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我国现阶段,高技能人才紧缺成为了经济社会发展的制约因素。高职教育必须努力构建人才培养模式,加快培养高技能型人才。高职人才培养,从不同角度概述有不同的模式。其实,高技能紧缺型人才培养的根本点在于是否脚踏“实”地,做到“五实”即专业建设讲实际、课程设置为实用、教学活动重实践、质量评估求实效和服务经济得实惠。  相似文献   

论高技能紧缺型人才培养的"五实"模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
彭腾 《当代教育论坛》2006,(13):117-120
我国现阶段,高技能人才紧缺成为了经济社会发展的制约因素.高职教育必须努力构建人才培养模式,加快培养高技能型人才.高职人才培养,从不同角度概述有不同的模式.其实,高技能紧缺型人才培养的根本点在于是否脚踏"实"地,做到"五实"即专业建设讲实际、课程设置为实用、教学活动重实践、质量评估求实效和服务经济得实惠.  相似文献   

论人才培养"五实"模式的运行机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职教育作为社会的有机组成部分,其存在和发展有自己独特的运行机制。过去及现行的一些人才培养模式的运行机制,已滞后于社会发展需要,必须进行改革完善。高技能紧缺型人才培养的“五实”模式要真正落到“实”处,就必须相应建立八种运行机制,即政策导向机制、法规保障机制、内容激励机制、市场竞争机制、资源整合机制、校企合作机制、教育评价机制和就业机制。  相似文献   

文章在对重点领域创新型高技能紧缺人才调研分析的基础上,提出行业特色型高职院校要开展人才培养模式改革,做好创新型高技能紧缺人才培养的顶层设计,对接产业需求,形成创新型高技能紧缺人才培养的有效途径和方式,努力为产业发展培养创新型高技能紧缺人才.  相似文献   

当前,高技能人才短缺已成为制约我国经济发展、产业升级的瓶颈,国家把高技能人才确立为高职院校的人才培养目标,因而有了"高技能人才"与"高职高技能人才"之说."高技能人才"、"高职高技能人才"两者看似相同,实则有很大的不同.因此,试从两者概念内涵、培养途径、考核评价三方面加以厘清,希望对当前高技能人才培养及高职院校培养高技能人才有所帮助.  相似文献   

当前,高技能人才短缺已成为制约我国经济发展、产业升级的瓶颈,国家把高技能人才确立为高职院校的人才培养目标,因而有了“高技能人才”与“高职高技能人才”之说。“高技能人才”、“高职高技能人才”两者看似相同,实则有很大的不同。因此,试从两者概念内涵、培养途径、考核评价三方面加以厘清,希望对当前高技能人才培养及高职院校培养高技能人才有所帮助。  相似文献   

行业企业参与高职院校"订单式"人才培养的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高职院校是培养高技能人才的摇篮,“订单式”人才培养是行业企业与高职院校合作的最佳模式,是实现校企双赢的结合点。因此,应从高职院校的办学特色出发,分析“订单式”人才培养模式的优点,结合已有经验探讨“订单式”人才培养模式下课程建设的特征与具体开发过程,提出预防“订单式”人才培养道德风险的措施。  相似文献   

实施"双证制"教育的实践与探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着市场经济的不断发展,人才市场竞争越来越激烈,对从业人员素质的要求也越来越高。如何办好高等职业教育,培养出国家需要、社会认可的高素质技能型人才,是摆在每一所高职院校面前亟需解决的问题。高职教育实“施双证制”的人才培养模式,正是贯彻“职业教育就是就业教育”的教育目标和“以就业为导向”的办学理念,迎合了市场对人才的需要。实施“双证制”教学是实施素质教育、提高学生就业率的一个重要举措,对于高职院校更新思想观念,加快高技能应用型人才培养具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

从高技能人才培养理念出发,结合高职院校药学专业的特点,以湖南食品药品职业学院为例,从培养药学专业高技能应用型人才、加大药学专业课程设置的改革力度、建设“双师型”师资队伍这三个方面探讨了医药高职院校培养药学专业高技能人才的模式。  相似文献   

"高职教育培养高技能人才"释义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
“高职教育培养高技能人才”,有着丰富的政策及实践指导含义。这一提法有利于高技能人才成长与高职教育人才培养的衔接,进一步明确高职教育是培养高技能人才的基础环节,避免高职教育培养的技术性人才相对轻视经验技术的倾向,避免了技术性人才职称归口混乱问题,有助于高职学生明确服务一线的定位。  相似文献   

战后几十年间 ,日本经济经历了一个从一片废墟到如日中天再到低迷不振的发展历程 ,大起大落中蕴涵着许多必然和偶然 ,过去的成功经验恰恰是当前和今后经济发展的障碍。日本经济发展的经验和教训对我国的启示主要可归纳为六个方面 :重视教育更要重视体制创新 ;正确发挥国家在现代化建设中的作用 ;与时俱进 ,选择适合本国国情的发展模式 ;不断改革是经济发展的永恒动力 ;保持政治与经济的协调发展 ;现代化应建立在自我创新的基础上  相似文献   


This article describes the development of an evaluation and impact framework to assess the effectiveness of educational innovations. It can be utilized within a single program, as well as at institutional and national levels. While it is contextualized in a Chilean university, it is argued that it is widely applicable as it is informed by international best practice.

The rationale that informed the development of the evaluation framework is described and is illustrated using two programs: Faculty Learning Communities; and Student Learning Assistants. These demonstrate how the framework can be customized utilizing indicators and outcomes relevant to specific programs and stakeholders.  相似文献   

In this article, Anders Öhman discusses Gert J. J. Biesta's concept of the risk of education and what it could mean for the study of literature in the classroom. The article's point of departure is Bakhtin's theory of the utterance. The utterance, for Bakhtin, has to be embodied, that is, it has to be governed by a purpose: it must be uttered by someone, or at least the reader or listener must imagine that it is uttered by someone that speaks with an intent. A grammatical sentence that is not an utterance has no author and no direction or intention; it is therefore abstract and belongs to no one. Reading on the Internet, or digital reading, often consists of short passages or text fragments for which it is difficult to identify an author. These fragments are not embodied and thus the reader does not feel addressed by the text. Although Biesta does not reckon with Bakhtin's theory, his critique of “strong education” provides an analysis that runs along similar lines. According to Biesta, the notion of strong education and what he calls the “language of learning” regard knowledge as free of values thus rendering it abstract. In bringing together Bakhtin's and Biesta's analyses, Öhman concludes that in order for knowledge to elicit valuation, it must first become embodied; this process, in turn, is important to creating the conditions necessary for a dialogue to occur between the content of teaching and the students.  相似文献   

钧釉最好的传承方式是创新,但钧釉的创新有三个前提:必须以铜、铁为主要着色剂;必须是高温还原烧成;必须是自然窑变。新钧釉的特点是:釉中除加有铁、铜等着色剂外,还加有其他的着色元素;窑变色彩、纹理、斑点、意境等变化更加丰富;适当地突出了缺陷美;具有时代气息和现代艺术美感。钧釉创新的方法,一是调整烧成方法,二是不断调整釉的配方。只要不断地试验、摸索、研究、总结,钧釉品种定能不断推陈出新。钧瓷的窑变永无止境,钧釉的创新亦永无止境。  相似文献   


Radio is a mass medium that can be harnessed to enhance an education campaign since it can span great distances and reach a large number oflisteners. Because of its wide coverage, relatively low unit cost, ability to reach those who are illiterate and without the use of mains power, it has proved to be an effective educational medium. The features of the radio medium are: it is a ‘blind’ (ie non‐visual) medium; it functions in real time; and its codes are purely auditory, consisting as they do of speech, music, sounds, noises and silences.

The fact that it is non‐visual can be harnessed to improve education quality since the listener is compelled to support the sound message by using his/her own imagination. No other medium has this educational power of stimulating and developing the abstract thinking of its audience and enriching and activating the listener's imagination.  相似文献   

With reference to the question of women and of socio-cultural minorities in higher education, the author examines the concept of political correctness (PC). Based on the ''principle of reversibility'', it can be a liberating factor, but if it is manipulated by dominant socio-economic forces, it can also be a force favouring divisive social and economic control. The question is, how can the liberating aspects of PC be enabled to predominate over the others.  相似文献   

哲学诠释学的实用性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对哲学无用的指控可以追溯到西方哲学的源头,然而哲学有着其自身的实用性。伽达默尔哲学诠释学的实用性主要体现在:可以为人文科学辩护;导致了宽容;批评了科学方法并指出其局限性;对技术的有限性进行批判;探讨了对话的前提和本质。  相似文献   


This is the story of a tempest in a tertiary institution. The first section is concerned with the detail of a proposed change to the arrangements for tea and coffee services — it could be called the boring part, but as an administrator I prefer to term it the essential background information. Following this, there are some comments of a meteorological nature on the circumstances of the disturbance; and finally there is an attempt to look at what might be concluded from it.  相似文献   

邓小平财政金融思想新探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓小平的财政金融思想包括:建立稳固的财政基础;财政工作要有全局观念;实行合理负担的财政政策;财政平衡是实现综合平衡的基础;实行金融改革和治理通货膨胀;货币要统一,发行货币要有充足的储备金等。  相似文献   

The aim of the book is to promote an evidence‐based and theory‐driven approach to school improvement. While it targets all professionals working in education, it could be argued that officials in education policy, academics, and school management teams would gain most from reading it. Indeed, if this book's content is likely to be relevant, you should arrange to borrow a copy for a time. David I Leece  相似文献   

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