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The purpose of the present study was to explore the relationship of childhood sexual abuse with later psychological and sexual adjustment. Subjects were 383 female college students recruited from undergraduate psychology classes. Each was asked to complete a packet which contained a victimization questionnaire as well as measures of adjustment. A number of small, but significant, relationships were found between a history of childhood sexual abuse and measures of later psychological and sexual adjustment. In light of the relationship between family background and sexual abuse, however, it was questioned whether these associations were due to the sexual abuse per se, or were due to the confounding of sexual abuse with family background. Indeed, once parental supportiveness was controlled, very few significant relationships emerged. There was a trend, however, for the significant correlations to involve the sexual measures rather than the more general adjustment measures. The implications of the current findings, particularly for future research, were discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study examined the prevalence and psychological sequelae of childhood sexual and physical abuse in adults from the general population. METHOD: A national sampling service generated a geographically stratified, random sample of 1,442 subjects from the United States. Subjects were mailed a questionnaire that included the Traumatic Events Survey (TES) [Traumatic Events Survey, Unpublished Psychological Test, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles] and the Trauma Symptom Inventory (TSI) [Trauma Symptom Inventory Professional Manual, Psychological Assessment Resources, Odessa, FL]. Of all potential subjects, 935 (64.8%) returned substantially completed surveys. RESULTS: Sixty-six men and 152 women (14.2% and 32.3%, respectively) reported childhood experiences that satisfied criteria for sexual abuse, and 103 males and 92 females (22.2% and 19.5%, respectively) met criteria for physical abuse. Twenty-one percent of subjects with one type of abuse also had experienced the other type, and both types were associated with subsequent adult victimization. After controlling for demographics, adult history of interpersonal violence, and other child abuse, childhood sexual abuse was associated with all 10 scales of the TSI, and physical abuse was related to all TSI scales except those tapping sexual issues. Sexual abuse predicted more symptom variance than did physical abuse or adult interpersonal victimization. Various aspects of both physical and sexual abuse experiences were predictive of TSI scores. Abuser sex, however, both alone and in interaction with victim sex, was not associated with additional TSI symptomatology. CONCLUSIONS: Childhood sexual and physical abuse is relatively common in the general population, and is associated with a wide variety of psychological symptoms. These relationships remain even after controlling for relevant background variables.  相似文献   

From May 1989 through April 1990, 1,001 adult homosexual and bisexual men attending sexually transmitted disease clinics were interviewed regarding potentially abusive sexual contacts during childhood and adolescence. Thirty-seven percent of participants reported they had been encouraged or forced to have sexual contact before age 19 with an older or more powerful partner; 94% occurred with men. Median age of the participant at first contact was 10; median age difference between partners was 11 years. Fifty-one percent involved use of force; 33% involved anal sex. Black and Hispanic men were more likely than white men to report such sexual contact. Using developmentally-based criteria to define sexual abuse, 93% of participants reporting sexual contact with an older or more powerful partner were classified as sexually abused. Our data suggest the risk of sexual abuse may be high among some male youth and increased attention should be devoted to prevention as well as early identification and treatment.  相似文献   

Epidemiologic variations in childhood sexual abuse   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We retrospectively reviewed records of 566 children ranging from 6 months to 16 years of age who presented to a sexual assault crisis center. They represented 33.2% of all alleged sexual assault victims seen over a 36 month period. There were 103 males (18.2%) and 463 females (81.8%). Significant differences in presentation were demonstrated with respect to the victim's age, sex, and race, but the major factor influencing the variation is the victim/assailant relationship. Younger children were more likely than older children to present with histories of multiple assaults (p less than .0005), by known assailants (p less than .0005), occurring in the child's or assailant's home (p less than .001) and to report less violence (p less than .05). More risk of violence (p less than .0005) or evidence of trauma (p less than .0005) and less reporting of home assaults (p less than .0005) or multiple assault episodes (p less than .0005) were found in assaults by strangers when compared with non-stranger assaults. A lower frequency of reporting was found in females between 7 and 11 years of age. The dynamics of childhood sexual abuse are discussed in relationship to these findings. A number of victim and assailant related factors determine reporting patterns of childhood sexual abuse.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore how the experience of childhood sexual abuse is related to long-term psychological and sexual functioning in a nonclinical and nonstudent community sample of women. Questionnaires were distributed to 1,500 nurses and returned anonymously. Fifty-four women who had been sexually abused as children (age 15 or younger) responded. These subjects were then matched with 54 nonabused control subjects. Although there was no difference on a measure of self-esteem, the abused group reported more symptoms of distress on the Global Severity Index and on seven out of nine subscales of the Derogatis Brief Symptom Inventory. They also reported more disturbance on a scale which examined psychological symptoms that have been commonly reported in the literature to be particularly associated with sexual abuse. These differences between the abused and nonabused groups were evident even after controlling for differences in subjects' perceptions of parental emotional support. Unlike the results for psychological adjustment, however, the abused subjects did not differ from the control subjects on self-reported levels of sexual satisfaction or sexual dysfunction.  相似文献   

BackgroundHigh rates of experience of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) among in men who have sex with men (MSM) place this population at increased risk for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).ObjectiveThis study explores how specific characteristics of CSA relate to posttraumatic cognitions (PTCs) and explores the role that specific PTCs play in the relationship between CSA and PTSD in MSM.MethodsTwo-hundred and ninety MSM completed a CSA interview, the Davidson Trauma Scale, and the Posttraumatic Cognitions Inventory.ResultsControlling for sociodemographic factors, CSA involving physical injury and CSA with intense fear were associated with higher levels of PTCs about the self and world, but not with self-blame. We did not find significant associations for CSA involving a family member, CSA with penetration, or duration or frequency of CSA with any subscale on the PTCI. Experiencing CSA for the first time during adolescence was associated with higher self-blame. Analyses revealed that physical injury and intense fear each had indirect effects on PTSD symptoms through negative cognitions about the self and world. First CSA episode during adolescence had an indirect effect on PTSD symptoms through self-blame. CSAs accounted for 16.7% and PTCs accounted for 31.7% of the variance in PTSD, underlining the importance of PTCs.ConclusionsAssessing for physical injury, intense fear, and age at first CSA are particularly relevant to PTCs and of critical importance to advancing assessment and treatment strategies for PTSD in MSM.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The prevalence and characteristics of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) among men who have sex with men (MSM), and links with sexual risk are explored. A model linking CSA and sexual risk among MSM is proposed. METHOD: A telephone probability sample of urban MSM (n = 2881) was recruited and interviewed between November 1996 and February 1998. The interview covered numerous health issues, including history of sexual victimization. RESULTS: One-fifth reported CSA, primarily by non-family perpetrators. Initial CSA experiences are characterized by high levels of force (43% involved physical force/weapons), and penetrative sex (78%; 46% reported attempted or actual anal intercourse). Such men are more likely than nevercoerced men to engage in high risk sex (unprotected anal intercourse with a non-primary partner or with a serodiscordant male). In multivariate analyses, the effect of childhood sexual coercion on sexual risk is mediated by substance use, patterns of sexual contacts, and partner violence, but not by adult sexual revictimization or by depression. CONCLUSIONS: Findings are interpreted within the context of social learning theory and prior research on sexual risk-taking. The high risk for CSA among MSM, which can predispose such men to patterns of HIV sexual risk, warrants new approaches in HIV prevention.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine the impact of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) on clinical characteristics and premature termination of treatment in anorexia nervosa (AN). METHOD: The participants were 77 consecutive patients with AN admitted to an inpatient eating disorders unit. The patients were assessed in terms of eating disorder symptoms, general psychopathology, and CSA history at admission to hospital. RESULTS: Thirty-seven patients (48%) reported a history of CSA before the onset of the eating disorder. Individuals with a history of CSA reported significantly greater psychiatric comorbidity, including higher levels of depression and anxiety, lower self-esteem, more interpersonal problems, and more severe obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Patients with the binge-purge subtype of AN (AN-BP) were significantly more likely to report a history of CSA prior to the onset of the eating disorder as compared with patients with the restricting subtype (AN-R) of the illness (65% of the AN-BP patients vs. 37% of the AN-R patients; p<.02). Contrary to our predictions, abused patients were not significantly more likely to dropout of treatment overall. However, patients of the binge-purge subtype (AN-BP) with a history of CSA were significantly more likely to terminate treatment prematurely as compared with the other patients. CONCLUSIONS: Consistent with previous findings, the present results indicate that the prevalence of CSA is high among individuals seeking inpatient treatment for AN. A history of CSA was associated with greater psychiatric disturbance overall and a higher rate of dropout for patients of the binge-purge subtype.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The primary aim of the current study was to examine the contributions of sexual abuse, physical abuse, family cohesion, and conflict in predicting the psychological functioning of adolescents. Additional analyses were conducted to determine whether adolescent victims of child sexual abuse and physical abuse perceive their family environments as more conflictual and less cohesive than nonabused adolescents. METHOD: Participants were 131 male and female adolescents, ages 16 years to 18 years, receiving services at a residential vocational training program. Participants completed well established psychological assessment tools to assess abuse history, family environment characteristics, and current adjustment. RESULTS: Physically abused adolescent females perceived their family environments as more conflictual and less cohesive than females without physical abuse, and sexually abused females perceived their family environments as more conflictual and less cohesive than females without sexual abuse. Physically abused adolescent males reported more conflict than males without physical abuse, but did not differ with regard to cohesion. Adolescent males with and without a sexual abuse history did not differ on the family dimensions. Multiple regression analyses revealed that both conflict and cohesion, in addition to a history of sexual and physical abuse, predicted depression and distress. Separate analyses by gender revealed these variables differentially impact adjustment in male and female adolescents. Results of a power analysis indicated sufficient power to detect these differences. CONCLUSIONS: Findings indicate that in addition to child sexual abuse and physical abuse, family conflict and cohesion are risk factors for the development of psychological distress and depression in adolescence. Implications for treatment and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study describes the emotional and behavioral responses of children who have been sexually victimized by juveniles (CC) 17 years of age and younger compared to child victims of adults (CA) 18 years of age and older. METHOD: A total sample of N = 194 children and adolescents participated in the study, with 26% (n = 51) comprising CC and 74% (n = 143) encompassing CA. The mother/caretaker was administered a demographic form, Achenbach's Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), and the Family Assessment Measure (FAM-P). The child was given the Family Assessment Measure (FAM-C) and the Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children (TSCC). The clinician completed the Parental Reaction to Incest Disclosure Scale (PRIDS). RESULTS: No differences were found between the two groups for the type of sexual abuse, penetration, or the use of force. CC were younger and more likely to be males who were abused in a school setting, home, or a relative's home by a sibling or a non-related male. CC endorsed clinically significant sexual preoccupations and manifested borderline clinically significant symptomatology. CONCLUSIONS: Children victimized by other children manifested elevated levels of emotional and behavioral problems and were not significantly different from those who had been sexually abused by adults.  相似文献   

Retrospective studies suggest 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will experience sexual abuse before 18 years of age, resulting in future morbidity. Successful interventions exist, however, victims are reluctant to disclose. Screening for childhood sexual abuse (CSA) may provide an opportunity to overcome this barrier, yet no current model for universal CSA screening exists. We sought to understand the perspective of key stakeholders on CSA screening through qualitative research. Eight focus groups of 7–10 participants each (n = 62) were conducted from April-September 2016. Stakeholders included school nurses, school teachers, counselors and administrators, pediatric providers, and parents. The interview guide focused on reporting suspected CSA and impressions of a CSA screening tool. Sessions were audiotaped and transcribed. Researchers used qualitative content analysis to develop conceptual categories that related to CSA screening and reporting. Two research team members independently open-coded 20% of the data for interrater reliability (kappa = 0.98) prior to completing the coding process. Three major categories emerged to inform CSA screening. First, early screening (e.g. kindergarten) was preferred. Confidentiality was a concern, specifically privacy in the school-setting. As CSA perpetrators are often known to the child, parental presence in the medical office was also a concern. Finally, refinement of the screening process was discussed starting with routine education on safe touch and defining “normal.” Rather than direct questioning, consistent and repeated offering of opportunities to disclose CSA and identification of a trusted adult were suggested. Next steps should involve partnering with evidence-based CSA prevention programs to incorporate and evaluate the aforementioned elements.  相似文献   

BackgroundChildhood maltreatment poses a risk factor for adult sexual aggression among men.ObjectiveEfforts were made to examine links between childhood sexual abuse (CSA) and sexual aggression after controlling variance associated with other forms of abuse.Participants and settingThis sample was comprised of men (n = 489) who completed a national survey regarding their history of possible abuse and/or sexual aggression.MethodsMaltreatment indices included CSA, parental and sibling physical abuse, exposure to domestic violence, peer bullying, and family emotional abuse. Self-report indicators of sexual frotteurism, coercion and rape were provided by the Sexual Experiences Survey–Short Form Perpetration.ResultsCSA links with the criterion indicators were relatively stronger (r = 0.36, d = 0.65, p < .001) than those found for non-sexual forms of abuse. CSA accounted for unshared variance in sexual aggression with these effects magnified by the addition of parental physical abuse (d = 2.1) or exposure to domestic violence (d = 2.2). The relative risks of prior acts of rape were elevated by CSA (RR = 4.39, p < .001), parental physical abuse (RR = 3.85, p < 0.001), exposure to domestic violence (RR = 3.81, p < .001), or sibling physical abuse (RR = 2.56, p = 0.007). These risks of completed rape were higher as well among respondents polyvictimized by two (RR = 4.92, p < .001) or more (RR = 8.94, p < 0.001) forms of abuse.ConclusionsMultiple forms of child maltreatment, particularly CSA, were strongly associated with adult sexual aggression in this sample of men from the general population.  相似文献   

BackgroundChildren exposed to sexual abuse are at risk for developing several psychological and behavioral difficulties during adulthood. Here, direct and indirect effects of family conflict, insecurity within the family system (manifested as disengagement and/or preoccupation), and negative feelings provoked by childhood sexual abuse (CSA) on trait anxiety scores were analyzed with structural equation modeling. Both Finkelhor and Browne’s traumagenic dynamics model and Davies and Cummings Emotional Security Theory were applied.MethodsA total of 168 female college student survivors of CSA participated in this study. Information regarding each participant’s abuse was obtained from a self-reported questionnaires. Emotional security was assessed with the Security in the Family System scale. To assess negative feelings regarding abuse and trait anxiety, Children’s Impact of Traumatic Events Scale-Revised and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory were applied, respectively.ResultsLevel of family conflict was found to directly relate to emotional insecurity and trait anxiety. In addition, preoccupation strategies were found to be directly related to trait anxiety. Conversely, disengagement strategies were indirectly related to anxiety through the negative feelings provoked by abuse. Experience with other types of abuse and/or neglect was also related to emotional insecurity and feelings provoked by CSA. Meanwhile, continuity of abuse only correlated with feelings provoked by abuse.ConclusionsStrong relationships between family conflict, emotional insecurity, negative feelings provoked by CSA and trait anxiety were observed. These results suggest that treatment of CSA survivors should focus on improving security within the survivors’ family system and reducing negative feelings provoked by abuse.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine the association between childhood sexual abuse (CSA) and a range of adverse adult outcomes in a community sample of women using multivariate analysis which accounted for a number of potential confounding effects. METHOD: Retrospective study of cross-sectional data on the long-term impact of CSA, collected as part of a larger two-stage case-control study of the possible relationship between CSA and alcohol abuse. Data were appropriately weighted to adjust for the different selection probabilities of cases and controls. RESULTS: Significant associations were found between reporting CSA and experiencing domestic violence, rape, sexual problems, mental health problems, low self-esteem, and problems with intimate relationships even after taking into account a range of family background factors. Women who had experienced abuse involving intercourse were the most vulnerable to these negative outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: The findings indicate that the influence of CSA on adverse long-term effects is mediated and influenced both by the severity of the abuse experiences and by a range of family and social background factors.  相似文献   

The sexual abuse of Afro-American and White-American women in childhood   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
This study examined the prevalence of child sexual abuse in a multi-stage stratified probability sample of Afro-American and white-American women, 18 to 36 years of age, in Los Angeles County. The sample ranged in demographic characteristics by age, marital status, education and the presence of children. Of the total sample of 248 women, 154 (62%) reported at least one incident of sexual abuse prior to age 18, with 57% of Afro-American women and 67% of white-American women having been abused. Sexual abuse before the age of 18 appears to be of equal concern for both ethnic groups, although similarities and differences in the circumstances under which abuse incidents occurred were subtle and deserve attention. The need for identifying contemporary factors that contribute to the prevalence of abuse over the past 40 years is stressed.  相似文献   

The authors studied several psychosocial, psychosomatic, and psychodynamic factors in 33 female psychiatric patients who had been victims of incest. Abuse was almost exclusively severe and prolonged. Three quarters of the female patients had been abused by their biological fathers or stepfathers. Sexual abuse experiences in childhood are connected with feelings of anxiety, helplessness, and powerlessness. Together with a lack of support on the part of the mother, these experiences lead to ego weakness, an autoplastic mode of coping with aggression and to patterns of objectal relationships which predispose them to object loss. The links between a girl's traumatic experiences in relationships and her vulnerability to separation in later life and their importance for the incidence of mental disorders will be discussed on the basis of Bowlby's attachment theory.  相似文献   

Findings on the relationship of experienced sexual abuse and abuse behavior in adulthood are ambiguous. However, associations between experienced abuse and neuroticism as well as between neuroticism and active child abuse have been reported repeatedly. In our study, we compared pedosexual child abusers with consumers of internet child pornography and control subjects with adult-sexual preference with regard to traumatic childhood experience (Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, CTQ), personality traits (NEO – Personality Inventory – Revised, NEO-PI-R), and sexual abnormalities (Multiphasic Sex Inventory, MSI). In an initial analysis, sexual abuse experienced in childhood was not directly linked to sexual abuse behavior in adulthood. However, this relationship was mediated by neuroticism. In a second step, the CTQ scales were conflated and, using a structural equation model, direct links between the overall level of abuse experienced in childhood (generally high CTQ levels) and sexual abuse behavior in adulthood revealed again the mediation by neurotic personality. We conclude that the overall level of abuse experienced in childhood in general, and less sexual abuse experience in particular, modulates the tendency for child sexual abuse behavior in adulthood. Data suggest that, depending on the resilience of an individual, abuse experience during childhood increases the likelihood of developing neurotic personality traits in later life, which are in turn considered to increase the risk of child sexual abuse in child sex offenders.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine attachment style and coping strategies as potential mediating variables between childhood sexual abuse (CSA) and psychological and interpersonal functioning in an attempt to explain variability in extent of disorder and level of functioning. METHOD: Eighty adolescent females, aged 14-16 years, answered questions regarding abuse history, attachment style, coping with an interpersonal stressor, depression and trauma symptomatology, and conflict with a best friend. RESULTS: Structural equation modeling analyses indicated that attachment style mediates the effects of CSA and child abuse and neglect on coping and psychological distress. The indirect effects of CSA and other abuse through attachment accounted for most of the effects on coping and psychological distress. Avoidant and cognitive coping strategies also served as mediators in the models, accounting for most of the effects of the other variables on interpersonal conflict. CONCLUSIONS: The findings indicate that attachment style and coping strategies influence psychological and interpersonal functioning, mediating the direct effects of CSA and other types of child abuse and neglect. These results have implications for therapeutic intervention with children and adolescents who have experienced child abuse.  相似文献   

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