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陈书兴 《宜春学院学报》2011,33(10):59-61,149
构建了企业营销力与企业绩效的理论模型,提出了企业营销力与企业绩效的相关假设,然后以调查问卷的方式收集数据,建立回归模型,运用统计分析方法,对相关数据进行回归分析,验证了我们提出的研究假设,证明了企业营销力对企业绩效有积极的作用。  相似文献   

加入WTO后,中国企业将面对更加激烈的国际竞争,管理创新势在必行。真正意义上的创新应当求真务实,与时俱进,循序渐进,联系实际,力戒空谈和盲目照搬。应当从企业高层领导的意识观念创新和企业人力资源管理制度创新着手,进而不断深化创新内容,使企业取得竞争优势地位。  相似文献   

The US Semiconductor Industries Association, Semiconductor Equipment Manufacturing Institute and Department of Defense have jointly established a pioneering new long range research effort identified as the Focus Center Research Program (FCRP). In late 1998 the Interconnect Focus Center (IFC) was established at MIT, Stanford University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, State University of New York at Albany, Cornell University and Georgia Institute of Technology (GIT) with GIT serving as the prime contracting university. The overarching goal of the IFC is to discover and invent new solutions that will enable the US semiconductor industry to transcend known limits on interconnections (between billions of transistors in a single silicon microchip) that would otherwise decelerate or halt the historical rate of progress of semiconductor technology.  相似文献   

从企业形象识别系统设计在企业发展过程中的重要性进行分析,构建了塑造企业品牌形象的具体执行策略,提出提升企业品牌形象的重要意义,通过不同方法分析企业形象识别系统设计的具体步骤,并将其融入企业的品牌塑造中.  相似文献   

企业文化是企业生存、发展的重要组成部份,是企业的灵魂。要建设优秀的企业文化,就要做好企业文化的改造,而在改造企业文化过程中则要坚持实事求是、从上而下、抓住机遇、机制支持、要素匹配、专家辅助、累积成果、积极谨慎等原则。  相似文献   

With changing domestic needs and intensifying foreign competition, American businesses are developing a leaner and more efficient look as they seek to streamline and improve their organizations and operations. Modern higher education can play a constructive and dynamic role in this process by offering corporations an expanded array of both traditional and nontraditional educational services. The development of new courses and instructional modes are helping to meet many of the informational needs of a restructuring private sector. At the same time forward-looking campuses are sharing and assisting in the adaptation of new technologies. A university committed to facilitating technology transfer, exploring innovative ways of disseminating research findings, and promoting information exchange at all levels, can give new meaning to the mission triad of instruction, research, and public service. At the same time such an institution can gain a new relevance in community and economic development. The following article looks at some new initiatives that are proving both effective and welcome as new modern corporate America seeks solutions to some of its most pressing problems.Dr. James T. Kenny is Vice Chancellor for Research and Development at Auburn University at Montgomery. He is the editor of a new Jossey-Bass volume titled ResearchAdministration and Technology Transfer and has been active in a number of cooperative university, business, and governmental programs. He currently chairs a committee of corporate and state leaders who, along with their university counterparts, are developing a research park and a university-based institute for advanced information systems.  相似文献   

公司僵局的特征为判断公司僵局的形成提供了判断标准;公司僵局的成因则为寻求救济途径提供了思路.公司僵局应与中小股东压迫这个关联问题相区分,其特征包括:公司僵局原因主体的对抗性;僵局公司类型的特定性;公司僵局状态的持续性;公司僵局解决愿望的内生性;僵局行为本身的非违法性、非违约性.公司僵局的成因是指:宏观上公司制度本身的设计缺陷在闭锁型公司中被扩大化,微观上封闭型公司的组织制度和外部市场使问题现实化,再加上股东利益非同质性造成的人合因素的决裂,合力促成了公司僵局形成的必然性.这些都为司法介入提供了理性依据.  相似文献   

实行现代化的企业制度与最佳的资源配置,创造最大价值是社会主义市场经济体制对现代企业的要求。目前一些国有企业实行改制进行兼并重组,收购破产等方式有效运营该国有资产,提高企业生存力创造利润。近几年,企业兼并日渐增多,在这中间很多企业因为在兼并中没有做好财务决策,使其实现不了兼并的目的,严重的会给企业带来损失。所以,在企业并购时进行财务决策是很重要的。本文就对就对包括如何确定兼并方式,兼并资金的筹集,付款形式,重组中的财务操作方式这些影响企业兼并的财务决策应该注意的内容进行分析。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to illustrate the phenomenon of corporate universities from the perspective of the evaluation of their performance. Corporate universities have a hybrid nature that can be referred to both as a business unit and as a higher education institution. Having reviewed the literature on corporate universities and performance evaluation of these kind of entities, we present the results of a survey on Italian corporate universities. Results shows that an appropriate framework for the evaluation of corporate university performance need to distinguish among the different types of corporate universities that are actually in place according to their mission and degree of openness to the external environment.  相似文献   

企业的财务风险是企业在发展过程中经常遇到的一项风险,不仅影响企业的正常运营,甚至还会影响到整个产业链,甚至波及到整个地区的经济发展,值得我们去研究、去探索解决的方法。本文从防范企业财务风险的一些技术方法以及相关的制度的完善出发,提出笔者的一些见解,旨在为防范企业的财务风险、保证企业的正常运营、促进国家的经济发展贡献一份自己的力量。  相似文献   

随着知识经济时代的到来,价值观管理模式将是面向知识经济社会最具效率的企业管理模式。本文从我国企业价值观管理中存在的问题着手,提出我国企业构建价值观管理模式的建议。  相似文献   

公司法人格否认制度就是公司人格独立制度的延伸。该制度防止了滥用公司独立人格,从而更好地保护了公司人格独立制度的健康有序运行,同时也保护了债权人利益。在理论和实践中,当下对于公司法人格否认制度的探析和运用均存在着缺陷。这主要表现在适用范围、适用主体范围上。  相似文献   

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