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Though born on June20,1967,in Honolulu,Hawaii(her father Anthony,a biochemist andpsychologist,was studying inHawaii),Kidman grew up ina suburb of Sydney,Australia,from the time shewas four years old.  相似文献   

JANUARY 27-28 United Arab Emirates IATEFL TD and ELTM SIGs Conference,Abu Dhabi. 'Managing change in ELT' Submission deadline:7 October 2006. Contact kirsty@domeexhibitions.com or visit http://www.adu-iatefl.org. FEBRUARY 1-4 Slovenia Annual IATEFL-Slovenia Conference. Submission deadline:20 October 2006. Contact Renata Krivec at info@iatefl.edus.si or visit http://www.iatefl.edus.si  相似文献   

JANUARY 23 THAILAND Thailand TESOL 25th anniversary conference: ‘ Surfing the Waves of Change in English Language Teaching‘. Contact Maneepen Apibalsir: maneepen@ yahoo. com or visit: http: //www. thaitesol. org 28 - 30 GERMANY The Joint IATEFL Computer, ESP and Global Issues SIGs Workshop Conference at Bietefeld has now been cancelled.  相似文献   

For this year's 41st International Annual IATEFL Conference in Aberdeen , IATEFL and the British Council worked together to enable teacher audiences worldwide to participate in this year's IATEFL Conference via the internet and get a taste of exactly what happens over four exciting days each year around Easter. The following are from the roving reporters who report on conference sessions using web logs on 2007 IATEFL Conference.  相似文献   

For this year's 41st International Annual IATEFL Conference in Aberdeen,IATEFL and the British Council worked together to enable teacher audiences worldwide to participate in this year's IATEFL Conference via the internet and get a taste of exactly what happens over four exciting days each year around Easter.The following are from the roving reporters who report on confer- ence sessions using web logs on 2007 IATEFL Conference.  相似文献   

For this year's 41st International Annual IATEFL Conference in Aberdeen , IATEFL and the British Council worked together to enable teacher audiences worldwide to participate in this year's IATEFL Conference via the intemet and get a taste of exactly what happens over four exciting days each year around Easter. The following are from the roving reporters who report on conference sessions using web logs on 2007 IATEFL Conference.  相似文献   

[1]Engebretsen,L.,Sudan,M.,2002.Harmonic Broadcasting is Bandwidth-Optimal Assuming Constant Bit Rate.Proc.Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms.San Francisco,CA,USA. [2]ETSI,2005.IP Datacast over DVB-H:Content Delivery Protocols.ETSI Standard,Draft,V0.0.9. [3]Horn,G.B.,Knudsgaard,P.,Lassen,S.B.,Luby,M.,Rasmussen,J.E.,2001.A scalable and reliable paradigm for media on demand.IEEE Computer,34(9):40-45. [4]Hu,A.,2001.Video-on-Demand Broadcasting Protocols:A Comprehensive Study.Proc.IEEE Infocom.Anchorage,Alaska. [5]Huang,C.,Janakiraman,R.,Xu,L.,2004.Loss-Resilient Media Streaming Using Priority Encoding.Proc.ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM‘04).New York,USA. [6]Jenka(c),H.,Stockhammer,T.,2005.Asynchronous Media Streaming over Wireless Broadcast Channels.Proc.of International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME).Amsterdam,The Netherlands. [7]Luby,M.,Gemmel,J.,Vicisano,L.,Rizzo,L.,Handley,M.,Crowcroft,J.,2002a.Asynchronous Layered Coding (ALC) Protocol Instantiation.RFC 3450,IETF. [8]Luby,M.,Gemmel,J.,Vicisano,L.,Rizzo,L.,Handley,M.,Crowcroft,J.,2002b.Layered Coding Transport (LCT)Building Block.RFC 3451,IETF. [9]Luby,M.,Vicisano,L.,Gemmel,J.,Handley,M.,Crowcroft,J.,2002c.Forward Error Correction (FEC) Building Block.RFC 3452,IETF. [10]Luby,M.,Watson,M.,Gasiba,T.,Stockhammer,T.,Xu,W.,2006.Raptor Codes for Reliable Download Delivery in Wireless Broadcast Systems.Proc.Consumer and Communications Networking Conference (CCNC).Las Vegas,NV,USA. [11]Paila,T.,Luby,M.,Lehtonen,R.,Roca,V.,Walsh,R.,2004.FLUTE-File Delivery over Unidirectional Transport.RFC 3926,IETF. [12]Peltotalo,J.,Peltotalo,S.,Harju,J.,2005.Analysis of the FLUTE Data Carousel.Proc.10th EUNICE Open European Summer School.Colmenarejo,Spain. [13]Shokrollahi,A.,2003.Raptor Codes.Tech.Rep.DR2003-06-001,Digital Fountain. [14]TM-CBMS1361,2005.Proposal for Simulations for Evaluation of Application Layer FEC for File Delivery. [15]Xu,L.,2001.Efficient and Scalable on-Demand Data Streaming Using UEP Codes.Proc.ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM‘01).Ottawa,Ontario,Canada.  相似文献   

Dictionary: A place where success comesbefore work. Conference Room: A place where everybody talks,nobody listens and everybody dis-agrees later on. Classic: A book which people praise,butdo not read. Smile: A curve that can set a lot ofthings straight.  相似文献   

第六届国际成人教育大会亚太地区预备会议(The Sixth International Conference on Adult Education Preparatory Conference for Asia and the Pacific)于2008年10月6-8日在韩国首尔召开。这是联合国教科文组织成员国政府间的一次会议,是2009年5月19-22日将在巴西召开的第  相似文献   

May 2003 2-4. (North America) Sunshine State TESOL Con-ference, "Building Bridges, Connecting Communities," Jack-sonville, Florida, USA. Web site http://www.sunshine-tesol.org/. 3. (North America) PennTESOL East Spring Con-ference, "Promoting Tolerance and Diversity in the Classroomand Creating Builders of Brotherhood and Sisterhood,"Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Web site  相似文献   

(1)Dear sir/madam:I'm delighted you have accepted our invitation to speak at the Conference in [city] on [date].As we agreed, you'll be speaking on the topic from [time] to [time]. There will be an additional minutes for questions.  相似文献   

大使馆地址:北京市东直门北中街4号邮编:100600电话:(010)-6532-1381,(010)-6532-2051传真:(010)-6532-4851电子邮箱:embassy@russia.org.cn(总部)工作时间:9:00-13:00,14:00-18:00大使馆领事处:电话:(010)-6532-1267工作时间:(周一至周五,下午14:00至18:00)传真:(010)-6532-4853电子邮箱:text@russia.org.cn(签证处)签证处工作时间:9:30-12:00  相似文献   

袁立 《考试》2006,(12)
Isn't it amazing how one person, sharing one idea, at the right time and place can change the course of your life's history? This is certainly what happened in ray life. When I was 14, I was hitchhiking from Houston, Texas, through El Paso on my way to California. I was following my dream, journeying with the sun. I was a high school dropout with learning disabilities and was set on surfing the biggest waves in the world, first in California and then in Hawaii, where I would later live.  相似文献   

为了进一步推动我国哲学与社会科学的发展和创新,促进信息科学与哲学社会科学之间的交叉研究,促进信息科学自身的建设,"首届全国社会信息科学研讨会"(First National Conference on Social Information Science in 2007,NCSIS'07)于2007年6月12-15日在华中科技大学召开.  相似文献   

The Second China-Korea Joint Conference on Geometric and Visual Computing (CKJC 2006) was held during August 23-25, 2006, in Hangzhou, China. CKJC 2006 is an annual conference between China and Korea on Geometric and Visual Computing through a series of discussions and collaborations. The annual conference is a great platform to facilitate the communication and cooperation among the engineers and scientists in Far East region and is designed to address the hottest topics in geometric…  相似文献   

Prof.Bao Tianren(Bao):Dr.Hung,thank you for join- ing us in the 2nd National English as a Foreign Language Teaching Conference for Primary and Secondary Teachers of English in Guangzhou.We organize this conference every year and the theme of this year is Approaches on Raising China's  相似文献   

The origin of World Water Day The international observance(纪念) of World Water Day is an action that grew out of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro. The United Nations General Assembly made 22 March of each year the World Day for Water by adopting a resolution. This world day for water was to be observed starting in 1993, in harmony with the rec- ommendations of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development contained in chapter 18  相似文献   

RautersMore Americans are shopping on the Internet but most of those onlinepurchases are being made by young and affluent consumers,a study re-leased on Thursday showed.The Conference Board,a private business research group,found in itssurvey that about 34 percent of U.S.households have made at least one  相似文献   

你想赢得一份参观华盛顿D.C.的奖励吗?参加2003年词源大赛,将对环境保护的所思所想写成诗歌寄如下地址:Riverof Words,P.O.Box4000-J,Berkeley,CA 94704。想获取更多信息,请登陆网站:www.river of words.org。  相似文献   

A:I'm sorry I lost your pencil. 我很抱歉弄丢了你的铅笔。B:Forget it. A:My friends go to Hawaii today,without me. 我的朋友们今天去了夏威夷,但是没有我的份。B:Forget it.  相似文献   

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