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Shadow play is an art expression featuring the combination of various art forms, including painting, carving, music, image art, stage performance and opera singing. It is known for its fascinating performance and cultural richness and contains rich and authentic information about the folk life and agricultural society of ancient China.  相似文献   

Artist and photographer Li Xiaoke grew up looking to his father as a role model. But ,growing up in the shadow of the great modem master of traditional Chinese landscape ink and water painting, brought its own particular burden. Now in his sixties, the son has established his own place in the Chinese world of fine arts and photography, and created his own artistic vision.[第一段]  相似文献   

From January 16 to February 10, the National Art Museum of China held a painting exhibition on its collection of ethnic minority motifs. On display included 180 pieces of painting works from the museum's collection, most of which are masterpieces by accomplished painters in modern China. These painting exhibits fall into such diverse categories as Chinese tTaditional painting, oil painting, print painting, watercolor painting and serial illustrations of story books. Subjects from various ethnic minorily groups of China have been depicted, which bring viewers with an opportunity to appreciate cultural diversity of China.  相似文献   

Twisted painting is a unique genre of traditional Chinese painting invented by Wu Jiantang and his father. Known for vigorous and chaoticbeauty, twisted painting has obtained a recognized status in the art arena of the world.  相似文献   

Chinese ink and wash painting is an exceptional expression of Oriental fine arts enshrined in the world’s pantheon of art.It enjoys popularity among both Chinese and Western people,in particular because of its cultural richness and distinct artistic values. Over the sweep of history,Chinese ink and wash painting has developed an independent system,  相似文献   

Embroidery is an art re-created on the basis of painting. With the import of Western culture and painting since the 1930s, Chinese people have gradually changed their aesthetic tendencies and as a result the art of embroidery has been remarkably transformed. Chinese embroiders have drawn upon from Western aesthetic concepts and painting techniques and developed a new type of stitching approach which is called "random stitching".  相似文献   

Late September 2006, at the invitation of the Cultural Ministry of Belarus, a four-person delegation from northeast China's Heilongjiang Province visited Minsk, capital city of Belarus, to present China Ice and Snow Painting Exhibition at Belarus National Museum of History and Culture as part of China Culture Day co- sponsored by the cultural ministries of the two countries. The exhibition displayed 54 painting masterpieces by Yu Zhixue, founder of ice and snow painting, and his students. All the maior media organizations in Belarus reported the exhibition and Belarus Culture Daily gave an exclusive interview of Yu Zhixue. The Deputy Cultural Minister of Belarus was so impressed by the painting styles of Yu that he shook Yu's hands excitingly and highly praised Yu's works. A renowned Belarus painter said that "Trees with Crystal-White ice", donated by Yu to Belarus National Museum of History and Culture, would become an everlasting memory of the city of Minsk.  相似文献   

On October 1, a temple fair showcasing the traditional art of hawking took place in Traditional Culture Street of Tianjin. Vendors hawking cigarettes, tea syrup candies, goldfish, knife and scissor grinding and newspapers attracted many passers-by. Tianjin used to be a transportation hub of north China, which developed a unique folk culture featuring vendors hawking. In addition, its rickshaws, sweet painting, flour sculpture, all add to the traditional charm of the city which has a history …  相似文献   

Lao Jia's paintings have given me an unusual impression and triggered out my infinite imagination. The vigorous brushwork and remarkable ink dotting, as demonstrated in his painting, defies all the established conventions. Some say that Lao Jia's painting symbolizes a spirit or a philosophical value that can interpret the profound aesthetic concepts of Chinese traditional painting.  相似文献   

Man pursues elegance while painting highlights charms. An .artist's vitality lies in hiscontinuation of traditions and breakthrough in innovative techniques. Chinese ink painting is a result of traditional culture, which is represented by harmonious concepts of Confucianism, simplistic ways of life by Taoism and adherence to nature by the Zhuang school of thinking. All these ancient philosophical concepts comprise aesthetic and artistic principles governing evolution of Chinese ink painting and are visualized in painting creations. Chinese ink painters not only emphasize physical realness but also highlight sensibility and spirit of life.  相似文献   

<正>Thangka, a Tibetan expression of religious painting, had yet to get known to the rest of the world until two or three decades ago. However, its history can d...  相似文献   

On an early summer day of 1995 my wife and I viewed a painting exhibition on eight artists from South China at the Research Institute of Chinese Traditional Painting. After enjoying the nearly 100 painting masterpieces and walking out of the exhibition hall, I noticed a solo exhibition being held in the side hall. The 400-odd ink paintings of portrait and landscape in a freehand brushwork style immediately captured my attention.  相似文献   

Tibetan fine arts have embraced a whole new era sincethe 1980s. Diverse subjects and innovative techniquesfeature the styles of contemporary Tibetan painting.Murals of NorbulingkaThe epic mural series”Origins of Tibetans: Politics andReligions” in the new palace of Norbulingka mix differentstyles of Tibetan painting and feature plain colors and grandscenes. The murals illustrate the political and religious historyof Tibet: from pre-historic Tibetans said to be decedents of amale monkey a…  相似文献   

Water print on wood is one of the types of wood block printing in ancient China. The earliest records on this printing skill appeared in the Sui Dynasty (581-618 AD) and the oldest extant publication by this printing method is "Vajra Sutra" made in 868 A.D.. Now Rongbaozhai, an old brand name in Beijing, still use this ancient skill to copy calligraphic and painting works by famous masters and even painting master Qi Baishi couldn't tell its copy works from authentic ones.  相似文献   

The National Art Museum of China opened an exhibition to display its collection of New Year painting masterpieces prior to the Spring Festival 2008, or Chinese New Year.  相似文献   

Painting requires skills. A painting without basic skills in design and layout will not be a good painting. But for a painter,the equally important or the more important is his life experience. Without true feelings, a painting is just a sentimental twaddle. Zhang Lucheng, a professional painter serving in Xinjiang Military Area in northwest China has lived in the vast prairie at the foot of the Tianshan Mountain since he graduated from fine arts academy.  相似文献   

Hangu District is located at the lower streams of nine rivers which stretch through the city of Tianjin,an industrial city neighboring Beijing.It faces Bohai Bay in the south,salt marshes in the east,vineyards in the west and vegetable fields in the north.Hangu is a beautiful town,with an ancient canal winding through it.Endowed with gorgeous sceneries and rich cultural traditions, Hangu has enjoyed a vibrant and unique art form of print painting.In the 1980s,a group of young print painters stood out in Hangu,enjoying nationwide reputation.In 1986,more than 300 pieces of Hangu print painting were on display at the  相似文献   

Sculpture and painting are all that Western art means while calligraphy is unique to China, which is an art form between philosophy and design art. It is more concrete and lively than philosophy, but more abstract than painting and sculpture. Calligraphy is the very core of Chinese culture and homeland for Chinese spirit. --Xiong Bingming, renowned sculptor, painter and art theorist  相似文献   

Over the sweep of Chinese porcelain history, ancient talented artisans integrated traditional Chinese painting with porcelain making, thus considerably adding to the beauty of porcelain. Masterpieces of ancient painting masters, like Yun Nantian and Ba Da Shan Ren, were painted on porcelains, which significantly increased their prices. In modern painting practices, porcelain making, together with paper making, puppet making and New Year print painting, has been valued as an important art expression to inspire artists' creativity.  相似文献   

Young female artist Cao Yilin is particularly skilled in highlighting the spirit through artistic narration. With her poetic creativity, painting ingenious and sensibility, Caodraws the richness and diversity of the universe on canvas.  相似文献   

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