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Do you like seofood?It is very delicious(美味)!The seofood is rich in mineral elements(富含矿物质).If you eat them often you'll be smarter and smarter(越来越聪明)!现代生活离不开广告,英语广告的翻译也是一门艺术,请欣赏下面一些我们非常熟悉的广告:★A diam ond lasts forever.钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。(第必尔斯)★Connecting People.科技以人为本。(诺基亚)★Intel Inside.给电脑一颗奔腾的“芯”。(英特尔奔腾)★Let’s m ake things better.让我们做得更好。(飞利浦)★Com m unication unlim ited.沟通无极限。(摩托…  相似文献   

给出了线性模型Y(n)=X(n)β+e(n)E(e(n))=0,Cov(e(n))=∑n>0中β的GM估计弱相合的一个充要条件.  相似文献   

法拉第电磁感应定律的数学表达式ε=-dψ/dt是用通过回路的磁通量ψ对时间t的全导数形式(d/dt)来表示的,而从法拉第电磁感应定律推出的法拉第--麦克斯韦方程的微分形式(△)×→(E)=-(e)B/(e)t是采用磁感应强度B对时间t的偏导数形式(e)/(e)t来表示.本文对这两种导数形式及微分形式的由来作一论述.  相似文献   

How to Ask Time     
下列五句是问时间的不同说法:1.Excuse m e,could you tell m e the righttim e,please?2.W hat tim e is it,please?3.W hat’s the tim e?4.H ow’s the enem y?5.Tim e?当然,问时间的说法还很多,远不止上述几种。但是,不同的场合,不同的对象,要采用不同的表达方式。任何场合都用同样的一个句型,会显得生硬和呆板,缺少文化内涵。例如,第一句用于家人之间就很可笑,用于并不熟悉的人之间才恰当。同样,第四句用来问一位严肃的长者并不合适,用来问老友或同事才适宜。有的小朋友会问,为什么把时间称为enem y(敌人)呢?这是与西方人的时间观、…  相似文献   

A Dream     
Hi, m y nam e is ZhuJiaJia. I’m an o-ceanographer(海洋研究者).NowI am swim m ing in the ocean. I see five colorful fish playinggam es beside a sunken(沉没的)ship。I im m ediately(立即)take m ycam era out。 Then a piece of bread com es down from a fishingline,and two fish com e and eat it。。H ow funny。Iwill tell m y classm ates about the ocean.“Get up, it’s tim e to get up,” M y alarmclock is shouting. Oh, it’s only a dream 。 Anice dream 。A Dream$海门市海门镇中心小学剑英兴趣班@朱…  相似文献   

张帷帷 《阅读》2006,(9):48-48
A little fat cat, Is sitting in a big black bag. On the head of the little cat, Is a big red cap. A Little Fat Cat At night-time when I go to bed, A million stars shine over head. But when I wake up in the day, There 's just one sun to light me play. Day songThe re w a s a gre e n hous e , Ins ide the gre e n hous e the re w a s a w hite hous e , Ins ide the w hite hous e the re w a s a re d hous e , Green HouseIns ide the re d hous e the re w e re a lot of little bla c k ba bie s .Tink…  相似文献   

茶是国际饮品的三巨头之首,中国是茶叶生产的大国。目前,茶叶消费呈如下新趋向:速溶茶逐渐走俏随着现代化社会生活节奏的加快,越来越多的人们喜饮速溶茶。日本生产的各种调味品速溶茶,在美国深受青年人喜爱,其销量仅次于可口可乐,被称为第二号软饮料。保健茶广受青睐茶叶富含多种有益于人体健康的营养成份,已被研制开发出了多种保健品。目前,国内市场上销售的减肥茶、降压茶、戒烟茶等,很受消费者青睐。国外市场上,还出现了以茶叶为原料制作的养颜护肤化妆  相似文献   

My Birthday     
周心愉  陈蕾 《阅读》2006,(11):45-45
Today is myeleventh birthday.I getupearly in the m orning.A fterbreakfast,seven classm atesofm ine com e to m y house.They are Qian Yuting,BoYum eng,Zou Y uxin...Theybring m any sm all presentsto m e.They are cards,abag,and m any school★指导教师:陈蕾things.I like these presents very m uch.W e share a big birthdaycake and play m any interesting gam es together in m y room.A llofus are very happy today.难度系数:☆☆My Birthday$苏州工业园区新城花园小学五(4)班@周心愉…  相似文献   

My Birthday     
沈佳阳  施莉娜 《阅读》2006,(1):46-46
Today is the 18th of Septem ber. It is m y birthday. There are one big birthday cake and som e birthday pre- sents on the table. They are from m y parents and m y friends. Oh,the doorbellis ring- ing. M iss Panda com es. She gives m e som e notebooks as a present. I like them very m uch.Butw ho is she? she is m ybestfriend,Gao Tianlin. Now ,allofus are singing the song“ Happy Birthday to You”.Im ake a w ish and blow out (吹灭)the candles on the cake.Let'shave the cake now . How happyI…  相似文献   

岳雯 《阅读》2005,(11)
当我们熟睡的时候,月亮走来偷偷地看,偷偷地看着我和你,莹莹的星星亮晶晶,在我们做梦的时候,一起偷偷出来看。While w e a re s le e ping,Moon c om e s pe e ping,Pe e ping a t you a nd m e,Cle a r s ta rs a re gle a m ing,While w e a re dre a m ing,All c om e s te a ling out to s e e.当我们熟睡的时候@岳雯  相似文献   

小朋友们,当你面对这么一大堆好吃的东西,想想用英语怎么说好吗?(当然多吃零食不利健康)活学活用,才是真正掌握哦!所以,当别人问你:A:W e had a Food Festival last week.B:Really?W hen was it?A:It was on the6th of Decem ber.B:W hat did you do?A:W e m ade and ate lots of food.W e m ade and drankjuice.B:W hat did you m ake?A:I did not m ake anything.But I ate and drank a lot.B:W hat did you eat and drink?A:I ate two ham burgers and som e chips.I drank som eorange juice,too.冷餐会$南京市长江路小学六(…  相似文献   

先看一个英语谜语(ariddle)。谜面是:What begins witha T,ends with a T and has lots of T inside it?小朋友,你猜出来了吗?答案是茶壶teapot。字母T和单词tea(茶叶)发音相同,被巧妙的编进这个谜语中。其实,汉语有多音字、多义字、同音字等现象,英语也有。利用一字多义的、词性灵活的情况,双关语(Pun)在英语地区还特别流行呢!★某速递公司的口号:Y oucan’t express it better.表达/快速★某著名手表的广告:Thew atch the world has learned tow atch.手表/注视★美国《时代周刊(Tim e)》的广告:M ake tim e for T im e.腾出时间看《…  相似文献   

考考你的知识面:(1)The biggest desert in the world is inA. Asia B.Africa C.Europe(2) The Apple of One’s Eye m eansA.某人眼里的苹果 B.掌上明珠 C.眼珠(3)缩略词 CCTV IQ W TO UFO 分别代表A.电视,智商,教科文组织,不明飞行物B.中央电视台,世贸组织,情商,信息技术C.中国共产党,教科文组织,信息技术,智商D.中央电视台,智商,世贸组织,不明飞行物巧排座位There are five students whocom e from different countries ata party.A is Chinese.H e canspeak English. B is French.H ecan speak Japanese.C is Eng-lish…  相似文献   

Pat Snake had ten brothers,buthe just wasn’t like others.Theywere nice and kind,but Pat was aproblem boy.H e crawled(原形crawl,爬)like the figure eight.H e liked todo everything,especially to scare(吓唬)the hum an beings(人类).Once he hid(原形hide,躲藏)in Lily’s em pty shoe andslept.W hen Lily wanted to goout and put it on,he woke(原形wake,醒来)up andhollered(原形holler,叫喊,我们还学过近义词cry,shout,都有叫喊的意思),Boo。Lily cried im-“”m ediately(立即,词组at once也表示立即的意思).But …  相似文献   

In R~n(n>1) define, then a.e.for all where K is a spherical harmonic kernel andKey words and phrases: Conjugate Bochner-Riesz means,Fourier transform,spherical harmonic kernel,maximal operator.  相似文献   

L ast Sunday m y parents and I visited a farm.W e saw m any anim als there.It’s so funny that a horse wasonly six years old but it’s m uch bigger than m e.On the farmwe could see som e pigs were asleep.The geese m ade a lot ofnoise when they saw us.At feeding tim e,we fed the chickenswith corn.Then we wanted to let the ducks out of their houseand gave them their breakfast.To our surprise,we saw they hadlaid m any eggs.So we helped to collect their eggs.In the after-noon we m ilked cows.T…  相似文献   

长期以来,由于各种原因,不少中学生的饮食习惯不太科学合理,如喜食各种零食等小食品,偏食,营养品过多,喝各种不健康饮料等,导致学生营养不良,体质差。这都与摄入身体的各种化学物质以及其中某些必需元素比例失调和少数有害化学元素有关。如果在化学教学过程中,教师能用适当的方式方法,引导学生主动将化学学习与日常饮食有机结合起来,帮助学生培养科学的饮食习惯,将有利于提高学生生活品质,促进学生健康成长。  相似文献   

本文主要研究了 Fn,* ∈ 时 W* F e(x,x+ z]的一渐近表达式 ,F ,W均为分布函数 .  相似文献   

今天和明天   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
木槿 《阅读》2006,(2):48-48
If fortune , w ith a s m iling fa c e ,Stre w s ros e s on our w a y,Whe n s ha ll w e pic k the m up?Toda y, m y frie nd, toda y.But if s he frow ns w ith the fa c e of c a re ,And ta lks of the c om ing s orrow ,Whe n s ha ll w e grie ve , if grie ve w e m us t?Tom orrow , frie nd, tom orrow .如果命运女神笑容满面,将玫瑰撒向我们人生的跑道,我们该何时弯腰拾起?今天, 我的朋友, 今天。但如果她眉头紧锁、愁容满面,讲述将至的哀怨,我们该何时忧伤, 如果忧伤不可避免?明天, 朋友, 明天。今天和明天@木槿…  相似文献   

海底捞和喜茶均是网红餐饮品牌,赢得了消费者的良好口碑.但海底捞和喜茶餐饮模式不同,二者在满足消费者需求上的策略各有侧重、各有千秋.采用对比分析法,结合相关文献及海底捞、喜茶官方网站、微信公众号、微博等渠道的资料,对海底捞和喜茶的消费者策略进行对比分析,挖掘二者在满足消费者策略上的差异,总结提炼餐饮企业更好服务消费者的经营门道.研究表明,深耕消费者需求和高度重视产品质量才是餐饮企业长盛不衰的不二法门.  相似文献   

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