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Colleges and universities of varying enrollments and academic missions can implement a university-wide model for coordinating internships and other credit-generating field experiences by following and/or modifying a program developed at Illinois State University. All credit-generating supervised work experiences in local, state, national and international businesses, agencies, institutions and organizations areplanned, administered andsupervised at the department level and coordinated through a university-wide central office which functions as a clearing house and resource center for students, faculty, administrators and potential employers. The program does not include those experiences associated with Teacher Education.  相似文献   

New standards for certification were recently developed for speech–language pathology graduate training programs by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. The new standards are outcomes-based rather than process-based. Using a collective case study approach, this article highlights the perceptions of faculty and staff regarding use of a standards-based exit portfolio system for students in a Speech–Language Pathology graduate program at a medium-sized, public university after two semesters of use.Tena L. McNamara received a B.S. degree in Speech Pathology and Audiology and an M.S. degree in Audiology from Bradley University, and the Doctor of Audiology Degree from the University of Florida. She is now Assistant Professor at Illinois State University. Special interests include soundfield FM systems utilized in classroom settings, auditory processing disorders, electrophysiology, and phonological awareness. Rita L. Bailey is a speech–language pathologist and holds a B.S. and an M.S. in Speech–Language Pathology and an Ed.D. in Special Education, all from Illinois State University. She is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology at Illinois State University. Her primary research interests include pediatric dysphagia, service-learning, alternative-augmentative communication methods, and voice. E-mail: tlmcnam@ilstu.edu.  相似文献   


In 1995, Boise State University undertook an interdisciplinary languages program under a FLAC (Foreign Languages Across the Curriculum) grant sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education. Coordinated through the Department of Modern Languages, the program utilized non-foreign language faculty across the colleges of the campus who were fluent in a foreign language. FLAC courses were conceptualized and designed as “trailer” courses, in which a class offering one unit of instruction in Spanish was attached to an existing course in each department's curriculum. At Boise State, FLAC was extended for the first time to criminal justice. This paper discusses the FLAC program nationally and the FLAC program at Boise State with a focus on the criminal justice department. Positive outcomes and institutional problems in sustaining the program are described.  相似文献   

Since 1948, the Learning Design and Technology (LDT) program at Wayne State University has been offering degrees. Presently, the LDT program offers PhD, EdD, master's, and undergraduate degrees and two certificates. The degrees are delivered using various methods including face‐to‐face, blended, and online. The program focuses on the application of learning sciences and relevant disciplines to improve performance in organizations. The program has two concentration tracks: design and performance systems and learning technologies. Four full‐time and seven adjunct faculty are engaged in various research initiatives and projects with funding in excess of $5 million total. The faculty members serve in leadership roles in several academic and professional associations. In terms of programmatic initiatives, the LDT faculty members have renovated their programs to help make sure students can complete all required courses in 2 years, and the PhD in 4 years. They also are initiating a full‐time research intensive program. With capable faculty members and an excellent curriculum, the LDT program at Wayne State University nurtures competent scholars and professionals. —Sung “Pil” Kang, Ph.D. and Yeol Huh, Ph.D. column editors  相似文献   

This paper focuses on five types of power and seven self-development strategies that can have an impact on the performance and productivity of African American female faculty members.Theresa Bey is a faculty associate at the University of Georgia, College of Education, Program for School Improvement. She has taught instructional supervision and leadership in staff development, and is a 1995 Senior Fulbright Scholar appointment in Cyprus. She received her B.A. in Business Education from Montclair State College; her M.A. in School-Community Relations from Glassboro State College; and, her Ph.D. (1979) in Educational Administration and Supervision from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Her primary areas of interest include teacher education, mentoring, supervisory support, and international education.  相似文献   

This article describes strategies for redesigning the University of Missouri's Statewide Cooperative Ed.D. Cohort Program in educational leadership. Results had suggested a need to redesign aspects of the program in order to achieve higher levels of cognitive learning outcomes inclusive of transformational learning. To help meet this objective, the areas targeted for redesign were the curriculum as it relates to issues of diversity and ethics, instruction as it relates to group dynamics and cohort models, and increased time and a forum for students to reflect on their leadership practices. This forum also allowed faculty to monitor and assess the transformational learning outcomes of their students. This article is meant to assist others who are interested in fostering higher levels of transformational learning outcomes within their programs. Meredith L. Mountford holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Illinois State University, a Master of Science degree in educational administration from Northern Illinois University and a Philosophy of Science degree in educational administration from the University of Wisconsin—Madison. She is an Assistant Professor and has served as Director for the Statewide Cooperative Ed.D. Cohort Program in educational leadership at the University of Missouri—Columbia.  相似文献   

The authors describe the efforts of a faculty development program in gerontology initiated at a private, nondenominational institution in Central New York State. With the help of an anonymously awarded grant covering a three‐year period, nine summer internships involving 11 faculty members were funded. The projects afforded the awardees, none of whom possessed any formal training in gerontology, the opportunity to work among elderly populations. As a direct result of the experience, each of the faculty members began to infuse gerontology into his or her curricula. Suggestions for replicating this program through existing faculty development efforts are made.  相似文献   

The three-ring circus of academia is made up of research, teaching, and service. It is also characterized by continuous action that must be facilitated by the academic ringmaster. Academic life is more difficult than most anticipate because the responsibilities are time-consuming, diverse, and conflicting. Therefore, this article focuses on strategies faculty members can develop to meet these pressing demands. Specifically, we begin with a discussion of how to balance research, teaching, and service. We then highlight strategies faculty members can use in becoming an effective academic ringmaster. We conclude with a discussion of life outside the “big top.” Michelle L. Toews received a Ph.D. in Human Development and Family Science from The Ohio State University and is currently an Assistant Professor of Family and Child Development at Texas State University-San Marcos. Her research interests include separation violence as well as conflict and coparenting after divorce. Ani Yazedjian received a Ph.D. in Human and Community Development from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She is an Assistant Professor of Family and Child Development at Texas State. Her research interests focus on adolescents and the role of families, peers, and schools in promoting ethnic identity development. In addition, both authors are currently working on a longitudinal study examining personal and internal variables as predictors of college adjustment and achievement.  相似文献   

Editor's Note: The author of this “invited paper,” Dr. William E. Piland, is the co‐author of a textbook entitled Applied Marketing Principles. Dr. Piland holds a B.S. and M.S. in marketing and spent six years in marketing within the women's ready‐to‐wear business. Now Professor of Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction at Illinois State University, he is a former community college faculty member, division director, dean of career education, and dean of instruction.  相似文献   

After a brief discussion of the role of Total Quality Management (TQM) in higher education, this article analyzes factors impacting its adoption in the Management Department at Central Missouri State University (Central). In examining the program at Central a brief history of the program is presented along with the results of a qualitative analysis of interviews of the faculty engaged in the program. This information provides useful insights to the development of TQM processes in education. Several key factors are identified including outcomes, the educational process, and student assessment.  相似文献   

This longitudinal case study investigated how one School of Education (SOE), situated in an urban, commuter, public university, responded to the New York State mandate to require the edTPA for initial teacher certification. In order to engage faculty in the work of program redesign, SOE administrators employed a covert leadership approach. Based on survey and focus-group data collected across 3 years, the authors draw conclusions about how professional development that fostered communities of practice helped to shift faculty from self to program/candidate concerns.  相似文献   

African American female faculty at large research universities are given the same responsibilities as other faculty. They must teach, conduct research, engage in worthwhile service to the university community, and regularly disseminate the results of their work in scholarly publications. Rewards from the university are directly tied to the level of success that the faculty member experiences. The minority label is often a barrier to the African American female faculty member's search for full standing in the university's community of scholars. To overcome this barrier, African American women must find and use the best information available to help them. This includes finding a good mentor, mastering a variety of information sources, and building a strong personal and professional network.Melvin M. Bowie is an associate professor and graduate coordinator in the Department of Instructional Technology at the University of Georgia. She received her A.B. degree in history and French from Tougaloo College; an M.S. in library science from the University of Illinois; and, a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instructional Media from Iowa State University. Her current research interests, including studies carried out for the National Reading Research Center, focus on collection development and resource-based teaching. Her teaching areas include technical services in school media centers, collection development, and administration of school media programs.  相似文献   

For the past twenty‐three years, students at California State Polytechnic University at Pomona have benefited from a sequential, interdisciplinary general education program that culminates in a capstone course. A departmental culture focused on assessment enabled faculty members to examine this capstone experience and make changes that have substantially improved student learning.  相似文献   

The increased interest in program‐ and university‐level assessment over the past few decades has led to increased faculty involvement in developing program learning outcomes and performing program assessment activities. Depending on the level of support and encouragement faculty receive from administration and other entities, they may support or resist these activities. Faculty resistance may stem from fear of losing control of their course content, discouragement over previous failed assessment attempts, or confusion from inconsistent leadership. The School of Food Science, a joint program between the Washington State University and the University of Idaho, recently completed a curriculum mapping and assessment exercise that was conducted entirely by faculty. Faculty members teaching undergraduate courses were surveyed about their opinions of the mapping and assessment process both before and after the process was conducted. The goal of the surveys was to evaluate faculty opinion of these processes and how that opinion changed after completing the processes. Faculty members were generally supportive of the mapping and assessment processes, and willing to participate, and this opinion did not change after the processes were complete. The results of the mapping and assessment activities surprised most of the faculty, and they stated that they had ideas to address the issues found during the exercises. Overall, these results are encouraging in terms of faculty support of the mapping and assessment processes. Provided that administrative support of these processes continues and there is consistent leadership, faculty should continue to be supportive of program level assessment.  相似文献   

Dan Schuch 《TechTrends》2001,45(2):17-18
Conclusions An improvement to the process used in the development of the program would be to implement a team approach.The Research Assistant took me more than a year to create. A team approach for such an ambitious project would have added the benefits of multiple perspectives and greater efficiency, and taken less time to build. I wish to thank the faculty and students at Florida State University for their support. The quality and uniqueness of their contributions amazed me. Although I alone wrote the code for the program, my colleagues contributed tremendously on the content and theory base. Three faculty members were especially helpful and deserve mention and thanks: Dr. Walter Wager, Dr. David Lebow, and Dr. Robert Reiser.  相似文献   

Life in the academy is a complex and difficult journey. Future faculty must learn how to adapt and grow because the landscape of their career and higher education will constantly change. We are honored that Dr. Dan Landers asked us to contribute our thoughts regarding future faculty preparation and the Arizona State University (ASU) Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) program, in particular. In this respect, Rafer Lutz describes the impact that PFF had upon his recent job search and acclimatization to a new university. Lynda Ransdell details the ways PFF has helped her life as a junior faculty member. Important lessons include seeking true colleagues, the importance of teaching, seeking out multiple mentors, and full participation in the faculty experience.  相似文献   

Students take summer and compressed courses for a variety of reasons and research indicates that learning outcomes in these courses are similar to those gained in traditional semester or quarter courses. This quantitative study was an attempt to clarify faculty perceptions about summer compressed courses. One hundred and fifty-one faculty members teaching at a large, multicampus institution completed a survey addressing teaching methodology, approaches to student assessment, and other pedagogical issues relating to such courses. It was determined that many faculty did make adjustments in teaching methods and approaches to student assessment. In addition, perceptions were different between experienced/tenured faculty and inexperienced/nontenured faculty.Mark Kretovics is an Assistant Professor of Higher Education Administration and Student Personnel at Kent State University. He received his Ph.D. from Colorado State University and his research interests include the assessment of student learning, business practices in higher education, distance education, and pedagogical issues in compressed courses. Mark had over 20 years of administrative experience within higher education before transitioning into his current faculty role. Alicia R. Crowe, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Teaching, Leadership, and Curriculum Studies at Kent State University. Her areas of interest and research include teacher education, social studies education, teacher learning, and technology integration. Eunsook Hyun, Ph.D. is Associate Professor in the Department of Teaching, Leadership, and Curriculum Studies at Kent State University. Her area of research interests include teacher education, critical pedagogy, curriculum theorizing, and higher education curriculum  相似文献   

Over a period of 5 years, faculty members from the North Carolina State University's Counselor Education Program have integrated a curriculum enhancement to promote collaboration behaviors among program graduates across the master's degree options for training school, college, and community counselors. The School–College–Community Collaboration (SC3) idea was integrated into a 48‐credit master's degree curriculum accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs. The authors present the rationale for the training program, historical background, program enhancement content, evaluation findings and faculty responses, and future plans for the SC3 enhancement program.  相似文献   

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