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和同事说起这篇文章的时候,她说这让她想起不久前的一个社会热点话题:在空调公交车上吃早餐,是否不文明?该话题引发了有关个人自由和社会公德的讨论。从事件本身来看,咳嗽、打喷嚏,吃早餐等的确是个人行为,属于个人自由;但一旦这些行为是在公众场合进行,个体就应该考虑他人的感受,毕竟社会是由无数个体组成的,个体的言行一定程度上会对他人造成影响。生活在社会大家庭里,只有大家多换位思考,相互理解,人与人之间才能和睦相处,社会才能和谐发展。  相似文献   

电视台正在播放一档新节目,名为《超越极限》。参赛者被选中后,须在规定时间内吃掉一盘让人毛骨悚然的食物——活的蚯蚓、蜘蛛……场面刺激,直接挑战人的嘴、胃和心理承受能力。那期节目从头到尾,尝试者不乏其人,但几番努力,终于还是败下阵来,到最后竟无一人从容过关。妻说:“换了我,我也无论如何吃不下去,真恶心呢。”在女人中,妻算勇敢的了,一次在车上遭遇小偷,人人明哲保身,视而不见,唯妻挺身而出,坤包甩过去,将小偷的刀打落在地。“那要是给你很多钱呢?”我故意问,“比如说两万,你敢不敢吃下去?”妻毫不犹豫地摇头。“两万太少,要是两千…  相似文献   

价值观问题是高二哲学下册教材的一个重点,这部分内容既有很强的理论性,涉及到唯物史观的一些基本观点,又有很强的思想性,因为每个人都有价值观,能否树立正确的价值观,关系到一个人能否健康成长。而这部分内容无论是从教的方面还是学的方面,都可以说是一个难点,教学效果尚不理想。对此,笔者进行了一些思考,觉得教者应该搞清以下几个问题,特提出供同行们教学时参考。一、价值观与世界观、人生观和人生价值观的关系世界观是人们对整个世界总的看法或根本观点。例如,世界的本原是什么?事物是运动、变化、发展的还是静止不变的?事物是普遍联系的还是彼此孤立的?事物发展的原因是事物的内部矛盾还是外力的推动?人的认识是在实践基础上产生的还是头脑中固有的?等等。而价值观指的是人们对客观事物有无价值及价值大小  相似文献   

五十年代婚恋题材小说既反映又建构了一种心理和价值观:即恋爱、婚姻不是个人性的事件,而是具有重大政治意义的社会事件。政治因素以政权的方式改变了婚姻的外部条件,也改变了社会对于两性关系的评价标准,并且重新安排了人们的社会地位。爱与不爱的自由不是出自个体内心的需求,而是一个无法选择的社会规范和集体价值观。而一种新的社会意识形态要内化为一个时代社会青年男女择偶的审美心理,必须得到传统心理的支持。  相似文献   

《心灵之窗》是一个让队员们自由倾诉的专栏,今天刊登的《闻鞋事件》这篇文章与以往不同,作者在表达悔恨的同时,讲述了一个令人心灵震撼的事件。在践行社会主义荣辱观的今天,我们把这件事交给小读考进行讨论,请同学们把自己的看法、想法写给我们。比如你是怎样看待A的霸王行为,怎样看待B的懦弱行为,怎样看待D保全自己的行为,怎样看待E妥协的行为,又怎样看待“我”的没有责任感的行为?进一步思考,如果我们所在班级出现了A这样的同学,我们应该怎样对待他——憎恶他?鄙视他?轻蔑他?躲着他?讨好他?谴责他?孤立他?还是帮助他?……那么你又有什么好办法帮助他呢?你们的讨论将发表在第10期本刊本专栏和我们的小干部网站上。  相似文献   

李爽 《华章》2012,(31)
刑法的发展经历了漫长的过程,其中的每一个学派都有其自身对刑法的原则、目的、价值的认识,这种认识既有相互融合的,也有相互冲突的,这也正是推动刑法不断进步的动力.而对于刑法的价值追求是什么,似乎很复杂,人权?正义?自由?公平?还是其他,矛盾的存在正是我们进行讨论的前提,任何矛盾在对立的另一面都存在着统一,所以,笔者认为刑法的价值追求可以是多样的,但存在着最基本也是最核心的追求——自由,没有自由,人们便失去一切.  相似文献   

平等、自由与公正是中国特色社会主义社会的核心价值取向,是从社会层面对社会主义核心价值观的凝练,也是人们对现实社会的美好期待。但究竟什么是平等,什么是自由、公正,许多人并非真正清楚,对平等和自由、公正问题进行历史的回顾和比较分析,有利于厘清平等与自由、平等与公正的关系,避免人们在实际生活中的误解、误用,避免因过度强调一方而损害另一方的错误,从而更好地把握平等的内涵,更好地践行社会主义核心价值观。  相似文献   

从分析托克维尔对大革命的反思入手,通过一个正、反、合的逻辑,来说明他对于这一事件的考量,并以此为出发点,来阐释他对于自由与平等这一对相互冲突的价值观上的态度和主张。由此开始,自由与平等的关系便成为一个经久不衰的讨论话题,直到今天他的观点依然具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

突发的网络公共舆情事件有着动态性、风险性、复杂性等等特点。对于舆情事件的公共网络讨论同样会很快的出现。目前出现以各种新媒体下博客的讨论,非理性的博客讨论所带来破坏社会稳定,影响公民价值观形成等许许多多的问题。加强在公共舆情事件中对博客非理性意见表达的引导有着十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

讨论起因处在信息爆炸和环境污染的现代社会中,人们发现,轰动的事件好像越来越多,而让我们感动、让我们流泪的事件越来越少。可是就是这极少的流泪,也常常是因为风沙、因为烟尘对泪腺的刺激,我们的眼泪中发自内心的成分似乎越来越少了。于是媒体们纷纷行动起来,试图要纠正这种社会偏见,挖掘现实生活中的感动事件,制造一个又一个感动人物,但是有些所谓的感动人物却也实在不能让我们感动,更难以让我们流泪。我们似乎变得见惯不怪,变得冷静,或者说是变得冷漠,甚至是麻木,这到底是人性的进步还是退化?我们真的已经不会感动,不会流泪了吗?  相似文献   

This paper studies the social talk of high school students in online discussion forums. On-task talk has generally been assessed as valuable discussion because it contributes directly to productive learning. Off-task conversation, on the other hand, is often regarded as useless and a waste of time. Should this social talk indeed be regarded as an off-task activity? Is social talk such as greeting, excusing, comforting and sharing personal feelings irrelevant to learning? This study analyzes threads and argues that social talk is interwoven with on-task talk. It is interesting to note that a substantial quantity of off-task messages served the latent function of guiding group discussion toward making progress in solving collaborative problems in a subtle and indirect manner. The power of “soft talk” embedded in off-task social conversation is explored and fully discussed.  相似文献   

This paper was prompted by the question, what do we mean by conducting ‘ethnography’? Is it in fact ‘case study’ drawing on ethnographic techniques? My contention is that in many cases, researchers are not actually conducting ethnography as understood within a traditional sense but rather are engaging in case study, drawing on ethnographic techniques. Does that matter you might ask? Well it determines what we can expect to discover from a research project in terms of results and the unearthing of deeper complexities. I frame the discussion around a set of closely related issues, namely ethnography, case study and researcher positioning, drawing on ethnographic techniques and fieldwork relations. The original contribution of the piece and overall argument is that research can represent a hybrid form, and based on my own research experience, I propose a new term ‘ethno-case study’ that has advantages of both ethnography and case study.  相似文献   

现代远程教育是建立在自主化学习基础上的一种教育和学习形式。但结合电大的实际,其自主化程度值得商榷。是自主与面授结合制,还是主辅结合制,或是完全自主制,由结合制到主辅制到完全制的基本条件是什么,这是电大远程教育过程中必须认识的实际问题。明确这一认识对电大现代远程教育的发展具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

本科教学工作水平评估研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着本科教学评估全面铺开,高等教育理论界、官方人士和实践工作者对此展开了全面而深入的讨论,他们在肯定评估成绩的同时,普遍认为本科教学评估仍然存在不少问题。这些问题可以概括为:教学质量能否评估,本科教学评估属于总结性还是形成性,评估主体的一元与多元,评估指标体系的统一与分层分类,以及"要我评"与"我要评"的关系等。  相似文献   

当前生态伦理学讨论的几个焦点问题是:生态伦理学道德对象的范围是生态还是生命?享受道德关怀的是共同体中的所有成员还是部分成员?生态伦理学的伦理原则是整体主义的还是个体主义的?生态精神的本质是利他还是利己?笔者针对这些问题发表自己的看法。  相似文献   

In a randomized controlled trial (RCT), treatments are assigned randomly and treatments are withheld from participants. Is it ethically permissible to conduct an RCT in a social setting? This paper addresses two conditions for justifying RCTs: that there should be a state of equipoise and that the trial should be scientifically promising. Illustrated with a discussion of the RCT evaluation of the Wizards of Words reading programme, this paper argues that, first, the two conditions can give rise to genuine moral conflicts, and second, efforts can be made to ensure RCTs in social settings are scientifically promising. The argument of this paper therefore is a departure from the current debate on RCTs, where it is assumed these two justifying conditions should not come into conflict, either because research ethics is derived from the professional's duty of care, or because there is a strong distinction between the ethics of research and the duty of care. This paper also addresses critics who argue that in social settings RCTs cannot be scientifically promising and for that reason they are ethically impermissible.  相似文献   

As more children are being held back a grade as a result of tougher academic standards, the practice of retention and its effects was studied in two Utah school districts. Retention was not found to benefit the children academically or in personal or social adjustment. The purpose of this article is to further analyze the data in order to study retention effects for subgroups of children commonly believed to profit from being retained. In this reanalysis, three independent variables were added in order to address the following questions: (a) Is retention beneficial for children if supplementary academic instruction is provided? (b) Is retention beneficial if the children are average or above in intelligence? (c) Also, is retention beneficial if it occurs in kindergarten or 1st grade? Retention was not found to benefit these subgroups of children.  相似文献   

Dyscalculia has been described as a specific learning difficulty affecting the ability to acquire arithmetical skills. In recent years, it has become a topic for discussion in the popular media, yet there has been little research undertaken by educational psychologists. This paper provides a summary of neuroscientific research into the development of early number skills and considers the neurological and behavioural features of dyscalculia. Two fundamental questions are then discussed: Is one able to accurately assess for and identify dyscalculia?; Is it of benefit to children and young people to do so? The paper concludes by considering implications for practice.  相似文献   

在国外,高等教育被视作一个研究领域,而非一门学科;在国内,虽然高等教育一开始就是作为一门学科来建立的,但对于高等教育到底是一个研究领域还是一门学科,学界至今依然存有争议。这种争议的背后始终绕不开的问题就是判断是否学科的标准是什么,是否存在一个公认、统一的标准?对于这些问题的回答,可为判定高等教育"学科"属性提供基本的参照。  相似文献   

法院强制拍卖到底是公法行为还是私法行为,它与警通的委托拍卖行为有无区别?对法院强制执行的性质的不同理解,在法院撤回委托时。其损失的赔偿将会产生不同的法律后果。本文从一案例出发,剖析了法院委托拍卖的性质等同于一般民事委托行为。  相似文献   

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