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Examples are an important element of traditional education. Though the examples chosen by children and adolescents are often identified as central themes in their development (especially the examples presented by the mass media we sometimes worry about), the role of examples in recent moral pedagogics and psychology has rarely been discussed. A survey of 1150 pupils in Austria and Germany suggested that young people take as their examples primarily persons from their social neighborhood and secondarily those from sports and music. From the point of view of those studied, examples can help to master the developmental tasks facing them. Since children and young people identity themselves with their examples, these become elements of their self or their identity, even their moral identity. Examples influence moral attitudes, insofar as they are perceived by the adolescents.Otto Krille, born in 1878, was a German socialist. In his autobiography, he confessed that his moral identity essentially was influenced by his mother. He appreciated her as a model of a powerful and impressive woman committing herself to the concerns of proletarians. Krille came to be an ardent advocate of the poor working class. His moral development as well as his moral identity had been formed by the example of his mother.But is such development possible in our times? When journalists write about examples and models of children and adolescents, they typically talk about stars such as Michael Jackson, Boris Becker, Madonna, and Arnold Schwarzenegger, not parents, grandparents, older siblings, priests, or teachers. Now and then, journalists draw attention to James Dean, especially his film, Rebel Without a Cause. Many adolescents proved their daring by driving their cars toward steep cliffs and some have been killed in accidents. Bandura (1963)was inspired by such events to conduct his well-known experiments on imitation and learning from models.These journalistic reports allege two issues. First, moral identity of young persons is strongly influenced by models. Young people adopt their values and frequently imitate their behavior. Second, these models are rarely persons from social nearness. Rather they are stars from movies and television, the musical scene, and sport. But is it true that young people admire such models? Which persons are the real models in young persons’ lives?  相似文献   

民族是人类的一种群体分类。民族认同心理是社会成员对自己民族归属的自觉认知。它包括民族认知、民族心态、民族意识以及民族信仰,民族认同心理因其具有的强大聚合力仍是一种人们普遍重视的"政治资源",作用和意义非常重大。然而,民族认同心理也是一柄双刃剑,进步的力量利用它,可以促进民族地区繁荣、维护社会稳定、促进国家发展;反动势力利用它则可以制造分裂、破坏团结、危及民族地区的稳定和国家安全。  相似文献   

The project forms part of a larger doctoral study which examines children's perceptions of national identity and its construction and importance in the world of the child in Wales. The research took place in a primary school class in the South Wales valleys, in a class of 27 children aged 7–8 years. Following an introductory activity, children drew a picture of a ‘Welsh person’. They were then interviewed with their artwork about their ideas of national identity in Wales. The initial findings revealed that the young children in this study, contrary to cognitive development theory (Piaget, J., and A.M. Weil. 1951. The development in children of the idea of the homeland and relations to other countries. International Social Science Journal 3: 561–578; Aboud, F., and M. Amato. 2001. Developmental and socialization influences on intergroup bias. In Blackwell handbook of social psychology: Intergroup processes, ed. R. Brown and A. Gaertner, 65–85. Oxford: Blackwell), had a complex and well-developed view of their own national identity. The children were able to consider in some depth, what characterises their concept of the national identity. Children categorised themselves using a range of parameters such as place of birth, parental nationality and current and previous residences. These findings contribute to previous studies in the Welsh context, which have been conducted with older children. The largest self-categorisation group was Welsh but a further interesting factor was that there were more children who categorised themselves as English rather than British.  相似文献   

基诺族在以"刀耕火种"为主,采集、狩猎为辅的传统农业体系中,发展出了一套完整的农业祭祀礼仪,其涉及了从备耕到收获的各个阶段。农业祭祀礼仪除表达了人们祈求丰收的愿望之外,还调整和重新安排了人们的生活节奏,促进了社会的整合;同时在仪式举行的过程中也完成了社会成员的社会化。从传统来看,基诺族在这些生产活动的仪式性表达中,呈现出自己的宇宙观和价值观,明确了自己在生态系统中的位置,也通过这些仪式传承了农业生产知识,加强了群体认同,维系了社会的存在与发展。然而,随着社会大环境的改变,基诺族的农业及其祭祀礼仪也发生了巨大变迁。  相似文献   

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The purpose of this article is to examine factors that influence how Black female athletic administrators negotiate their personal identity. Negotiation of identities is not only about what people say and do, but where and when they do it, as well as with whom they do it. Thus, it is important to identify social, personal, and organizational factors that influence identity negotiation outcomes. In doing so, this article integrates Thomas and Ely's (1996) diversity perspectives with behavioral confirmation theory and Swann's (1987) theory of self-verification to gain an understanding of the mechanisms and processes that influence Black female athletic administrators' and coaches' identity negotiation outcomes. Six propositions are advanced concerning how personal factors, social status, organizational status, and three diversity perspectives (integration and learning, discrimination and fairness, and access and legitimacy), can support Black females in verifying their self views or conforming their identity to others' expectations.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the question of why student teachers stay in teaching even after a profound ‘practice shock,’ i.e., a shock that in itself seems to characterize the complex and emotionally challenging first year of student teaching. Using a line drawing technique, the study investigates student teachers’ views of their first year of teaching by examining how they picture their development, their key experiences during that development, and the ways in which they coped with these experiences. The results suggest that most student teachers perceive their own development not as a steadily ascending line as is often suggested by research on the development of teachers’ professional identity. Instead, we now surmise that most student teachers view their development as a path with highs and lows that include transformative moments or periods. This relates to the idea of transformative learning and to theories on identity development that suggest people need a crisis for identity development to occur. During such a crisis, we saw that student teachers explicitly reconsidered their connections to teaching and that this reconsideration led to a regained motivation for teaching. It appeared that supervisors or mentor teachers played a significant role in first‐year (student) teachers’ regaining motivation for teaching.  相似文献   

基于对北京市5255名教师的问卷调查,本研究考察中小学学校组织文化的现状及其特点。研究表明:中小学学校组织文化的三个因素:教师文化、学校文化认同、校长文化,能较好地解释学校组织文化的结构;不同职业生涯发展阶段教师对学校组织文化的认知有所差异,其中6-10年教龄教师对学校组织文化的认同最低;中学和小学教师在学校组织文化的认知上有所差异,小学教师对于学校组织文化的认同度要普遍高于中学教师;不同性质的学校教师在学校组织文化的认知也有所差异,重点学校和薄弱学校教师对学校组织文化的认同度要明显高于普通学校的教师。  相似文献   

语文教科书的人物特征会影响学生的社会化和人格的形成。本文从教育心理学和社会心理学的视角对高中语文教科书的人物特征进行内容分析。结果显示:(1)在身份职业上,教科书对人物的描写虽比较全面、丰富,但职业的时代性特征不足。(2)在人物的人格特征和形象倾向上,以健康、积极、正面的表现为主。(3)在性别上,男性人物的数量大大超过女性。  相似文献   

教师是高职院校国家高水平专业群建设的重要力量,其组织认同程度直接影响着其专业群组织奉献的意愿和行动。以L省两个国家高水平专业群内的教师为调查对象,在参考已有组织认同量表基础上自编问卷,从认知性认同、生存性认同、情感性认同、成功性认同、热心行为认同和负责任行为认同六个维度对国家高水平专业群教师组织认同情况进行调查。调查结果显示,虽然两个专业群教师的组织认同总体较高,但教师组织认同形式化倾向明显、认同水平参差不齐、管理层教师组织认同有待提高,建议从个人、组织和组织外部环境入手提升教师的组织认同。  相似文献   

Peter Senge's (1990) theory of organizational change includes teams that perceive the whole of the organization; grow professionally; navigate short- and long-term organizational experiences through exposed mental models; share a vision; and hear each voice in an ongoing communal learning process. The Margaret Sue Copenhaver Institute for Teaching and Learning is changing teacher education and professional development by employing Senge's model of learning organizations.

When you ask people what it is like being part of a great team, what is most striking is the meaningfulness of the experience. People talk about being part of something larger than themselves, of being connected, of being generative. It becomes quite clear that, for many, their experiences as part of truly great teams stand out as singular periods of life lived to the fullest. Some spend the rest of their lives looking for ways to recapture that spirit. (Senge 1990, 13)  相似文献   

道德判断与道德行为之间的关系问题经历了哲学假设、经典心理学实验研究和当代心理学的深入研究。道德判断与道德行为关系研究的新进展体现在莱斯特的确定问题测验、林德的道德行为和道德发展的双面理论、布莱希的道德自我认同模式、沃克的道德人格等研究当中,这些研究克服了在道德判断过程中仅仅关注道德推理重要性的缺陷。  相似文献   

This case study explored how adolescents were empowered through afterschool media production activities and, in the process, re-imagined themselves as active and engaged citizens within their community. Through analyzing interviews, participant observations, and media artifacts of 14 participants (aged 15–19) over a period of 18 months, three main themes emerged from the triangulation of data: (1) sociocultural capital through group ownership; (2) safe space for creative expression; and (3) developing a sense of community with diverse voices. These young people exercised their collective voice toward pro-social actions by writing and producing their stories and showcasing their works at community screenings. They hoped that their videos would promote individual and community transformations. Building on youth development, community psychology, and media literacy frameworks, this article discusses educational implications like advocating for the power of youth media production to bridge participants personal and private artistry to public and political statements.  相似文献   

Cultural-historical psychology identifies play as the leading activity in preschool development. Vygotsky's (1967, 1978) seminal work outlined two categories of leading influences: play makes a foundational contribution to the development of semiotic mediation, and it involves active appropriation of social roles and rules and other integral aspects of social organization. Leont'ev's (1981) concept of appropriation and Bakhtin's (1981) concepts of heteroglossia and ideological becoming are used to elaborate and extend Vygotsky's original work, particularly with regard to creativity in preschool play. The paper concludes with a consideration of the pedagogical implications of the cultural-historical view on play, including the use of play to cultivate understanding of the arbitrary nature of signs and the appropriation of the social roles and organizational patterns of society.  相似文献   

基诺族在以“刀耕火种”为主,采集、狩猎为辅的传统农业体系中,发展出了一套完整的农业祭祀礼仪,其涉及了从备耕到收获的各个阶段。农业祭祀礼仪除表达了人们祈求丰收的愿望之外,还调整和重新安排了人们的生活节奏,促进了社会的整合;同时在仪式举行的过程中也完成了社会成员的社会化。从传统来看,基诺族在这些生产活动的仪式性表达中,呈现出自己的宇宙观和价值观,明确了自己在生态系统中的位置,也通过这些仪式传承了农业生产知识,加强了群体认同,维系了社会的存在与发展。然而,随着社会大环境的改变,基诺族的农业及其祭祀礼仪也发生了巨大变迁。  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the dimensions of organizational climate as they relate to early childhood work environments. It reports the results of a study involving 629 early childhood workers representing 65 nonprofit and for-profit, center-based programs. The focus of the inquiry was to determine in what ways the administrators (N = 94) and teachers (N = 535) differed in their perceptions of organizational practices. Results of the data anlaysis show statistically significant differences with respect to how administrators and teachers view all 10 dimensions of organizational climate. In eight of the 10 dimensions, the differences were significant at p < .01. Program administrators consistently rated organizational climate more favorably than teachers. Research on differential climate perceptions in other work settings is summarized along with a review of studies supporting the importance of implementing practices that promote perceptual congruence.  相似文献   

Cultural-historical psychology identifies play as the leading activity in preschool development. Vygotsky's (1967, 1978) seminal work outlined two categories of leading influences: play makes a foundational contribution to the development of semiotic mediation, and it involves active appropriation of social roles and rules and other integral aspects of social organization. Leont'ev's (1981) concept of appropriation and Bakhtin's (1981) concepts of heteroglossia and ideological becoming are used to elaborate and extend Vygotsky's original work, particularly with regard to creativity in preschool play. The paper concludes with a consideration of the pedagogical implications of the cultural-historical view on play, including the use of play to cultivate understanding of the arbitrary nature of signs and the appropriation of the social roles and organizational patterns of society.  相似文献   

There are widespread aspirations to focus undergraduate biology education on teaching students to think conceptually like biologists; however, there is a dearth of assessment tools designed to measure progress from novice to expert biological conceptual thinking. We present the development of a novel assessment tool, the Biology Card Sorting Task, designed to probe how individuals organize their conceptual knowledge of biology. While modeled on tasks from cognitive psychology, this task is unique in its design to test two hypothesized conceptual frameworks for the organization of biological knowledge: 1) a surface feature organization focused on organism type and 2) a deep feature organization focused on fundamental biological concepts. In this initial investigation of the Biology Card Sorting Task, each of six analytical measures showed statistically significant differences when used to compare the card sorting results of putative biological experts (biology faculty) and novices (non–biology major undergraduates). Consistently, biology faculty appeared to sort based on hypothesized deep features, while non–biology majors appeared to sort based on either surface features or nonhypothesized organizational frameworks. Results suggest that this novel task is robust in distinguishing populations of biology experts and biology novices and may be an adaptable tool for tracking emerging biology conceptual expertise.  相似文献   

中国人老乡观念跨区域文化的心理学解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
老乡观念的本质是祖籍族群认同,全世界不同民族、国家的人都有老乡观念。中国人的老乡观念表现在离开家乡到外地后对家乡的怀念、对家乡人的依恋、对家乡方言的认同、老乡之间的相互帮助行为乃至老乡之间的组织行为老乡观念是形成区域心理性格的基础,也是区域文化差异与人格差异相互作用的重要标志,老乡观念是民族认同、国家认同的心理基础。但在民族、国家内部人口规模流动的跨文化适应中也是影响社会和谐的重要因素。  相似文献   

This study analysed mountain guides’ representations of environmental responsibility and explored the paradox that these professionals face: using nature as a source of income while trying to preserve it. The study was mainly guided by the philosophical literature on this topic and made use of the concepts of sustainable development and nature. This exploratory work therefore contributes to the new field of environmental social psychology. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and the qualitative analysis showed that mountain guides have a very sensitive and contemplative approach to moral aspects of our relationship with nature, which they try to transmit to their clients. They believe that this is a way to educate people about sustainable development, but this term emerged as quite vague for them, and they expressed the opinion that it might hide other concerns, such as to make translating it into moral conduct a difficult matter and to compromise their identity as moral actors.  相似文献   

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