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A study of Indonesian graduate officials shows pervasive differences between the holders of the Sarjana Muda, or Bachelor, degree, and those with the Sarjana, or Master's and other higher degrees (in what follows referred to as Bachelors and Highers), also between men and women holders of either level of degree.The Bachelors were younger than the Highers, and the women younger than the men, the youngest group therefore being the women Bachelors. Most Bachelors had graduated from academies and institutes; most Highers from the universities. The five leading state universities were responsible for a smaller proportion of women than of men Highers. Few of these institutions at either Bachelor of Higher level were in the private sector; these were favoured more by men than by women, and by Highers rather than Bachelors.Most graduates had been trained in secular, not religious, institutions (these were mostly Islamic). There were unimportant differences between the genders in this regard at Bachelor level; at Higher, a larger proportion of men had graduated from religious colleges.Relatively more women than men were graduates of the I.K.I.P., or teacher training colleges, while the reverse applied in the case of the academies and institutes, often offering other vocational qualifications. Bachelor graduates from the IKIP had lower salaries than those from the universities and academies; higher graduates from the universities were better paid than those from the other institutions.The most popular degree subjects, at Bachelor level, were those useful for teaching and administration; and also economics (which includes accountancy). There were slight differences between the genders, the women tending to favour teaching subjects, the men those useful for other occupations. At Higher level, while the Social Sciences and Economics remained popular, Medicine and Law assumed greater importance. There were more pronounced differences between the genders in certain subjects. The Behavioural and Social Sciences, Economics, Agriculture, and Engineering were relatively more popular with the men; the reverse applied for Education and Medicine; choices perhaps in part reflecting traditional conceptions of professions open to men and to women.Among Bachelors, vocational subjects were associated with better chances of promotion to the upper salary grades. Higher degree subjects which performed a similar function were those more closely connected with government administration and tertiary teaching. In either case these subjects had been studied by only a minority of the sample.Over half the sample of Bachelors was engaged in either teaching or educational administration, with a further three in ten occupied with government. Nearly seven out of 10 women were employed in the former occupations; their other preference was for Medicine. At higher degree level there were relatively more men than women in general administration. While there was a higher proportion of women in education as a whole, this was not true for the tertiary level, where the proportions of the genders was very similar. Also, in contrast with the situation among Bachelors, there was a much higher proportion of men in Medicine and in the Judiciary. In passing, we note that the distribution of jobs held by graduates from Islamic institutions does not differ significantly from that of the general body of graduate officials.More than 50% of the Bachelors were employed by the Departments of Education and of Religion, with over a fifth in the major administrative departments of government. However, the differences between the genders were important. Three fifths of the women were employed by Education, as against two fifths of the men, and only one tenth of the women were to be found in government administration, against a quarter of the men.At Higher level, two fifths of the graduates were in either Education or Religion, but otherwise much more evenly distributed across departments. If anything, there was a higher proportion of women than of men to be found in all departments with the major exception of Health, and the minor one of Education, where the reverse applied.  相似文献   

In recent decades, the proportion of college-educated workers in the United States entering professional occupations has declined. While the rising incomes of college graduates signals the growing value of skills and education, it seems that these skills are increasingly put to use outside of the professions. This paper examines the occupations of American college graduates since 1950 and the implications of these trends for the position of professional occupations. The results show that while the economic rewards of professions remain high, a falling proportion of college students aspire to enter the professions. Some college graduates have shifted to managerial positions, but a substantial number also aspire to and enter positions outside of professional and managerial work.  相似文献   


This study explored if it is possible for liberal arts students to develop engineering professional competencies without detailed engagement with the engineering sciences. Students on a Bachelor of Arts and Sciences programme were compared with their undergraduate peers in Civil Engineering. A new method for evaluating such competencies was developed. Two one-hour individual problem-solving exercises were devised to assess capabilities against 14 criteria, based on the Institution of Civil Engineers’ Competency framework for professional development (2011 The BASc cohort’s scores for each criterion improved notably from the start of term to the end. This cohort rated their capabilities more highly at the end of term and was more satisfied with the answers they gave. Engineering students showed a slight decline in performance against the criteria. Self-evaluation in this group revealed a smaller increase in perceived capability but increased dissatisfaction. Both cohorts felt more anxious about the assignment at the end of the term. PBL environments can improve student competence in attributes associated with professional engineering. The scope of the study is constrained by the small cohort but the findings and evaluation method provide the basis for further development, including detailed statistical evaluation and validation of the evaluation instrument.  相似文献   

This study describes the results of a questionnaire follow-up study of the employment and educational experiences of the graduates of a nontraditional elective studies degree program. Graduates of the experimental Bachelor of Elected Studies (BES) program at the University of Minnesota were compared with regular liberal arts graduates in terms of their postgraduation educational and employment experiences as well as their attitudes toward their undergraduate education. Results showed that although there were some differences between BES and regular liberal arts graduates in their attendance at graduate school, job history, and attitudes, goals, and expectations toward their undergraduate education, there were many similarities between the two groups. In most cases, BES graduates compare rather favorably with regular liberal arts graduates on most of the indicators examined in this study.  相似文献   

The aim of the research was to examine the output of the Center for Technological Education (CTEH) in relation to its main goal, the training of teachers for the technological education system. To this end, a follow-up study of graduates from 1976 to 1984 was conducted and their occupations analysed and classified. It was found that only 22% were employed as ‘Educators’, 6% as ‘Educators in Industry’ while the rest, 72%, were engaged in various engineering and technological occupations. The distribution by sex of CTEH graduates employed as ‘Educators’ was 17.2% for males and 33.4% for females. Graduates in teaching jobs expressed more satisfaction in their work than those engaged in other occupations. The main reasons given for abandoning teaching were: low salary, lack of significant advancement opportunities, dullness, dissatisfaction and discipline problems. It is recommended that an effort be made to encourage women to become qualified as teachers of technological subjects, and that a way be found for engineering teachers to combine work in industry with leaching in the technological education system. This paper is based on the findings of a follow-up study of graduates of the Center for Technological Education for the years 1976 to 1984.  相似文献   

The development of the integrated Bachelor of Engineering course at the University of Ballarat represents a strategic approach to curriculum design. This approach has been adopted for the development of a completely new course to address the desired attributes of the twenty-first century engineering graduates and to ensure that the content of the course encourages deep rather than surface approaches to learning. The objectives of the new course involve the development of graduates who are independent learners (lifelong learners) and are able to operate autonomously and in teams in tomorrow's world, coping with challenges and opportunities vastly different from those currently practising engineers have faced in their professional lives. The conceptual framework of this course is based on the integration of engineering disciplines with engineering design and systems as integrating themes.  相似文献   

Prior research has shown that students from less educated families are less likely to study both science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects and arts and humanities subjects. This article used a large representative sample of university students in England to explore the relationship between students’ enjoyment, perception of ability and socio-economic disparities in subject choices. Although these attitudes differed by students’ parents’ education level, and were associated with subject choices, disparities in choices persisted when accounting for these differences. Students with less educated parents were less likely to choose arts and humanities and more likely to study social sciences, law and business, over STEM, even when their enjoyment and perception of ability in subjects were similar. Students whose parents had higher levels of education were more likely to choose STEM over arts and humanities as their enjoyment of STEM increased, suggesting different underlying processes informing student choices by social background.  相似文献   

Recent national reports have highlighted the contribution that the sciences make to the Australian economy. Many developed economies report perceived shortages of STEM qualified workers, and at the same time, many science graduates have difficulty in finding work, especially work in their discipline. Rational education design dictates that science curricula at all levels should be based on a realistic representation of the actual practice of science graduates. So where do Australian science graduates go postgraduation? Using the Australian national census data set, we present a focussed investigation into the occupational status of Australian science bachelor graduates, how this status varies with graduate age and gender, how this status varies between science degree specialisms and how this status compares to a range of other disciplines. We consider the implications of these findings for undergraduate science degree curriculum design. We find that Australian science bachelor graduates work in a wide range of occupations, and even immediately postgraduation, only a minority of science bachelor graduates are working in traditional science occupations. Occupational outcomes vary significantly between science degree specialisms. For a contemporary undergraduate science curriculum to reflect the occupational outcomes of science bachelor graduates, there is a balance required to ensure adequate technical preparation for those students who pursue a career in their discipline as science professionals and to also address the broader knowledge, skills and attitudes that will equip the majority of graduates from Australian science programs for successful employment, further education and active participation in their communities, using their science knowledge.  相似文献   

曾晗  刘婷 《教育教学论坛》2020,(20):248-250
本文以工程教育认证中人文社会科学类课程对工科毕业生培养的影响为切入点,探讨了目前在我国高等教育工科建设的过程中,人文社科教育长期缺失所带来的负面影响,认为在工科专业中设置人文社会科学类课程,可以提高工科生解决专业领域复杂工程问题的综合能力。本文以政治课程与通识课程为例,阐述了人文社会科学类课程在工科专业能力培养中的作用。  相似文献   

Agriculture has had a significant number of minorities performing manual labor from the time of slavery. This has left a legacy of minority youth perceiving agriculture as occupations involving manual labor with low pay and low prestige. However, the opposite is true. There are employment opportunities for college graduates in food and agricultural sciences in marketing, merchandising, and sales of agricultural products; scientific and technical careers; and managing water, land, and other natural resources that are used in the U.S. food system. Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related Sciences (MANRRS) is a national society committed to fostering partnerships between minority agriculture and natural resource college students and professionals from academia, government, and business. The objectives of MANRRS include increasing the number of college students in agriculture and related sciences, providing an avenue for fellowship, promoting career and academic counseling, and developing a network to serve its members. Mentoring in MANRRS most closely follows the networking model. Hierarchy and power positions are replaced with collegiality and dedication to achievement of academic and career success. The networking of agricultural professionals, collegiate undergraduate and graduate students, university faculty and advisors, and high school students enhances recruitment and retention efforts on all levels.  相似文献   

文科大学生创新与理工科大学生和文科研究生的创新不同,特别强调积累,需要进行大量的阅读和社会实践,创新成果更多地表现为无形的精神成果。高校可以通过开设系统化的实践课程、让学生参与创新性实践项目和产学研合作项目、开展多专业合作的学科竞赛和创业实践等多种路径来培养学生的创新能力。  相似文献   

高职影视表演专业属于艺术性较强的专业,在人才培养定位上既要考虑到高职教育的特点,又要遵循影视艺术的特点和规律,有针对性的制定科学合理的人才培养方案,开展专业教学和实践演练,充分挖掘和培养学生个体演艺才能,增强学生职业能力与表演能力,从而更好的适应影视媒体行业发展对人才的需求。  相似文献   

In higher education dual systems, graduates are qualified to apply for jobs in same professional fields along two separated educational routes. The research problem is whether the rival applicants for professional positions are treated equally in the labour market despite their different qualifications. From the graduates point of view, to be equal means to have an opportunity to be employed in accordance with one’s professional skill. Applying European survey data, the article tests to what extent the ‘distribution of work’ between university and non-university graduates seems to be based on educational qualifications or actual competence. Among 4,000 German, Dutch, Finnish, and Swiss graduates primarily in business and administration and engineering, only slight and occasional evidence of ‘status-based recruitment’ was found. All in all, the research suggests that from the view of graduate employment, the European dual HE systems work very much following the principle of ‘different but equal’.  相似文献   

The employment performance (including salaries, relevant to studies and job satisfaction) of college graduates from different school types and disciplines after the universalization of higher education in Taiwan was examined and a comparative analysis was conducted in this article. The findings were as follows: 1) "Medicine and health" and "industrial arts" were the best disciplines in terms of overall employment performance; however, "arts," "agriculture," "mass media," "physical education/other," "home economics," and "tourism services" performed poorly overall in terms of employment. 2) The graduates' employment performance in the school type of "public universities" was better than others for the most part in Taiwan; however, the graduates of "public universities" who majored in arts, agriculture, mass media, physical education/other, home economics, and tourism services did not do well in terms of their employment performance. Based on the analysis, from the viewpoint of employment, we suggested that Taiwan's colleges and universities restructure the disciplines within their institutions and we also offered some suggestions to high school graduates about how to choose higher education institutions and disciplines.  相似文献   

随着全球化的发展,远洋船舶数量和吨位不断增加。船舶动力系统大多由机电干部负责管理、使用和维护,这对电气工程专业机电干部的个人素质和能力提出了更高要求。为了深入了解和掌握电气工程专业毕业学员能否胜任船舶机电干部岗位人才需求,文章通过调查问卷方式获取电气工程专业人才培养模式与知识体系的优点和存在的问题,作为后续工程专业人才培养模式教学改革的依据。  相似文献   

There is widespread concern, both in the private and public sectors, about perceived declines in U.S. college graduates in STEM fields. In our sample, the proportion of science majors has remained steady over the sample period; however, the number entering our college intending to major in STEM fields has fallen. In this paper we use administrative data from the graduating classes of 2001–2009, roughly 5000 graduates, from a northeastern liberal arts college to model the progression of students through STEM majors. The results suggest that absolute and sometimes relative grades are important, as is the intended major (as reported on the admissions application). AP credits are also strongly correlated to taking a first course, but diminish in the more selected samples. Simulations suggest that if science grade distributions were more like the college average, there would be roughly 2–4% more students progressing in STEM departments.  相似文献   

The effects of cohort size on the starting salaries of college graduates from different areas of study are examined. Increases in the size of graduating classes relative to the population depress their starting salaries relative to other workers. The smallest negative cohort size effects are found for engineering and business graduates, while the largest are estimated for science and liberal arts graduates. Science and liberal arts graduates are more complementary with other workers or increase their human capital investments more than business and engineering graduates do in response to increases in cohort size. Either of these differences generate larger negative cohort size effects on relative earnings.  相似文献   

素描是每一位艺术工作者必不可少的基本功,素描能力的高低直接决定着师专美术生专业素质的好坏。针对师专美术学生基础差、文化底子薄的现状,要培养具有丰厚艺术知识和高技术素质的中小学美术教师,加强素描教学至关重要。  相似文献   

该文采用问卷法,考察了381名女硕士研究生的成就动机状况。研究结果表明:1.女硕士研究生避免失败的动机高于追求成功的动机,成就动机水平较低。2.女硕士研究生的成就动机存在显著的专业差异。在追求成功动机方面,文科女硕士研究生高于理科女硕士研究生。  相似文献   

Enhancing graduate employability is a priority for many stakeholders in higher education and this research explores graduates’ experiences of, and attitudes towards, the inclusion of employability-related support in undergraduate degree programmes. A literature review is supplemented by primary research on a targeted sample of 104 graduates from humanities, sciences, engineering and social sciences, who span several generations and have over 2250 years of employment experience. The findings are triangulated to a workshop with 23 graduate careers advisory professionals. The results signal some important trends in experiences and attitudes, as well as variations by discipline and gender. While one in 10 graduates prefer a disciplinary focus with just indirect attention to employability, nine in 10 want employability to have greater emphasis, albeit those preferences vary between optional and integrated approaches. Experiences of employability-related support signal a significant shift over recent decades in how that support is provided, with professional service groups such as careers taking a much more active role and the overall level of provision rising. A cautionary note however is that the link with the discipline remains critical and the right balance needs to be struck between the provision of such support and embedding it into the curriculum.  相似文献   

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