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运用文献资料法,从联邦政府、地方政府、学术研究机构、非政府组织以及历史回顾等层面研究美国老年人体育组织和管理形式以及活动现状及其影响因素.美国在老年人体育组织和管理方面形式多样,这一现象是由美国的政治文化与制度环境等因素决定的,已有的数据表明过去20多年,美国老年人几乎没有明显增加体育活动人数.系统梳理并归纳美国老年体育活动的开展,以期为我国老年人体育政策的制定、管理与实施等提供相关参考.  相似文献   

美国发展与改革时期体育教育若干问题的理论探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
19世纪末20世纪初是美国发展与改革时期,是体育教育形成和发展的重要阶段。生物学、医学、进化论、生理学、心理学、教育学等领域的研究成果促进体育教育专业理论发展,逐渐形成了理论体系雏形;体操专家和竞技理论专家的争论最终改变了德国体操和瑞典体操的独霸地位,确立了竞技体育作为体育教育的主要内容;随着对体育教育认识的深入,专家们赞同“健康第一”的首要目标,拓展了社会发展、心理发展目标;教师培养从最初的1~2年计划的体育师范学校发展到4年本科计划的综合大学体育院系,逐渐形成了多元化的课程体系;积极寻求支持妇女体育运动的科学依据,从最早的妇女体育锻炼有利于后代的健康发展到有助于妇女的体形塑造等依据。  相似文献   

美国的体育与竞技运动:两者的比较与对照   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在美国,体育与竞技运动是两个不同的领域,但彼此又密切联系。章从美国学术界的角度粗略地叙述和讨论了体育与竞技运动的基本概念,以及两的不同与联系之处。  相似文献   

美国体育师资培养和管理的特色及其启示   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
美国的体育师资培养在体育专业教育的课程设置、体育师资的管理以及在职体育教师的继续教育等方面有着鲜明的特色,也取得了较好的成效。美国体育师资培养的成功经验对我国体育师资的培养有着一定的启发和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

厘清上世纪90年代以来美国1995年版、2004年版和2014年版K-12体育课程标准具体内容以及在建构方式、学习目标、评价追踪等方面的发展与变化,探析K-12体育课程标准呈现的依据体育核心素养构建体育课程目标,目标达成具有衔接性,强调教学内容与技能掌握和评价具有可操作性等主要特征。结合我国体育与健康课程标准的变化,对我国体育与健康课程标准的制定提出应明确育人目标、区分年级水平、重视目标衔接、提高评价的可操作性和加强综合设计等合理化建议,以期构建符合我国国情和学生发展特点的体育与健康课程标准,进一步加快健康中国目标的建设进程。  相似文献   

Purpose: An objective database for physical education (PE) is important for policy and practice decisions, and the System for Observing Fitness Instruction Time (SOFIT) has been identified as an appropriate surveillance tool for PE across the nation. The purpose of this review was to assess peer-reviewed studies using SOFIT to study K–12 PE in U.S. schools. Method: The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses informed the review, and 10 databases were searched for English-language articles published through 2016. A total of 704 records identifying SOFIT were located, and 137 full texts were read. Two authors reviewed full-text articles, and a data extraction tool was developed to select studies and main topics for synthesis. Results: Twenty-nine studies that included direct observations of 12,256 PE lessons met inclusion criteria; 17 were conducted in elementary schools, 9 in secondary schools, and 3 in combined-level schools. Inconsistent reporting among studies was evident, including not all identifying the number of classes and teachers involved. All studies reported student physical activity, but fewer reported observer reliabilities (88%), lesson context (76%), teacher behavior (38%), and PE dosage (34%). The most frequently analyzed independent variables were teacher preparation (48%), lesson location (38%), and student gender (31%). Conclusions: SOFIT can be used reliably in diverse settings. Inconsistent reporting about study procedures and variables analyzed, however, limited comparisons among studies. Adherence to an established protocol and more consistent reporting would more fully enable the development of a viable database for PE in U.S. schools.  相似文献   

“经常参加身体活动”(西方国家通常使用Physical Activity)或“经常锻炼”(我国通常使用exercise)是研究群众体育的基础概念之一,亦是调查研究的起点和评价标准之一,对其有不同的界定,会直接影响调查结果。要正确理解这些调查数据,首先要解读评价标准。本文以中国、美国和澳大利亚三国的全国居民身体活动或体育锻炼调查数据为例,分析三个国家采用的评价标准,解读调查数据所提供的信息。  相似文献   

通过文献资料法等,对英、美、日三国体育教师继续教育现状进行比较分析.结论认为:三国体育教师继?烫 续教育在教育行政体系、教育机构、教育形式以及相关法规方面尽管各有特点,但也存在一些共性之处,即国家高度重视、为体育教师继续教育专门立法、建立完整的教育体系和专门的教育机构、保证经费投入等.建议我国在体育教师继续教育方面要使其法制化,形式多样化,教育内容强调针对性、实用性和全面性,教学方法重视操作性、开放性,并应建立相应的考核制度.  相似文献   

中美两国体育院校课程设置与专业方向的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过中美两国体育院校课程设置与专业方向的比较分析,以求借鉴美国的一些先进经验,结合我国的国情,制定出适合我国体育院校的专业课程,来解决当前体育院系毕业生就业难的实际问题。  相似文献   

针对我国《体育与健康课程标准》在实际应用中存在的问题,以美国2013版《K-12体育教育标准》为研究对象,分析其特征和变化,认为重视学生的个体发展以及从能力入手突出运动技能的理念是美国体育课程的转变方向。以此为基础,提出促进我国体育课程深化改革的启示:整合课程目标,提高对运动技能的重视;从运动能力入手,加强各个水平阶段的衔接性;明确掌握程度,制定具体等级;建立多级课程标准,完善体育教学体系。  相似文献   

Ongoing events in the United States show the continual need to address issues of social justice in every social context. Of particular note in this article, the contemporary national focus on race has thrust social justice issues into the forefront of the country's conscious. Although legal segregation has ran its course, schools and many neighborhoods remain, to a large degree, culturally, ethnically, linguistically, economically, and racially segregated and unequal (Orfield & Lee, 2005). Even though an African American president presently occupies the White House, the idea of a postracial America remains an unrealized ideal. Though social justice and racial discussions are firmly entrenched in educational research, investigations that focus on race are scant in physical education literature. Here, we attempt to develop an understanding of social justice in physical education with a focus on racial concerns. We purposely confine the examination to the U.S. context to avoid the dilution of the importance of these issues, while recognizing other international landscapes may differ significantly. To accomplish this goal, we hope to explicate the undergirding theoretical tenants of critical race theory and culturally relevant pedagogy in relation to social justice in physical education. Finally, we make observations of social justice in the physical education and physical education teacher education realms to address and illuminate areas of concern.  相似文献   

将我国同日本、美国等经济发达国家民办高校中的体育教育体系进行比较研究,有利于我国民办高校培养出身心健康全面发展的社会建设人才.特别是对民办高校发展历史、办学模式、体育教育目标、管理体制、教学模式和教学内容进行比较,不但可以清楚认识到我国民办高校与发达国家在体育教育体系中存在的差距,而且也有利于我国民办高校借鉴美国和日本民办高校的成功经验,使我国民办高校更加健康科学地发展起来,取得更大进步.  相似文献   

体育教师专业标准是体育教师专业发展的目标引导,是高质量体育教育的重要保证,美国对体育教师专业标准的探究一直走在世界的前列。2017年美国健康与体育教育协会(SHAPE)颁布了新修订的初级体育教师专业标准。采用文献资料法、比较研究法和逻辑分析法,在论述新标准制定背景和过程的基础上,将其与2008年版的初级体育教师专业标准进行比较分析,从而明晰美国初级体育教师专业标准的变化趋势,以期为我国体育教师专业标注的研制提供一定借鉴。  相似文献   

李寒停 《钓鱼》2009,(24):16-17
金陵晚报在2009年12月3日刊登了一条题目为“亚洲鲤鱼泛滥成灾,美国决定下毒”一文。阅后颇有感想,如今美国鱼多得成灾,而我国现状却是鱼资源匮乏,在无鱼可钓的窘境下,我有一种强烈的愿望,那就是——  相似文献   

In the United States, the decision to commit extensive public resources to sport facilities is a contentious topic of debate. Elected officials often commit substantial public resources to sport facility projects amidst contrary empirical evidence and mixed residential approval. This behavior not only implicates the presence of political activity to advance a course of action, but also suggests an escalation of commitment (EoC), the subject of this study. The authors implemented a collective case study approach to examine three municipalities with long-standing histories of subsidizing professional sport facilities. Data collected from influential elected officials and public leaders (N = 13) as well as documents and records revealed (a) political action to be essential in EoC with decisions involving multiple stakeholder groups; (b) the influence and interaction of political action within each EoC determinant; (c) the substantial role of support, resources, power, and influence in efforts to increase and prevent commitment to a failing course of action; and (d) noticeable spillover effects from use of political activity in EoC.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2014,17(3):347-361
Given the increasing commitment associated with NCAA Division I participation, higher learning institutions in the United States have recently engaged in initial stages of de-escalation behavior, or the reversal of escalating commitment via project termination or redirection. However, difficulty arises upon implementation of the selected alternative exit strategy. Applying escalation of commitment theory, this collective case study explored exit strategy implementation among institutions (N = 8) having achieved organizational de-escalation. Participants (n = 32) included decision makers involved in athletics exit strategy implementation. NVivo 9 was employed for analyzing collected data throughout the course of a three-step coding process. Findings revealed the importance of presenting stakeholders with objective data concerning the true costs of participation in a non-consulting manner. Additionally, exit implementation should consider the most timely departure possible, accounting for project-specific consequences potentially hindering de-escalation achievement. Finally, decision makers at institutions incorporating newly formed athletic-related initiatives did not exhibit impression management in de-institutionalizing the former course of action.  相似文献   

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