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进入21世纪,新媒体的蓬勃发展要求当代大学生具备相应的新媒体素养。面对当前大学生新媒体素养普遍缺乏的现状,作为高校三大支柱之一的高校图书馆,可以通过建立新媒介素养阅览室、设置媒介素养课程体系和举办媒介素养教育的实践活动等做出自己的贡献。  相似文献   

This paper reflects on recent projects in a variety of media forms, in both formal and informal educational settings, discussing ways of expanding our notions of literacy practices which reflect their place in the wider lived experience of digital culture. We have collected these reflections under three headings. The first of these, Dynamic Literacies, presents an overarching view of literacy as both ideological, following the ‘new literacy studies’, and dynamic, incorporating both semiotic and sociocultural versions of literacy in ways which reflect the changing nature of lived experience in the digital age. The second strand, Productive Literacies, constructs an argument around digital making practices with younger learners which views these as media crafting, critique and artistry. The third strand, Playful Literacies, explores recent projects which are located in games and game-authoring practices as a specific example of connecting pedagogy to contemporary media forms and learner agency in formal and informal settings. Taken together, the three perspectives allow for common ground to be established between multimodal production practices, whilst providing suggestions for framing literacy pedagogy in response to the pervasive use of media and technology in contemporary digital culture.  相似文献   

当前我国大学生媒介素养调查研究报告   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
媒介素养是当代信息社会每个人必须具备的素养。采用调查法,对我国大学生的媒介素养现状进行了问卷调查。从1023份有效问卷中发现,大学生接触的媒介类别呈现多样化趋势,网络已经成为最受他们欢迎的媒介,他们的媒介活动也日益多元化,但从整体上看,大学生存在对媒介道德规范的认识较为模糊、媒介能力整体水平不高等问题。开展媒介素养教育、制定媒介素养教育政策、开设媒介素养教育课程是提高我国当代大学生素养必不可少的措施。  相似文献   

Despite growing calls for media education in different parts of the world, little consensus has been reached over what to teach and how to teach. The implementation of related initiatives varies across different contexts as well as cultures. The outcomes depend largely on the beliefs, attitudes and efforts of individual teachers. This study aims to identify and discuss teachers' beliefs about media through an analysis of documents related to school media. It examines how 13 secondary schools in Hong Kong justified their applications for funding to set up a school television station. Using methods in documentary research, the study analyses the claims made for school media. The hidden assumptions held by schools towards school media, new media, mass media, media education and media literacy are discussed.  相似文献   

“媒介化生存”是当代大学生生存的基本特征,媒介素养是大学生媒介化生存中必备的素质。在对皖西学院大学生媒介素养现状调查的基础上,概括当前皖西学院在校大学生接触、利用、认知和评价媒介的整体状况,反映皖西学院大学生媒介化生存状态下媒介素养存在的问题,探讨如何提高皖西学院大学生媒介素养的途径和方法。  相似文献   


This paper presents different angles on the subject of digital play as a means to develop children’s literacy and power, using an online ethnographical study of Swedish preschool teachers’ discussions in informal online forums. Question posts (n = 239) were analysed using the Technological Pedagogical Knowledge framework and the Caring, Nurturing and Teaching framework, with the aim of understanding how teachers intended to support children’s literacy development with tablets. Literacy development can be understood as a social practice that needs to develop along with changes in society’s demands on citizens. The results presented indicate that school subject oriented skills are predominantly present in the mind-set of these preschool teachers. When digital play is increasingly used for pedagogical purposes in preschools, that also means that preschools have expanded their opportunities to work with children’s literacy development. For preschool teachers, it is important to discuss how literacy development can be supported in a contemporary media landscape.  相似文献   

信息化时代新媒体不断涌现,媒体素养已成为信息时代的一种基本素养。教育改革中新媒体日益融入课堂的教学,以提高教与学的绩效。幼儿的媒介素养如何全面培养,有效引导使用媒体,对幼儿教师专业化发展提出新的要求。为此,当代幼儿教师必须具备良好的媒体素养,恰切的选择、使用和整合媒体与教学内容,优化教学,培养幼儿学习者的全面发展,进而推动教育信息化和教育均衡化发展。  相似文献   


Online environments are now central to political life, especially for young people. They are prominent contexts for activities that include: fundraising, political debate, sharing political perspectives, mobilizing individuals and groups to act, and applying pressure to governments, corporations, and nonprofits. Much of this online politically focused activity occurs within a broader media ecology that can be characterized as a participatory culture (Jenkins, H., R. Purushotma, K. Clinton, M. Weigel, and A. J. Robison. [2009]. Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century. Occasional Paper on Digital Media and Learning. Chicago: John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation). Many have argued that media literacy efforts are needed for youth to fully leverage these digital opportunities, but rigorous studies of such educational efforts are just beginning to emerge. Drawing on an original panel survey, this paper examines whether efforts to promote digital engagement literacies increase youth online engagement in politics. We find that they do. Educators’ efforts to foster digital engagement literacies increase youth engagement in participatory politics and in applying targeted political pressure to government, corporations, and nonprofits.  相似文献   

Recent research shows that young people list media entertainment as one of the sources where they find information about what they really want to know about sex and what is not taught through the school curriculum – namely, relationships and eroticism. This paper addresses the potential role that may be played by small independent alternative feature films such as 52 Tuesdays in the sexual education of young people. While 52 Tuesdays’ purpose was never explicitly pedagogic, the subject matter – family relationships, sexual experimentation, sexual identity and agency, and transgender experience – situates it firmly within the concerns of contemporary young people.  相似文献   

大学生的新媒体素养直接关系大学生的全面发展,加强大学生新媒体素养教育是当前思想政治教育不容忽视的重要内容.文中论述了新媒体素养的内涵及大学生提升新媒体素养的意义,阐述了新媒体素养教育是大学生思想政治教育新领域,并对新媒体环境下大学生思想政治教育工作的创新提出建议.  相似文献   

媒介素养:美国的发展和国际溯源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国的媒介素养教育尽管还处于发展初期,但已经在课程框架上找到了自己的发展道路,并且赢得了颇具威望的学者和机构的赞赏。作者追根溯源,参照澳大利亚、英国及加拿大媒介素养教育,探索在全美实施包括师资培训在内的媒介素养教育的多学科途径。  相似文献   

随着我国城镇化进程的不断推进,外来务工人员子女的受教育权利日益受到关注,但他们的媒介素养现状却未能引起足够的重视。本文以东南沿海著名侨乡——福清市为例,调查外来工子女对媒介的使用情况及媒介素养程度,由此提出提升外来工子女媒介素养的对策。  相似文献   

在法学界首次提出法官媒介素养的概念,在媒介化社会的背景下,提升法官媒介素养水平成为法官队伍建设的一项紧迫任务。仅就保障审判独立工作而言,具备良好的媒介素养,可以有效防止“媒体审判”、“草根审判”和“专家审判”,是司法应对传媒的一条崭新而富有实效的路径。  相似文献   

思想政治教育的目的是使大学生成为德智体美全面发展的人才.在新媒体环境下,大学生总体表示出理性的态度与行为,但处于思想活跃又缺乏主观能动性的他们,容易迷失自我,仅仅在德智体美方面进行思政教育,突显出一定的问题,他们的媒体素养较为缺乏,这给当代大学生思政教育带来了困难与挑战.故此在思政教育过程中应增加“媒体素养”这一内容,它既是思政教育的调味剂,又是一道独家美味佳肴,应在大学生思政教育中烹调好这道菜.  相似文献   

This meta-analysis (k = 35, N = 11,629) examines the effect that listening to music, particularly popular music, has on consumers. Results demonstrate that listening to music generates an effect on listeners consistent with the content of the music (average r = .210, k = 35, N = 11,629). This effect was similar when considering survey research (r = .227) or experimental research (r = .265). The tenets of excitation transfer theory received some support, particularly when considering the effects of music as a priming material (r = .399), demonstrating the impact of music as a means of establishing mood, and ultimately the subsequent reactions of individuals. One conclusion is that efforts toward media literacy or education may prove far more productive than media content restrictions when attempting to curb potential undesirable media effects. Additional implications for policy and theory are discussed.  相似文献   

Outcomes from sex education are shaped not only by the knowledge and attitudes of youth but also by groups influential in young people's lives. American youth bear one of the highest rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the industrialized world. Four constituencies with important roles in communicating about STIs are youth, parents, healthcare providers and policy advocates of sex education. This paper aims to understand the attitudes held by these key groups and to ascertain common ground. Eight focus groups were conducted with: youth 15–23 years old (n = 20), parents of youth 10–19 years old (n = 18), healthcare providers (n = 17), and advocates working with national policymakers (n = 6). Participants discussed the issue of STIs in youth within both individual and societal contexts: the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of individual youth – Ignorance, Exploration, Peer Pressure, Denial, and Indifference; and the influence of segments of society that could affect decisions by youth – Sex is a taboo topic, Reluctant communication by parents, Restricted school education, Limited communication by doctors, Poor role models, and Missing information in media. Understanding the groups' common ground of individual and societal contexts may provide a foundation for more effective sex education.  相似文献   

迈向批判性媒介素养:核心理念、争鸣、组织与政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国媒介素养教育并不发达,尤其是批判性媒介素养教育。批判性媒介素养有五个核心概念:非透明性原则、编码与规约、受众解码、内容与讯息、动机。目前,美国已有部分州在其教育标准中列入了媒介素养教育,教师培训却未能跟上,在媒介文化无处不在的情况下,美国需要实现批判性媒介素养的培养,以让学生认识媒介、利用媒介并超越媒介,使个体在社会中更好地发展。  相似文献   

This article aims to contribute new knowledge about the media literacies children assemble as they play the digital game Minecraft which it describes as a children's digital making platform. The article argues media literacy's tendency to use socio-cultural and humanist accounts of media participation limit its ability to fully explain digital making practices. Socio-material and performative literacy theories are used to introduce a framework for exploring digital media literacies across four nodes: digital materials, media production, conceptual understanding and media analysis [Dezuanni, M. 2015.“The Building Blocks of Digital Media Literacy: Socio-material Participation and the Production of Media Knowledge.”Journal of Curriculum Studies 47 (3): 416–419]. The article's second half outlines how the author uses digital ethnography in his home to understand children's Minecraft digital making and the article's theoretical claims are explored using empirical data. The conclusion considers the ramifications of digital making for media literacy research and practice.  相似文献   

Background:?Students’ motivation is known to influence academic outcomes. However, there is a paucity of research showing the relative influences of motivational factors on short-term and long-term outcomes.

Purpose:?The study investigates the relative influences of motivational factors – mastery goal orientation, value of schooling, and academic self-concepts (perceived competence in and affect to schoolwork) on four outcomes – rule acceptance, identity, general self-efficacy and achievement.

Sample:?Students in grades 3 to 6 from six primary schools in the Sydney were surveyed (N = 979). The ages of the participants varied from 8 to 13 years (mean = 9.78).

Design and methods:?Students completed a questionnaire and literacy and numeracy achievement tests. Structural equation modelling was used to examine the paths from four predictors to four outcomes.

Results:?Whereas all four predictors were positively associated with all four outcomes, students’ mastery goal had stronger positive influences on self-efficacy and identity. Value, perceived competence and affect were found to influence outcomes in different ways – positive influences were found for value on achievement, rule-acceptance, and identity; for perceived competence on achievement and efficacy; and for affect on rule-acceptance and identity.

Conclusion:?Mastery goal had stronger influences on long-term outcomes while other predictors are stronger for short-term outcomes. To facilitate short-term and long-term outcomes, all four motivational factors need attention.  相似文献   

脱胎于文学批评-文化研究-符号学的媒介素养教育一旦运用到中小学课堂,势必流于解构技巧训练。任何一种解构的效果都颇为可疑,媒介素养教育不会使世界更好,只会使一个贫乏的大脑更加贫乏。新媒体带来知情权和参与权,受众消失,制作人诞生,人们解读媒介文本内容能力大大提高,解码媒介文本制作技巧无师自通。在此背景下,媒介素养教育迅速过时。知道不等于接受,解构无助于建构,技巧带不来素养,独立建制的媒介素养教育是富裕国家的教育富裕病,可取之途是将之融入素质教育和通识教育,将重心从解构技巧转向文化素养。  相似文献   

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