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目的:制备一种检测水稻植物和传毒介体灰飞虱中水稻条纹病毒(RSV)的胶体金免疫层析试纸条,为水稻条纹叶枯病的田间调查和检测以及预测预警提供快速、实用的检测试剂。创新点:利用制备的RSV单克隆抗体,首次制备了能在5~10 min内快速、准确、灵敏、特异地检测水稻植物和灰飞虱体内RSV的胶体金免疫层析试纸条。方法:以差速离心方法提纯的RSV病毒粒子作为免疫原免疫BALB/c小鼠,通过杂交瘤技术获得了高度特异和灵敏的RSV单克隆抗体。采用柠檬酸钠还原氯金酸的方法制备胶体金并标记一个RSV单克隆抗体,另一个RSV单克隆抗体和羊抗鼠抗体分别包被到硝酸纤维素膜的检测线和质控线,将吸水滤纸制成的样品垫、RSV免疫胶体金垫、结合有RSV单抗和羊抗鼠抗体的硝酸纤维素膜和吸水纸依次粘贴到聚氯乙烯(PVC)胶板上研制检测水稻植物和传毒介体灰飞虱中RSV的胶体金免疫层析试纸条。对田间样品进行RSV检测,分析试纸条检测RSV的有效性。结论:利用杂交瘤技术获得了2株RSV单克隆抗体(16E6和11C1),胶体金标记16E6单克隆抗体包被在聚酯膜制成的结合垫上,以11C1单克隆抗体和羊抗鼠抗体分别包被到硝酸纤维素膜的检测线和质控线,制成能在5~10 min内快速、特异、灵敏、准确地检测田间水稻及单头灰飞虱样品中RSV的胶体金免疫层析试纸条。试纸条检测感染RSV的水稻植株和灰飞虱呈阳性反应,而检测健康水稻和感染其它5种常见水稻病毒的植株及其传毒介体呈阴性反应,且试纸条检测RSV感染水稻植物组织的灵敏度达到1:20 480倍稀释(w/v, g/mL),检测携带RSV单头灰飞虱的灵敏度达到1:2560倍稀释(单头灰飞虱/μL)。田间样品检测结果发现,试纸条检测结果与反转录聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)的检测结果一致,表明制备的试纸条可有效地用于田间RSV的检测,从而为水稻条纹叶枯病的诊断、监测预警、抗病育种、流行病学研究及科学防治提供技术和物质支撑。  相似文献   

本文阐述了光栅衍射条纹的分布,将平行光斜入射与垂直入射的情况做了对比,说明斜入射只能改变衍射条纹的对称性,并不能增加光屏上主极大条纹的条数.  相似文献   

Genome segments S8 of two Chinese isolates of rice black-streaked dwarf virus (RBSDV), one from Zhejiang Province and another from Hebei Province, were amplified by RT-PCR and sequenced. Both segments consisted of 1936 nts in full length (EMBL accession numbers were AJ297431 and AJ297432, respectively) and contained only one big open reading frame which encoded a polypeptide with molecular weight of 68kD. The two Chinese isolates shared 94.0% and 96.5% identity at nucleotide and amino acid level, respectively. They shared 94.5-94.9% and 92.5-92.9% homology with S8 of RBSDV Japanese isolate at nucleotide and amino acid level, respectively; shared 85.1-87.6% and 91.7-91.9% homology with S7 of Italian MRDV (maize rough dwarf virus).  相似文献   

The genetic basis of heterosis was studied through mid-parent, standard variety and better parent for 11 quantitative traits in 17 parental lines and their 10 selected hybrids in rice (Oryza sativa L.). The characters were plant height, days to flag leaf initiation, days to first panicle initiation, days to 100% flowering, panicle length, flag leaf length, days to maturity, number of fertile spikelet/panicle, number of effective tillers/hill, grain yield/10-hill, and 1000-grain weight. In general the hybrids performed significantly better than the respective parents. Significant heterosis was observed for most of the studied characters. Among the 10 hybrids, four hybrids viz., 17A×45R, 25A×37R, 27A×39R, 31A×47R, and 35A×47R showed highest heterosis in 10-hill grain yield/10-hill. Inbreeding depression of F2 progeny was also studied for 11 characters of 10 hybrids. Both positive and negative inbreeding depression were found in many crosses for the studied characters, but none was found significant. Selection of good parents was found to be the most important for developing high yielding hybrid rice varieties.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONAlthoughriceisanaturallyself-pollinatedcrop,strongheterosisisobservedintheirF1hybrids.HeterosisorhybridvigorismanifestedasimprovedperformanceforF1hybridsgeneratedbycrossingtwoinbredparents.Heterosiscanbedefinedquan-titativelyasanupwarddeviationofthemid-parent,basedonthemeanvaluesofthetwoparents(JohnsonandHutchinson,1993).Heterosismaybepositiveornegative.Dependinguponbreedingob-jectives,bothpositiveandnegativeheterosisareusefulforcropimprovement.Ingeneral,positiveheterosisisd…  相似文献   

为了提高计算机视觉领域中核心问题之一的基础矩阵估算的效率,基于条纹边界编码约束实现了一种快速估算方法.与传统的基于代数最小二乘法算法不同,该算法利用Hough变换将Hough半径作为最优化过程的最小化因子.在特定条纹边界编码的结构光投影系统模型下,利用条纹编码的共面性构造线性约束,采用Hough变换将同码像素映射到Hough空间,其交点的半径可作为最优化评价函数的最小化因子.再通过Levenberg—Marquardt最优化迭代过程估算出基本矩阵的全局最优解.实验结果表明了该算法的正确性,并证明了其可有效提高估算精度与效率.  相似文献   

用RT?PCR方法从云南省寻甸、嵩明、通海、芒市、沾益和陆良6个地区的水稻样品中扩增到水稻矮缩病毒S10片段部分序列,核苷酸测定及序列分析表明,6个地区水稻矮缩病毒分离物S10片段部分序列长度均为1 071个核苷酸,含1个1 059个核苷酸的ORF,编码352个氨基酸.云南分离物S10片段之间的核苷酸同源性约为97.9%~99.9%,其编码的氨基酸同源性为97.7%~100%;云南分离物与日本分离物的S10片段核苷酸同源性和氨基酸相似性分别为94.1%~95.4%和96.3%~99.2%,与中国分离物的S10片段核苷酸同源性和氨基酸相似性分别为94.8%~96.6%和95.2%~96.6%.云南分离物在亲缘关系上与日本分离物较中国分离物近.  相似文献   

The genetic basis of heterosis was studied through mid-parent, standard variety and better parent for 11 quantitative traits in 17 parental lines and their 10 selected hybrids in rice (Oryza sativa L.). The characters were plant height. days to flag leaf initiation, days to first panicle initiation, days to 100% flowering, panicle length, flag leaf length. days to maturity, number of fertile spikelet/panicle, number of effective tillers/hill, grain yield/10-hill, and 1000-grain weight. In general the hybrids performed significantly better than the respective parents. Significant heterosis was observed for most of the studied characters. Among the 10 hybrids, four hybrids viz., 17A×45R, 25A×37R, 27A×39R, 31A×47R, and 35A×47R showed highest heterosis in 10-hill grain yield/10-hill. Inbreeding depression of F2 progeny was also studied for 11 characters of 10 hybrids. Both positive and negative inbreeding depression were found in many crosses for the studied characters, but none was found significant. Selection of good parents was found to be the most important for developing high yielding hybrid rice varieties. Project supported by the Foundation of Ministry of Science and Information and Communication Technology, People's Republic of Bangladesh  相似文献   

介绍了遗传算法的基本概念和基本原理,分析说明了遗传算法求解实际问题的基本步骤以及应用领域,指出了遗传算法在应用中的几个关键问题,同时简要介绍了遗传算法研究新动向及存在的问题。  相似文献   

遗传算法通过编码技术,运用繁殖、杂交、和突变等遗传算子,对染色体组成的初始种群,进行适应度分析,构成优胜劣汰、适者生存的自然环境,产生出新的更加优良的种群.经过若干代的进化,最终求得适合问题的最优解.  相似文献   

Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV), belonging to the genus Begomovirus of the family Geminiviridae, is emerging as the most destructive pathogen of tomato plants. Since the first report of TYLCV in Shanghai, China in 2006, TYLCV has spread rapidly to 13 provinces or autonomous regions of China. In this study, the molecular variability and evolution of TYLCV were monitored in Shanghai from its first upsurge in 2006 until 2010. Full-length genomic sequences of 26 isolates were obtained by rolling circle amplification. Sequence analysis showed that the intergenic region was the most variable, with a mean mutation rate of 4.81×10?3 nucleotide substitutions per site per year. Genetic differentiation was found within isolates obtained from 2006, 2009, and 2010, though a linear increase in genetic diversity over time was not evident. Whilst significant parts of TYLCV genes were under negative selection, the C4 gene embedded entirely within the C1 gene had a tendency to undergo positive selection. Our results indicate that a mechanism of independent evolution of overlapping regions could apply to the natural population of TYLCV in Shanghai, China.  相似文献   

并行化遗传算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
并行遗传算法(Parallel Genetic Algorithms,PGA)广泛应用于解决各种优化问题。给出了遗传算法并行化目的描述,做出并行性分析。详细介绍遗传算法三种结构化并行模型:踏脚石模型,岛屿模型,邻接模型。最后给出并行遗传算法的硬件支持环境及性能评价。  相似文献   

The ecosystem characteristics of soil microorganism and the nutrient uptake of irrigated rice were investigated in a split-block experiment with different fertilization treatments, including control (no fertilizer application), PK, NK, NP, NPK fertilization, in the main block, and conventional rice and hybrid rice comparison, in the sub block. Average data of five treatments in five years indicated that the indigenous N supply (INS) capacity  相似文献   

大学是培养高层次专业人才的沃土、发展科学的基地和服务社会的机构.它所具有的这三个社会职能,不仅有效地传播了知识,而且还创造、生产知识,极大地推进了知识的进化.大学图书馆对推进知识进化起到了举足轻重的作用.大学履行上述三个社会职能,实质上是在实现大学各类知识形态之间的相互转化,从而实现知识的进化.我们必须大力推进科教兴国战略,大力发展教育事业,特别是高等教育事业(包括大学图书馆事业),这无疑是推进和增强国家创新能力,增强国力和国际竞争能力的必由之路和最明智的选择.  相似文献   

本试验在对 17个粳稻代表性品种主要株型性状遗传相关分析的基础上 ,进而进行主成分分析和聚类分析 ,结果表明 :参试品种与各类群性状基本相符 ,可见按水稻品种株型遗传进行聚类分析是可行的。  相似文献   

We characterized yield-relevant characters and their variations over genotypes and environments (locations and years) by examining two rice varieties (9746 and Jinfeng) with high yield potential.9746 and Jinfeng were planted in two locations of Shanghai,China,during 2005 and 2006.The results show that there was a large variation in grain yield between locations and years.The realization of high yield potential for the two types of rice was closely related to the improved sink size,such as more panicles per square meter or grains per panicle.Stem and leaf biomasses were mainly accumulated from tillering stage to heading stage,and showed slow decline during grain filling.Meanwhile,some photosynthetic characters including net photosynthesis rate (Pn),leaf area index (LAI),specific leaf area (SLA),fluorescence parameter (maximum quantum yield of PSII,Fv/Fm),chlorophyll content (expressed as SPAD value),as well as nutrient (N,P,K) uptake were also measured to determine their variations over genotypes and environments and their relationships with grain yield.Although there were significant differences between years or locations for most measurements,SLA at tillering and heading stages,Fv/Fm and LAI at heading stage,stem biomass at heading and maturity stages,and leaf nitrogen concentration at tillering and heading stages remained little changed,indicating their pos-sible applications as selectable characters in breeding programs.It was also found that stem nitrogen accumulation at tillering stage is one of the most important and stable traits for high yield formation.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Pencycuron [1-(4-chlorobenzyl)-1-cyclopentyl- 3-phenylurea], a relatively new non-systemic protec-tive fungicide for controlling sheath blight (Rhizoc-tonia solani) of rice (Sylvanie and Cornis, 1989; Tomlin, 1997), is expected to be used widely in ag-ricultural production particularly in Asia. However, information on the dissipation pattern of pencycuron in rice plant is lacking. Little information on the en-vironmental fate of pencycuron has been published although there …  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONRiceseedharborsadozenofplantpathogen icbacteria (Gotoetal.,1 988;Xieetal.,1 998) .Thebacterialpathogenscausearangeofricediseases,someverydestructivewhileothershavenoeffectonricecropgrowth .Inthisstudy ,wefoundalargenumberofbacteriaasso ciatedw…  相似文献   

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