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让学生实质性地参与化学课程改革的实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
课程改革的落脚点是要提高学生的素质。提出为了让学生实质性地参与到课程改革的实践中去,教师必须更新理念、科学指导、及时反思和进行创新评价。  相似文献   

教育是人类活动中最复杂的社会活动,虽然自从人类社会开始就有了教育活动,但是对它 的运动规律,我们仍然感到若明若暗,认识得不是很透彻。除了教育的一般规律外,还有特 殊规律。例如北京地区的教育就与我国西部地区的教育大不相同;北京城区的教育又与北京 郊区的教育不同。拿一个学校来说,高年级与低年级不同;男学生与女学生不同。如果只认 识了教育的一般规律,不认识具体的规律,教育工作也搞不好。这就需要每个教师开展教育 研究,探索一般的和具体的教育规律。社会在变化,时代在前进,教育也随之不断发展。旧时的教育规律认识…  相似文献   

试论生参与体育活动积极心态的建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何提高学生参与体育活动的意识,一直是我们体育工作探索的重要课题。实施素质教育的重点是“着眼全体,尊重主体,倡导发展。”体育教学必须高举“健康第一”的指导思想,面向全体学生,促进学生生动,活泼,主动地得到发展。实践证明,构建学生参与体育活动的积极心态,能更好地激发学生参与体育活动的积极性和主动性。  相似文献   

1 问题的提出“生物多样性及其保护”一节内容多 ,但相对比较简单 ,与之相关的素材和资料易通过各种途径获得 ,因此教师对教材内容把握的弹性较大 ,有利于教师的个人发挥。但在备课的过程中 ,一些问题引起了我的思考 :本课的内容对于重点学校的学生而言 ,无疑显得过于简单 ,如何从简单中上出一点新意来 ,是一个值得研究的问题 ;新的教学改革 ,要求教师改变以往一讲到底的做法 ,对知识的获得 ,要变学生的被动接受为主动获取 ,如何在教学中充分体现学生的主体地位 ,这也是一个值得深思的问题。2 策略的选择在商量怎样上这节公开课时 ,同事的…  相似文献   

实验过程中,教师要全面了解班级中每个学生的情况,使学生保持紧张、开放的心态。教学完毕学生完成调查问卷,进一步改善教学过程。  相似文献   

五四时期青年学生普遍的走上街头提出各种各样的政治口号,这些现象不是一蹴而就形成的,是国家政治局面混乱,社会不稳定等矛盾等得不到排解积累而致,同时,也与青年学生自身的精神追求和利益处境密切想关。  相似文献   

本文借鉴教育心理学学生认知发展规律的启示,从主体意识激活、活动平台搭建、互动机制创设、问题桥梁架设等方面探讨了在高中语文教学中如何有意识地引领学生参与高中语文学习活动.  相似文献   

在高考"一考定终身"的背景下,涌现出一大批高考复读生,他们承受着巨大的心理压力,缺乏足够的社会支持,其心理健康问题值得关注。本文以高考复读生为研究对象,通过探究复读生的社会支持,关注高考复读生的心理健康。通过分析得出应从三个不同的阶段给予高考复读生以社会支持:一是高考复读前的决策支持,二是高考复读中的过程支持,三是高考复读后的价值支持。这三种支持无一例外的需要家庭、学校、社会各方在心理上给予支持与帮助。  相似文献   

针对学生上体育课的积极性不高,目的不明确,对体育课的目标和体育课的功能不甚了解等情况,改进教学方法,得出激励、竞赛、诱导、提问、夸奖、幽默等是调动学生上体育课积极性的有效办法.  相似文献   

通过对医学硕士一年级研究生的考研问卷调查,回顾性地讲述了他们当年准备考研的经历,准备考研所花的时间及复习的过程,以及他们临床实习与考研复习上时间的处理。它山之石,可以攻玉。本文对打算考研的考生具有一定的帮助。  相似文献   

The theory, research, and validated application literatures show that systems concepts have been part of the field for more than 50 years. Relevant practices, including use of a validated systems model, specific process improvement and management technology, and organization performance improvement technology, were first developed during the 1960s and 1970s. ISPI Certification Standards were developed in that historical context and require exemplary work in the field to take a systems view to achieve value‐adding results.  相似文献   

The first four ISPI Certification Standards (referred to as RSVP) assert that excellent human performance technology (HPT) work achieves results (R) that are system enhancing (S) and value adding (V) through partnering (P). This two‐part series demonstrates that the system standard (S) reflects and supports ideas that have been part of the performance improvement field since before ISPI was founded in 1961. The purpose is to emphasize and clarify what taking a systemic view means in practice.  相似文献   

Give and take     
The author explains how creative dramatics, used as a technique for interating the disciplines, can be an integral part of a gifted program.  相似文献   

This research is a longitudinal, ethnographic study that focuses on mealtimes with one boy from 9 to 78 months of age in a day-care center in Japan. It looks at routine interactions between a child, his nursery teachers, and the environment, which is a shared and mutually available communicative space between participants in collaboration. The aim of this study is to clarify how the meal as a learning problem is “solved,” especially with young children whom the teacher cannot instruct verbally, and how the environment in which this takes place affects the process and is used in collaboration. The first part, a diachronic illustration of the child’s environment, in which all materials are organized as a total system to constrain his action, demonstrates the dynamic relation between his actions, the nursery teachers’ actions, and the environment. The second part presents the findings of a microanalysis of the interaction between a nursery teacher and the boy at 15 months, which is a critical transitional time from other-assisted to self-organized eating. It shows the close interdependence between the child’s environment and the teacher’s way of caring for him. The teachers generally used environmental modifications to assist his eating and to channel his actions toward their preferences. This study has demonstrated that children can learn much through an intentional arrangement of an artificial environment.  相似文献   

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