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Reviews involving the Wechsler Scales for children suggest that Full Scale IQ scores on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Third Edition, average 5 to 6 points lower than scores on the second edition of the scale [WISC‐R, Wechsler, D. (1974). Zimmerman & Woo‐Sam, 1997], with the differences distributed disproportionately over subtests, i.e., with larger discrepancies found within the Performance Scale (Wechsler, 1991). Changes on the revised subtests of the WISC‐III Performance Scale may place children with ADHD at a disadvantage compared to their performance on analogous WISC‐R subtests. We examined IQ test performance in 122 unmedicated children with ADHD (61 given the WISC‐R, 61 given the WISC‐III), and 46 children from a healthy, comparison group (23 given the WISC‐R, 23 given the WISC‐III). The ADHD and comparison group samples were matched for sex and for Verbal IQ between WISC‐R and WISC‐III. Children with ADHD had significantly lower Performance IQ on WISC‐III compared to the WISC‐R, with the Picture Arrangement subtest showing the most significant difference. In contrast, there were no significant differences between the WISC‐R and WISC‐III cohorts on Performance IQ or any Performance subtests among the comparison group. These findings highlight the importance of examining the comparability of ability test revisions among clinical and non‐clinical populations, and will be especially salient when the WISC‐III is revised. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 40: 331–340, 2003.  相似文献   

Regrouping Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children‐Third Edition (WISC‐III) subtests into Bannatyne's spatial, conceptual, and sequential patterns has been thought by many to identify children with learning disabilities (LD). This study investigated the prevalence and diagnostic utility of WISC‐III Bannatyne patterns by comparing 1,302 children with LD to 2,158 children in the WISC‐III normative sample. Further analysis was conducted on a subsample of students with specific reading disabilities. Results indicated that the presence of the Bannatyne WISC‐III pattern would not lead to decisions that are useful in differentiating children with LD from children without LD. For example, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis, measured by the area under the curve (AUC), indicated that the Bannatyne WISC‐III pattern exhibited low diagnostic utility (AUC = 0.54–0.55). Due to its inaccuracy, use of the Bannatyne WISC‐III pattern is not recommended.  相似文献   

The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–Third Edition (WISC‐III) and the Stanford‐Binet Intelligence Scale–Fourth Edition (SB‐IV), were administered to 20 gifted children and 20 non‐gifted children to examine the extent of the difference in IQ scores obtained on the two tests and whether order effects were present. Results show that the SB‐IV Composite Score was significantly higher than the WISC‐III Full Scale IQ for both groups. However, for the gifted group, unlike the non‐gifted group, this difference achieved significance only when the SB‐IV was administered first. When either IQ test was administered to the gifted students for the first time, without the confound of a learning influence, there was no significant difference in mean scores. However, when both tests were administered, it was found that the SB‐IV influenced the WISC‐III Full Scale IQ in a downward direction whereas the WISC‐III influenced the SB‐IV Composite Score in an upward direction. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether subtest scatter might be an indicator of learning disabilities (LDs), psychopathology, or of both, in a sample of normal adolescents. Subjects completed the WISC‐III and the MMPI‐A and then their scores for the WISC‐III subtests, verbal scatter (VScatter), performance scatter (PScatter), full scale scatter (FScatter) scores, perceptual organisation factor (PO), and the SCAD profiles were calculated. The MMPI‐A was scored and the clinical scales were extracted. The hypothesis that subtest scatter is associated with LDs was generally not supported. There was a relationship between subtest scatter and psychological disturbance in adolescent males, however the results for females were less clear. Further, high PScatter in adolescent males was associated with an MMPI‐A codetype 4‐2/2‐4, indicating tendencies toward depressive features, delinquent behavior, and possibly substance abuse, tendencies which are likely to lead to school failure. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

If the factor structure of a test does not hold over time (i.e., is not invariant), then longitudinal comparisons of standing on the test are not meaningful. In the case of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children‐Third Edition (WISC‐III), it is crucial that it exhibit longitudinal factorial invariance because it is widely used in high‐stakes special education eligibility decisions. Accordingly, the present study analyzed the longitudinal factor structure of the WISC‐III for both configural and metric invariance with a group of 177 students with disabilities tested, on average, 2.8 years apart. Equivalent factor loadings, factor variances, and factor covariances across the retest interval provided evidence of configural and metric invariance. It was concluded that the WISC‐III was measuring the same constructs with equal fidelity across time which allows unequivocal interpretation of score differences as reflecting changes in underlying latent constructs rather than variations in the measurement operation itself. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The present study explored the relationship between the intelligence of young adults and their performance on the Test of Variables of Attention (TOVA). The study also examined whether significant differences existed between adults with and without attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) on TOVA errors of omission, errors of commission, mean correct response time, and variability, as well as on performance on the freedom from distractibility (FD) factor on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R). Seventy-nine adults participated in the study, including 17 with ADHD and 62 college students without ADHD. Pearson product-moment correlations indicated that none of the correlations between Full Scale IQ (FSIQ) and TOVA variables were significant. Analysis of variance results revealed that adults with ADHD made more errors of omission on the TOVA than did controls. Between-group differences were not found on the remaining dependent variables.  相似文献   

The Dumont‐Faro short form was used to estimate Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children‐III (WISC‐III) Full Scale IQ scores for 45 special education students in a rural setting. Using the validation criteria proposed by Resnick and Entin (1971), results demonstrated that IQ scores generated by the Dumont‐Faro short form were positively correlated (r= .96) with the WISC‐III Full Scale scores. A significant mean difference in scores and an IQ misclassification rate of 44%, however, challenge the utility of the Dumont‐Faro short form for estimating WISC‐III Full Scale IQ. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

采用实证分析法,以广东某高职院校为研究对象,对该校计算机学院2011级全体学生高考成绩与在校期间学习成绩进行相关性研究。研究发现:高考成绩和在校学习成绩呈现出显著的相关性,这和部分学者以本科学校为研究样本结果是相同的。以招生类别为分类变量对成绩相关性进行进一步研究,发现农村生源学生相关性依然显著,而城镇生源学生高考成绩和学生大三期间学习成绩相关性不显著。针对此种现象进行深入分析探讨并给出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

This study evaluated the classification accuracy of a second grade oral reading fluency curriculum‐based measure (R‐CBM) in predicting third grade state test performance. It also compared the long‐term classification accuracy of local and publisher‐recommended R‐CBM cut scores. Participants were 266 students who were divided into a calibration sample (n = 170) and two cross‐validation samples (n = 46; n = 50), respectively. Using calibration sample data, local fall, winter, and spring R‐CBM cut scores for predicting students’ state test performance were developed using three methods: discriminant analysis (DA), logistic regression (LR), and receiver operating characteristic curve analysis (ROC). The classification accuracy of local and publisher‐recommended cut scores was evaluated across subsamples. Only DA and ROC produced cut scores that maintained adequate sensitivity (≥.70) across cohorts; however, LR and publisher‐recommended scores had higher levels of specificity and overall correct classification. Implications for developing local cut scores are discussed.  相似文献   

The final grade of 1403 students enrolled in the first semester of the introductory, pre-professional physics course has been correlated with performance on a precourse diagnostic test of mathematical skills. The students were from a total of eight different sections taught by six separate instructors over a three year time span. The student population has been separated into two groups, those who completed the course (913 students) and those who dropped (490 students). The drops were assigned a “projected final grade”based on performance up to date of withdrawal. The Pearson product-moment correlation for students who completed the course is 0.418 and correlation for the drops is 0.232. Both correlations are significant at the p < 0.001 level. This study suggests that prior mathematical ability is a primary influence on performance in the course, and has a secondary influence on the tendency to drop out of the course.  相似文献   

One of the most contentious potential sources of bias is whether instructors who give higher grades receive higher ratings from students. We examined the grade point averages (GPAs) and student ratings across 2073 general education religion courses at a large private university. A moderate correlation was found between GPAs and student evaluations of teaching (SETs); however, this global correlation did not hold true for individual teachers and courses. In fact, there was a large variance in the correlations between GPAs and SETs, including some teachers with a negative correlation and a large variance between courses.  相似文献   

We find the correlation of two jointly distributed random variables connected with a coin tossing experiment. The marginal distributions are binomial and negative binomial.  相似文献   

The relationship between WISC-R subtest scores and Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQs was investigated for a sample comprised of rural Appalachian children. The sample was comprised of both white and black children who might be described as culturally different by virtue of low family income and residence in the mountainous areas of Virginia and North Carolina. Data analysis consisted of computing product-moment correlations (rs) between each of the ten subtests and the Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQs. Correlations between individual subtests and the FS IQ ranged from.49 through.63, but none of the differences between these rs were large enough to attain significance. Correlations between the verbal subtests and Verbal IQ ranged from.64 for Comprehension up to.78 for Vocabulary. For the performance subtest, the rs ranged from.54 between Coding and the Performance IQ up to.72 for Object Assembly.  相似文献   

Verbal and Performance WISC‐R subscale scores were collected from 691 Native and 234 non‐Native children in Grades 2 and 4. Samples were drawn from each of four sites in North America: Northern Woodlands, Plains, Northwest coast, and Southwest Desert. Native children had substantially lower IQ scores than non‐Native, the difference especially pronounced for the Verbal subscale. Biopsychosocial variables including maternal and child health, socioeconomic status, parental attitudes toward school and toward cultural separation, and children's English‐language skills accounted for 67% of the Native/non‐Native difference on the Performance subscale and 57% of the Verbal subscale score difference. Implications for understanding Native/non‐Native IQ score differences and for interventions to promote Native children's academic success are discussed. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The time, material, and staff‐consuming nature of anatomy's traditional pen‐and‐paper assessment system, the increase in the number of students enrolling in medical schools and the ever‐escalating workload of academic staff have made the use of computer‐based assessment (CBA) an attractive proposition. To understand the impact of such shift in the assessment method, an experimental study evaluating its effect on students’ performance was designed. Additionally, students’ opinions toward CBA were gathered. Second‐year medical students attending a Clinical Anatomy course were randomized by clusters in two groups. The pen‐and‐paper group attended two sessions, each consisting of a traditional sectional anatomy steeplechase followed by a theoretical examination, while the computer group was involved in two similar sessions conducted in a computerized environment. At the end of each of the computer sessions, students in this group filled an anonymous questionnaire. In the first session, pen‐and‐paper group students scored significantly better than computer‐group students in both the steeplechase (mean ± standard deviation: 66.00 ± 14.15% vs. 43.50 ± 19.10%; P < 0.001) and the theoretical examination (52.50 ± 12.70% vs. 39.00 ± 21.10%; P < 0.001). In the second session, no statistically significant differences were found for both the steeplechase (59.50 ± 17.30% vs. 54.50 ± 17.00%; P = 0.085) and the theoretical examination (57.50 ± 13.70% vs. 54.00 ± 14.30%; P = 0.161). Besides, an intersession improvement in students’ perceptions toward CBA was registered. These results suggest that, after a familiarization period, CBA might be a performance equivalent and student accepted alternative to clinical anatomy pen‐and‐paper theoretical and practical examinations. Anat Sci Educ 11: 124–136. © 2017 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

The ability to improve team motor skill performance is predicated on the corresponding ability to accurately identify areas for improvement. Unfortunately, in many time‐critical, rapid‐paced environments, accurately identifying areas for improvement is often problematic. The technique described in this case study seeks to overcome these difficulties in a systematic manner by employing a video‐recorded, mapping‐and‐measurement‐based approach that can discern details normally missed by human observation.  相似文献   

This study examined the factor structure of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children‐Fifth Edition (WISC‐V) with four standardization sample age groups (6–8, 9–11, 12–14, 15–16 years) using exploratory factor analysis (EFA), multiple factor extraction criteria, and hierarchical EFA not included in the WISC‐V Technical and Interpretation Manual. Factor extraction criteria suggested that one to four factors might be sufficient despite the publisher‐promoted, five‐factor solution. Forced extraction of five factors resulted in only one WISC‐V subtest obtaining a salient pattern coefficient on the fifth factor in all four groups, rendering it inadequate. Evidence did not support the publisher's desire to split Perceptual Reasoning into separate Visual Spatial and Fluid Reasoning dimensions. Results indicated that most WISC‐V subtests were properly associated with the four theoretically oriented first‐order factors resembling the WISC‐IV, the g factor accounted for large portions of total and common variance, and the four first‐order group factors accounted for small portions of total and common variance. Results were consistent with EFA of the WISC‐V total standardization sample.  相似文献   

Over 2000 undergraduates for whom SAT scores were available completed the Student Orientations Survey (SOS) and the Rotter I-E Control Scale. F tests showed that high SAT-Verbal scores were associated with an Exploratory orientation to college, and low SAT-Verbal scores with a Preparatory outlook. Low SAT-Math scores were associated with three of the Preparatory scales, but also with three of the Exploratory scales of the SOS. In terms of SOS results, individuals with high-Verbal/low-Math scores tended to have an Exploratory orientation and individuals with low-Verbal/high-Math scores were more Preparatory in their outlook toward college. SAT pattern was not associated with Rotter I-E scores. The relationship between I-E scores and SOS scale scores indicated that inner control, as measured by the Rotter scale, does not appear to be synonymous with autonomy and a liking for self-direction. Suggestions for further research into the congruence of students' educational attitudes with institutional philosophies, departmental objectives, and the orientations of instructors were discussed.  相似文献   

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