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Play and creativity have been linked in numerous ways. Theoretically, pretend play fosters the development of cognitive and affective processes that are important in the creative act. Russ's (1993) model of affect and creativity identified the major cognitive and affective processes involved in creativity and the relations among them, based on the research literature. Central to both play and creativity is divergent thinking. Both cognitive and affective processes in play have been related to divergent thinking in children. In a longitudinal study, quality of fantasy and imagination in play predicted divergent thinking over time. Divergent thinking itself was relatively stable over time. An important question is whether play can facilitate creativity. Play has been found to facilitate insight ability and divergent thinking. Studies have also shown that children can be taught to improve their play skills. Future research studies should: (i) investigate specific mechanisms that account for the relationship between play and creativity; (ii) develop play intervention techniques that improve play skills; and (iii) carry out longitudinal studies with large enough samples to enable the application of statistical procedures such as path analysis.  相似文献   

美育·童心·创造力   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
童心绝不是婴儿般倒退的标志,它是生命力和创造潜能存在的来源和证明.然而,在个体成长与接受教育的过程中,由于社会束缚、外诱动机、逻辑思维、从众行为的影响,个体的童心大多衰退,甚至丧失了.美育作为一种感性教育,在呵护儿童童心的同时,也在发展他们的创造力,连贯性的美育可以使个体在成年之后仍然保持快然活泼的童心,并使其创造力得到持续发展.  相似文献   

审美经验是审美主体在具体的审美活动中所获得的生理和心理的经验和感受。审美经验是在具体的现实生活中形成的生动、具体的感知与体验,具有很强的时代性。审美经验的当代性就是当今社会的时代性的体现。在现代性、前现代性、后现代性交织的当今社会中,许多新的现象、事物产生了许多新鲜的审美经验。文学的边缘化带来审美经验的世俗化、私人化;日常生活的审美化导致审美经验的感官化、娱乐化;大众传媒多样化带来审美经验平面化、当下化。  相似文献   

人体是真实存在的客观事物,人们对人体的看法和理解各不相同,艺术与人体的关系更是值得我们进行探讨。艺术人体对我们的生活、艺术带来了一系列的思考,在艺术人体的审美观中体现了无可比拟的审美意味。  相似文献   

《宣和画谱》是由徽宗御制的一部很重要的绘画理论作,有些人没看到它的重要意义及其包含的丰富而复杂的美学思想,因此对《宣和画谱》作了很低的甚或是否定的评价。《宣和画谱》包含了丰富的、多方面的美学思想,决不像一些人所想的那么简单而狭隘,它深受了儒家(理学)及道家(庄子)美学思想的影响。  相似文献   

审美意识与审美主体所处的特定时代、民族意识和地域文化密切相关,并形成不同的审美标准、审美经验、审美趣味。本文站在中国几千年文化的角度上谈谈中国音乐的审美特性。  相似文献   

游戏是人们喜爱的娱乐活动,对人的心理健康有着重要的维护和调节功能,它不仅能促进人的身心轻松,也能让人体验到乐趣和价值。人的游戏性、游戏精神是其生活意义的源泉,而且也可以作为心理咨询的重要手段,游戏有助于促进人的心理健康和人格发展。  相似文献   

美学研究对提高人们的审美欣赏能力,提升审美经验和审美心理,促使人们情操的审美化,尤为重要.文学创作是人类社会生活的一种复杂意识活动的结晶,凝聚着人们的审美体验和审美追求,是主观与客观、理想与现实、再现与表现的高度统一体.文学创作是运用形象、意象、象征和想象等手法反映和创造客观现实,所塑造的成功文学形象是感性与理性、形式与内容的统一,具有特殊的审美价值.  相似文献   

鉴于有人建议从中学教材中删除《背影》并引起争论,有必要重新认识这篇文学经典。从"距离"、"朦胧"、"复调"等美学原则的视角看,《背影》是"大美无言"的极品;从新文学初期抒写血缘亲情的人性母题与对现当代散文创作的深远影响两个方面看,《背影》同样是现当代文学史上的经典作品。  相似文献   

试论“淡”美的生成及美学意蕴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“淡”作为中国古典美学的重要范畴之一 ,其生成于中国传统一定的民族思维基础、文化思想基础和审美心理基础之上。当“淡”超越了感官化的本义 ,升华成一个集中表现民族审美精神的审美范畴 ,它包含了清淡求质的艺术表现、冲淡见味的审美境界、恬淡明志的人生追求等多层次丰富的美学意蕴  相似文献   

This paper discusses the kindergarten curricula of Norway, Sweden, Japan and New Zealand in terms of whether they recommend or suggest teachers unify play and pedagogy by employing a pedagogy of play. These countries were selected because, while they have to provide for children's right to play, they cover different geographical and cultural parts of the world – Europe, Asia and Oceania. Their curricula were examined because they can influence teachers in favour or against employing a pedagogy of play, since they express the official-state expectations regarding young children's play and learning. The documentary analysis indicates that Japan focuses on child-initiated and teacher-directed play only, which does not imply a pedagogy of play. In Norway and New Zealand, there is evidence of almost all aspects of a pedagogy of play, which is not recommended for all learning, while the Swedish curriculum recommends a pedagogy of play.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the subject of textual creativity by drawing on work done in classical literary theory and criticism, specifically new criticism, structuralism and early poststructuralism. The question of how readers and writers engage creatively with the text is closely related to educational concerns, though they are often thought of as separate disciplines. Modern literary theory in many ways collapses this distinction in its concern for how literariness is achieved and, specifically, how ‘literary quality’ is accomplished in the textual and the social dimension. Taking literary and aesthetic creativity as a point of departure in the reading of five central authors in classical literary criticism, the paper identifies the processes of narrative imagination and emotional identification as central to the role that the textual dimension plays in the creative process of the author/reader—particularly in the way it provides a space for experimentation and self‐reflexion through ‘storying’.  相似文献   

把美育贯穿在语文教学的整个过程,才能激发学生的学习兴趣,促进学生能力和智力的发展,陶冶学生美好的情趣,提高美的品味,培育健康、向上的审美能力.  相似文献   

主体性教学是我国教育事业不断前进的道路上又一重要的理念,它以学生为主体,抛弃了以往的灌输式教学方法,将学生的心理情感放在首要位置,致力于发展个性化教育,以激发每个学生的内在潜能。  相似文献   

黄石矿冶戏剧作为黄石矿冶文化一个重要组成部分,不仅以丰富的题材、多样化的结构形式、浓郁的地方色彩承载着黄石悠久的矿冶历史,彰显着矿冶人艰苦创业、自强不息、锐意进取、热爱祖国的精神风貌,而且以其独特的社会历史背景和现实背景为依托,通过一幅幅典型的戏剧场面、一个个鲜活的人物形象,成就了自身特有的美学价值。  相似文献   

从英语广告修辞及美学角度出发,通过实例分析广告的一些美学表现形式,深入探讨广告英语如何感化受众,从中探究修辞在美学中的实用价值。  相似文献   

游戏精神:儿童文学的审美特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儿童天性喜爱游戏,游戏精神与儿童文学有着不可分割的联系。游戏精神作为儿童文学的一项重要审美内容,是形成儿童审美态度的一个重要来源。快乐欢愉、自由恣意、趣味幻想是游戏精神的突出表现,它们相互融合,尽展着儿童文学独特的艺术魅力。探讨游戏精神的审美特征,对于培养儿童的审美趣味与审美情感具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to describe the relationship between the creative abilities and the school grades of high school students in Poland. Almost six hundred (N = 589) students from 34 high schools from all over Poland participated in the study. Their creative abilities were measured by using the Test of Creative Thinking-Drawing Production (TCT-DP), and the school results were measured by GPA. Students’ intelligence level (as measured by the Raven's Progressive Matrices) and their gender were controlled. The analyses were based on OLS regressions as well as on multilevel models controlling for grouping students into classes. It was shown that creative abilities are not correlated with students’ GPA, yet the multilevel control of grouping students into classes demonstrated interesting and potentially important differences. In some schools, the relations were positive, strong and statistically significant, while in others they were non-existent or negative. The role of creative abilities for GPA was greater in larger schools and in schools located in big cities. We discuss the possible reasons for and consequences of our findings.  相似文献   

在道教文化的影响下,李白从神仙道教的角度驾驭神仙题材来传达其思想感情,吸收《楚辞》游仙的精神内核与表达形式,突破了六朝以来一味升登求仙而企慕长生的游仙题材与颇为单纯的游仙意象,结合自身遭遇,融合现实时事,在浓烈的性情中涂抹上相当个性化的梦幻色彩。在诗人“仙”气弥漫的梦幻世界里,别具三种游仙文化形态,即:超凡之人、奇幻之境与至诚之情,同时又创造了“以幻写仙”、“以梦写仙”与“以游写仙”的三种抒写游仙世界的新异模式,呈现出丰富多彩的游仙面貌与深刻意境。其才力之大、想象力之丰、个性之显,无愧“诗仙”之名,而其广阔的堂庑,既为道教神仙世界努力拓展人性化的空间,也为游仙诗史竖起了一座继往开来的丰碑,具有不朽的诗学价值与审美意义。  相似文献   

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