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The Association of College and Research Libraries developed information literacy standards and associated performance indicators for undergraduate psychology students. A survey of tenure-track faculty members and full-time lecturers in the Psychology Department at Eastern Michigan University was conducted to discover how those professors viewed the importance of these indicators, and how those professors perceived their role, as well as the role of librarians, in supporting instruction that develops those skills. The psychology faculty acknowledged the curricular value of the information literacy performance indicators and perceived librarians as having a supportive role relative to their own more primary role in developing the skills.  相似文献   

This article describes a method that academic librarians can use to help established scholars and doctoral students become more cognizant of interdisciplinary approaches to their academic fields and areas. This method centers around the creation of knowledge maps: visually oriented aids tracing intellectual connections and linkages between and among various fields and areas that allow students and professors to get a good sense of emerging trends in a given academic specialty. Many professors want librarians to be proactive when it comes to suggesting new perspectives and new ways of seeing their research questions. Knowledge maps can be used by librarians as information-literacy tools in the facilitation of interdisciplinary knowledge among academic researchers. In addition, the creation of knowledge maps by librarians can be seen as a component of the changing nature of reference librarianship—a job that is becoming more intellectualized through one-on-one consultations between students, professors, and librarians.  相似文献   

E-LIS是图书情报学领域最大的开放存取学科库,由图书馆员和信息专家组成的国际性团队自愿建立和维护,目前收录有90个国家的5600个用户用37种语言存储的10000多篇文献,为图书情报学领域的作者、出版商和协会提供服务。政策管理是E-LIS正常运行的保障,因此E-LIS完成了政策的评估,并计划制订标准化政策与用户及其他利益者进行沟通。E-LIS还非常重视数字对象的长期保存问题,其文件格式及使用的软件都非常支持数字对象的长期保存。  相似文献   

对专家审稿的分析和思考   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
为了研究专家审稿的规律和特征,对2008年度《哈尔滨工业大学学报》96篇论文的195次送审情况进行统计分析。结果表明:副教授的审回率和A类意见率都高于教授;40岁以下专家审回率和A类意见率最高,40~44岁的专家次之,45~54岁的专家审回率和A类意见率低,65岁以上专家审回率不高,但是一旦审稿就会比较认真,而且返回迅速;学术氛围浓厚的著名学府的专家在审稿方面更有责任感和奉献精神;工作繁忙是专家不审稿和审稿不认真的一个主要原因。建议高校学报大胆选用青年审稿专家,不断优化审稿专家数据库,与审稿专家建立良好的合作关系。  相似文献   

《Journal of Informetrics》2019,13(3):771-784
This paper proposes two novel measures to study the geographic mobility of faculty members from their graduating institutions in the United States: a continuous measure using geographic distance and a discrete one concerning the concept of Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). The joint application of the two novel measures to a hand-collected hiring network dataset including more than 15,000 faculty members in three disparate disciplines (business, computer science, and history) leads to interesting findings regarding geographic mobility of American professors from graduating institutions, defined by relocation distance or cross-MSA from the PhD granting institution and the hiring institution. Overall, American faculty exhibits high geographic mobility from their graduating institutions in terms of relocation distance and cross-MSA moves. History faculty members have the highest mobility while those in business show the lowest mobility. We further find that assistant professors show the highest mobility while full professors show lowest mobility. In addition, while there is little distance difference between male and female faculty members overall, female faculty members are less likely to move between MSAs or regions in the United States.  相似文献   

Relationships between professors as textbook authors and publishing houses as textbook producers have always been fragile. L. Kathy Heilenman examines this relationship and describes how current changes in the climate of universities and in the structure of publishing houses have converged to render this relationship more than usaually problematic. She concludes with suggestions for restructuring the relationship so as to encourage the production of high-quality, innovative textbooks in a partnership between publishers and professors. L. Kathy Heilenman teaches French at the University of Iowa and is one of the authors ofVoilà! a first-year college-level French textbook.  相似文献   

本文是对国外20所新闻传播院系的院长、系主任和教授的系列深度访谈的归纳和总结。探讨主题包括新闻传播的社会功能与新闻传播教育的使命、本科硕士博士三个层次教育的培养目标与培养模式、师资结构及其评价体系。基本结论为:新闻传播教育的最终使命是培养有社会责任感的新闻传播工作者,而学生培养模式和师资结构当适应培养目标。  相似文献   

Research on publication and citation patterns generally focuses on prolific or highly cited authors or on highly ranked programs. This study investigates the work and influence of a cross-section of library and information science (LIS) researchers at various stages of their academic lives, using a random sample of faculty members at programs accredited by the American Library Association. The analysis shows that the number of publications increases steadily as faculty rank advances. Assistant professors publish more conference papers and fewer journal articles, a pattern that is reversed with associate and full professors. Researchers used Web of Science® and Google™ Scholar to determine the influence of the publications. Web of Science reported no citations for most LIS faculty publications. With its broader scope, Google Scholar located more citations and revealed that the works of professors are cited significantly more frequently than publications by assistant or associate professors. When faculty profiles are compared by type of program, faculty members at schools granting doctoral degrees publish significantly more than their counterparts at schools where there is no doctoral program or where the doctoral degree is offered jointly with other academic units. When the comparison is made across ranks, full professors publish significantly more than faculty members at other ranks. There is no significant difference between assistant and associate professors.  相似文献   

已故教授的私人藏书具有很高的利用价值,是馆藏文献的有益补充。高校图书馆为已故教授的私人藏书设立书架、对这些藏书进行开发与利用不仅必要而且可行。高校图书馆应打破放在图书馆的已故教授藏书便是图书馆财产这一观念,吸引已故教授家属将教授生前藏书存放于图书馆;建立管理工作细则对已故教授藏书征集工作进行管理;对已故教授私人藏书进行合理的分类排架。  相似文献   

University professors are important sources of social support for students who have been sexually harassed. However, research has not investigated how professors communicate with students who seek help in coping with this distressful problem. This study examines the types of social support provided by 96 professors in response to a student’s narrative of unwanted sexual attention, and factors that influence their support. The results show that professors provided the student with more problem solving than emotional support. Consistent with the social support model that was a foundation for the study, the types of support were associated with the sex of the professors and student, and the professors’ tolerance for sexual harassment.  相似文献   

网络环境下高校教师信息素质调查与分析   总被引:70,自引:0,他引:70  
网络环境下 ,高校中仍有近一半教师不习惯用网络获取信息 ,约有 1/4的普通教师缺少信息检索知识。应制定教师信息素质教育规划和评估标准 ,发挥图书馆在培养用户信息能力方面的作用。表 17。参考文献 6。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate factors that influence professors’ and students’ intentions to add each other as friends on Facebook. Participants were 160 professors and 249 students from different universities in the United States. Consistent with theory of reasoned action, intention was the strongest predictor of them adding each other as Facebook friends. However, among faculty members, a personal attitude was the most significant predictor of the intention to add students as friends. For students, subjective norm was the most significant predictor of the intention to friend professors.  相似文献   

The migration crisis of 2015 and 2016 was a litmus test for EU solidarity, when increasing numbers of newly arriving refugees fueled its public contestation. Our overall assumption is that the “refugee crisis” contributed to a solidarity gap between inclusive liberal-cosmopolitan and exclusive communitarian attitudes in the EU. We investigate this assumption by contrasting positions regarding solidarity with refugees among state and societal actors. We base our analysis on a fresh dataset of solidarity claims in the largest print newspapers in Denmark, Germany, Greece and Italy for the period of August 2015 – April 2016 coded in the TransSOL project. These four countries were affected differently by the “crisis” and differently attractive for refugees and asylum-seekers as arrival, destination or transit countries. Results suggest a solidarity gap between state actors and societal actors and a higher degree of solidarity contestation in countries with state actors strongly promoting exclusive notions of solidarity. Results speak to the discussion about media representations of migration as well as the contestation of solidarity as a fundamental value.  相似文献   

This article identifies some of the dominant features of European avant-garde radio from the late 1920s through to the 1990s: namely, montage, the radical/irrational language technique of glossolalia, and sound distortion. These features can be seen to establish connections between the works, techniques, and practices of radio producers in several European countries and enable one to understand the distinctive nature of experimental radio art. The article focuses mainly on Britain and Germany, although it makes some reference to practitioners in France, Italy, and the Soviet Union.  相似文献   

This study explored national differences in plagiarism and duplicate publication in retracted biomedical literature. The national affiliations of authors and reasons for retraction of papers accessible through PubMed that were published from 2008 to 2012 and subsequently retracted were determined in order to identify countries with the largest numbers and highest rates of retraction due to plagiarism and duplicate publication. Authors from more than fifty countries retracted papers. While the United States retracted the most papers, China retracted the most papers for plagiarism and duplicate publication. Rates of plagiarism and duplicate publication were highest in Italy and Finland, respectively. Unethical publishing practices cut across nations.  相似文献   

建立学科馆员与图情教授联系制度的方案   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
介绍了在我校建立学科馆员与院系联系制度实施的情况,阐述了建立学科馆员与图情教授联系制度的必要性,分析了此制度存在的问题和需要完善之处。  相似文献   

《Journal of Informetrics》2019,13(3):830-840
This study inserts in the stream of research on the perverse effects that PBRF systems can induce in the subjects evaluated. The authors’ opinion is that more often than not, it is the doubtful scientific basis of the evaluation criteria that leave room for opportunistic behaviors. The work examines the 2004–2010 Italian national research assessment (VQR) to test the lack of possible opportunistic behavior by universities in order to limit the penalization of their performance (and funding) due to the presence of scientifically unproductive professors in faculty. In particular, institutions may have favored “gift authorship” practices. The analysis thus focuses on the output of professors who were unproductive in the VQR publication window, but became productive (“new productives”) in the following five years. A number of universities show a higher than average share of publications by new productives that are in co-authorship exclusively with colleagues from the same university. Although this might be thought to reflect opportunistic behavior by universities, the empirical evidence does not support this assumption.  相似文献   

Together with the digitalization of government services, a considerable amount of countries, and Italy in particular among them, are considering the introduction of several online and offline access point to its services in order to increase the penetration of provision systems not requiring an interaction at the PA office. This study, through a two-step empirical exercise run in Italy, intends to understand the benefits sought by citizens and the channel attitudes in order to understand whether and how this orientation by policy makers, with respect to payment services, may be effective. Thanks to a suited sampling, the study sets the basis for a segmentation of the citizens in terms of benefits sought and discusses the channel attitudes within each segment identified. By analyzing the characteristics of the segments, the study presents implications for policy makers and public servants and provides a conceptual background for grounding further research on multichannel service provision.  相似文献   


This article reviews the test of a home market model of international trade in media products using a movie industry database covering 6 major countries (the United States, Japan, Germany, Italy, France, and the United Kingdom) over the 1950 to 2003 period. In support of the model, this study finds a consistently positive relation between domestic theater box-office market shares and various measures of domestic movie spending or domestic movie attendance, and negative relations between domestic movie spending and the market shares of imported American film products. Based on these results, declining domestic film production industries in Europe and Japan after about the 1970s, along with growing dominance of the world film market by the United States, is attributed to a relatively rapid growth of domestic consumer spending on movies in the United States.  相似文献   

This study examined the development of English-language journals indexed by the database of Journal Citation Reports (JCR) and owned by six non-English-speaking countries (China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Italy, and Spain) and four countries where English is an official national language (Australia, Canada, India, and Singapore) over a 21-year period. Four types of journals were identified based on changes in journal impact factor (JIF) and rank percentage per year. The results suggest that “growth” journals with trends of increasing JIF and rank percentage outnumbered other types of journals for each country and were not concentrated in particular subject categories. Over half of the growth journals in eight countries were positioned at Q3 and Q4 levels. No significant differences in the average age of growth journals were identified between countries. Although China possessed the highest percentage of growth journals, its journals with the highest growth were at the Q4 level. This study concluded that China and South Korea should monitor their development of JCR journals due to their faster improvement in the average annual rank percentage per growth journal. One limitation is that a considerable proportion of junior English journals were not analyzed in this study.  相似文献   

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