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高等学校章程是构建现代大学制度的核心内容,建设高等学校章程是我国高等教育发展的迫切需要.建设高等学校章程首先应拟定一个科学合理的制定程序,这是章程得以科学制定和最终实施的前提.章程由谁来制定、文本如何形成、最终由谁来核准等程序受到高等学校与政府、社会之间关系的影响.因此,在高等学校章程制定程序中应充分考虑高等学校与政府、社会的关系.  相似文献   

依法治校是中国现代大学制度建设的目标,大学章程建设则是依法治校方略的具体体现。大学章程以相应的法律效力进一步赋予大学自主办学的自由,引导高等学校实现自主管理,从而更好地向社会输出人才和创造更大的公共利益。在大学章程建设的背景下,大学章程的制定到实施需要在法律效力、监管机制、高等学校内外部的权力以及法律关系划分三个方面进一步完善,本文将从章程制定、权益保障、程序的实施条件三个方面分析大学章程制定与实施的原则。  相似文献   

高校章程是高校的"宪法",对高校实现依法治校、构建现代治理体系以及长远发展具有重要意义。但高校章程并未引起相关主体的重视,在文本、实施等方面都还存在不少问题。高校章程建设需要立法机关、教育行政主管部门、其他相关部门以及高等学校的共同努力,并要严格规范章程的制定程序、完善提高章程文本的质量与水平、建立与完善章程的实施机制和监督程序等,以此推动高校章程真正发挥实效。  相似文献   

高等学校章程制定主体研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
随着《教育法》、《高等教育法》的颁布实施,高等学校章程问题逐渐引起人们的关注。但由于高等学校章程制定主体不明确等多方面原因,现实中高等学校章程制定工作没有很好地展开。通过理论与实践层面的分析,明确提出高等学校章程的制定主体为高等学校的举办者,即公办高等学校主要为政府,民办高等学校为投资举办民办高等学校的社会组织或者个人,这对于推进高等学校章程的制定与研究工作,加强和完善我国依法治校及现代大学制度,具有积极重要的意义。  相似文献   

《大学章程的功能及其实现》以《高等学校章程制定暂行办法》的实施为契机,通过实证调研河北省高校大学章程建设和实施现状,客观把握大学章程的功能,深入分析存在的困难和问题,坚持自主、改革和法治的原则,落实大学章程制定程序,完善大学章程文本规范,用大学章程诠释现代大学制度建设和发展的核心问题,以"高校宪章"助推一流大学建设。  相似文献   

大学章程是制度外延,法人治理结构才是制度内核,确立完善的高等学校法人治理结构应当成为建立现代大学制度的突破口。教育部日前发布了《关于坚持和完善党委领导下的校长负责制的实施意见》和《普通高等学校理事会规程(试行)》(以下简称《规程》)。这是继《高等学校章程制定暂行办法》《学校教职工代表大会规定》《高等学校学术委员会规程》后,国家围绕中国现代大学制度建设颁布的两个核心文件,在构建中国特色  相似文献   

大学章程是学校依法治校、自主发展的必然要求,是现代大学制度的具体体现。只有正当程序才能有效保证大学章程的合法性与完整性,才能使得章程的效力更好地发挥。根据《高等学校章程制定暂行办法》,新疆高校要通过正当程序来制定和完善大学章程,并且在章程中明确规定程序性条款,维护章程作为"大学宪法"的最高权威。  相似文献   

分析了国外大学章程的法理意义和我国制定高等学校章程的现实意义,认为章程是高校自主办学和外部对高校实施影响双重作用的产物,应以制定章程为契机推动高校依法自主办学。在内容上,章程反映着高校和社会特别是和政府的关系,彰显着高校的使命要求,重点是内部治理结构。鉴于目前各高校对章程理解的不同,章程的制定可遵循先简后繁、充分协商等原则,初期允许多种选择先做起来,后期作为现代大学制度建设的改革成果予以规范。我国现在正进行的现代大学制度改革,可以启于并终于高等学校章程的制定。  相似文献   

论高等学校章程建设中的法治原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》(公开征求意见稿)将加强章程建设作为完善中国特色现代大学制度的重要内容。高等学校章程建设必须坚持社会主义法治原则,以防止学校自主权的任意扩大。高等学校章程建设中的法治原则,在制度设计中体现为章程的依法创制原则、学校管理的民主和公开原则、学校成员权益保障原则、高等学校章程的法律监督。这些法治原则要落实到作为现代大学制度改革试点的重要内容之一的制定、完善学校章程过程之中。  相似文献   

教育部颁布的《高等学校章程制定暂行办法》(以下简称《办法》)已于2012年1月1日起正式施行。该《办法》不仅规范了高等学校章程制定的原则、内容、程序,以及章程核准与监督执行机制,而且对于高等学校贯彻教育规划纲要、促进高等学校开展章程建设、建设中国特色现代大学制度,具有重要的现实意义。一、《办法》的实施为划分边界提出了明确的要求中共中央、国务院早在1993年2月13日颁布的《中  相似文献   

高校章程本质上是一种契约,当前我国大力加强高校章程建设就是为了实现依法治校、大学自治的目标,对高等教育管理体制改革具有重大意义。但教育管理体制惯性、法律权威性不足、制定主体不明确以及对治理结构规定不清晰等体制或技术性因素仍困扰着高校章程制定和建设进程。因此,要从教育管理体制改革、完善法律规制、明确制定主体以及建构合理大学治理结构等多个角度推进和引导高校章程建设。  相似文献   


This article unpacks the decision to decharter a successful urban middle school serving African American students, especially focusing on parental choice in a school caught between two urban reform initiatives: charter schooling and state takeovers of urban districts. Originally chartered by a university, DeCharter became a “school of choice” in an urban district. Though inclusion of all stakeholders motivated charter school decision-making, the decision to decharter excluded them. Working out the intricacies of “choice” and the influences of the policies on stakeholders' interpretations of dechartering illustrates the complexities of parental choice in urban districts and the unintended effects of reform initiatives.  相似文献   

张丽 《高等教育研究》2021,(2):35-39,72
大学章程的功能实现是完善大学治理结构、提升大学治理能力、建设现代大学制度的关键内涵。当前大学章程实施中,行动者间的互动存在权力与权利失衡现象,即"强政府-弱学校"导致高校办学自主权行使受阻,"统一领导-全面负责"导致政治权力与行政权力界限不明,"重行政-轻学术"导致学术权力弱化,"大学校-小学院"导致学院办学自主权受制约,"泛行政-弱监督"导致师生权利保障不利,给大学章程的功能实现带来了消极影响。为此,应通过权力与权力以及权利对权力的制衡,推动章程实施中行动者的良性互动,提升大学章程的功能实现度。  相似文献   


One aspect of charter schools that is often overlooked when one evaluates their success is the support that they receive from students. By using data from a survey of Texas charter school students, supplemented with statistics from the Texas Education Agency, the author examined students' satisfaction with their charter school, especially as it compared with their previous educational experiences. Results suggest that when students perceived that the charter school had higher quality teachers, better classes, and a more caring environment, they were more satisfied with their charter school than with their previous school. Furthermore, students most at risk for dropping out also were those who tended to be more supportive of their charter school.  相似文献   

A relatively small state, Utah presents an interesting case to study charter schools given its friendly policy environment and its significant growth in charter school enrollment. Based on longitudinal student-level data from 2004 to 2009, this paper utilizes two approaches to evaluate the Utah charter school effectiveness: (a) hierarchical linear growth models with matched sample, and (b) general methods of moments with student-fixed effects regressions. Both methods yield consistent results that charter schools on average perform slightly worse as compared to traditional public schools, a result that is primarily affected by the low effectiveness and high student mobility of newly opened charter schools. Interestingly, when charter schools gain more experience they become as effective as traditional public schools, and in some cases more effective than traditional public schools. This research has implications for local and state charter school policies, particularly policies that avoid “start-up” costs associated with new charter schools.  相似文献   

This study examines data from focus group discussions with parents, students, and teachers at an online charter school. Standardized achievement test scores of children at the online charter school are compared with those in a similar school and across the state. Overall, the constituents involved in the online charter school were satisfied with the school's educational service. Students at the charter school performed lower than the state average of all schools (including public schools), but they performed better when compared to a similar school as defined by the state board of education. The online charter school experienced improvement in the report card rating from a designation of “Academic Watch” to “Continuous Improvement.” Evidence from constituent satisfaction and increasing student achievement suggests that the online charter school in this study is becoming competitive with traditional public schools.  相似文献   

Currently, we know very little about the mobility decisions of charter public school teachers and how these compare to the decisions made by traditional public school teachers. In addition, it is unclear whether the teachers who leave charter schools tend to be weaker or stronger than their peers. Using statewide administrative data, I begin to answer these questions by studying the magnitude and nature of teacher turnover in Florida's charter public schools compared with turnover in the state's traditional public schools. It appears that Florida's charter school administrators may be better able to recruit and retain teachers with high academic skills than their traditional counterparts. In addition, the mobility patterns exhibited by Florida's charter school teachers differ from those exhibited by traditional school teachers in important ways, including greater sensitivity to accountability measures and less sensitivity to salary considerations.  相似文献   

高等教育体制和大学治理方式的改革是深刻而复杂、全面而系统的改革,决不仅仅是制定大学章程就能完成的。曲解大学章程的本质、混淆大学章程的性质、夸大大学章程的效力,是加强章程建设、完善治理结构、构建现代大学制度必须克服的三种倾向。大学章程性质的内部性与效力的有限性,决定了当前大学治理方式的改革必须以健全的大学法为依据,以大学章程为基础,以行政与司法监督为保障,实现三者的有机统一。  相似文献   

More than 6,000 charter schools exist in the United States, and of these 120 are Montessori charter schools. When studying charter school practices, researchers often examine issues such as performance accountability measures and effectiveness of charter school curricula. In doing so, the outcomes often overlook the challenges for teachers as they attempt to blend the demands of being a charter school with performance accountability and charter school philosophies, such as the Montessori philosophy. In this longitudinal case study, I examined the ways in which teachers in a charter Montessori school used professional development to help balance the demands for standardized testing performance and Montessori goals. The findings illustrate that significant challenges exist for teachers blending multiple educational goals but that professional development can aid teachers in filling in gaps in their existing curricula. This study encourages (1) researchers to question the ways in teachers can be supported through professional development to meet accountability measures and (2) stakeholders to consider how accountability measures focused solely on student performance can have detrimental effects on charter school curricula implementation and teacher retention.  相似文献   


To date, there is a paucity of research that examines differences between charter schools that operate in suburban and nonsuburban contexts. This article examines whether students in suburban charter schools perform better or worse than their counterparts in traditional public schools or students in urban charter schools. Boasting the largest and most diverse charter school population in the United States, California offers a fertile urban-suburban context for the study of geographically differentiated charter school impacts and, thus, serves as the focus of our study. The student achievement data (2009–2010, 2010–2011 and 2011–2012 school years) for this study come from the California Department of Education. Using propensity score matching and virtual control records, our findings show that suburban charter schools do not improve academic achievement relative to the matched comparison group of traditional public schools. Suburban charter schools (namely, charters in high-income areas) are largely ineffective and appear to leave their students’ achievement unchanged or diminished. This study adds to the existing literature by examining the effects of charter schools on the neighborhoods in which they operate. Methodologically, another important contribution of this study is that it supplements traditional selection criteria for suburban charters (NCES classification) with census-based neighborhood factors. Finally, this study provides evidence of the broader implications of school choice policies in a suburban setting.  相似文献   

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