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暑假到了,学校放假了,在暑候期间,大部分孩子呆在家里看电视和伙伴们一起玩,一些进行户外运动或去露营。[第一段]  相似文献   

西方人讲究吃得好,但吃得简单,平时一顿饭一般一两个菜,请客时最多也就三、四个菜。这同我们在请客时花很多时间去准备很多菜的习惯完全不同。  相似文献   

本文根据当前外语教学教育改革的要求,结合笔者自身的教学实践,对My Wood这篇课文中的圣经典故进行详细的解读。  相似文献   

通过对国内外旅游度假区研究文献资料及其效益评价研究分析,发现:近年来对旅游度假区的研究较多,但关于旅游度假区效益评价方法不多,主要是针对具体的度假区的效益评价,且多半仅针对单一效益,如经济效益、生态效益等。在综述了旅游度假区效益评价方法文献的基础上,提出旅游度假区效益评价需建立完善的综合评价体系,做好度假区开发前的效益预测评价和开发后的效益评价并作比较分析等建议。  相似文献   


Religious Education (RE) naturally draws on various aspects of the academic study of religions to ensure the accuracy and currency of its content and pedagogy. This paper sets out the case for a more intense dialogue between RE and the field of biblical studies, in order to address perceived weaknesses in the teaching of Christianity in UK schools, specifically in the use of biblical material in the classroom. Two recent major shifts within biblical scholarship are highlighted here: (1) a transformation in the understanding of the first century Jewish context within which Christianity was formed and (2) the emergence of new forms of biblical interpretation which draw on the perspectives of previously marginalised groups. These developments potentially have important and positive implications for RE, because they demonstrate the breadth and variety of the religions of early Judaism and Christianity; offer new information about central topics on current RE syllabi; raise questions about the plurality and ‘ownership’ of the interpretation of sacred texts; encourage greater nuance in applying biblical texts to contemporary theological and ethical debates; and provide space for people from varied backgrounds to engage directly with the biblical texts in informed and innovative ways.  相似文献   

鍮石是著名的两域舶来品,用鍮石制作的工艺品曾经是中古中国上层社会达官贵人所追求的时尚物品,在唐代更成为官宦等级身份的象征.然而鍮石究竟是什么?从哪里来?都用来做什么?这些都是值得思考和讨论的问题.本文将就这些问题,结合有关的考古和文献材料进行分析、探讨.  相似文献   

本在对北宋三类语言材料进行穷尽性统计的基础上,对北宋疑问语气词“麽”的用法进行了描写。章认为:a.至迟到北宋,“麽”已彻底、整体完成了虚化;b.在共有的语义功能范畴内,“麽”字句在与反复句的竞争中已占上风,显示出其强大的生命力;c.“麽”确实源于“无”,从北宋的“麽”的结构特征可以看出“无”的语义特征对“麽”的影响。  相似文献   

What causes the literacy gap and can schools compensate for it? The authors investigated 3 drivers of the gap: preliteracy knowledge, schooling, and the summer vacation. Longitudinal literacy data over 5 time points were collected on 126 five-year-olds attending higher or lower socioeconomic status (SES) schools during their first 15 months of school. There were several noteworthy findings: (a) gaps in preliteracy knowledge at school entry favor higher SES schools, (b) preliteracy knowledge predicted later progress over and above SES and gender, (c) during the school year there was a widening of the gap between higher SES schools and lower SES schools in reading and spelling skills, and (d) children attending lower SES schools exhibited losses during summer whereas children attending higher SES schools nearly always gained. Contrary to previous studies, the present results indicated that when there are concentrations of children from higher and lower SES in schools located in the children's respective SES areas, the achievement gap widens.  相似文献   

线性逆推数列an=pan-1 qan-2在数列部分占有重要的地位,而它的通项公式尚未求出。利用无穷级数,通过构造母函数,推出了数列{an}的通项公式,为数列通项公式的求法提供了新思路。  相似文献   

In a western educational context that evidences a decrease in the use of the Bible, this research uses qualitative data to offer insights into how children encounter the creation narratives of Genesis I–III. In order to comment on the meaning‐making interpretative process that children employ at different key stages of development, the insights of hermeneutic phenomenology and of developmental psychology are used. At each of the British educational Key Stages 2, 3 and 4, children's perspectives are given, alongside a hermeneutical commentary.  相似文献   

关于大学生假期宿舍管理工作的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在假期里,一部分学生选择了留校,大学生假期留守校园增加了学校管理工作的强度和难度.关爱留校生、做好假期宿舍管理工作已成为高校的学生工作新课题,高校应努力增强以学生为本的管理服务理念从在校管理向假期管理的延伸,扫除管理的盲点,实现全过程育人.  相似文献   

Vacations may have detrimental effects on maths and spelling performance, but the findings for reading are less conclusive. The purpose of this study was to analyse the effects of summer vacation on early literacy skills of young children. Participants included rising first and second‐graders, most of whom were at‐risk, struggling readers. No evidence of summer setback was evident for this sample of children; in fact, gains in reading (or, recoupment of any losses) were more common in children performing at lower levels than for those with higher scores at the end of the school year. Our outcomes are different from those reported by other researchers. We explain this with attention to the content of our comparisons, the grade levels investigated and measures used to assess performance, and discuss implications for future research based on our findings.  相似文献   

主要研究了一类二维离散动力系统(2-D),即带强迫项对流系统的空间混沌行为,介绍了连续对流系统在Li-Yorkc和Marotto意义下的空间混沌定义以及非连续对流系统(分段连续对流系统)在转数区间意义下的空间混沌定义,并且分析了它的空间混沌的存在性.  相似文献   

公共图书馆志愿者是公共图书馆可借助的重要资源与宝贵财富,具有不可取代的积极作用。但宁波公共图书馆的志愿者服务事业还处于一个起步阶段,在管理过程中存在着诸多问题,为此,应建立公共图书馆志愿者管理机制,对志愿者管理人员进行专业培训,实施志愿者系统化、专业化管理。  相似文献   

A major concern in the area of television's effect on children has been how children interpret both the content and form of the medium. As a form of representation, television has its own code. Messages are transmitted by manipulating this code. The last decade has seen a growth of interest in ways of combating the influence television has on children by increasing their awareness and understanding of the conventions of the medium. The research described here is a media literacy project that takes children ‘behind the scenes’ of television's ‘magic’ by providing them with the opportunity of producing a programme for community access cable television. This was accomplished by having two groups of grade five children experience a 10‐week media literacy curriculum. Following the curriculum phase, one group ‘produced’ a programme for telecast at the local cable studio. Pre‐, post‐, and long‐term media literacy tests were administered to the two groups and a control group. Results reveal that not only did the groups who had experienced the media literacy curriculum perform significantly better on the test, but also that their scores improved significantly between post‐and long‐term testing. In conclusion, the media literacy curriculum led to significant increases in understanding of media‐related concepts.  相似文献   

结合田径运动自身的项群特点以及当今世界田径运动的发展趋势,以1999--2008年世界和中国历年年终排名前十位运动员的短跨类项目运动成绩为研究对象,运用文献法,数理统计法和比较分析法,通过对世界和中国田径运动10年内的这动成绩进行研究和对比,找出中国和世界田径运动发展存在的差异,总结规律,为中国田径运动的快速发展提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Specializations: experimental ecology, environmental education, philosophy of science.  相似文献   

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