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Comparing the analyses based on the data of 1,235 Chinese children referred for government services and subsequently diagnosed as children with dyslexia in Hong Kong and those of 690 Chinese children in the sample for the normative study of the Hong Kong Test of Specific Learning Difficulties in Reading and Writing, we explored the reading–writing connection through a series of regression and correlation analyses. Specifically, orthographic knowledge, naming speed, and phonological memory were found to be salient predictors predicting both reading and writing, and when they were controlled and partialed out, the correlations between reading and writing were sizably attenuated, suggesting that these cognitive abilities or skills could act as third-variables contributing to the relationship between reading and writing. Issues related to causal inference, directionality of causality, and implications of the findings for intervention efforts and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

近年来快速命名与发展性阅读障碍的研究,主要讨论了快速命名对发展性阅读障碍产生预测性作用的主要原因:语音能力、正字法能力和任意性的形音联结.虽然鲜有研究涉及任意性的形音联结,但这个因素在形音关系不透明的汉语中,可能与阅读过程和快速命名都存在很大的相关性.今后应设立一个有效的统一的鉴别发展性阅读障碍儿童的标准,逐渐形成中文阅读发展的体系.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was twofold: (a) to examine the extent to which Chinese dyslexic children experience deficits in phonological and orthographic processing skills and (b) to examine if Chinese dyslexia is associated with deficits in Planning, Attention, Simultaneous, and Successive (PASS) processing. A total of 27 Grade 4 children with dyslexia (DYS), 27 Grade 4 chronological age (CA) controls, and 27 Grade 2 reading age (RA) controls were tested on measures of phonological awareness, rapid naming, phonological memory, PASS, reading accuracy, and reading fluency. The results indicated that the DYS group performed significantly poorer than the CA and RA groups on both measures of phonological awareness and on a measure of orthographic processing but comparably to the RA group on a measure of rapid naming and both measures of phonological memory. In regard to the PASS processing skills, the DYS group performed worse than the CA controls on Successive and Simultaneous processing but comparably to the RA group on all PASS processing skills. Implications of these findings for early identification and intervention of reading difficulties are discussed.  相似文献   

The phonological deficit hypothesis in Chinese developmental dyslexia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The present study explores the relationship between basic auditory processing of sound rise time, frequency, duration and intensity, phonological skills (onset-rime and tone awareness, sound blending, RAN, and phonological memory) and reading disability in Chinese. A series of psychometric, literacy, phonological, auditory, and character processing tasks were given to 73 native speakers of Mandarin with an average age of 9.7 years. Twenty-six children had developmental dyslexia, 29 were chronological age-matched controls (CA controls) and 18 were reading-matched controls (RL controls). Chinese children with dyslexia were significantly poorer than CA controls in almost all phonological tasks, in semantic radical search, and in phonological recoding proficiency. Chinese children with dyslexia also showed significant impairments in most of the basic auditory processing tasks. Regression analyses demonstrated that different auditory measures of rise time discrimination were the strongest predictors of individual differences in Chinese character reading (1 Rise task) and phonological recoding (2 Rise task) respectively, with frequency discrimination also important for nonsense syllable decoding. Our results support the hypothesis that accurate perception of the amplitude envelope of speech is critical for phonological development and consequently reading acquisition across languages.  相似文献   

Despite recent developments in research and theory, investigators and practitioners continue to rely on rather traditional definitions of dyslexia. This paper discusses some of the problems with traditional definitions and reviews a rapidly growing body of research that suggests a more comprehensive definition. According to this definition, dyslexia is a developmental language disorder that involves a deficit(s) in phonological processing. This disorder manifests itself in various phonological difficulties as well as a specific reading disability.  相似文献   

为充分发挥增强现实技术在对外汉语中的作用,从而促进对外汉语教学质量的提升,作者以《探析增强现实技术在对外汉语中的应用》为课题,从增强现实技术在对外汉语中的应用优势入手,对其进行了全面而深入的分析,并在此基础上探究了增强现实技术在对外汉语教学中的应用策略,给出了具有代表性的个人建议。  相似文献   

The cognitive profiles of children with Developmental Reading Disorder (RD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD) have been extensively studied in alphabetic language communities. Deficits in phonological processing and rapid naming have been implicated as core features of RD although whether the latter is a deficit specific to RD remains controversial. Similar research aiming to explore the cognitive profiles of children with both RD and ADHD in non-alphabetic language communities is limited. The specificity of rapid naming deficit to RD among Chinese has yet to be studied. In the first study, 43 Chinese children with confirmed diagnoses of RD + ADHD were assessed on their cognitive abilities in relating to reading. In the second study, the specificity deficit hypothesis of rapid naming to RD but not ADHD was examined. A digit naming test was administered to the RD + ADHD group (43 subjects) and an ADHD only group (49 subjects). In regard to cognitive profiling, rapid naming and orthographic knowledge were found to be the most common deficits among the Chinese RD + ADHD group. This co-morbid group was also found to have a significant deficit performance on the rapid naming task than the ADHD only group. The present findings support the double dissociation hypothesis in cognitive deficit between RD and ADHD. The results of both studies are discussed with reference to the findings of the Western counterparts.  相似文献   

Meng  Ze-Long  Wydell  Taeko N.  Bi  Hong-Yan 《Reading and writing》2019,32(2):493-510
Reading and Writing - Visual-motor integration is an ability to coordinate the visual information and limb movement, which has direct relevance to Chinese handwriting ability. Interestingly...  相似文献   

This paper describes two studies that examined the lexical tone awareness of Chinese children both with and without dyslexia at different primary school ages.Study 1 examined the contributions of lexical tone awareness to distinguish children with and without dyslexia with respect to their Chinese character reading skills. Two hundred and seventy Chinese children participated in Study 1. Ninety of these were children with dyslexia (equally recruited from second, fourth, and sixth grades). Moreover, ninety children functioned as a chronological-age control group, and an additional ninety children functioned as a reading-level control group. The participants were tested for nonverbal intelligence, Chinese character reading, and cognitive-linguistic skills and lexical tone awareness. Our results revealed a later developmental ceiling in Chinese children with dyslexia than in those without dyslexia. Furthermore, children’s lexical tone awareness could serve to distinguish children with dyslexia from typically developing children in all primary school years.Study 2 compared the lexical tone awareness and Chinese character reading skills of Chinese children with dyslexia both before and after introducing the Perceptual Training Method. The participants in this study consisted of all the participants with dyslexia from Study 1, and the measurements were the Chinese character reading test and the lexical tone awareness task from Study 1. Our results revealed that only second-grade children with dyslexia gained substantially from the training on both lexical tone awareness and character naming, whereas those in the fourth grade obtained a significant improvement only on lexical tone awareness.  相似文献   

在汉语发展性阅读障碍研究领域,研究者越来越关注语素意识。而语素意识缺陷是否为汉语阅读障碍的核心缺陷,这一争论到目前尚未有定论。不过,语素意识在汉语阅读中确实有着非常重要的作用。本文通过查阅各种文献,对汉语发展性阅读障碍的语素意识缺陷研究做了一个梳理。  相似文献   

关于《大学语文》德育资源发掘   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
《大学语》是高校非中专业的一门公共必备修课,蕴藏着丰富的德育资源。充分利用这些德育资源对学生进行思想道德教育,是继承优良道德传统,加强思想政治工作的需要,也是开辟高校德育工作新局面的有效途径。  相似文献   


Impostor phenomenon refers to an overwhelming feeling of being an intellectual fraud despite evidence to the contrary, and it affects highly capable individuals in many fields, including those in postgraduate education. This project sought to answer the following question: in what ways do postgraduate students enrolled in a large, American institution experience impostor phenomenon during their postgraduate education? Interviews and a survey showed that the majority of the participants experienced impostor phenomenon, and that many of those feelings related to the participants feeling academically-unprepared, including concerns related to reading, writing, and discussing academic work. This article explores this connection between impostor phenomenon and participants feeling like they lacked sufficient academic skill sets to succeed in their programmes. The results build a case for doing literacy work as a way to address impostor phenomenon among postgraduate students.  相似文献   

与中国传统的语言、文学、传播理论相比,西方的话语理论具有关注语用形式、权势斗争的优点。但是,作为一种强势的国际学术话语,它本身又带有文化偏见和霸权,并不能确切、充分地反映像中国这样的发展中社会的现实与需要,更不利于国际话语研究的创新发展。本文运用跨历史、跨文化的原则方法,提出一套既具中国立场、又有全球胸怀的当代中国话语理论框架。它突出展现当代中国话语在国际话语体系中的劣势地位及其生成和理解的文化规律、原则和策略(如"言不尽意"、"平衡和谐"、"辨证思维"、"面子呵护"、"崇尚爱国")。文章还讨论应该选取的理论发展方向以及具体路径。  相似文献   

初中语文探究性学习,旨在充分发挥学生在语文学习中的主体作用,挖掘学生的潜能,培养学生探究创新的精神,形成和发展良好的语文素养。它以课堂教学中的某个知识点作为生长点,引导学生自主参与开展对某些问题的深入探讨研究;它既立足于教材,又高于教材,跳出教材,最能体现学生的主体地位,调动学生的主观能动性,有效培养学生的创新精神和实践能力。根据初中生学习语文的实际情况,笔者尝试着把初中语文探究性学习分为形成性探究、建构性探究、延伸性探究和应用性探究四种。(一)形成性探究形成性探究是指针对课文内容,把一些知识形…  相似文献   

本文较为详细地介绍了信息技术支持下的《认识自己的姓氏》这次语文活动课的过程,通过学生和教师的交流以及学生与学生交流反映了同学们对中华文明的向往和热爱。  相似文献   

中国画从本质上看都是写意的。相对于西方写实绘画,中国画更注重“神似”,注意“象外之象”。中国画不受时空限制,大胆取舍,任意剪载,自由表现,看重事物的“常理”而不拘于“常形”,追求情感的抒发,吸收诗词歌赋借景抒情、借物言志的表现手法,将书法用笔的节奏和抽象的线条美融入写意画中,使作品源于生活而又高于生活,其思想内涵和审美价值远远超出所描绘的客观形象本身。  相似文献   

多元化的文本解读曾为语文教育注入了生机与活力,但对语文文本的过度诠释会影响语文教育的价值导向以及语文课程目标与内容的确定,导致语文教学深难度的失衡。基于阐释学的视角,立足文本解读的本质,从文本、学科、教育三个层面探讨文本解读的边界,可以揭示文本独特的规定性及其对文本解读的规范,为文本解读的教育回归与语文教学回归指明方向,提供思路。  相似文献   

本研究旨在通过对中国人个性测量表和中国人人格量表内容的相容性分析,探讨中国人个性测量表的因素结构并验证中国人人格七因素模型的稳定性。2000余名被试同时完成了中国人人格量表和中国人个性测量表,相关和因素分析的结果表明,与中国人人格量表相比,中国人个性测量表的因素结构中“多出”了类似西方的神经质维度,而缺少了中国人人格量表中的情绪性维度(QX)。两个量表项目的合并因素分析支持了中国人人格结构的七因素模型,以及中国人个性测量表中缺少情绪性维度的假设。文中讨论了西方的神经质人格维度在中国人的人格结构中没有独立出现的原因,以及从本土角度探讨中国人独特人格结构的意义。  相似文献   

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