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类比推理在学前儿童学习知识和了解他人的过程中起着重要作用,但是有关学前儿童的类概念形成以及应用尚处于起步阶段,尤其是类比推理是如何影响学前儿童形成陌生事物类概念的研究更加稀缺。综述目前有关类概念形成的研究结果,探讨了类比推理对学前儿童类概念形成的影响并作出了研究展望,以期为今后的研究提供启发和帮助。  相似文献   

This study examined abstract syntactic categorization in infants, using the case of grammatical gender. Ninety‐six French‐learning 14‐, 17‐, 20‐, and 30‐month‐olds completed the study. In a preferential looking procedure infants were tested on their generalized knowledge of grammatical gender involving pseudonouns and gender‐marking determiners. The pseudonouns were controlled to contain no phonological or acoustical cues to gender. The determiner gender feature was the only information available. During familiarization, some pseudonouns followed a masculine determiner and others a feminine determiner. Test trials presented the same pseudonouns with different determiners in correct (consistent with familiarization gender pairing) versus incorrect gender agreement. Twenty‐month‐olds showed emerging knowledge of gender categorization and agreement. This knowledge was robust in 30‐month‐olds. These findings demonstrate that abstract, productive grammatical representations are present early in acquisition.  相似文献   

比喻本质上也是比较。它与一般比较的区别在相似点上。比喻时相似点是喻体事物的类的属性,而比较时喻体要么不是类仅是个体,要么虽是类相似点却不是类的属性。还有些个体事物,由于成了某种典型,代表一类事物,它们也可充当比喻的喻体。相似点还决定了喻体分类的角度。从相似点上看,所谓"同类相比的比喻"都是不同类的,因此,"凡喻必以非类"的原则是不错的。  相似文献   

Classifying people into categories not only helps humans simplify a complex social world but also contributes to stereotyping and discrimination. This research examines how social categorization develops by testing how language imbues with meaning otherwise arbitrary differences between people. Experimental studies (= 129) with 2‐year‐olds showed that generic language—language that refers to abstract kinds—guides the development of social categorization. Toddlers learned a new category after hearing generic language about individuals who shared an arbitrary perceptual feature but not after hearing matched specific language, simple labels, or plural (but nongeneric) language about the same set of individuals. These findings show how subtle linguistic cues shape the development of social categorization.  相似文献   

为了了解纷繁的世界,人们不得不把事物归入范畴,由此产生了范畴理论。而随着研究的日益深入,传统的范畴理论受到苛责,取而代之的是现代的范畴理论——原型范畴理论。英语词汇教学显然颇受启发。然而,范畴理论特别是原型理论也并非毫无缺陷,为了解决范畴化所不能解释的认知语言学上的种种困难,非范畴化理论应运而生,二者互补构成一个有机整体。  相似文献   

兴起于法国后来影响全世界的象征主义作为一种文学流派早已不复存在,但作为一种文学类型依然活着。外来的象征主义诗歌与本土发展起来的现代禅诗虽彼此有异,但在讲求"妙悟"、"暗示"、对语言态度以及语言本身的音乐性和色彩感等诗学主张上有着众多的相似之处。  相似文献   

Are adolescents’ environmental attitudes similar to their parents’ attitudes? The main objective of this study is to examine what quantitative associations, if any, exist in parent-child environmental attitudes within the family. The survey data was collected assessing attitudes toward the environment and nature from 15-year-old students (n = 237) and their parents (n = 212) in Finland. A significant positive correlation emerged in environmental attitudes between mothers and fathers. Interestingly, the results revealed some indicative evidence that girls’ environmental attitudes could relate more to their father's than mother's attitudes. Girls were as positive in their environmental attitudes as their parents and in contrast boys were noticeably more negative than either their parents or girls of the same age. The parental level of education was not found to be significantly related to the level of environmental attitudes of their adolescent offspring. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

用多元回归与灰关联方法对跳高成绩进行分析比较,指出了应用这二种数学方法在解决体育具体问题时应满足的条件及其局限性,旨在为体育工作者提供可靠的系统分析方法作参考。  相似文献   

范希尔理论较好地刻画了学生的几何思维水平,以该理论为依据比较美国《发现几何》和我国新教材《数学?初中二年级(八年级)(下)》中“相似形”一章,部分地揭示了中美几何内容的思维水平.两国都注重以直观几何为学习起点,但美国所包含的内容更广、更深,其主要的策略是构筑较为系统的问题情境,使学生的学习总处于由问题组织而成的情境脉络之中.我国教材注重通过正、反例进行辨析,以达到巩固中求发展的目的;也有通过问题提升学生思维水平的努力,但因缺乏相应的情境而显得突兀.  相似文献   

Research on the development of metamemory has focused primarily on children's understanding of the variables that influence how likely a person is to remember something. But metamemory also involves an understanding of why people occasionally misremember things. In this study, 5- and 6-year-olds ( N  =   38) were asked to decide whether another child's mistakes in a memory game were due to false memories or guesses. Some of the fictitious child's mistakes were similar to material he had seen earlier and some were not. Six-year-olds, but not 5-year-olds, consistently attributed more similar than dissimilar mistakes to false memories. Understanding the link between similarity and false memories improves significantly between 5 and 6 years of age.  相似文献   

近年来,劳动力要素与经济发展之间的关系始终是经济学研究者们关注的焦点.安徽省作为我国中部地区重要省份之一,其劳动力资源十分充足,同时也是我国劳动力输出大省.文章利用安徽省17个地级市的相关数据,通过灰色关联度分析方法进行研究.结果表明:人口流入对安徽省经济发展显示出很高的相关性,人口流出对安徽省经济发展的贡献较低,市内人口流动对安徽省经济发展的拉动力居于其间.因此,安徽省应该进一步加大人才引进力度,鼓励外出人口返乡创业或就业,建立健全区域内人口流动的配套措施,以促进经济又好又快发展.  相似文献   

写作是英语的四大技能之一,而词汇则是导致写作困难的主要原因.本文拟运用范畴化中的基本层次范畴理论来分析英语写作中的词汇表达问题,并通过实验分析中国学生在英语词汇表达方面的一些基本认知特点和规律,以及储存、提取词汇的认知范畴意识.作者希望通过这一研究,进一步提高学生在写作中的词汇表达能力.  相似文献   

人口受教育程度与经济发展有着密切的关系,立足新疆人口受教育程度和社会经济发展现状,构建了人口受教育程度与经济发展相互作用的灰色关联模型,揭示了新疆人口受教育程度与经济发展的相互关系:人口受教育程度的提高有利于劳动生产率和经济效益的提高,经济水平的提高为教育的发展提供可靠的物质保障。因此,政府应该高度重视教育的改革和发展,最大限度地发挥教育在区域经济发展中作用。  相似文献   

The present study examined the extent to which preschool classroom supports—relational support (RS) and instructional support (IS)—are associated with children's language development and whether these associations vary as a function of children's language ability. The language skills of 360 children within 95 classrooms were assessed using an expressive narrative task in the fall and spring of the preschool year, teachers rated RS in the fall, and observations of IS were collected across the year. Research Findings: Hierarchical linear models revealed main effects of IS, but not RS, on preschoolers’ development of expressive language skills. In addition, the associations between RS and IS on children's expressive language development were moderated by children's fall language ability. Specifically, the association between IS and language development was stronger for children with stronger expressive language skills, and the association between RS and language development was stronger for children with weaker expressive language skills. Practice or Policy: These findings suggest that professional development for preschool teachers might focus on aligning classroom supports with the needs of children with weaker language skills who are at risk for difficulty acquiring literacy.  相似文献   

关系图式是人际关系模式在大脑中的认知表征.关系图式对于人际关系、心理健康和临床心理学的重要指导作用已经成为社会认知、精神分析和发展心理学的研究共识.在理论上,关系图式可以定义为与重要他人长期互动与交往过程中,内化形成的人际情感、动作和认知的综合性组织结构.关系图式的内容可以划分为陈述性和程序性知识,包括了有关他人、自我认知表征和关系角本三个亚结构.关系图式会对自我评价、注意力偏向和压力产生相应的影响,安全的关系图式启动导致无条件地自我接受,减少人的心理压力,而不安全的关系图式导致对危险的优先注意.不良关系图式可能会导致青少年外化的行为障碍,并影响个体婚姻质量,而改变关系图式则可以治疗人格障碍和其他心理疾病.  相似文献   

本文从方位词的定义与归属等角度对方位词研究成果进行了梳理。在此基础上,我们认为从语义的角度对方位词进行研究更为合理,这样做能够兼顾到共时与历时。  相似文献   

图书分类工作中存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文结合工作经验及体会,分析了图书分类工作中存在的问题及产生的原因,提出了相应的解决办法。  相似文献   

范畴化是人类认识客观世界的认知基础,范畴化过程中既形成原型范畴又形成文化定势。因此人类对意义的认知与原型、定势都有关。原型被称为是一类事物中的“最佳样板”,是人类对意义认知的基础和核心部分,有助于我们对意义的认知范畴化。而文化定势是人类思想范畴化的一种复杂形式,它局限于特定社会中的人群,使他们对意义的认知在主观上产生固化。如果用认知的观点审慎地看待范畴,就会发现原型是人的思想表现的认知参照点。所以对不同语言社团的人来说,同一范畴中意义的认知可能会产生变异。  相似文献   

《安娜·卡列尼娜》和《米德尔马契》分别出自19世纪俄国现实主义作家列夫·托尔斯泰和英国女作家乔治·艾略特之手。两部小说在结构、心理描写和女性意识上存在着同中有异、异中有同的特点。两部小说都采用了双线结构,前者是隐秘的内部联系,后者是内外双重联系;心理描写上前者注重展现人物的心灵辩证过程,后者通过对话和内心独白来挖掘人物的心理状态;两部小说都体现了强烈的女性意识,但后者比前者更具有超前性。  相似文献   

T Sherman 《Child development》1985,56(6):1561-1573
The prototypical category-learning experiences with which infants are confronted are ones in which they have had prior experience with and have clearly noted the differences among a set of objects. Their task, then, is to notice also the similarities among the objects and to form a category based on these similarities. The goals of the current experiments were to create a laboratory situation in which it was clear that 10-month-old infants were distinguishing one category exemplar from another, and then to determine the structure of the category representation the infants developed under these learning conditions. A set of artificially created face stimuli was used in which the mean and modal prototypes were distinct. The infants' performance could not be explained by the context theory; they appear to have retained a count of the feature values observed during study. These data give support to the claim that prior to language, infants have available strategies for abstracting category-level information from their perceptual experiences with discriminable objects and events.  相似文献   

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