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《教书匠》一书的作者是普利策奖得主弗兰克.迈考特继《安琪拉的灰烬》后的最新力作,以不动声色、辛辣诙谐的文字,讲述了一个伟大的教书匠从教30年的苦涩与甘甜。  相似文献   

Underachievement amongst the lowest social classes, and, in particular, amongst what has now become recognised as the underclass, is one of the education system's most enduring problems. It was highlighted over thirty years ago by the Plowden Report (CACE, 1967), whose recommendations for raising standards in the primary sector in socially disadvantaged areas were incorporated into the implementation of what was initially known as the Educational Priority Area (EPA), and later renamed the Social Priority Area (SPA), initiative.  相似文献   

<约翰逊博士传>是西方近代传记中的"鼻祖".作者以"人"为本,张扬人的个性,展现了人勃发、鲜活的生命力;让人与上帝PK,彰显人的理性,光大了人的生命意志和智性光辉;戏剧性的谈话和流动性的场景渲染人性本色,升扬了人性的真善美.  相似文献   


Cultural differences appeared to establish a communications barrier between this teacher and her student teacher. Perhaps Mrs. Bloom's experiences will be helpful to other supervisors who work with foreign student teachers.  相似文献   

The interviewing process provides a unique method for determining what children know, and it is an innovative addition to a science methods course. Evidence for the effectiveness of the model is found in the comments of teachers. Their comments indicate that through the experience they have learned to value the process and recognize the importance of many of the topics included in the science methods course. Finally, most of the teachers reported their intentions to use the interviewing process in their classrooms. It appears,therefore, that interviewing can be a valuable part of a science methods course. It is likely that the interviewing process would also be useful if incorporated into other professional growth opportunities such as inservice programs and professional conferences.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, the organisation of religious education classes in Switzerland has undergone profound reforms. Amid the increasing secularisation and pluralisation of the religious landscape, many cantons have introduced a compulsory course that falls under the responsibility of the state and is aimed at teaching basic knowledge about a variety of religions. These reforms have enabled a harmonisation of the syllabi for religious education across the country and have prompted the adaptation of teacher training programmes. Because of the many diverse social expectations surrounding these new courses and the diverse academic traditions in the field of religious education, however, a unified conception of these courses is still absent. In this article, we discuss the ongoing construction of religious education teachers’ professional ethos within this fluid context. In particular, we discuss the perspective of teacher trainers on pragmatic questions concerning religious plurality and the place of teachers’ and pupils’ personal (religious) experiences in the classroom, and pay attention to different representations of ‘religion’ and distinct ideas regarding the purpose of these courses as they have a major impact on the professional attitudes expected from teachers.  相似文献   

The teacher educator as a role model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
New visions of learning have entered education. This article discusses the consequences for teacher education, and examines modelling by teacher educators as a means of changing the views and practices of future teachers. The results of a literature search and a multiple case study on modelling are discussed. Both the literature search and the case study approach led to the conclusion that we have discovered what is almost a blank spot in both the body of knowledge on teacher education and the actual practices of many teacher educators. The article concludes with a discussion of ways to improve this situation.  相似文献   

Identity as a mathematics teacher is enhanced when a teacher explores the cultural setting of their mathematics. The reports of projects that link culture and mathematics were analysed to explore the impact of sociocultural situations together with affective and cognitive aspects of self-regulation on identity. The reports were written by pre-service and in-service, mainly secondary, teachers at the University of Goroka, Papua New Guinea. While all 239 reports were read and considered in terms of the thesis of this article, 60 (25%) were analysed in detail developing the argument. The results indicate the strengths of such projects to take account of cultural knowledge when colonised education systems are further modified through reforms that emphasise culture. The significance for teacher education is the role that an activity which links culture and school mathematics plays in building values and identities.  相似文献   

Recent advances in the cognitive sciences along with theoretical perspectives from a Vygotskian learning paradigm are used to provide a justification for direct instruction in religious education. Direct instruction is not seen as the end of the learning process but one way in which students can be equipped to engage in more complex learning tasks which both challenge and engage them. To be pedagogically effective, direct instruction must be part of a wider teaching strategy and be based on a number of key principles, such as coherence, signalling and recognition of prior learning. The paper argues that direct instruction is especially relevant when dealing with conceptually difficult material. In addition, it also has a place when working with students who lack strong content knowledge.  相似文献   

●走进真实的孩子世界●许多文艺作品习惯于把孩子描绘成“一张白纸”,天真纯洁似乎成了孩子的代名词。在人们意识中,这样的认识也是根深蒂固的。然而我的一些所见所闻使我深刻体会到孩子世界中的色彩绝不仅仅是纯白,它远远要丰富、复杂、生动得多。笔者在这里大胆邀请诸位一起回顾可能经常发生在我们身边而我们又常不在意的几个真实的片断。案例一:幼稚的“世故”几年前的一个教师节,有些家长很早来园,他们一边向自己的孩子匆匆交待着事情,一边神秘地把一些小小的礼物往我手里塞。我忙着接待孩子,又忙着推辞,不免有点手忙脚乱。七…  相似文献   

The European Union has recognized the need for promoting social and political change through education. Special emphasis has been placed on the role of schools in personal and human development, along with the need for greater understanding of the diversity which makes up the European Union and throughout the world. This means that teachers are now expected to involve learners in the process of acquiring knowledge of their own culture(s) as well as other cultures. This article discusses a pilot project carried out in six European countries and designed to promote intercultural awareness of future teachers. The nexus of the training programme included empirical knowledge drawn from the teacher trainees international experiences, combined with intercultural communicative theory. How the pilot project was set up, some outcomes and conclusions derived from qualitative and quantitative research about the project are discussed.

L'union européenne a identifié le besoin de favoriser le changement social et politique par le biais de l'éducation. Une attention particulière a été portée sur le rôle des écoles quant à l'épanouissement personnel et humain et le besoin d'une meilleure compréhension de la diversité de l'Union Européenne et hors de ses frontières. Ceci implique que les enseignants sont maintenant amenés à faire acquérir aux étudiants la connaissance de leur propre culture tout autant que d'autres cultures. Cet article présente un projet pilote mené dans six pays européens conçu pour favoriser la sensibilisation interculturelle de futurs professeurs. Le programme de formation repose sur la connaissance empirique tirée des expériences internationales de professeurs stagiaires, combinée avec la théorie communicative interculturelle. La présentation fera part du déroulement du projet pilote, de quelques résultats fondés sur des analyses quantitative et qualitative.

Die Europäische Union hat die Notwendigkeit erkannt, sozialen und politischen Wandel durch Ausbildung zu fördern. Besonderer Wert wurde auf die Rolle gelegt, die Schulen für die persönliche und menschliche Entwicklung spielen, zusammen mit der Notwendigkeit, die Vielfalt, die die Europäische Union und die Welt an sich ausmachen, besser zu verstehen. Das heißt, dass von Lehrer/innen jetzt erwartet wird, Lernende in den Prozess des Wissenserwerbs in Bezug auf die eigene Kultur(en) sowie andere Kulturen einzubeziehen. Dieser Beitrag stellt ein Pilotprojekt vor, dass in sechs europäischen Ländern durchgeführt wurde und dass entworfen worden ist, um interkulturelles Bewusstsein zukünftiger Lehrer/innen zu fördern. Der Kern des Trainingsprogramms schließt empirisches Wissen ein, das aus den internationalen Erfahrungen der auszubildenden Lehrer/innen stammt, und das mit Theorien zur interkulturellen Kommunikation verbunden wurde. Die Entwicklung des Pilotprojekts sowie einige Ergebnisse aus der qualitativen und quantitativen Forschung des Projekts werden vorgestellt.

La unión europea ha reconocido la necesidad de promover el cambio social y político a traves de la educación. El énfasis especial se ha puesto en el papel de las escuelas para el desarrollo personal y humano, junto con la necesidad de la mayor comprensión de la diversidad que se encuentra en la unión europea y el resto del mundo. Esto significa que ahora se espera que los profesores impliquen a sus alumnos en el proceso de adquirir conocimientos de su propia cultura(s) como de otras culturas. Este artículo plantea un proyecto experimental realizado en seis países europeos y diseñado para promover el conocimiento intercultural de futuros profesores. El nexo del programa incluyó el conocimiento empírico recogidos de las experiencias internacionales de los alumnos de educación, combinadas con teoría comunicativa intercultural. Se discute cómo el proyecto fue diseñado y implementado, algunos resultados y conclusiones derivadas de la investigación cualitativa y cuantitativa sobre el proyecto.  相似文献   

教师执业失职行为的再研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,我国的教育取得了令人瞩目的成绩。但是在取得成绩的同时,我们也发现随着我国经济体制的变革、经济结构的调整和教育管理体制的变化,教师失职行为也日益显现,无论对教育投资、受教育或是国家均带来极大的危害,必须采取相应的对策措施加以整治,为我国21世纪的全面持续性发展提供必要的人才保证。  相似文献   

Peer-group mentoring (PGM) is a new model designed to support the professional development of teachers in Finland. This study examines the experiences of mentees participating in PGM and potential differences in the experiences of teachers in general education and vocational education. It also addresses the mentees’ perceptions of the results of PGM with regard to the professional, personal and social dimensions of professional development. Quantitative research methods were used. An online survey was completed by 69 teachers in general education and 47 teachers in vocational education (n = 116). The results showed that the participants saw PGM as an important tool for professional development throughout the entire teaching career. In general, there were few significant differences between vocational teachers and their colleagues in general education in their perceptions of PGM. The study further suggests an alternative conceptualisation of professional development based on the following components: development of skills and knowledge, strengthening professional identity and self-confidence, and development of a work community.  相似文献   

The two questions in this chapter are whether school restructuring promotes or constrains the professional development of teachers and which mechanisms for workplace learning appear to enhance the capacity of teachers to critically interpret educational reforms. To answer the first question, the implementation of structural changes and instructional innovations as part of the inclusion reform in Dutch elementary education was analyzed with special attention to the utilization of learning opportunities by the teachers. The second question is answered by analyzing the potential of two mechanisms, especially feedback and collaboration, to promote teacher workplace learning and systematic reflection. The study of communities of practice in schools will be put forward as a promising approach to extend our knowledge of teacher workplace learning and the interpretations of teachers of educational reforms.  相似文献   

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