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国际体育仲裁院(CAS)仲裁庭认定澳大利亚埃森登足球俱乐部34名运动员构成兴奋剂违规且对违规行为有重大过错,推翻了澳大利亚足球联盟(AFL)的决定,并对违规运动员均处以2年的禁赛期。区别于样本检测阳性的案件,CAS仲裁庭认定在非检测阳性案件中运用的证明标准是“放心满意标准”(Comfortable Satisfaction),认为世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)可以通过运动员的承认、证人证言、书面证据等任何可靠的方式对兴奋剂违规事实加以证明。CAS仲裁庭在上诉审理中对证据审查适用的是全面审查原则,上诉程序中可以提交新证据的条件是申请方不存在对诉讼权利的滥用和主观恶意。研究认为:在非检测阳性案件中,有必要加强间接证据的独立定案功能,对放心满意标准确立统一的认定规则,并且完善证据排除规则的相关规定。  相似文献   

This case study is based on actual events surrounding the 2011–2012 scandals relating to the use of performance enhancing drugs in two high profile sporting clubs in Australia: the Cronulla Sharks Rugby League Club and the Essendon Football Club. Both clubs were handed down sanctions that included fines and suspension of their respective senior coaches and players. The case explores events leading up to the scandal and its aftermath. The case includes a series of questions that can be used to stimulate class discussion in areas of governance, ownership structure, drugs in sport and stakeholders. It also includes ideas for more in-depth discussion of issues relating to the commercialisation of sport and shortcomings in governance with supporting references from academic and practitioner related articles. The case is ideal for any later year undergraduate or postgraduate courses with a business, strategy, sports management, or accounting focus.  相似文献   

The regulation of anti-doping practices in Australian sport is overseen by the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA), which is a statutory authority funded by the Australian Commonwealth Government (ACG). The 2013 ASADA investigation into the Essendon Football Club (EFC) uncovered the alleged use of performance and image enhancing drugs by a number of players and support personnel. However, despite the call for sanctions to be placed on those taking banned substances, ASADA itself became the central focus of enquiry with the EFC questioning the legitimacy of ASADA's authority in their management of the investigation. Using content analysis and Bourdieu's conceptual framework, this paper aims to determine the legitimate regulatory authority of key actors involved in the EFC investigation. The findings suggest actors in the social field, as related to the case of the EFC investigation, possess varying amounts and types of capital, which cumulatively convert to symbolic capital. Dominant actors within the social field retain more symbolic capital than others and are perceived to possess legitimate regulatory authority, which does not translate to actual legal authority. This apparent disconnect between perceived authority on the one hand and actual legal legitimacy on the other has implications for the future management of such cases, both in the Australian Football League and beyond.  相似文献   

本文主要采用文献资料法从运动员的培养模式、俱乐部的竞赛机制等方面入手,对日本U15足球运动员的培养机制进行了深入研究.主要结论:在政府多年来的重视和投入基础上,日本建立了以学校为载体,中学生为生源,拥有高水平教练员队伍的U15足球俱乐部.同时建立了健全的培养模式和完善的竞赛机制.带给我们的启示:提高足球普及程度;把学校作为足球运动发展的载体;金字塔式的运动员培养体系日趋完善等.  相似文献   


The FA banned women’s football from the grounds of Association-affiliated clubs in 1921, on the grounds that the organisation perceived that football was ‘unsuitable’ for women and too much money raised for charity had been absorbed in player expenses. But women continued to play. This article analyses how Manchester Corinthians Ladies Football Club, which had been formed in 1949, was able to sustain a varied range of overseas tours and domestic matches in spite of the ban. Using a range of methods, including oral history, family history interviews, a reunion of the surviving players and player memorabilia, firstly, the article provides a history of Corinthians and Nomads from 1949 onwards. Secondly, the article uses oral history to reflect what the players felt about playing for the club and particularly its overseas tours, and charity work. Not all of the players are represented due to constraints of space, but this is an introduction to a larger ongoing project to reclaim the teams’ history. Finally, the article argues that it is important to examine the 1950s and 1960s, decades when women’s football was an unregulated activity, in order to understand that which followed once the FA ban was lifted in 1969.  相似文献   

以杭州绿城足球俱乐部中超队18名运动员为测试对象,通过测试递增负荷过程中运动员的最大摄氧量及恢复期血乳酸分析男子足球运动员有氧代谢特点,结果显示:浙江男足运动员和中国国家男足运动员在VO2max(L/min)方面有显著性差异,在相对VO2max(ml/kg/min)方面有高度显著性差异,而在VE、HR方面没有显著性差异。说明浙江男子足球运动员有氧能力低于国内优秀足球运动员(中国国家男子足球队)。  相似文献   

对2008年阿迪达斯全国U-19足球联赛第二阶段比赛中运动员进攻战术意识、全队进攻战术效益与有球队员进攻技术水平之间的关系进行分析,结果发现有球队员的进攻是构成配合攻击的关键。  相似文献   

吴炜 《体育科研》2012,33(6):28-31-35
擅要:国际足坛每年发生大量的球员合同纠纷。近年来,随着中国足球整体环境的改善,多家俱乐部加大投入,引进高水平外援,大大提升了中国足球职业联赛的水平。但与此同时,中国足球职业联赛中球员与俱乐部之间的合同纠纷也不断升级。球员合同属于劳动合同,中国的劳动合同争议有专门的管辖机关,即劳动争议仲裁委员会,并可上诉至法院,适用的法律为中国的《劳动合同法》。而在足球领域,球员工作合同纠纷是由国家足协、国际足联乃至国际体育仲裁院进行管辖,适用的规则为国家足协或国际足联相关规则。因此,当球员合同纠纷发生在中国职业联赛中时,如何结合我国当前的立法及国际足联关于足球行业的内部规定,选择恰当的纠纷管辖机构,是实践和理论中一个具有挑战性且意义深远的课题。文章结合笔者在处理这些足球运动员合同纠纷过程中积累的实务经验,分析中国足球职业联赛中不同类型的球员合同纠纷的解决方式及管辖权,以保护中国职业联赛中球员及俱乐部的利益,促进中国足球与国际足球在法律制度层面上的融合与接轨。  相似文献   


The history and issues surrounding elite football in Japan have been addressed by a number of scholars. However, grassroots football, although fundamental to the development of the code, has rarely been explored in the academic literature. In Japan, the importance of grassroots football has received heightened attention by the Japanese Football Association (JFA) since 2003, with 20% growth in the number of registered players under 12 years old from 2003 (262,956 players) to 2014 (315,178 players) a result of the JFA’s initiatives in this area. Japan is currently one of the most successful countries in Asia in terms of grassroots football development and the JFA won the Asian Football Confederation’s award, namely ‘The Best Member Association of the Year 2013 for Grassroots Football’. This paper explores the key driver behind the development of grassroots football development, namely the 47 Prefectural Football Associations, which provide programmes and technical, physical and promotional services which include activities to increase opportunities, facilities, coach education, elite pathways, and competitions for grassroots football. The paper concludes that the factors which have resulted in the success of Japan’s grassroots football revolve around governance of Prefectural Football Associations, coach education programmes, increased opportunities by clubs, leagues and schools, and collaboration with stakeholders within and outside of Prefectural Football Associations.  相似文献   

Neymar da Silva Santos Júnior’s transfer fee of 222 million euros clearly indicates that the lifeworld of professional football proves the well-known ideal of eleven friends, all from the same hometown, to be a romantic notion of the past. When players are measured by their market value, when clubs are capital investments and when football matches are marketed as spectacular events, the question arising no longer is whether amateur football and professional football have moved apart, but rather how big the gap has become. Is there still any connection between the lifeworld of amateur football and professional football or are these now disparate worlds? To answer this question it is essential to determine whether, despite the obvious invariants between amateur football and professional football, there is still a common core of the game that connects the two worlds. This core may be in the contingency of playing football as a specific form of result uncertainty and uncertainty in action, which are sought voluntarily and intentionally. The reward for the players is not to be found in the intended result (i.e. the victory) but in experiencing that the means taken to reach the aim (generally the movement actions of the players) gain in value to the extent where achieving the aim of the action is unpredictable. In 1995, Seel called this aesthetic value of actions in sport “a celebration of inability”. In conclusion, it is the telic of the autotelic that represents the constitutive prerequisite for the special fascination of football, and in this respect it is possible from a cultural perspective to assign educational value to the game of football. Football will continue to fascinate players as well as the spectators as long as its core—the telic of the autotelic—can be experienced in football’s various lifeworlds.  相似文献   

作为欧足联财政公平政策中的核心内容之一,无逾期应付账款规则在实施过程中不时引发各种法律上的争议,被受到处罚的俱乐部诉至国际体育仲裁院。CAS仲裁庭重申,对应付账款“逾期”的认定必须遵循有关规则所载明的截止期而且延期付款协议必须是书面的;“争议例外”条款有可能被俱乐部恶意利用以规避处罚,必须结合有关案情和俱乐部的行为进行细致的法律分析才能确定该条款能否得到适用;“不可抗力”的发生是小概率事件,对俱乐部的“不可抗力”抗辩的解释和适用必须非常严格。不过,CAS仲裁庭在裁判俱乐部的披露义务的问题上存在自相矛盾之处,难以令人信服。中国足协应在对欧足联无逾期应付账款规则的借鉴的基础上充分总结和吸收CAS裁决的经验教训,一方面不断完善自己的无逾期应付账款规则,另一方面注重规则文本在具体适用中的合理解释,促进中国职业足球联赛的健康发展和治理水平的提升。  相似文献   

Rather than hooliganism per se, violence here is examined both in its totality and the extent to which the history of football violence in Israel has been subject to a fluctuating social, political and economic context. Initially, footballers were ‘the usual suspect’ as violence was often incited by the players on the pitch. For political reasons, the Israel Football Association (IFA) was practically helpless. Over time, violent incidents on the pitch decreased as a change in the pattern of violence took place. Due to an increasing commodification of Israeli football, players and spectators switched places. The crowd was now ‘the usual suspect’ and later, due to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, ethnicity-nationality became the major trigger for violent actions in Israeli football.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the passion of Danish elite-level female football players for the game and the challenges they face. How do they manage to combine the tough demands of a football life with the need for education? A quantitative survey (2010) was sent out to female players in the Danish 3F Ligaen and Danish national team players. The findings indicate challenges faced by players in pursuing their passion, as they struggle to combine everyday life, education and work with a football career, either as amateurs or on a playing contract. In the light of the Scandinavian sport model inspired by Victor Pestoff, we may be operating with a different form of elite in women’s football in Denmark. Future focal points for clubs and the Danish Football Association are to continue supporting the players’ passion for the game and Team Denmark’s focus on ‘the whole human being’ in athletes.  相似文献   

On 19 August 2015, the Philadelphia Union of Major League Soccer announced plans to sponsor an expansion team in the second-tier United Soccer League. Two months later, an enthusiastic crowd filed into the historic Bethlehem Steel plant in eastern Pennsylvania to witness the new side’s unveiling. Against the backdrop of towering blast furnaces that evoked the region’s industrial golden age, Union representatives heralded the return of Bethlehem Steel Football Club. This paper explores the nexus of past and present in the recycling of Steel. Juxtaposing the modern club’s retro-themed kit against the identity of its storied namesake, it argues that the past is simultaneously honoured and obscured. In so doing, it situates the recycling of Steel in its broader historical context, paying attention to the business ambitions of Union executives, the cultural penchant for heritage branding and the efforts of a once-vibrant manufacturing town to negotiate the realities of a postindustrial landscape.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how Real Madrid Football Club took advantage of the enormous international prestige that they gained thanks to their victories in the first five editions of the European Champion Clubs’ Cup (between 1956 and 1960) to arrange a large number of international friendly matches that generated great income. Real Madrid created a new strategy by means of friendly matches and international tours that favoured an economic model centred on signing the best players of the day, as a way to attract fans to their stadium and to achieve new victories. Having access to the documentation of the Real Madrid archive has allowed the author to rely on primary sources which support these arguments, sources that hitherto had not been used. In the same way, this research demonstrates the important economic benefits that this activity brought to the Franco dictatorship.  相似文献   

Objectives: To improve well-being and performance indicators in a group of Australian Football League (AFL) players via a six-week sleep optimisation programme. Design: Prospective intervention study following observations suggestive of reduced sleep and excessive daytime sleepiness in an AFL group. Methods: Athletes from the Adelaide Football Club were invited to participate if they had played AFL senior-level football for 1–5 years, or if they had excessive daytime sleepiness (Epworth Sleepiness Scale [ESS] >10), measured via ESS. An initial education session explained normal sleep needs, and how to achieve increased sleep duration and quality. Participants (n?=?25) received ongoing feedback on their sleep, and a mid-programme education and feedback session. Sleep duration, quality and related outcomes were measured during week one and at the conclusion of the six-week intervention period using sleep diaries, actigraphy, ESS, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Profile of Mood States, Training Distress Scale, Perceived Stress Scale and the Psychomotor Vigilance Task. Results: Sleep diaries demonstrated an increase in total sleep time of approximately 20?min (498.8?±?53.8 to 518.7?±?34.3; p?<?.05) and a 2% increase in sleep efficiency (p?<?0.05). There was a corresponding increase in vigour (p?<?0.001) and decrease in fatigue (p?<?0.05). Conclusions: Improvements in measures of sleep efficiency, fatigue and vigour indicate that a sleep optimisation programme may improve athletes’ well-being. More research is required into the effects of sleep optimisation on athletic performance.  相似文献   

Football clubs are recruiting progressively more foreign football players, in particular from developing countries. For this purpose, clubs establish football academies in foreign countries or buy foreign players on the transfer market. We examine the economic rationale behind these two recruitment strategies and discuss how a club’s optimal recruitment strategy depends on the characteristics of the country, which it recruits players from. We argue that a country’s economic development affects the trade-off between the different costs and benefits of the two recruitment strategies. We provide empirical support for our argument by drawing on semi-structured qualitative interviews to describe and compare the transfer markets and football academies in two developing countries with different levels of economic development, namely Senegal and South Africa.  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(1):107-140
Football is an accepted and celebrated element of popular culture. Its stars have become contemporary heroes. At its simplest it represents a game watched and played by millions. Exactly where its popularity stems from is open to debate. What is certain is that, in reality, we know relatively little about the inner-workings of the ‘People's Game’. In fact, although a vast literature now surrounds the football industry, insightful and substantive revelations regarding the day to day activities of players, coaches and managers are few and far between.  相似文献   

“广州恒大淘宝足球俱乐部诉亚洲足球联合会”案从新法与旧法以及特别法与一般法两个方面,展现了体育纪律处罚规则在适用中产生的冲突。解决此种冲突,不仅要明确国际体育仲裁院仲裁庭的规则选择权,还需借鉴法律冲突适用规则——有利法优于不利法以及特别法先于一般法。其中,要注意有利法优于不利法存在的限制。另外,国际体育仲裁院仲裁庭在运用特别法先于一般法规则,讨论两个法条是否构成包容与被包容关系时,突破了法条竞合的传统判断,此处的裁决理由需要补充。该案启示中国体育界人士要善用体育纪律处罚规则适用规则;同时,为使中方当事人日后能更好应对此类案件,国内体育纪律处罚规则应该与国际、区际的体育纪律处罚规则保持一致。  相似文献   

This article examines the historical and emotional consequences of the Victorian Football League's decision to ‘go national’. Many saw the emergence of the Australian Football League (AFL) as a threat to the authentic attachments of supporters. As many localized social practices were ‘rationalized’, however, engagement with the League increased across Australia. This article suggests that this success can be explained, in part, by the ways in which public representations of the AFL provided new points of identification for supporters. Drawing on recent work by critical theorists of emotion, I suggest that the already passionate culture of Australian rules supporting has been reworked by the animation of nationalistic attachments and the increasingly intimate representation of players in Australian public life. Ironically, though, these new modes of representation have opened the AFL out to heated debates about the emotions of the players themselves. The contested emergence of the crying AFL player in Australian public life since 2000 is both a product of these shifts and an example of the unruliness of identification and idealization. Attachments to players in the language of national identity, I suggest, are psychically volatile because they are connected to how supporters understand their own identities, lives, and losses.  相似文献   

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