师权威障碍;加强基础知识的学习和基本技能的训练,消除信息障碍;循序渐进地发展学生的提问技巧,消除技能障碍。  相似文献   

合作学习是目前世界上许多国家都普遍采用的一种富有创意和实效的教学理论与策略体系。在基础教育课程改革的积极推动下,合作学习确实引起了我国中小学课堂的巨大变化。但在合作学习的实施过程中,却忽视了生生交往的重要性以及交往技能的训练,导致合作学习的效率大打折扣。本文在阐述合作学习中生生交往的理论基础上,分别从教师和学生这两个方面提出一些相应的实现合作学习中生生交往的策略。笔者认为,教师应通过合理分组,培养学生的交往技能,创造和谐的交往环境,进行多元主体评价来促进生生交往的实现。此外。学生也要承担个体责任,在交往互助、主动锻炼交往技能的过程中实现同伴之间的有效交往。  相似文献   

儿童社会技能缺陷与教育对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
儿童社会技能表现为能在群体中正常完成合作、竞争、冲突和交友等交往活动。儿童社会技能缺陷分为社会性退缩和社会性攻击两类。合理设置交往空间、情感诊疗、行为模式训练、强化认知是弥补儿童社会技能缺陷的主要方法。  相似文献   

初中生人际交往中存在误区和不足,人际关系的质量对青少年的学习态度、自我意识、学习成绩和心理健康有着重要的影响。误区和不足产生原因有社会、家庭、学校、自身等方面。对学生的人际交往能力的改善应加以关注。文章提出了处理人际关系是一种能力,也是一种技术,它可以通过学习和训练来培养和提高。营造良好的学生人际关系环境,加强学生个性修养,学习一定的交往技能和交往方法,就能基本改善初中生的交往情况,为今后的学习、工作、健康发展打下基础。  相似文献   

周奎英 《河北教育》2005,(10):12-13
实施小组合作教学之前需要做一定的准备。这主要是指学生的交往技能和自制能力等,小学阶段能否实施小组合作教学,主要取决于能否创造出这些条件。为此,在实验前,我们可以在不改变课堂空间结构的情况下,引进小组教学的某些方法,让学生前后两桌、四人一组,讨论课堂学习中的问题,共同进行某些小制作、小实验,并在这一过程中,训练学生的自制能力和交往技能,要求学生逐步做到:  相似文献   

Teaching social skills to students with emotional and behavioral disorders and learning disabilities has become an accepted practice. Social skills training (SST), however, has often resulted in only modest and sometimes no changes in students' social competence. One of the main reasons is that acknowledged problems have been largely ignored. The purpose of this article is to examine those problems both conceptually and critically and to suggest that research begin to focus on replacement behavior training as a possible way to increase the effectiveness of SST.  相似文献   

Although social skills training (SST) programs have been shown to improve children's long-term developmental outcomes, school personnel are not typically able to implement such programs. This article outlines the institutional and organizational supports, trainer selection criteria, and the training needed for school counselors to successfully implement and sustain a SST program for children. Social skills programs will only become routine in the classroom if the school setting provides administrative support for skills training, and structures to encourage implementation of SST programs (especially substantial and ongoing training based in the classroom setting). In addition to organizational level considerations, SST trainers need to be socially competent, be able to manage children in small groups, be familiar with the theoretical model underlying the SST program, have the opportunity to practice delivering the program, and have positive attitudes toward delivering the program. The procedures for selecting, training, monitoring, and evaluating school counselors who are SST trainers are described.  相似文献   

Several programmes have been developed to help support victims of bullying, but few have been formally evaluated. On the basis of previous research and from a review of existing programmes, a Social Skills Training (SST) Programme was developed for victims of bullying, and the effectiveness of this intervention was evaluated. Twenty-eight children (aged nine to 11 years) took part in the SST Programme – 15 in the experimental group and 13 in the waiting-list control group. A Peer Nomination Inventory was used to assess social skills problems, peer victimization and friendship/peer acceptance. In addition, a number of psycho­social adjustment variables (i.e. depression, anxiety, self-esteem) were assessed, using self-report. The measures were completed at three time points over the course of an academic year. It was found that there was an increase in ‘global self-worth’ (i.e. self-esteem) for the experimental group (compared to the control group). However, there were no other significant improvements, e.g. in terms of social skills problems or victim status. These findings have important implications for interventions to tackle the negative effects associated with bullying in schools.  相似文献   

幼儿社会技能——进入儿童群体的重要社会标签   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
社会标签是社会、他人或社会组织给有关人员加上的一个身份证明,在儿童群体中以人缘的好坏来衡量。社会技能是个体经过学习获得的,从“同伴接纳”的角度分析,主要用于评定同伴接纳或者人际关系(如同伴社会测量地位)。幼儿社会技能是进入儿童群体的重要社会标签,社会技能的获得将促使幼儿良好的心理行为的发生。根据社会技能干预的理论,本文提出社会技能干预训练的方法,以帮助幼儿成功获得进入儿童群体的社会标签。  相似文献   

Social skills are important to the successful social and academic functioning of all students and play a significant role in avoiding or preventing negative responses from others. Social skills also are important aspects of effective schools. In this article, we emphasize the assessment and intervention of the academic side of social skills. That is, we examine the role that social skills play in facilitating individuals' learning and creation of a school environment where others can feel supported and motivated to learn. As a basis for this examination, we first review several key studies documenting interrelations among social skills and academic competence. Next, we briefly review current assessment practices focusing on rating scale methods for documenting students' social skills and perceptions of social support. Finally, we introduce an instructional approach called the Responsive Classroom (Charney, 1992) that has been shown to advance the development of elementary and middle school students' social skills and academic achievement, and result in supportive school environments for learners and teachers. We conclude with recommendations for researchers and practitioners to continue to consider the strong interrelations among social skills, academic functioning, and social support when working with all students in elementary and middle schools.  相似文献   

Social validation is increasingly seen as a core component of social skills assessment. This article reviews the components of social validation (i.e., the social importance of intervention outcomes, the social significance of the goals, the appropriateness of the procedures, and determining optimal levels for target behaviours) and how they apply to social skills assessment for people with disabilities. Suggestions for future research and development of appropriate social validation measures for assessing social skills are offered.  相似文献   

Social skills are necessary for success in school as they facilitate peer acceptance and student-teacher relationships and promote academic achievement. One social skills intervention that has received significant attention from researchers and has been endorsed by special education teachers is Social Stories. However, the extant research on this intervention has methodological flaws that limit the conclusions about its effectiveness. Although several literature reviews and meta-analyses of the Social Stories literature have been conducted, the findings have been inconsistent and sometimes contradictory, and the bodies of literature reviewed have been varied. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to (a) review the existing Social Stories literature reviews and meta-analyses, and all of the studies they represent, (b) summarize the existing knowledge on the use of Social Stories for students with disabilities, and (c) propose guidelines for practitioners and for empirical research. Results from 16 literature reviews and meta-analyses representing 55 studies do not support the use of Social Stories to improve students’ social skills and behavior. Future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

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