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Early childhood educators are likely to encounter youngsters who experience problems at home impeding their abilities to learn and benefit from the program. One such group is children who live or have lived with adult domestic violence. Children yet to begin elementary school are over-represented among groups of young people known to live with inter-parental violence. A qualitative study using clinical interviews of young children was used to develop a model suggesting how key aspects of development among children 3–5 years of age can react to and be affected by inter-parental violence. Focus is on age-appropriate expression of emotions, salience of observations and conflicting messages, a child’s focus on outcome versus process, egocentricity and self-blame, learning of gender roles, and delay or regression in development of independence. Implications for the classroom are outlined, including providing a nurturing environment, supporting child adjustment, and helping caregivers. Special contingencies when families are in shelters are also discussed.  相似文献   

谢丽 《华章》2009,(18)
For the Chinese versions of Hamlet, Liang Shiqiu’s and Zhu Shenghao’s translations can be called the classic. Because the two great translators have their own choices, their versions differ a lot. In the translating process, translator’s subjectivity plays an important role and it is one of the major reasons for emerging different translation. The thesis mainly talks about Liang Shiqiu’s and Zhu Shenghao’s different versions from the perspective of translator’s subjectivity by comparison.  相似文献   

Drawing on Ulrich Beck’s theory of “freedom’s children”, the present contribution examines contemporary concerns about educating young people for citizenship as well as educating them about citizenship. Under the first theme, the author focuses on the citizen as learner, highlighting some of the gender- and class-related inequalities that are typically associated with individualisation. Under the second theme, she looks at the learner as citizen in view of the fact that citizenship education courses often prepare learners for a gender-divided world – even though the processes of individualisation have themselves significantly reshaped contemporary gender relations. In light of current challenges facing citizenship education, the study concludes by reflecting on gender-related dimensions of individualisation and their implications for democracy and the learner-citizen.
Zusammenfassung DIE KINDER DER FREIHEIT: EINE GESCHLECHTSBEZOGENE PERSPEKTIVE AUF DIE BILDUNG DES LERNENDEN BüRGERS – Indem er sich auf Ulrich Becks Theorie der ,,Kinder der Freiheit“ stützt, untersucht der vorliegende Beitrag zeitgen?ssische Bemühungen, junge Menschen sowohl zur Staatsbürgerschaft hin zu erziehen als auch sie über die Staatsbürgerschaft zu belehren. Unter der ersten überschrift konzentriert sich die Autorin auf den Bürger als Lernenden, indem sie einige der geschlechts- und klassenspezifischen Ungleichheiten betont, die typischerweise mit der Individualisierung verbunden werden. Unter der zweiten überschrift wirft sie einen Blick auf den Lernenden als Bürger, und zwar unter Berücksichtigung der Tatsache, dass Lernende in Kursen für staatsbürgerliche Erziehung h?ufig auf eine Welt vorbereitet werden, die nach Geschlechtern getrennt ist – auch wenn die Prozesse der Individualisierung ihrerseits die gegenw?rtigen Beziehungen zwischen den Geschlechtern in bedeutender Weise umgeformt haben. Im Licht aktueller Herausforderungen, mit denen die staatsbürgerliche Erziehung konfrontiert ist, schlie?t die Untersuchung, indem sie über die geschlechtspezifischen Ausma?e der Individualisierung und ihre Implikationen für die Demokratie sowie den Bürger als Lernenden reflektiert.

Resumen HIJOS DE LA LIBERTAD: LA PERSPECTIVA DE GéNERO EN LA EDUCACIóN DE LOS CIUDADANOS – Haciendo referencia a la teoría de Ulrich Beck contenida en su libro Hijos de la libertad, esta contribución examina asuntos de relevancia actual relacionados con la educación de las personas jóvenes para la ciudadanía y sobre la ciudadanía. Bajo el primer aspecto, la autora se concentra en el ciudadano como alumno, realzando algunas de las desigualdades de género y de clases, típicamente relacionadas con la individualización. Bajo el segundo aspecto, la autora enfoca al alumno como ciudadano, en vista del hecho de que los cursos sobre ciudadanía muchas veces preparan a los educandos para un mundo dividido en géneros, pese a que los procesos de individualización les hayan deparado unas relaciones entre los géneros sustancialmente remodeladas. A la luz de los retos que actualmente debe afrontar la educación ciudadana, el estudio termina con una reflexión sobre las dimensiones de la individualización en cuanto a su relación con los géneros y a los efectos que pueden tener para la democracia y los ciudadanos en formación.

Résumé LES ENFANTS DE LA LIBERTé : UNE PERSPECTIVE SEXUELLE SUR L’éDUCATION DE L’ APPRENANT-CITOYEN – Partant de la théorie d’Ulrich Beck sur les ? enfants de la liberté ?, la présente contribution examine les préoccupations contemporaines à propos de l’éducation des jeunes gens à la citoyenneté et autour de la citoyenneté. Quant au premier thème, l’auteur se concentre sur le citoyen en tant qu’apprenant, mettant sur le devant de la scène certaines des inégalités relatives aux différences de sexe et de classes sociales qui sont associées de fa?on typique à l’individualisation. Avec le deuxième thème, elle se tourne vers l’apprenant en tant que citoyen eu égard au fait que les cours d’éducation à la citoyenneté préparent souvent les apprenants à un monde divisé en sexes différents – même si les processus d’individualisation ont eux-mêmes refa?onné significativement les relations contemporaines en matière de différences sexuelles. Au vu des défis actuels face à l’éducation à la citoyenneté, l’étude conclut sur une réflexion sur les dimensions relatives à la différence de sexe de l’individualisation et leurs implications pour la démocratie et l’apprenant citoyen.

The author: Madeleine Arnot received her MA from Edinburgh University and PhD from the Open University. She is Professor in Sociology of Education and is Professorial Fellow at Jesus College at Cambridge University. She has acted as a gender expert for the Council of Europe, an international consultant for the UNESCO Education for All: Gender Monitoring Project and on equal opportunities policies. Her work has involved projects on women and citizenship, pupil consultation, gender-education policy and refugee and asylum-seeker children’s education. Contact address: Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, 184 Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 2PQ, UK. E-mail: mma1000@cam.ac.uk.  相似文献   

瞿宁 《海外英语》2013,(15):128-129
Since the main purposes of translation lies in expressing to the target readers both the message and the aesthetic value of the source text and making the readers ideologically inspired and aesthetically entertained,Lin Yutang conclusively sum up that the aesthetic criteria in translation should be faithfulness,expressiveness and beauty throughout his translation practices.This thesis mainly focus on the aesthetic criteria of Lin’s translation as well as the aesthetic reproduction in his translation which illustrates the unity reached in Lin’s translation in terms of both the aesthetic features and the loyalty to the meaning.  相似文献   

· The Horse Dealer’s Daughter gradually acquires her love in a tough and unbearable situation after a long dialogue with Doctor Fergusson. By analyzing the linguistic features between Doctor Fergusso...  相似文献   

张宜飞 《海外英语》2013,(13):214-215
The Horse Dealer’s Daughter gradually acquires her love in a tough and unbearable situation after a long dialogue with Doctor Fergusson.By analyzing the linguistic features between Doctor Fergusson and Mabel’dialogues from the perspective of politeness principle,one conception of which is that politeness is a social behavior in the contact of human beings,the strategies of Mabel’s love pursuing and acquiring are gradually revealed.  相似文献   

袁彩荣 《海外英语》2013,(9X):217-218
The novel, The Grass is Singing, written by Doris Lessing, describes the tragic life of a white woman Mary living in South Africa. The article tries to explore the factors resulting in Mary’s tragedy from the perspective of interpersonal ethics so as to reveal the suppression and distortion of traditional ethics over men’s spirit and Lessing’s humanistic feelings.  相似文献   

谭幸 《海外英语》2013,(5X):205-207
The Sound and the Fury is William Faulkner’s greatest work; four narrators tell the story of the deterioration of the Compson family from different perspective, exploring the cause of deterioration indirectly. The novel centers on Caddy’s moral decay from different perspective. The thesis analyzes the processing fall of the Compson family through the analysis of three characters, Caddy, Quentin, and Jason. Caddy’s deterioration is closely related to her loss of virginity, and her impending wedding causes Quentin to commit suicide who loves her deeply and possessively. However, Jason is heartless who he does not care his family. His tragedy lies in the decay of human nature. The thesis gives the general cause of the downfall of the family and readers will have a general concept of the family’s deterioration.  相似文献   

徐希 《海外英语》2012,(10):159-160,162
The Relevance Theory put forward by Sperber and Wilson not only gives rise to a new research on pragmatics, but also provides a new theoretic foundation for other disciplines. Gutt applies the theory to translation and gives a relevance-theoretic account of translation. The relevance-theoretic communicative model provides rational explanation for existence of the implicit information. The appropri ate treatment of the implicit information is consistent with readers’ cognitive environment and expectation. Human communication de pends on not only the text, but also the inferential context. The adequate contextual effect is derived from the correct judgment and infer ence of the implicit information in communication. Therefore, the translator should match the original author’ s intention with target text readers’ expectation to make sure that they yield adequate contextual effects with appropriate processing efforts. Implicitness is one of the features of Shakespeare’ s works. It is more demanding for the translators to catch and transfer to the target readers the implicit information. Zhu Shenghao and Liang Shiqiu, the two famous translators adopt different translation strategies to deal with the implicit information in the works.  相似文献   

郭蕾吟  郭峘 《海外英语》2013,(13):177-178
Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu,who totally do not affect each,actually have two love plays.According to this feature,in this paper,I analyze these two plays in the changing subject matter,the theme,characters,the structure,play conflicts,tragedy styles and so on which are approximate in the external form——Romeo And Juliet and The Peony Pavilion,and discuss the differences of these two plays and the characteristics and rules of east and west plays.It objectively describes the similarities and differences on the conflict and rhythm.Romeo And Juliet and The Peony Pavilion are different in structural style and rhythm,because of different artistic character for each type of drama they belong to.It emphasizes similarities and differences of the tragedy style and the end.Chinese classical tragedy and the Shakespeare tragedy.This paper analyzes and contrasts Romeo and Juliet and The Peony Pavilion by the methods of comparison and contrast,and demonstrates different characteristics and styles of east and west plays as well as studies the profoundly historical culture behind the plays.  相似文献   

齐行元 《海外英语》2014,(8):215-219
Amy Tan(1952-)is a female Chinese-American writer.As a famous figure equal to Maxine Hong Kingston,Toni Morrison etc.,Amy has become"another pioneer"among the minority American writers.The Bonesetter’s Daughter is another masterpiece after The Joy Luck Club,The Kitchen God’s Wife and The Hundred Secret Senses,which is published in 2001.The novel is about the life between the second-generation immigrant Ruth and her first-generation immigrant mother Luling.The stories in the novel are all narrated by female narrators.Through her novels,Amy Tan overthrows the traditional Chinese female images,shows rebel and fight of the female Chinese-Americans who are under the margin of a society dominated by patriarchy and full of racial discrimination and construct her own fictional authority.  相似文献   

Eugene O’Neill,one of the essential writers of the 20th century,was hailed as the“American Shakespeare.”He enjoyed a high reputation in America owing to his special writing techniques.Long Day’s Journey into Night was his last play,which was an autobiographical play to some extent,and founded on his own authentic experience.The play told the story of an Irish immigrant family’s daily life from day to night.Among the studies at home and abroad,many discuss this play from a psychological perspective and Feminist perspective.The article,instead,gives an interpretation of this play according to Cooperative Principle.Through the analysis of their conversations,it points out what principles their communications violated so as to understand the implied meaning of their conversations.The thesis tries to study the conversations between Mary and other family members,and then demonstrate that Mary is the most tragic person in the family.  相似文献   

As a premier,Wen Jiabao’s interview talks are not only personal but to a larger extent,represent the Chinese government.So they are valuable material for the pragmatic study.This paper attempts to explore the pragmatic features of Premier Wen’s interview talks from perspective of Cooperative Principle.Based on this,it also tries to find out the conversational implicatures behind the Premier’s answering strategy and the communicative functions.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the cultural elements of China’s four traditional festivals from the perspective of the Theory of Cultural Functions, which presents in detail the forming of traditional festivals, varied festival traditions and good expectations held by people toward lives. This paper is also designed with the aim to further exert the functions of traditional Chinese festivals, which as a result, will contribute to the preservation of national characters and the inheritance of national spirits.  相似文献   

Mr Xu Yuanchong puts forward the translation theory of "three beauties" which defines that poetry translation should reproduce the sense beauty, sound beauty and form beauty of original poetry. This thesis analyzes Mr Xu’s translated work on the Height from "three beauties" theory and explains the concrete realization of three beauties in his translation work.  相似文献   

Eugene A.Nida’s functional equivalence theory is regarded as one of the most useful criteria.In this thesis,the author will make a research on the translation of idioms in Yu Hua’s novel Brothers from the perspective of Functional Equivalence Theory,which examines whether the English version achieves the equivalence of response between the source language readers and the target language readers.  相似文献   

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