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An analysis of the rankings of university's in parts of Russia shows how the presence of regional scientific and innovative clusters can improve the competitive positions of these institutions. universities. It finds that clusters can act as the main breakthrough mechanism for advancing Russia's universities in world rankings on the global scale.  相似文献   

A decade of British experience in assessing and reporting higher order learning using a scale of national standards has important lessons for countries currently embarking on programmes of standards-based education reform. The architects of the British National Curriculum envisaged that the reliability of measures of higher order learning could be assured through a comprehensive auditing programme involving expert teachers. However, plans for a national auditing programme in Britain were never realised for financial reasons. This article argues that, in the absence of orthodox auditing procedures, modern information handling techniques have an important role to play in enhancing the technical fidelity of instruments for measuring higher order learning, by making the combined professional wisdom of experienced teachers available to the assessor at the time of marking. The higher order skill of creative writing is used to illustrate the calibration of a systemically valid computerised assessment tool, applicable to any standards-based assessment framework.  相似文献   

战后日本道德教育的工具化倾向,主要包括道德教育作为政治和经济的工具两方面。道德教育作为政治工具的主要表现,是强化国家主义和天皇制的内容及强化新保守主义的政治主张等;道德教育作为经济工具的主要表现,是既注重培养为整体而忘我献身的精神,又注重培养为个人的“立身出世”而努力奋斗的精神。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study is to investigate the predictive validity of criterion- and norm-referenced grades and the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test (SweSAT) and, in particular, possible differences in the prediction of achievement in higher education across academic programs. The analyses were based on credit points obtained by 164,106 Swedish students during the years 1993 to 2001. Two-level modeling with randomly varying slopes with academic program as cluster variable was used. The results provide means and variances of the slopes across the different programs. Variability in the slopes because of program subject area was also investigated. The results indicate that the validity of grades, irrespective of grading system, is stronger in comparison with SweSAT scores. The results also indicate considerable differences in predictive power across programs for the SweSAT, whereas there are much smaller differences for norm-referenced grades and relatively modest differences for criterion-referenced grades. The impact of program subject area on the variability of prediction was substantial for SweSAT scores.  相似文献   

科研中心论--对一种高教理念的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从教育、教学、科研的本质,从认识的发生、发展规律,从高等教育的特点、从世界发达国家的经验,论证高等学校应以科研为中心,并就“科研中心论”的确立,提出若干原则。  相似文献   

“无边界”高等教育是高等教育国际化与教育服务贸易发展的产物,它的产生给各国高等教育的国内外市场带来了机遇与挑战。国际教育服务贸易是其产生的条件,本文从国际教育服务贸易的四种基本提供方式入手,引出“无边界”高等教育,对其内涵、主要类型进行了阐述;分析了“无边界”高等教育发展趋势,并对各国高等教育机构面对机遇与挑战应做的努力提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

由于高校连年扩招,高等教育受多方影响,已不能适应社会发展形势、不能满足经济市场需求、不能满足人才成长需要。从高等教育文化环境建设弱化造成育人文化危机、高等教育培养质量下降造成教学质量危机,来评价高校教育育人危机,并提出相应的育人优化策略。  相似文献   

This paper explores the concept of good teaching and discusses lecturers’ beliefs about what constitutes good teaching in higher education. The paper draws on documentary material in the form of philosophy of teaching statements written by lecturers in higher education. Thematic analysis is used to examine the philosophy statements and the analysis of the data reveals that for academic staff, the moral stances of honesty, respect, responsibility, care and compassion are fundamental to good teaching. The results do not support a narrow view of teaching focused on strategies and technical knowledge, but shows evidence of academics engaging strongly with the values base of their work as teachers. The voices of the academic staff as captured in their philosophy statements are cognisant of the moral purpose of teaching and speak powerfully to a practice that is responsible and effective. Both dispositions are important in terms of teaching and the challenge is to integrate the two concepts in professional development.  相似文献   

While globalization poses challenges, it also offers powerful opportunities for the higher education community to play a key role in shaping the future. This article explores globalization as a policy paradigm, both from international and local (Australian) perspectives. It first looks broadly at various strands of globalization - economic, political, cultural, technological - and suggests how each may relate to higher education. The specific example of Australia is then used to illustrate how one government is currently addressing globalization issues of particular concern to it: the promotion, protection, and quality assurance of education as an international enterprise. The government has used concerns about globalization as a "lever" to introduce new legislation extending control over the higher education sector. The author concludes by arguing that, like governments and other bodies, the higher education community can "leverage" globalization to judiciously move debate and shape future policy directions.  相似文献   

高等教育公益性的现实理性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为研究高等教育公益性应充分考虑高等教育所置身的现实复杂环境,而不能孤立地从理论上进行推演.本文从高等教育公益性内涵、现实价值、面临挑战与实现方式等几个方面对高等教育公益性的现实理性进行了讨论.  相似文献   

Internationalisation as a Challenge for Higher Education in Europe   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
'Internationalisation' became a key theme in the 1990s both in higher education policy debates and in higher education research. Starting off from a heterogeneous set of phenomena, internationalisation does not merely mean varying border-crossing activities on the rise anymore, but rather substantial changes: first, from a predominantly 'vertical' pattern of cooperation and mobility towards the dominance of international relationships on equal terms; second, from casuistic action towards systematic policies of internationalisation; third, from disconnection of specific international activities on the one hand and on the other internationalisation of the core activities towards an integrated internationalisation of higher education. Though higher education policy remains predominantly shaped on a national level and tends to underscore specific traditions and conditions of individual countries, the responsibility of individual institutions of higher education in Europe for their own future grows in the process internationalisation which is accompanied, among others, by growing pressure for diversity and increasing popularity of managerialism as well as by a policy of the European Commission which seems to favour de-nationalisation of higher education.  相似文献   

本文从世界高等教育发展史、我国高等职业教育发展史和我国学位制度的演变说明高等职业教育是一种类型,并对今后我国职业教育的发展从认识上、制度上、具体办学上相应提出了建议。  相似文献   

在宏大叙事成为备受质疑的言说方式的今天,高等教育之所以还能够作为一个整体成为全球化研究的对象,与其突出的知识组织性质密不可分。在古典大学时期,高等教育机构是传授知识、训练心智的专门场所;在民族国家框架下,高等教育是以高深学问(知识)为中心构建起来的专门组织;全球化背景下,高等教育依然是全球知识生产网络上的重要节点。高等教育所传承和创造的知识的政体性、民族性和普适性及其相互关系,构成了高等教育全球化的内在矛盾和张力。  相似文献   

This article explores the current state and new roles of physical education as liberal education (PELE) in higher education. Recently, there has been growing discontent with PELE due to program redundancy and lack of educational power in higher education. However, little attention has been given to how to reconstruct PELE in higher education. To investigate this matter, this article examines (a) the origins and rationale of liberal education; (b) similarities and differences between liberal education, general education, and liberal arts; and (c) connections between liberal education and physical education. To conclude, two challenges of PELE in higher education are presented. These issues need to be overcome to bring PELE authentically into the world of colleges and universities.  相似文献   


Purpose: The purpose of this article is to compare the effectiveness of facilitated networks to other policy instruments for agricultural innovation.

Design/ methodology/ approach: In an exploratory study of the Dutch agricultural policy context, we conducted semi-structured interviews with ten experts on networks and innovation. Policy alternatives to networks included research funding, innovation experiments, knowledge vouchers for entrepreneurs, practice networks, competitions for awards/ prizes, innovation subsidies for individual entrepreneurs, legal exceptions, legislation and fiscalisation.

Findings: In early phases of the innovation process, facilitated networks were seen as more effective and cost-efficient than the other instruments. This was especially the case for system transformation. However, other instruments can have comparable performance for innovation when they result in sufficient network formation, for instance when they require that target groups build coalitions and other forms of networks. Networks were also seen as effective for system optimisation, but not more cost-efficient than other effective instruments.

Practical implications: Past policy experiences with networks enable moving beyond the generic term of ‘(facilitated) network’ to develop more advanced instruments for specific types and phases of innovation. Furthermore, the results suggest that facilitated networks may be a cost-effective alternative to the national extension services of old.

Originality/value: Many studies have shown the importance of networks for agricultural innovation. Furthermore, networks offer governments new opportunities to stimulate agricultural innovation. However, less is known about the effectiveness of networks as a policy instrument.  相似文献   

英国高等教育"双重制"分层政策案例分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
英国高等教育"双重制"是政府自上而下干预高校分层定位的经典案例,它的终结并非"二元"或"多元"分类模式的缺失而是"双重制"政策导向的失误.它启示人们,高等教育及机构分类不只是纵向分层也包括横向分类,其关键在于分类依据及定位政策的导向.  相似文献   

In this article we examine how the introduction of an output-based funding scheme in Norwegian public higher education in 2003 affects pass requirement standards. Based on a survey of faculty at the institutions concerned, we find that the propensity to expect that the new funding model will affect the failing/non-failing decision in exams is higher among faculty at the regional colleges than among traditional university faculty. This result is robust when we verify a range of individual characteristics of the respondents.  相似文献   

This research identifies six online course evaluation instruments used nationally or in statewide systems. We examined the characteristics (i.e., number of standards and criteria) and coded the criteria that guide the design of online courses. We discussed the focus of the instruments and their unique features.  相似文献   

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