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Someone once said that to open our minds,we must expose ourselves to many cultures,but this is not as easy as it sounds.I was born in Chile,a long, narrow country squeezed between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes Mountains.It is a place where the boiling weather welcomes the celebration of the nativity of  相似文献   

美国作家佐拉.尼尔.赫斯顿的《他们仰望上苍》与黑人作家爱丽丝.沃克的《紫色》关注的都是黑人女性的觉醒以及她们与父权社会的抗争。因此,爱丽丝.沃克在佐拉.尼尔.赫斯顿的主题思想的基础上,在其作品《紫色》中阐述了三方面的主题,即:女性的经济独立、女性自我意识的觉醒和两性关系的发展。  相似文献   

N. Mukunda 《Resonance》2013,18(10):877-884
The life and work of Niels Bohr are briefly reviewed covering: his family life, background, and education; the importance of his stay in England after PhD, and the crucial contact with Rutherford; the period of the Old Quantum Theory initiated by his work on atomic structure; and his role as mentor to the next generation of physicists through his Institute in Copenhagen. The contacts with Einstein, their debates on quantum mechanics, their deep mutual respect, and their personalities, are described.  相似文献   

Act of God     
英释:A disaster that is due entirely to the:forcesof nature and that could not reasonally have  相似文献   

1.Oneday,aboyvisitedoneshopafteranotherwithonedollarinhispocket.Heaskedtheownersoftheshops,“Excuseme,doyouhaveGodtosell?”Somesaidtheydidn蒺thaveit,andothersdrovehimoutoftheirshopswithoutsayinganything.2.Whentheeveningcame,theownerofthe29thshop,whowasanoldmaninhissixties,saidtohim,“Tellme,myboy,whatyouwilldotobuyGod.”Theboytoldtheoldmanwhathadhappened.Hisunclefelloffthebuilding.Hewasinhospital.ThedoctorsaidthatonlyGodcouldsavehim.3.Tearscametotheoldman蒺seyes.Heaskedtheboy,“Howmuchdoy…  相似文献   

英美等国家的人深受基督教的影响,上帝(G od)是他们心中至高无上的神,人们常挂在嘴边的是“上帝保佑(G od bless m e!)”、“上帝保佑你(G od bless you!)”,甚至连打哈欠后也说G od bless you!英美人在祈求成功时,常把一只手的食指与另一只手的中指交叉(Cross one s fingers或keep one s fingerscrossed)。例如:She crossed her fingers duringthe race so that Jack would win.(杰克赛跑时,她交叉中指与食指,祈求杰克获胜。)如果某人说了谎,为了减轻说谎的罪过,也要“cross one s fingers”。例如:Jack crossed hisfingers when he to…  相似文献   

崔静 《海外英语》2012,(19):177-178
The Age of Innocence is novel of realism,in which the protagonist is trapped between dream and reality.By using Sar tre’s existentialism theory,this thesis analyses that the protagonist chooses reality against his will because of dishonesty.And the reason is that his freedom is restricted in the"situation"of other people.  相似文献   

由于不同的自然地理环境、宗教信仰、风俗习惯、寓言神话以及文学艺术诸多方面的差异,英、汉谚语承载着不同的民族文化特色和不同的文化信息。他们与文化传统紧密相连,不可分割。谚语中的文化因素构成了翻译中的困难。直译、意译,或者直译与意译相结合,则要根据具体的语言环境来定。本文试图借助语用学的观点.对英汉谚语的翻译做一些探索。  相似文献   

of life physic     
al education .Furtherly give song useful suggestion for cllege physical education and life physical edcation.  相似文献   

Twogoldfishinabowltalking:Goldfish1:DoyoubelieveinGod?Goldfish2:Ofcourse,Ido!Whodoyouthinkchangesthewater?God@小非 @柴立青  相似文献   

Very little prior research has examined public perceptions of research funding and the life chances associated with various fields of study. In the present task, 315 members of the Austrian general public rated 34 higher-education courses in terms of funding cuts or increases, and the perceived life chances of graduates, respectively. The results showed a high degree of correspondence in the ratings of both questionnaires. Overall, professional and biological stream courses were rated the most favourably, whereas arts and humanities courses were rated the least favourably. Participants’ demographic variables had little influence on their decisions. The implications of these findings for the way higher education is managed and organised are discussed.  相似文献   

<正>It’s human nature to love romance,especially for those young girls who are still in their adolescence.Emma was just one of these girls.When she was in convent school,she indulged herself in romantic fictions and fantastic love stories,regarding that kind of life depicted in books as her purist.She was dying to join the upper class,and she imagined to live a life like them one day.Masked balls,violent pleasures,and all the wildness she  相似文献   

承诺有时是如此神秘,有时甚至让人恐慌。我们总是在今天做出承诺,但是它们却都是关于明天的。坦白说,我们对于明天的一切几乎都无法确定,如果说我们能有所确定的话,那就是未来的这种不确定性。  相似文献   

电影《The life of Pi》讲述了少年派和一只名叫理查德.帕克的孟加拉虎在海上漂泊227天的历程。有人认为影片因其想象大胆、场景逼真、画面精致而获得奥斯卡奖项。笔者认为本片的成功,更多得益于导演李安隐喻与转喻的对立转换的灵活运用,并据此对片中转喻和隐喻的使用做一简要分析。  相似文献   

The prevalence of ‘life planning’: evidence from UK graduates   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
At a time when ‘personal development planning’ is being rolled out across the UK higher education sector, this paper explores young adults’ inclinations to plan for the future in relation to work, relationships and other aspects of life. Although Giddens has emphasised the prevalence of strategic life planning (or the ‘colonisation of the future’) in all strata of contemporary society, du Bois Reymond has argued that there are important differences by social class, with young people from more privileged backgrounds more likely than their peers to engage in such life‐planning activities. This paper draws on interviews with 90 young adults (in their mid‐20s) to question some of these assumptions about relationships between social location and propensity to plan for the future. It shows how, within this sample at least, there was a strong association between having had a privileged ‘learning career’ (such as attending a high‐status university and identifying as an ‘academic high flier’) and a disinclination to form detailed plans for the future. In part, this appeared to be related to a strong sense of ontological security and the confidence to resist what Giddens terms ‘an increasingly dominant temporal outlook’.  相似文献   

Algebraic symbols do not speak for themselves. What one actually sees in them depends on the requirements of the problem to which they are applied. Not less important, it depends on what one is able to perceive and prepared to notice. It is this last statement which becomes the leading theme of this article. The main focus is on the versatility and adaptability of student's algebraic knowledge.The analysis is carried out within the framework of the theory of reification according to which there is an inherent process-object duality in the majority of mathematical concepts. It is the basic tenet of our theory that the operational (process-oriented) conception emerges first and that the mathematical objects (structural conceptions) develop afterward through reification of the processes. There is much evidence showing that reification is difficult to achieve.The nature and the growth of algebraic thinking is first analyzed from an epistemological perspective supported by historical observations. Eventually, its development is presented as a sequence of ever more advanced transitions from operational to structural outlook. This model is subsequently applied to the individual learning. The focus is on two crucial transitions: from the purely operational algebra to the structural algebra of a fixed value (of an unknown) and then from here to the functional algebra (of a variable). The special difficulties experienced by the learner at both these junctions are illustrated with much empirical data coming from a broad range of sources.  相似文献   

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