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杜威教育思想在中国的传播及其影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20世纪初,中国社会和教育的发展为杜威教育思想的传播提供了土壤,而杜威教育思想在中国的传播又反过来促进了当时的中国教育,同时也产生了一定的负面影响,对此我们应有清醒的认识。  相似文献   

This study empirically investigates how working while enrolled in high school affects educational outcomes, while accounting for self-selected educational tracking. Using a longitudinal survey of Taiwanese youth and exploiting the inter-zip-code geographic variations in youth-preferred industries, we find a negative effect of school-year work on educational achievement, and the negative marginal impact is much stronger for academic-track than for vocational-track students. An exogenous increase in school-year hours worked of 10 hours per week lowers college entrance scores by a 0.117 (0.083) standard deviation for academic-track (vocational-track) students. The negative impact of school-year work tends to be overstated if the endogeneity arising from educational tracking is not acknowledged—with upward biases as large as 16% and 30% for academic- and vocational-track students, respectively. Among subjects, math scores suffer most from working during the school year.  相似文献   

混合编队教育实习模式的多学科混合组队以及不派驻点教师的特点,使得实习的前期准备工作变得更为关键。为发挥混合编队教育实习模式优势,分析了混合编队教育实习前期工作要素的变化,对前期工作的组织实施进行了探讨。  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济的建设和发展,思想政治工作面临新的挑战,如何加强和改进学校思想政治工作值得我们思考和研究.本文就思想政治工作的教育机制进行了论述和探讨.  相似文献   

职业学校如何做好与企业的“接口教育”工作   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前,职校学生在就业过程中出现了工作态度不认真、做事不拘小节、缺乏责任心、无团结协作意识等问题。因此,职业学校必须加强学生的细节教育、团结合作精神教育、吃苦耐劳精神教育,以适应企业的要求。  相似文献   

Conclusions We must recognize that the achievement of educational excellence is a function of student commitment to personal excellence. When we have commitment, we have individual action directed to effective decision making, planning, and preparation. This demands vocational guidance and assessment.Educational excellence, then, is shaped by and reciprocal to the confidence of students in their ability to pursue programs that challenge their abilities, provide access to opportunity, and rest upon self-knowledge and informed choice. Without student commitment, we can have reforms and change that bring us no closer than before to educational excellence. To achieve excellence, we must remember the key ingredient—the students, and their commitment to their own future.Harry N. Drier is the Associate Director for Organizational Development and Janet K. Ciccone is a Program Associate at the National Center for Research in Vocational Education at The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.  相似文献   

The scheme offers operational guides based upon identifiable behaviours in a number of technical subjects classified, for rating purposes, with cognitive, affective and motor‐manipulative taxonomies. Two dimensions are postulated for each taxonomy, (i) complexity and (ii) extensiveness. The stages are briefly illustrated by reference to skilled performance in a number of crafts. Instructions for using the rating schedule to derive three profiles relevant to attainment are provided. Interpretations of profiles are suggested, including a tentative method for aggregating numerical scores for comparison with established examination grades at ‘O’ level and CSE. The results from a trial run with a simple version of the scheme are reported and discussed.


教师参加教育科研的基本方式是学,思,议,行,炼。即通过学提高理论水平,借鉴成功经验,再辅以车,议,进一步升华和深化,用以指导自己的教育科研实践。行即具体参加教育科研实践,在实践中总结,提高。  相似文献   

关于地方高校教学督导工作的几点看法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
地方高校的发展很快,提高教学质量已是当务之急,加强教学督导工作十分必要。教学督导工作应坚持“监督”与“指导、引导”并重,做到“查、改、参、推”,认真贯彻执行。发现问题,反馈意见,提出建议,督促整改”的工作方针,才能更好地开展工作,为地方高校的可持续发展服务。  相似文献   

中小学教育科研属于一种应用性研究,应该摒弃那种以功利为目的的虚假的、急功近利的“教育科研”。消除教育科研中存在的弊端,应建立健全中小学教育科研管理机构,提高中小学教师的科研道德素养,培养各校的科研骨干力量,进而提高全体教师的教育科研能力,达到科研兴教、科研兴校、不断提高教育教学质量的目的。  相似文献   

《红字》中的女主人公白兰是个颇具争议的人物形象,她在小说中先后两次回到受辱和赎罪之地-萨勒姆小镇。在新英格兰弥漫的宗教氛围中,白兰的罪恶根源是清教传统下阴郁环境对人性的禁锢和性恶论的孽果,而白兰的回归是在加尔文神学思想的指引下对清教道德的服从和归顺,也是霍桑矛盾宗教观的无奈妥协,小说以基督教的博爱精神和道德皈依结尾表现了霍桑的清教主义道德指向。  相似文献   

She (Lady Darling) was rarely not pregnant. (She gave birth to a son in October 1826)... to another son in 1827 (who died in 1828), a daughter in 1829, she miscarried in 1830, and was heavily pregnant when she left the colony in 1831. Often indisposed, for nearly a year she was hardly able to leave her couch. 2 2Heather Radi ‘Fanny Macleay’, in Heather Radi, ed., 200 Australian Women (Broadway: Women's Redress Press, n.d.), 7.   相似文献   

The use of information technology (IT) to support the classroom teacher and school managers to organize and manage the learning environment better has received little specific attention, even though many applications or systems purport that this is one of their aims. This special issue attempts to fill that gap. This introduction paper provides an overview of the range of support that IT can provide in the field of education, and discusses how the development of these support systems needs to be approached analytically. Finally, there is an overview of the papers invited for this edition of the journal that are illustrative of the wide ranging development of IT to support teachers, teaching and the management of both  相似文献   

中国经济建设的迅猛发展,使得信息化逐步深入到了中国社会的各行各业,校园信息化的普及也越来越广,利用计算机实现网上选课已经成为数字校园综合管理十分重要的一部分,并且已经日益得到重视。  相似文献   

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