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There is a pressing need for more efficient methods of delivering updated engineering information, especially in the workplace. Hypertext offers the author the ability to structure information in ways which are more flexible than conventional print media. The intention of presenting training material using hypertext is to develop an explorative attitude in the reader. The reader is encouraged to follow his/her own path through the material, with the option of following some topics to a greater depth than would normally be expected. Hypertext also provides a tightly integrated package of information, guidance, and often also the ability to execute programs or procedures described in the document. It can also provide concise support for experts as well as assistance—in the same document. This paper (i) outlines the concepts and facilities in typical hypertext implementations, (ii) describes the reactions that have been obtained in the use of an on-line code of practice (Australian Rainfall and Runoff), and (iii) offers some guidelines for structuring engineering documents for hypertext.  相似文献   

Hypertext is a computer technology for “nonsequential reading and writing” in which chunks or nodes of information are connected by fixed links. Users access hypertext by selecting cross-reference (or “buttons”) in the context of a given node that is connected via links to other nodes. Such an “associative” strategy for information storage and retrieval differs from the indexing and searching technology of conventional database management and text retrieval systems, and offers significant advantages when used instead of or in combination with search systems. Hypertext is an ideal medium for making job aids, reference materials, and ‘just in time training’ available online to information-based workers. This article reviews five commercially available hypertext systems, and discusses several key hypertext design issues. Among the most important of these issues are the critical role of navigational aids in preventing users from becoming “lost” in the hypertext, the application of structured writing techniques to hypertext development, and the potential contributions of the human performance technology approach to hypertext in the form of systematic analysis, design, and evaluation methods.  相似文献   

Most text, because of its arrangement, implies a sequential order. Despite efforts to convey content structure, readers access most text in serial order. Because cognitive principles of learning suggest that we all construct knowledge differently, hypertext breaks the sequential processing tendency by allowing readers to modify the sequence as well as the appearance of the text they are reading. Readers may decide what information is relevant to them and what sequence produces the most meaningful learning. In this article, hypertext is defined and types and examples of both print and electronic hypertext are described. A rationale, based on web learning and generative learning hypotheses, is presented. Finally, three levels for implementing hypertext are described, with emphasis on electronic (especially microcomputer) applications.  相似文献   

建筑设计离不开建筑法规,建筑师学好建筑法规是非常重要的。本文以实际工程为例,详细阐述了建筑设计与建筑法规密不可分的关系。  相似文献   


The use of cognitive flexibility theory as a theoretical framework for designing hypertext has been found to be beneficial for learning in ill-structured domains. However, little is known of what role the learning task plays in the effectiveness of this approach. The present study examined the relationship between task, navigation, and learning transfer when utilizing a cognitive flexibility hypertext about sexual harassment with 34 graduate management students. Due to the nature of the topic, the effects of the task on student attitudes were also studied. The conclusions of the study were that there were no significant differences for the navigational choices or transfer scores, but there did appear to be a relationship between task and changing students' attitudes towards the topic.  相似文献   

界面隐喻是指导用户界面设计和实现的基本思想.隐喻作为普遍的认知和情感表达方式,在图形界面设计中的应用显得尤为重要.从分析界面和隐喻的概念入手,结合用户心理需求,分析了界面设计中隐喻产生的基础,隐喻在界面使用中的优势,以及对界面设计师的建议和启发.  相似文献   

Hypertext is a nonlinear way of presenting content consisting of nodes and links that a person can access using a variety of search and browsing strategies. In this article, we focus on the use of hypertext as an instructional tool. We compare hypertext instruction with traditional instructional formats. We offer some initial guidelines relating to guidance and control, development and implementation, multiuser management, user interface, and content representation. The paper concludes with a discussion of limitations of learner control as an instructional strategy, and the need for careful instructional design of hypertext instructional programs.  相似文献   

The Conferencing Metaphor presents a compelling logic for groupware. This paper describes how people share information electronically to promote on-line discussions.  相似文献   

调整设计思路,充分利用环境和资源所提供的条件,将生态策略应用到建筑设计中,采取相应的建筑技术和措施,走可持续发展的道路。  相似文献   

The domain of interiors constitutes a point of tension between practicing architects and interior designers. Design of interior spaces is a significant part of architectural profession. Yet, to what extent does architectural education keep pace with changing demands in rendering topics that are identified as pertinent to the design of interiors? This study explores interior designrelated coursework taught in accredited architectural programmes in the United States. Two methods of collecting data are used: self report from architectural programme chairs and content analysis of web‐site posted programme catalogues describing course content. The findings show that many interior design concepts are not well addressed in the architectural curricula [1]. On average, only 0.44% of program content is dedicated to curricula focusing on knowledge and skills in shaping interiors. These findings offer a parameter to educators who are involved in assessing and reforming architectural education by expanding issues of design in general. The authors contend that the pedagogical approach in architectural programmes would benefit from the inclusion of more interior design concepts and through such education efforts the stature of interior design is likely to be improved.  相似文献   

设计的表现形式随社会发展和人们认识的的提高不断发展进步,设计风格也随时代变迁而日趋迥异,但对隐喻问题的探索却从未停止过,同时现代设计的发展越来越需要有感情有内涵,这样才更容易让大众接受。  相似文献   

谈建筑造型设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今世界高科技飞速发展,社会变化目新月异,随着中国加入世贸,各行各业不断改革、创新的同时,其中作为社会支柱产业之一的建筑业也面临新的挑战.  相似文献   

凹入与凸出给人不同的视觉感受和心理感受,凹凸在建筑造型过程中,大至单体造型,小至建筑构件组合,乃至建筑细部等方面都有所体现。  相似文献   

通过分析隐喻的认知原理和审美功能,从学习者构建与解读隐喻的角度,提出隐喻性多媒体课件界面思想,以及在运用隐喻进行界面设计过程中应重点考量的要素与应注意的问题.  相似文献   

信息安全实验室的建设方案   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了信息安全实验室的功能需求及教学实践需求,总结了当前信息安全实验室的建设方案.介绍了依托上海交通大学信息安全工程学院自主研发的信息安全综合实验系统,及其信息安全实验室建设方案与在该实验环境下开展研究、实验任务的主要业务流程.多年的教学实践及培训应用推广表明,实验室建设方案是合理的,符合信息安全实验室的功能需求及教学实践需求.  相似文献   

程娟  景涛 《柳州师专学报》2013,(5):118-119,145
根据建筑设计的特点,通过分析目前计算机辅助设计的重要性及现状,提出了具有针对性的改革建议:合理选用专业相关绘图软件、逐步完善课程教案形成配套专业教材、合理安排课程设置时序,增加实践教学、增加专业能力训练等,以利于加强学生计算机辅助设计的专业能力,更有效的完成计算机在建筑设计成果表现中的辅助作用。  相似文献   

In this study, the authors examined the impact of task assignment on the effectiveness of a Web-based experiential exercise based on cognitive flexibility theory to enlighten learner attitudes toward the ill-structured topic of sexual harassment. In the research study, we sought to shed light on the use of a cognitive flexibility approach when measuring attitude changes. Specifically, in this study, we examined whether a learning task assigned to the learner impacts his or her attitude toward the emotionally charged and complex topic of sexual harassment. Results suggest a task need to be carefully constructed so that learners may adapt their attitudes toward sexual harassment.  相似文献   

钱骏 《丽水学院学报》2004,26(5):64-68,85
通过对建筑形态以及建筑师建筑形态观的解析,提出建筑师进行设计时建筑形态观的四种倾向性观念,并将建筑师的建筑形态观对建筑设计所产生的影响进行对应的分析,以帮助建筑设计人员完整清晰的领悟建筑设计的多样性、相关性和统一性。  相似文献   

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