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This paper presents findings from research exploring gender by item difficulty interaction on mathematics test scores in Cyprus. Data steamed from 2 longitudinal studies with 4 different age groups of primary school students. The hypothesis that boys tended to outperform girls on the hardest items and girls tended to outperform boys on the easiest items was generally supported for each year group. The effect of social class was also examined. For each social class, there was a correlation between the item difficulty differences estimated on girls and boys separately and the difficulty of the item estimated on the whole sample. It is claimed that in understanding gender differences in mathematics, item difficulty should be treated as an independent variable. Suggestions for further studies are provided, and implications for the development of assessment policy in mathematics are drawn.  相似文献   

The analysis concerns the way in which socio‐economic disadvantage affects the educational performance of children from different ethnic groups. Nationally representative data was provided by the 10 year follow‐up survey of the Child Health and Education Study. The effects of nine indicators of socio‐economic disadvantage on the intelligence, and reading test scores of United Kingdom, West Indian and Asian children were investigated. Differences were found between these groups of children in terms of the relationships between the disadvantage indicators and the test scores. The most striking result was the lack of sensitivity of the West Indian children's test scores to socio‐economic conditions. Attention was focused on this phenomenon, the analysis being repeated using United Kingdom and Asian children who had been matched with the West Indian children on the basis of intelligence. Again it was found that, unlike Asian and United Kingdom children, the test scores of West Indian children did not show any statistically significant relationships between the nine criteria of socio‐economic disadvantage. Subsequent analyses indicated a relationship between mother's social class and also mother's age and reading attainment in West Indian children. Various methods of explaining these results are discussed. It is suggested that further research should be pursued which investigates first whether different measures of socio‐economic disadvantage are relevant to West Indians, and secondly whether other non‐socioeconomic dimensions of disadvantage may help to explain the unique position of West Indian children.  相似文献   


The writer (Ogletree) conducted a creativity study in England, Scotland, and Germany, which included 1,165 primary school children. Results showed that creativity scores (using the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking) were a function of socioeconomic background. In all countries, children of upper class families obtained significantly higher creativity scores (verbal and nonverbal) than children of middle and lower class families. The same significant difference was evident in middle class children to lower class children. This was true when analyzed within countries, by age, grade, and sex. There was no evidence to support the contention that youngsters of lower class backgrounds performed better on nonverbal tasks than their higher class peers, although they did make a better showing on the nonverbal tasks than on the verbal tasks.  相似文献   

The taxonomic sorting responses of 56 lower‐class and 56 middle‐class children from two age groups (mean ages for these being 8 years 4 months and 12 years 3 months) were assessed under two instructional conditions. One condition involved ‘explicit’ cues to sort the task items taxonomically and the other condition involved only an ‘implicit’ requirement to do so. The social class groups sorted equally well under the ‘explicit’ instructions, but under the ‘implicit’ conditions, the performance of the younger lower‐class children was significantly poorer than that of the younger middle‐class children. The results are considered in terms of a discrepancy between performance (habit or preference) and competence in taxonomic tasks for younger lower‐class children.


Violations of four selected principles of writing multiple choice items were introduced into an undergraduate political science examination. Three of the four poor practices had no overall effect on test difficulty. A significant (α= .05) interaction effect between the poor practices and course achievement occurred for one of the four practices, with the poorer students generally gaining most from the poorly written items. KR 20 values were significantly lower for sets of items with the same flaws than for "good" versions of the items in three of four comparisons. The reductions in reliability were equivalent to those expected to result from shortening the test by 13 to 56 percent. Concurrent validity (correlation of experimental test scores with final examination scores) was significantly lower in two of four cases. The reductions in validity were equivalent to those expected to result from shortening the test by 56 to 83 percent.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to examine the behavioral and emotional problems of former unaccompanied refugee children who had repatriated to Vietnam from refugee centers in Hong Kong and South East Asia. The children were compared with a matched sample of children who had never left Vietnam. METHOD: The participants consisted of 455 Vietnamese children aged between 10 and 22 years; 238 of the children had formerly resided in refugee camps without their parents. Data were collected using the Achenbach Youth Self-Report, the Cowen Perceived Self-Efficacy scale, a Social Support scale as well as an Exposure to Trauma scale. RESULTS: No significant difference was found between the two groups of children on the YSR Total Score. The former refugee children had significantly lower Externalizing scores and failed marginally to report significantly higher Internalizing scores than the local children. The study showed that the perceived self-efficacy, number of social supports and experience of social support did not differ between the two groups of children. Further analysis showed that a significant interaction between the immigration status of the children and the children's subjective perception of their current standard of living explained the differences in the YSR. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that the experience of living without parents in a refugee camp does not lead to increased behavioral and emotional problems in the immediate years after repatriation.  相似文献   

Although the low social status of children with learning disabilities (LD) has been well documented, little is known about the specific types of peer status problems that characterize these children. The present study utilized current sociometric procedures in order to clarify the nature of social status difficulties encountered by children with LD. Consistent with previous studies, results revealed that children with LD obtain significantly lower sociometric scores relative to their nondisabled peers. Moreover, children with LD were found to be disproportionately overrepresented in the rejected and neglected sociometric groups, and underrepresented in the popular and average groups. Over half of the total LD sample was classified into one of the low status categories, with approximately equal numbers in the rejected and neglected groups. Implications of these findings and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

目的:探讨研究学习困难儿童智力和行为的关系。方法:观察组208例(选IQ〉70以上),平均成绩连续2年在班级第10百分位以下的儿童,对照组200例,与观察组同年龄段,平均成绩中上水平的正常儿童。两组儿童均给予Achenback儿童行为量表、儿童韦克斯勒智力测试和自编调查表进行问卷评定。结果:208例总智商、言语智商、操作智商与对照组比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.001),在各项分测验中积木(P〈0.002)、填图(P〈0.005)测验差异也有统计学意义,其它分测验差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.001)。结论:学习困难儿童存在智力结构发育不平衡,多伴有心理行为问题。社会、教师和父母应从心理上接纳他们,给予更多关怀和理解,让他(她)们健康成长。  相似文献   

The reading test performances of 60 hearing and 60 hearing-impaired children of similar measured reading ages on the Southgate reading test were analysed. As in an earlier study using the Brimer Wide-span test it was shown that the performances of the two groups were quite different. Deaf children tackled significantly more test items than the hearing and made significantly more errors in achieving similar reading scores. A detailed examination of both correct and incorrect answers showed that the deaf children were not simply providing answers to questions at random. Even where they produced incorrect responses they tended, as a group, to select the same answer. Unlike the hearing group, who did not converge on the same incorrect solution to difficult test items, the deaf were systematic in their choices, indicating that they were using a consistent strategy. A post hoc examination of individual test items indicated that the deaf children were selecting answers on the basis of word associations in each test item. On some items these produced a correct response, on others the same (incorrect) response. The implications of these findings are discussed to argue that reading tests based on hearing norms are of little value in the assessment of reading abilities and reading problems in hearing-impaired children.  相似文献   

This study examined the exchangeability of total scores (i.e., intelligent quotients [IQs]) from three brief intelligence tests. Tests were administered to 36 children with intellectual giftedness, scored live by one set of primary examiners and later scored by a secondary examiner. For each student, six IQs were calculated, and all 216 values were submitted to a generalizability theory analysis. Despite strong convergent validity and reliability evidence supporting brief IQs, the resulting dependability coefficient was only .80, which indicates relatively low exchangeability across tests and examiners. Although error variance components representing the effects of the examiner, examiner‐by‐examinee interaction, the examiner‐by‐test interaction, and the test contributed little to IQ variability, the component representing the test‐by‐examinee interaction contributed about one‐third of the variance in IQs. These findings hold implications for selecting and interpreting brief intelligence tests and general testing for intellectual giftedness.  相似文献   

A sample of 236 predominantly middle class 8-year-olds from a state with minimal child care standards were examined for possible differences associated with earlier child care histories. In comparison to children in part-time child care (less than 30 hours a week) or exclusive maternal care, children with more extensive child care experiences since infancy were rated by teachers and parents as having more poor peer relationships, work habits, and emotional health, and as being more difficult to discipline. In this minimal standard environment, extensive infant care was also associated with more negative nominations from classmates, poorer academic and conduct report card grades, and lower standardized test scores. In stepwise regressions that included family social class, parents' marital status, family size, number of family moves, child gender, childbirth order, and current after school care, children's extensive experience in infant care was the single best predictor (in a negative direction) of ratings by parents, teachers, and peers, and of report card grades and standardized test scores. Child care history continued to be a significant negative predictor of child outcomes in full regression models that incorporated child and family variables. These results are in marked contrast with Andersson's (1989) findings of positive social and cognitive development associated with early, extensive child care in Sweden (a country characterized by high child care standards and opportunities for paid parental leave during early infancy).  相似文献   

This study compared characteristics of 114 elementary school children of average intelligence who had been referred for psychological services with 120 children of average intelligence who had not been referred. Variables included, sex, relative age, race, socioeconomic status, familial stability, achievement test scores, and intraschool factors. At the primary level, significant differences were found between the groups in terms of sex and relative age. Boys were referred 4 times as frequently as girls, and 16 times as many boys within the relatively youngest group were referred as girls within the oldest group. The total groups were successfully discriminated using math achievement, sex, race, and father of the same name in the household. The variables that best discriminated the primary level groups included sex, relative age, father with the same name in the household, and having attended the same school the previous year. Implications and possible preventative measures are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effectiveness of a computer-based study guide using hypertext software to increase textbook comprehension among four learning disabled students enrolled in a remedial high school social studies class. The program provided four levels of instructional cues that matched students to their highest level of independent interaction with a textbook passage, based on item-to-item responses to computer-generated questions. Using alternative forms of a 45-item multiple-choice test, a pre-test/post-test design was arranged, with a retention test given after a 30-day period. Fifteen questions were designated as control items by placing them in the 45-item tests but not in the computer treatment. The computer program consisted of three separate lessons administered across consecutive class sessions, with each followed by a written 15-item multiple choice test containing 10 computer questions and 5 control items. Results indicated a significant gain for pupils on computer items from pre-test to post-test and from pre-test to retention test, while no significant change occurred on control items across measures. A single-case analysis revealed a consistent relationship between gain scores on computer items, reading time on computer, and the number of instructional cues required by students. Two types of non-linear pathways that teacher might consider when constructing study guides are discussed.  相似文献   

The research reported in this paper was carried out to establish whether children in England who spoke English as an additional, rather than a first language performed significantly less well in mathematics than their counterparts whose first language was English. An evaluation of the two National Curriculum Mathematics Assessment instruments for Year 2 children in England provided the context. The sample consisted of over 600 children, mainly of Asian origin, who spoke English as an additional language. Their mathematics results were compared to those of children who spoke English as a first language, and it was established that, overall, mean scores were significantly lower for children with English as an additional language. This was true for all four of the most highly represented additional language groups, and for both assessment instruments. An item analysis of the written test indicated that the difference was not constant across all items.  相似文献   

The study examined the performance of 30 learning disabled and 30 nondisabled children in grades 1 through 7 on the Test of Social Inference (TSI). Results indicated that disabled students obtained lower TSI total scores that did nondisabled students: they also performed relatively lower on TSI items requiring more verbal expression. While no difference was found between the groups on the Motor-Free Visual Perception Test (MVPT), the relationship between MVPT and TSI scores was shown to be significant within the disabled group only. Furthermore, this group made more perceptual-type errors on the TSI. Findings are discussed in relation to previous research suggesting a link between visual perception and/or language fluency and social inference skills among learning disabled children.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of mode of acquisition (MoA) of word meanings in reading comprehension: children acquire word meanings using perceptual information (e.g., hearing, seeing, or smelling the referent) and/or linguistic information (e.g., verbal explanations). A total of 72 deaf and 99 hearing children between 7 and 15 years of age performed a self-paced reading task. Comprehension scores increased with age in both groups, but reading speed increased over age only for the hearing participants. For both groups, reading times on linguistically acquired words were longer than on perceptually acquired words. Although deaf children scored lower than hearing children in both conditions, comprehension scores for both groups were lower on linguistic items than on perceptual items. Thus, MoA influences reading comprehension, but the deaf show difficulty on both the perceptual and the linguistic items.  相似文献   

We examine differences in intelligence test scores of black and white 5-year-olds. The Infant Health and Development Program data set includes 483 low birthweight premature children who were assessed with the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence. These children had been followed from birth, with data on neighborhood and family poverty, family structure, family resources, maternal characteristics, and home environment collected over the first 5 years of life. Black children's IQ scores were 1 SD lower than those of white children. Adjustments for ethnic differences in poverty reduced the ethnic differential by 52%. Adjustments for maternal education and whether the head of household was female did not reduce the ethnic difference further. However, differences in home environment reduced the ethnic differential by an additional 28%. Adjustments for economic and social differences in the lives of black and white children all but eliminate differences in the IQ scores between these two groups.  相似文献   

A multivariate analysis of exceptional states in 384 children aged 6 years is presented. Predictors were six items of information in the domain of child development, four items were in the domain of social factors, and three items were maternal traits. Criteria were six of nine exceptional states on which there were enough cases for multivariate analysis. The AID-4 interaction regression method was the technique of analysis applied to data gathered by prospective longitudinal study. No consistent sets of predictors were found for the criteria. However, Coddington's Life Changes scores were frequently observed as prime sources of variance. Social class scores were also important influences on criteria of exceptionality.  相似文献   

Receptive vocabulary of Hispanic children in Miami was tested in both English and Spanish with complementary standardized tests, the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT-R) and the Test de Vocabulario en Imágenes Peabody (TVIP-H). 105 bilingual first graders, of middle to high socioeconomic status relative to national norms, were divided according to the language(s) spoken in their homes. Both groups, whether they spoke only Spanish in the home (OSH) or both English and Spanish in the home (ESH), performed near the mean of 100 in Spanish receptive vocabulary (TVIP-H means 97.0 and 96.5); in contrast, ESH group children scored more than 1 SD higher in English than OSH group children (PPVT-R means 88.0 and 69.7, respectively). It appears, therefore, that learning 2 languages at once does not harm receptive language development in the language of origin, while it does lay the groundwork for superior performance in the majority language. Furthermore, an analysis of translation equivalents, items shared by both tests, shows that a statistically significant portion of bilingual children's lexical knowledge does not overlap in their 2 languages and is therefore not reflected in single-language scores.  相似文献   

All Year 2 children in six randomly selected primary schools within one Local Education Authority (LEA) comprised the sample to which the Lawseq self‐esteem questionnaire was administered. Four years later, when they were Year 6, they completed the Lawseq again. A two‐way analysis of variance with Sex and Occasions was carried out on the 12 individual items of the instrument and the total. There were no significant differences between occasions or sexes on the overall score, but there were significant differences between occasions on seven of the 12 items and between sexes on two items. On only one item was there a significant interaction between sexes and occasions. The mean for the total fell over the 4 years. The means for both occasions were considerably below the mean of 19.00 obtained when Lawrence standardised the test in 1981. Discussion centred on possible reasons for this, such as appropriacy of the instrument for the age‐groups under study, stability of administration and changes within society and school.  相似文献   

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