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分布学习的教学技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
远程通信工具加上人工智能和虚拟真实技术正在使得传统的远程教育转变为一种新的教学范例,称为分布学习。分布学习源于对分布认知科学进行的研究。该文首先简要阐述了分布学习的若干概念,之后着重对构成分布学习作为新教育方式而出现的4种新的教学技术:知识网络、虚拟共同体(社会)、综合性环境和“感官沉浸”分别作了详细探讨,结语对分布学习存在的物质条件和认知理念等作了小结。  相似文献   

The background of the study is the theory of basis models of teaching and learning, a comprehensive set of models of learning processes which includes, for example, learning through experience and problem‐solving. The combined use of different models of learning processes has not been fully investigated and it is frequently not clear under what circumstances a particular model should be used by teachers. In contrast, the theory under investigation here gives guidelines for choosing a particular model and provides instructional sequences for each model. The aim is to investigate the implementation of the theory applied to physics instruction and to show if possible effects for the students may be attributed to the use of the theory. Therefore, a theory‐oriented education programme for 18 physics teachers was developed and implemented in the 2005/06 school year. The main features of the intervention consisted of coaching physics lessons and video analysis according to the theory. The study follows a pre‐treatment‐post design with non‐equivalent control group. Findings of repeated‐measures ANOVAs show large effects for teachers' subjective beliefs, large effects for classroom actions, and small to medium effects for student outcomes such as perceived instructional quality and student emotions. The teachers/classes that applied the theory especially well according to video analysis showed the larger effects. The results showed that differentiating between different models of learning processes improves physics instruction. Effects can be followed through to student outcomes. The education programme effect was clearer for classroom actions and students' outcomes than for teachers' beliefs.  相似文献   

Learning progressions (LPs) are hypothetical models of how learning in a domain develops over time with appropriate instruction. In the domain of genetics, there are two independently developed alternative LPs. The main difference between the two progressions hinges on their assumptions regarding the accessibility of classical (Mendelian) versus molecular genetics and the order in which they should be taught. In order to determine the relative difficulty of the different genetic ideas included in the two progressions, and to test which one is a better fit with students’ actual learning, we developed two modules in classical and molecular genetics and alternated their sequence in an implementation study with 11th grade students studying biology. We developed a set of 56 ordered multiple-choice items that collectively assessed both molecular and classical genetic ideas. We found significant gains in students’ learning in both molecular and classical genetics, with the largest gain relating to understanding the informational content of genes and the smallest gain in understanding modes of inheritance. Using multidimensional item response modeling, we found no statistically significant differences between the two instructional sequences. However, there was a trend of slightly higher gains for the molecular-first sequence for all genetic ideas.  相似文献   

移动学习教学设计模式初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以移动计算技术和无线网技术为基础,整合建构主义各流派提出了一个移动学习教学设计模式,该模式以建构主义作为指导,是一种面向素质教育的教学设计模式.  相似文献   

麦里恩博尔(Jeroen J.G.,van Merrienboer),荷兰开放大学教授,教育技术学博士,现任荷兰开放大学终身学习研究中心主任,<教育传播与技术研究手册>(2007版)主编之一.  相似文献   

Providing learners with computer-generated feedback on their learning process in simulation-based discovery environments cannot be based on a detailed model of the learning process due to the “open” character of discovery learning. This paper describes a method for generating adaptive feedback for discovery learning based on an “opportunistic” learning model that takes the current hypothesis of the learner and the experiments performed to test this hypothesis as input. The method was applied in a simulation–based learning environment in the physics domain of collisions. Additionally, the method was compared to an environment in which subjects received predefined feedback on their hypotheses, not taking the experimentation behavior into account. Results showed that overall both groups did not differ on knowledge acquired. A further analysis indicated that, in their learning processes, the learners in the experimental condition built upon their intuitive knowledge base, whereas the learners in the control condition built upon their conceptual knowledge base. In addition, measures of the learning process showed that the subjects in the experimental condition adopted a more inquiry-based learning strategy compared to the subjects in the control condition. We concluded, therefore, that providing learners with adaptive feedback had a different and beneficial effect on the learning process compared to more traditional predefined feedback.  相似文献   

论威特罗克的生成学习理论的教学含义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
生成学习理论认为:学习是一个主动的过程,学习者积极参与其中,并非被动地接纳信息,而是主动地构建自己对信息的解释,并从中做出推论。该文界定了生成学习理论的含义,介绍了这一理论的生理基础,并指出了生成学习理论对教学设计的指导意义。  相似文献   

Comparisons are drawn between the ideas of mastery learning and those of instructional design. Considerable agreement is noted concerning the main factors contributing to the quality of instruction. Similarities are pointed out in Bloom's alterable variables and a number of the events of instruciton described by Gagné. Differences exist in the taxonomic categories of learned performances of the two systems, and in the proposal of instructional design that each category requires a different set of instructional tactics. A noteworthy area of agreement is emphasis on the instructional importance of skill automaticity.  相似文献   


Recent advances in computer‐based interactive digital technologies have presented a broad range of possibilities to create powerful presentations and instructional messages. However, incorporating these new technologies effectively is not a simple task because the design of effective computer‐based instructional material is a complex process. Successful design involves interactions between individual learner characteristics, instructional delivery media, the type of specific knowledge and skills being taught, and the strategies and methods used to teach the material.

This paper discusses:
  • — The need for an Automated Instructional Design

  • — The integration of learning theory, instructional design and technology

  • — Some approaches for automating instructional design

  • — An exploration of ID Expert, ? an intelligent computer‐based multimedia instructional development system (beta version 1.0).


Skillfully executed, instructional design can result in effective and efficient means to meet learning goals. However, more powerful learning experiences seem to go beyond effectiveness, efficiency, appeal, and even predetermined goals. This study sought to identify the key features of instructional design, to determine the nature of powerful learning experiences, and to explore how the two might relate. A survey of experts and a series of interviews with adult learners revealed overlap in some areas, for example, in the perceived importance of active engagement in authentic situations, and clear differences in others, most significantly the importance placed by learners on continual face‐to‐face personal interaction with a mentor/expert teacher. Speculations are offered on what similar results from additional studies might imply with regard to design actions and choices, and questions for further research are posed.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of a shared concept-mapping task on high school students' learning about kinematics in a collaborative simulation-based inquiry setting. Pairs of students were randomly assigned to a concept-mapping condition (12 pairs) or a control condition (13 pairs). Students in the concept-mapping condition had a computer-supported collaborative concept-mapping tool that aimed to integrate concepts and propositions. Students in the control condition used the same learning environment without the concept-mapping tool. Students' interactions with each other and with the simulation were tracked by log files. Learning was assessed with tests of intuitive and structural knowledge and a proposition test. Students in the concept-mapping condition exchanged significantly more chat messages related to experimentation, interpretation, and drawing conclusions and were more engaged in integration-oriented consensus building, which regression analysis showed to be positively related to learning gains for both intuitive and structural knowledge. Students in the concept-mapping condition outperformed their peers on the intuitive and structural knowledge tests. These results suggest that concept maps can positively influence consensus-building activities and learning in a collaborative inquiry-learning setting. The findings of the current study thereby contribute to the ongoing debate about (shared) graphical representations as scaffolds for collaborative learning.  相似文献   

"教学设计"课程是教育技术专业本科生的核心课程,学生学好该课程对以后的发展非常重要.本研究通过对"教学设计"课程教学中学生学习反思现状的情况分析,依据建构主义学习理论,参考学习反思在课程教学中运用的相关文献,提出在教学设计课程教学中,有效运用学习反思策略的相关建议.最后,本研究还通过行动研究构建了"教学设计"课程教学中不同类型学习内容学习反思策略的具体操作过程,希望能对"教学设计"课程教学改革的发展有所借鉴参考.  相似文献   

Preparing Instructional Designers for Game-Based Learning: Part 2   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
As noted in part I of this article (published in TechTrends 54(3)), advances in technology continue to outpace research on the design and effectiveness of instructional (digital video) games. In general, instructional designers know little about game development, commercial video game developers know little about training, education and instructional design, and relatively little is understood about how to apply what we know about teaching and learning to optimize game-based learning. In Part I, a panel of recognized and emerging experts in the design of instructional (digital video) games set the context for this three part series and one of four panelists discussed what he believes instructional designers should know about instructional game design (Hirumi, Appleman, Rieber, Van Eck, 2010). In Part II, two faculty members who teach courses on instructional game design presents their perspectives on preparing instructional designers for game-based learning. Part III will present a fourth perspective along with conclusion that compares the four views.  相似文献   

Preparing Instructional Designers for Game-Based Learning: Part 1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Like many rapidly growing industries, advances in video game technology are far outpacing research on its design and effectiveness. Relatively little is understood about how to apply what we know about teaching and learning to optimize game-based learning. For the most part, instructional designers know little about game development and video game developers may know little about training, education and instructional design. In this three part series of articles, four recognized and emerging experts in instructional game design discuss their perspectives on preparing instructional designers to optimize game-based learning. In Part I, we set the context for the series of articles and one of four faculty members who teach a graduate level course on game design discusses what he believes instructional designers should know about instructional game design based on his experiences. Part II will present alternative perspectives from two additional faculty members who teach courses in instructional game design, and Part III will present a fourth perspective along with conclusion that compares the four views.  相似文献   

教学评价的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本回顾了国内外有关教学评价的概念和目的论述,系统介绍了教学评价的三种模式-临床模式、目标模式、治疗模式,并指出了研究教学评价的现实意义。  相似文献   

与行为主义的强化学习理论不同,建构主义的学习理论认为知识不是被动接受的,而是认知主体主动建构的。与此相对应,在行为主义学习理论的指导下,一般的教学设计均是围绕着以教师为中心这一模式展开的,而根据建构主义的学习理论,教学设计是以学生为中心来进行的,以学生为中心的教学设计有多种,但笔者认为,在学生个人自主学习的基础上,通过小组讨论、协商,以进一步完善和深化对知识的意义建构的协作教学不失为一种好形式,本文就教学中如  相似文献   

“自主式”教学模式是在现代信息技术条件下开展教学活动的重要形式,是教育改革的重要成果。当前,在教育与学习出现全球化的趋势下,应继续坚持,使之更加完善。  相似文献   

Proportional reasoning is the basis for most medication calculation processes and is fundamental for high-quality care and patient safety. We designed a simulated Medication Mathematics (siMMath) environment to support proportional reasoning in transitioning via concreteness fading between two mediators. The first mediator is simulated nursing tools of medication preparation. The second is a ratio-table setup which is used as a goal representation, which enables one to spatially hold in place different quantities in their relative proportion. We conducted a two-part study with nursing students. Part 1 was a quasi-experimental pretest–intervention–posttest design assessing the effectiveness of learning, by evaluating four categories of medical calculation questionnaire items (solid medications, unit conversion, concentrations, infusion rates). We used the Noelting proportional reasoning test to evaluate the generalizability and abstraction of proportional reasoning. Part 1 included an experimental group (n = 96) learning with siMMath, and a comparison group (n = 73) learning with an equation-based lecture approach. Part 2 employed a case study design to characterize the learning process. The experimental group’s learning gains were significantly higher than the comparison group’s for the two most challenging categories of the medication calculation problems questionnaire, namely concentrations and infusion rates. Furthermore, the experimental group’s learning gains were significantly higher than the comparison group’s for formal operational reasoning on the Noelting test. Students who used a ratio-table setup scored significantly higher on the Noelting posttest questionnaire. Nursing students who learned with the siMMath environment overcame difficulties in proportional reasoning to the highest levels and extended this understanding to other contexts.  相似文献   

开放远程教育中教学设计的理论与实践   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
在开放远程教育中,良好的教学设计是开发有效而高质量的教学材料的基本要求。本文集中探讨远程教育中的教学设计,分析教学设计的含义、起源、理论以及实践。作者特别通过实例来阐述课程开发的关键阶段,并讨论教学设计在提高课程质量方面的重要作用。最后,作者对层出不穷的新技术影响下的不断变革的教学设计,提出了一个简明的教学设计的模式。  相似文献   

通过对学习对象的概念分析,论述了学习对象的内涵与特性。从学习对象的粒度、学习对象的编列、学习对象与学习内容、学习策略和学习者学习风格的关联、学习对象元数据规范(CELTS-3.1)等方面说明,在开发网络学习资源时,如何有效设计学习对象。  相似文献   

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