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在流速相对较快的地方进行水下膜袋混凝土坡护坡护底的过程中,因为膜袋混凝土比较薄,所以其在施工的过程中也会出现很多的障碍,本文主要分析了土工模袋护坡护底设计与施工,以供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

结合工程实例,针对淤泥地基上围堰的特点,利用牛皮砂、模袋砂的特点,并将各自的优点成功应用在淤泥地基的围堰上。  相似文献   

模袋混凝土本身主要是通过高压泵的方式,来直接将水泥砂浆或是混凝土灌入到模袋之中,其混凝土以及水泥砂浆的具体厚度,则是利用吊筋带、吊筋绳的长度来进行控制,当混凝土或者是水泥砂浆在模袋之中固结后,就形成了一定的板状结构,该结构能够用于河岸、护坡、码头等防护工程中,并且有着较为良好的工程效果。本颇为在主要是针对模袋混凝土在围堰防护施工中的作用进行了介绍,并且对于具体应用方式进行阐述,以期为我国模袋混凝土的应用发展作出贡献。  相似文献   

对土工织物管袋的应用已经涉及到土木、交通、水利等各种领域。对于单个管袋的力学分析,考虑材料拉应变和地基变形的研究成果并不多见。为此,本文针对放置在水平弹性地基上的单个充浆管袋,结合根据土工织物的拉伸试验数据拟合出的应力应变关系公式,推求了考虑材料拉应变和地基变形的管袋拉力和几何形状的解析解答,分析了充灌压力、基床系数和材料应变对管袋受力的作用影响。结果表明,在充灌压力一定时,管袋拉力随地基基床系数的增大而先快速减小,后趋于定值。若充灌压力和基床系数一定,考虑拉应变的管袋拉力大于不考虑应变的拉力。  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了生态袋与植生袋防护技术原理及一般的设计原则,其次对生态袋及植生袋的应用现状进行了调查,并对出现的问题进行了原因分析,随后将其与传统边坡防护技术进行了经济性对比分析,最后对生态袋、植生袋在铁路路基边坡上的应用给出了建议:a.生态袋、植生袋宜用于不适宜植物生长的粗骨料路堤边坡及岩质路堑边坡;b.路堤生态袋防护应加强排水设计;c.路堤边坡生态袋防护施工时应确保通过联结扣与土工格栅有效连接。  相似文献   

乔福康 《科技风》2011,(18):152+154
本文简要介绍了模袋混凝土技术的基本情况,就模袋混凝土的施工方法、注意事项作了详细介绍,并就模袋混凝土技术在内河水运工程中的运用阐述了自己的看法和设想。  相似文献   

提出基于分层总和法的道路桥梁地基不均匀沉降预测方法,运用土工合成材料加筋砂垫层方法为软土地基加固。运用分层总和法结合直线变形体理论,将压缩层区域内地基土层实行分层,分别计算各层应力并结合各层变形量可获得复合地基变形沉降量。利用土工合成材料加筋砂垫层施工方法为软土地基加固,分别运用不同土工合成材料加筋砂垫层即土工格室筋砂层、两层土工格栅筋砂层、一层土工格栅筋砂层及无砂筋层进行地基浅层加固实验,实验表明:土工合成材料加筋砂垫层可有效防止软土地基沉降变形,以土工格室筋砂层加固效果最佳。  相似文献   

介绍水利工程中膜袋砂围堰的应用,阐述了围堰设计思路,并举出工程实例,就围堰施工进行详细的论述。  相似文献   

刘剑平 《今日科苑》2007,(22):159-159
在现阶段高速公路软基处理主要方法,是通过砂垫层、袋装砂井、土工格栅、堆载和超载预压,并加强沉降监测等,确保高速公路的路基稳定性。  相似文献   

对公路土工实验中的含水量测定,环刀法、灌砂法测定土的密度及击实试验中的一些常见问题做了探讨,给出解决建议。  相似文献   

Urban planning and morphology have relied on analytical cartography and visual communication tools for centuries to illustrate spatial patterns, conceptualize proposed designs, compare alternatives, and engage the public. Classic urban form visualizations – from Giambattista Nolli’s ichnographic maps of Rome to Allan Jacobs’s figure-ground diagrams of city streets – have compressed physical urban complexity into easily comprehensible information artifacts. Today we can enhance these traditional workflows through the Smart Cities paradigm of understanding cities via user-generated content and harvested data in an information management context. New spatial technology platforms and big data offer new lenses to understand, evaluate, monitor, and manage urban form and evolution. This paper builds on the theoretical framework of visual cultures in urban planning and morphology to introduce and situate computational data science processes for exploring urban fabric patterns and spatial order. It demonstrates these workflows with OSMnx and data from OpenStreetMap, a collaborative spatial information system and mapping platform, to examine street network patterns, orientations, and configurations in different study sites around the world, considering what these reveal about the urban fabric. The age of ubiquitous urban data and computational toolkits opens up a new era of worldwide urban form analysis from integrated quantitative and qualitative perspectives.  相似文献   

本文对晚二叠世—早三叠世岩浆岩的岩石化学、地球化学特征、与成矿的关系及岩浆活动形成演化环境进行了研究,较详细阐述了区内侵入岩受后期构造应力作用,岩石发育次生节理、裂隙。节理以走向北西向及北东向两组为主,其中北西向节理为较早期形成,北东向节理为较晚期形成,且较北西向节理发育,并切割北西向节理。岩石中矿物颗粒分布均匀,无定向组构特征的阐述。  相似文献   

Automated visual inspection of fabric defects is a challenge due to the diversity of the fabric patterns and defects. Although there are many automated inspection methods of identifying fabric defects, most methods process images containing the fabric patterns classified as the crystallographic group p1 and implicitly assume the fabric patterns are arranged in fixed directions. This paper proposes an automated defect inspection method which calibrates the fabric image and then segments the image into none-overlapped sub-images which are called lattices. Thus, the image is represented by hundreds of lattices sharing some common features instead of millions of unrelated pixels. The defect inspection problem is transformed to comparing the lattice similarity based on the shared features and identifying the defective lattices as the outliers in the feature space. The performance of the proposed method ILS (Isotropic Lattice Segmentation) is evaluated on the databases of images containing fabric patterns arranged orthogonally and arbitrarily. By comparing the resultant images with ground-truth images, an overall detection rate of 0.955 is achieved, which is comparable with the state-of-the-art methods.  相似文献   

王迟 《科技与管理》2007,9(1):49-51
针对当前我国商业银行内部控制存在的制度空缺风险、制度建设滞后以及部分制度针对性差等主要问题,分析其存在的原因,提出通过建立良好的公司治理结构、选择正确的管理架构模式、强化和健全商业银行’的内控构架来加强我国商业银行的内部控制。  相似文献   

鉴于当前的通信差、干扰强的煤矿网络信息传输通道,为了更好的实现各种信号安全稳定的传输,以计算机传输协议和煤矿成熟的光纤网为基础,实现监控服务器使用组态软件对井下下位机进行监控并且实现数据的传输,建立起一套完整的信号传输信道。主要是以光纤网为核心,通过计算机组态软件的UDP信号传输协议,并以矿用通信屏蔽电缆为传输介质来保证信号的安全稳定的传输,并以此实现了对下位机的监控、信号采集及远程控制。  相似文献   

This paper examines the variability of organisational forms in terms of forward and backward networking versus vertical integration in biotechnology SMEs. The study examines forms of organisation in a set of firms across application segments. The forms of organisation vary by application segment in biotechnology, but differences are not clear-cut, and a firm can apply different forms to different application segments in its activities. The reasons for this variability are related to the stringency of the regulatory approval systems, technological risks, and the costs of building full-scale manufacturing facilities which influence funding needs and thus also the choice of organisational form. The paper finally discusses the notion of networking as a separate form of organisation of economic activity and the extent of its applicability to biotechnology.  相似文献   

通过对彩色棉机织物生物酶处理后的性能对比发现:纤维素酶和果胶酶协同处理,不仅对织物色泽影响小,而且能有效去除布面杂质,提高毛效和柔软性能,是一种对彩色棉织物有效的整理方法。  相似文献   

杜海波  刘婷 《科教文汇》2012,(10):62-62,64
微博是一个发展迅速的新生互联网应用,微博能够让使用者快速、便捷地与指定对象分享信息,其在教育中也必将发挥出巨大的作用,甚至可能会改变教育的形态乃至教育观念。  相似文献   

Automated fabric inspection is a challenging task due to the unpredictable visual forms of the fabric defects and their scarcity compared with the tremendous amount of defect-free fabric products. This paper proposes a novel method based on lattice segmentation and lattice templates which automatically identifies the defects of fabric images. With the proposed method, a fabric image is segmented to lattices by inferring the placement rule of the texture primitives categorized to distinct texture classes. Each texture class is modeled by multiple templates inferred from the defect-free samples based on some metrics determined a priori according to their inspection efficiencies. For a lattice segmented from a given image, the most similar template is identified through a template matching process which compensates the local deformations around the lattice, and the distances between the lattice and the identified template are estimated based on the selected metrics. The lattices of distances exceeding the learnt distance range are identified as defective. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated based on two databases respectively providing pixel-level and image-level evaluations. For both databases, the receiver operating characteristic curves are plotted and the average areas under curves are 0.86 and 0.95, respectively, for pixel-level and image-level databases. The proposed method is further tested on the blurred and noisy version of images from pixel-level database and the resulting area is 0.81 on average. The proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods by comparing corresponding areas.  相似文献   

膜结构是近40年发展起来的一种新型建筑结构形式,它以性能优良的柔软织物作为覆盖材料,可以是向膜内充空气,由空气压力支撑膜面,也可以利用柔软的拉索结构或刚性的支撑结构将膜绷紧或撑起,从而形成具有一定刚度、能够覆盖大跨度空间的结构体系。膜结构的突出特点就是它形状的多样性.曲面存在着无限的可能性。以索或骨架支承的膜结构.其曲面就可以随着建筑师的想象力而任意变化,使得膜结构具有广阔的发展前景,将是21世纪空间结构发展的主流。  相似文献   

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