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繁荣书评,首要条件是建立书评队伍。书评队伍的建立,需要培训。其中,了解前辈及同辈书评家是怎样进行书评研究的,则是书评作者掌握的重要内容之一。过去,书刊杂志虽然介绍一些,但比较零散,急需要一本集中介绍书评家的书,来满足书评队伍学习的需求。我国著名书评家伍杰先生的新作〈名家走书城〉就是一本介绍书评家的书。该书选取了31位我国著名书评家,从不同方面介绍了他们的奋斗历程、研究书评的特点、书评和书评成就。本书对书爱好者来说,无疑是一本难得的好书。  相似文献   

书评——当代人的一种文化选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
90年代是书评走红的年代, 书评的受欢迎既反映了社会文化格局的转变, 又表明了在这一转变中人们的文化选择。可以说, 书评是当代人接受文化的一种方式, 这种方式是与信息时代的知识生产紧密相关联的。书评与时尚的关系。大众书评与学术书评的分道扬镳  相似文献   

最近,北京师范大学出版社重版了刘勇先生的《中国现代作家的宗教文化情结》一书。在我们这个市场社会的时代,一本学术专著能够引起人们的注意,并得到再版,这一点就足以证明了它的价值。  相似文献   

文体范本之二十六:书序为一本书作序,就是写一篇关于一本书的文章。写序的目的主要是为了帮助读者了解书的面貌。余光中说:序言既为文章,就得满足一般散文起码的要求。若是把它写成实际的书评,它仍应是  相似文献   

在新闻出版行业日益发展的今天,书评的发展显然已经滞后,原因是多方面的,但书评写作缺乏规范性是书评问题产生的一大关键。要解决这些问题,就必须重视书评写作的规范性问题。  相似文献   

书评本体论段维关键词书评,本体,书评学书评本体论是研究对书评自身本质功能的认识。书评是什么?尽管见仁见智,但迄今仍未超越这样一种概括:书评就是对图书进行价值判断或评论。用现代科学视野来检察这个表述,应该说是很不严谨的,也因此引起理论研究思维场的混沌。...  相似文献   

1937年,萧乾在《大公报·文艺》上组织了一次书评讨论,其中的书评家论书评尤为值得关注。在“书评是否心灵探险”的标题下,书评家讨论文学批评标准中的自我传达及自我传达和客观评价的关系问题,并通过批评自我传达传递文艺批评宽容和自由的信息,这在文艺纷争的三四十年代更为珍贵,对今天的文艺批评也有着深刻的启示  相似文献   

本文不同意《试论马克思主义的历史观点》一文阐述的马克思主义历史观点属辩证法范畴的看法,首先,针对性地举出如下理由:“历史观点”解决的是历史观的问题,把“历史观点”归入辩证法不能显示它的特点;在有关经典著作中找不出它属辩证法的必要根据。然后,根据马克思主义经典作家有关论述,认为:“历史的观点”的对象是人类史,“历史的观点”是一种关于历史过程的观点,就是历史唯物主义。  相似文献   

人文素养是近年来的一个热门话题,它是指一种看待事物的眼光和境界。提升人的人文素养将有利于人的自由全面发展,有助于提升综合国力和推进现代化建设的进程;就全人类范围来看,它也是人类文明发展的需要。辩证法作为一种人的逻辑,它和人文素养有一定的契合。辩证法的理论追求就是善和自由,这充分说明了它具有"人本精神"和"人文关怀"向度。研习辩证法将有助于人文素养的提升,它不但有助于形成一种正确的处事方式,也会提升人生境界,从而使我们树立起对待人生和社会的正确态度。  相似文献   

列宁曾经指出:“在《资本论》中,逻辑、辩证法和唯物主义的认识论[不必要三个词:它们是同一个东西」,都应用于同一门科学,……”①又在《谈谈辩证法问题》一文中明确指出:“辩证法也就是(黑格尔)马克思主义的认识论。”如何理解列宁关于辩证法就是马克思主义的认识论这一论断呢?辩证法就是马克思主义的认识论,首先是说辩证法不能脱离认识论,必须从认识论的角度去理解和看待辩证法。首先,辩证法是认识事物的方法。从总的目的和作用来讲,唯物辩证法是认识世界的工具。恩格斯说过:“马克思的整个世界观不是教义,而是方法。它提…  相似文献   

运用评价理论介入子系统对中英语言学学术书评展开人际意义的对比研究,在对144篇书评的评价部分进行介入资源的标注和归类统计后发现:中文书评作者在评论时偏向于使用闭合资源来凸显权威姿态,而英文评论者则更多的使用开放资源来体现他们对读者声音的更多的兼容。  相似文献   

在书评创作很是繁荣的当下,如何写出有质量的书评值得每位书评家的思考。书评写作力求其客观、公正性,以现代文学史上的两份重要文学刊物《大公报.文艺副刊》、《文学杂志》为例,沈从文及朱光潜十分重视和强调书评写作的公正性,是当下书评写作的有益借鉴。  相似文献   


In this article, the authors, based on a process developed in the context of US higher education, demonstrate a model for undergraduate student research skill development that involves academic staff writing collaborative book reviews with undergraduate students and librarians, especially librarians that are also academic staff with relevant content expertise. This model can and should be modified to fit various disciplinary contexts and academic circumstances, potentially around the world. The authors acknowledge that this model will be more useful for academic staff in the social sciences and humanities as compared to the so-called hard or natural sciences. The authors reimagine book reviews based on the notion of ‘scholarship as conversation’ in library science. As evidence, the authors describe the origins of this unique collaborative process and document the impact of academic staff, librarians, and undergraduate students partnering to increase the academic rigor of book reviews. Contributing to scholarship at the intersection of research skill development, information literacy, and embedded librarianship, this article identifies a strategic opportunity for collaboration that makes writing reviews more engaging and educationally productive for students, academic staff, and librarians.  相似文献   

评价理论将投射视作调控作者与假定读者之间对话空间的重要介入资源之一.通过考察介入性投射资源在语言学和金融学两种英文学术书评中的使用情况,笔者发现:在对话空间建构方面,两种书评不仅因语类上的相同而表现有共性倾向,而且因学科差异表现有个性特征.其中一种书评倾向于建构较为狭窄的对话空间,另一种书评倾向于建构相对宽松的对话空间.据此文章指出,学术语篇写作教学不仅要强调衔接连贯和语类结构的分析,而且要重视各种介入策略的配置和适宜对话空间的构建.  相似文献   

对比修辞:英汉书评比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
书评,作为一种新型写作体裁,同样反映化差异。英美学术书评侧重描述,汉语学术书评则侧重评价;英美书评批评性较强,汉语书评批评性却较弱。两种书评在修辞结构和评价策略上的差异与其不同化背景和风俗习惯有很大联系。  相似文献   

In this study, we examine various aspects of BookTubers' literacy practices, regarding the personal and social factors that lead readers to devote themselves to the BookTube community, the elements that BookTubers consider as they create and publish video book reviews and the sort of literary learning this digital literacy practice entails. For this purpose, narrative interviews were conducted with six BookTubers, five of them from Latin America and one from Spain. Their answers offer insights into the motivations and unique types of learning that come together in this literary practice. A qualitative analysis of the interviews shows that affective engagement with books is a singular feature of BookTubers' understanding of reading culture and that literary video reviews are created in a complex bricolage process where resources, skills and knowledge are mobilised and develop, both aspects also being associated with the development of an online social reading identity. In addition, an ecological approach to analysing literacy and literary learning in the BookTuber culture points to the importance of framing video book reviews as a didactic resource with considerable potential to bring new learning practices to in-school literary education.  相似文献   

Literature reviews are a genre that many graduate students do not fully understand and find difficult to write. While the genre, language and rhetorical moves of literature reviews are widely researched, less research focuses on citation use in literature reviews. Teaching students ‘how-to’ write the literature review through explicit genre awareness is not enough. What is needed, is a focus on the discursive nature of citations since citations are a core ingredient in literature reviews. The complexity of citing, referencing and using sources is difficult to teach in university classrooms, especially in courses that focus on content knowledge. When it is taught, it is often imparted to students as conventions with particular organisational features around citation styles. Or it is taught within the discourse of morality and academic dishonesty that surrounds plagiarism. What is lacking is a pedagogy that relates citing to the more complex discursive practices that are implicit and deeply embedded in particular time-bound contexts. The purpose of this research was to explore citation patterns in 23 draft and final masters’ student literature review papers to better understand the ways in which students use sources in literature reviews with the aim of informing pedagogy. Findings indicate that the concept of intertextuality, specifically, transgressive intertextuality, intertextual engagement and discursive intertextuality can help with the teaching and learning of literature reviews and citation use.  相似文献   

本文评介了Viv Ellis,Anne Edwards 和Peter Smagorinsky 主编的《教师教育与发展的文化历史观—学习教学》。文章首先指明了该书的出版对于教师学习研究领域的意义,然后对本书的主要内容和结构进行了介绍,并且结合国内的外语教师学习研究现状进行了评论。作者希望通过本书的评介让国内的外语教师教育工作者与研究者了解社会文化理论各流派的由来与发展状况,明晰社会文化视角下教师学习研究的核心问题,进而思考如何结合中国实际开展有创新的本土化研究。  相似文献   

主要从有、无文字两个方面对各个少数民族古籍出版物图书评论进行分类收集、整理,以期对近三十年少数民族古籍出版物图书评论有一个详细的了解和把握,并对进一步研究我国少数民族古籍出版物有所启示。  相似文献   

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